997 resultados para Acetabularia crenulata, d13C


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Carbon cycling is an important but poorly understood process on passive continental margins. In this study, we use the ionic and stable isotopic composition of interstitial waters and the petrology, mineralogy, and stable isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates collected from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 174A (Sites 1071 and 1072) to constrain the origin of the carbonates and the evolution of methane on the outer New Jersey shelf. The pore fluids of the New Jersey continental shelf are characterized by (1) a fresh-brackish water plume, and (2) organic matter degradation reactions, which proceed through sulfate reduction. However, only minor methanogenesis occurs. The oxygen isotopic composition of the pore fluids supports a meteoric origin of the low salinity fluids. Authigenic carbonates are found in nodules, thin (~1-cm) layers, and carbonate cemented pavements. Siderite is the most common authigenic carbonate, followed by dolomite and calcite. The oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates, i.e. 1.3-6.5 per mil PeeDee Belemnite (PDB), indicates an origin in marine pore fluids. The carbon isotopic composition of dolomite cements range from -16.4 to -8.8 per mil PDB, consistent with formation within the zone of sulfate reduction. Siderite d13C values show a greater range (-17.67-16.4 per mil), but are largely positive (mean=2.8 per mil) and are interpreted to have formed throughout the zone of methanogenesis. In contrast, calcite d13C values are highly negative (as low as -41.7 per mil)and must have formed from waters with a large component of dissolved inorganic carbon derived from methane oxidation. Pore water data show that despite complete sulfate reduction, methanogenesis appears not to be an important process presently occurring in the upper 400 m of the outer New Jersey shelf. In contrast, the carbon isotopic composition of the siderites and calcites document an active methanogenic zone during their formation. The methane may have been either oxidized or vented from shelf sediments, perhaps during sea-level fluctuations. If this unaccounted and variable methane flux is an areally important process during Neogene sea-level fluctuations, then it likely plays an important role in long-term carbon cycling on passive continental margins


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Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope ratios determined on 32 squeezed interstitial fluid samples show remarkable variations with depth. For the most part these variations are related to diagenetic and alteration reactions taking place in the sediments, and in the underlying basalts. delta13C SumCO2 depth distributions at Sites 642 and 643 are the result of mixing of original SumCO2 of the paleo bottom water with SumCO2 released by remineralization of organic matter. At Site 644, where sulfate exhaustion occurs, the processes of methanogenesis by CO2 reduction and anaerobic methanotrophy strongly influence the delta13C SumCO2 distribution. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes roughly covary, and become enriched in 16O and1H with depth. This effect is most pronounced at Sites 642 and 643, possibly due to the influence of the directly underlying basalts. Isotope depletions at Site 644 are much lower, corresponding to the greater sediment depth to basement. The alternative, that the O, H isotope shifts are due primarily to autochthonous diagenetic and exchange reactions, is not supported by the data available.


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Benthic foraminiferal delta13C data from site 502 in the Caribbean Sea (sill depth ?1800 m) indicate that throughout the past 2.6 m.y., glacial delta13C values in the middepth Atlantic were higher during glaciations than interglaciations. This is interpreted as indicating a greater proportion of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) relative to southern source waters during glaciations. The contribution of UNADW during interglaciations to the middepth Atlantic remained approximately constant, and the contribution during glaciations may have been as much as 10 % higher in the late Pleistocene than in the late Pliocene. This small increase is in striking contrast to the much larger decrease in glacial Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW) contribution relative to southern sources, from about 80% to about 20%, that occurred over the past 2.6 m.y. Glacial intensification over the past 2.6 m.y. was probably coupled with a decrease in northward heat transport by the upper limb of the North Atlantic circulation cell, as was previously suggested on the basis of a LNADW record alone. Late Pleistocene (1 Ma-present) delta13C values in the Caribbean Sea were approximately 0.2? higher than they were from 2.6 to 2.0 Ma. The delta13C rise is not due to an increase in the mean ocean delta13C value, nor can it be entirely attributed to an increase in the proportion of high-delta13C source waters. An increase in the delta13C value of the surface source waters must have contributed to the delta13C rise.


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Instrumental climate observations provide robust records of global land and ocean temperatures during the twentieth century. Unlike for temperature, continuous salinity observations in the surface ocean are scarce prior to 1970, and the magnitude of salinity changes during the twentieth century is largely unknown. Surface ocean salinity is a major component in climate dynamics, as it influences ocean circulation and water mass formation. Here we present an annually resolved reconstruction of salinity variations in the surface waters of the western subtropical North Pacific Ocean since 1873, based on bimonthly records of d18O, Sr/Ca, and U/Ca in a coral from the Ogasawara Islands. The reconstruction indicates that an abrupt regime shift toward fresher surface ocean conditions occurred between 1905 and 1910. Observational atmospheric data suggest that the abrupt freshening was associated with a weakening of the winds that drive the Kuroshio Current system and the associated subtropical gyre circulation. We note that the abrupt early-twentieth-century freshening in the western subtropical North Pacific precedes abrupt climate change in the northern North Atlantic by a few years. The potential for abrupt regime shifts in surface ocean salinity should be considered in climate predictions for the coming decades.


