981 resultados para Acartia clausi, egg production per female as carbon
Avec la mise en place de la nouvelle limite maximale de 400 000 cellules somatiques par millilitres de lait (c/mL) au réservoir, le mois d’août 2012 a marqué une étape importante en termes de qualité du lait pour les producteurs de bovins laitiers du Canada. L’objectif de cette étude consistait en l’établissement d’un modèle de prédiction de la violation de cette limite au réservoir à l’aide des données individuelles et mensuelles de comptages en cellules somatiques (CCS) obtenues au contrôle laitier des mois précédents. Une banque de donnée DSA comprenant 924 troupeaux de laitiers québécois, en 2008, a été utilisée pour construire un modèle de régression logistique, adapté pour les mesures répétées, de la probabilité d’excéder 400 000 c/mL au réservoir. Le modèle final comprend 6 variables : le pointage linéaire moyen au test précédent, la proportion de CCS > 500 000 c/mL au test précédent, la production annuelle moyenne de lait par vache par jour, le nombre de jours en lait moyen (JEL) au test précédent ainsi que les proportions de vaches saines et de vaches infectées de manière chronique au test précédant. Le modèle montre une excellente discrimination entre les troupeaux qui excèdent ou n’excèdent pas la limite lors d’un test et pourrait être aisément utilisé comme outil supplémentaire de gestion de la santé mammaire à la ferme.
Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war ein Methodenvergleich zur Beurteilung der Milchqualität unterschiedlicher Herkünfte. Am Beispiel von Milchproben aus unterschiedlicher Fütterung sowie an Milchproben von enthornten bzw. horntragenden Kühen wurde geprüft, welche der angewendeten Methoden geeignet ist, die Vergleichsproben zu unterscheiden (Differenzierungsfähigkeit der Methoden) und inwieweit eine Qualitätsbeurteilung möglich ist (hinsichtlich Milchleistung, Fett-, Eiweiß-, Lactose- (=F,E,L), Harnstoff-gehalt und Zellzahl (=SCC), Säuerungseigenschaften (=SE), Fettsäuremuster (=FS-Muster), Protein- und Metabolit-Zusammensetzung (=Pr&M), Fluoreszenz-Anregungs-Spektroskopie-Eigenschaften (=FAS) und Steigbild-Merkmalen). Zusätzlich wurde vorab die Steigbildmethode (=SB-M) für das Produkt Rohmilch standardisiert und charakterisiert, um die Reproduzierbarkei der Ergebnisse sicherzustellen. Die Untersuchungen zur SB-M zeigten, dass es Faktoren gibt, die einen deutlichen Einfluß auf die Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung aufweisen. Dazu gehören laborseitig die Klimabedingungen in der Kammer, die Verdünnungsstufe der Probe, die Standzeiten der Vorverdünnung (Reaktionen mit der Luft, Alterung usw.), und tagesspezifisch auftretende Effekte, deren Ursache unbekannt ist. Probenseitig sind sehr starke tierindividuelle Effekte auf die Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung festzustellen, die unabhängig von Fütterung, Alter, Laktationsstadium und Genetik auftreten, aber auch Fütterungsbedingungen der Kühe lassen sich in der Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung wiederfinden. Die Art der Bildauswertung und die dabei berücksichtigten Bildmerkmale ist von großer Bedeutung für das Ergebnis. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchten 46 Probenpaare (aus den Fütterungsvergleichen (=FV) und zur Thematik der Hörner) konnten in 91% der Fälle korrekt gruppiert werden. Die Unterschiede konnten benannt werden. Drei FV wurden auf drei biologisch-dynamischen Höfen unter Praxis-Bedingungen durchgeführt (on-farm-Experimente). Es wurden jeweils zwei