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Deepwater circulation plays an important role in climate modulation through its redistribution of heat and salt and its control of atmospheric CO2. Oppo and Fairbanks (1987, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(87)90183-X) showed that the Southern Ocean is an excellent monitor of deepwater circulation changes for two reasons: (1) the Southern Ocean is a mixing reservoir for incoming North Atlantic Deep Water and recirculated water from the Pacific and Indian oceans; and (2) the nutrient/delta13C tracers of deepwater are not significantly changed by surficial processes within the Southern Ocean. We can extend these principles to the late Miocene because tectonic changes in the Oligocene and early and middle Miocene developed near-modern basinal configurations. However, on these time scales, changes in the oceanic carbon reservoir and mean ocean nutrient levels also affect the delta13C differences between ocean basins. From 9.8 to 9.3 Ma, Southern Ocean delta13C values oscillated between high North Atlantic values and low Pacific values. The Southern Ocean recorded delta13C values similar to Pacific values from 9.2 to 8.9 Ma, reflecting a low contribution of Northern Component Water (NCW). The delta13C differences between the NCW and Pacific Outflow Water (POW) end-members were low from 8.9 to 8.0 Ma, making it difficult to discern circulation patterns. NCW production may have completely shutdown at 8.6 Ma, allowing Southern Component Water (SCW) to fill the North Atlantic and causing the delta13C values in the North Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern oceans to converge. Deepwater delta13C patterns resembling the modern distributions evolved by 7.0 Ma: delta13C values were near 1.0 per mil in the North Atlantic; 0.0 per mil in the Pacific; and 0.5 per mil in the Southern Ocean. Development of near-modern delta13C distributions by 7.0 Ma resulted not only from an increase in NCW flux but also from an increase in deepwater nutrient levels. Both of these processes increased the delta13C difference between the North Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Deepwater circulation patterns similar to today's operated as early as 9.8 Ma, but were masked by the lower nutrient/delta13C differences. During the late Miocene, 'interglacial' intervals prevailed during intervals of NCW production, while 'glacial' intervals occurred during low NCW production.


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Deep-sea sediment core FR1/97 GC-12 is located 990 mbsl in the northern Tasman Sea, southwest Pacific, where Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) presently impinges the continental slope of the southern Great Barrier Reef. Analysis of carbon (d13C) and oxygen (d18O) isotope ratios on a suite of planktonic and benthic foraminifera reveals rapid changes in surface and intermediate water circulation over the last 30 kyr. During the Last Glacial Maximum, there was a large d13C offset (1.1 per mil) between the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera and benthic species living within the AAIW. In contrast, during the last deglaciation (Termination 1), the d13C(planktonic-benthic) offset reduced to 0.4 per mil prior to an intermediate offset (0.7 per mil) during the Holocene. We suggest that variations in the dominance and direction of AAIW circulation in the Tasman Sea, and increased oceanic ventilation, can account for the rapid change in the water column d13C(planktonic-benthic) offset during the glacial-interglacial transition. Our results support the hypothesis that intermediate water plays an important role in propagating climatic changes from the polar regions to the tropics. In this case, climatic variations in the Southern Hemisphere may have led to the rapid ventilation of deep water and AAIW during Termination 1, which contributed to the postglacial rise in atmospheric CO2.


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Two genetically different types of authigenic carbonate mounds are studied: (1) from an active hydrothermal field related to serpentinite protrusions in a zone of intersection of a transform fracture zone with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (2) from an active field of methane seepings in the Dnieper canyon of the Black sea. General geochemical conditions, under which authigenic carbonate formation occurs within these two fields, were found. They include: presence of reduced H2S, H2, and CH4 gases at absence of free oxygen; high alkalinity of waters participating in carbonate formation; similarity of textural and structural features of authigenic aragonite, which represents the initial carbonate mineral of the mounds; paragenesis of aragonite with sulfide minerals; close relation of carbonate mounds with communities of sulfate-reducing and methane-oxidizing microorganisms. A new mechanism of formation of hydrothermal authigenic carbonates is suggested. It implies their microbial sulfate reduction over hydrogen from fluid in the subsurface mixing zone of hydrothermal solution and adjacent seawater.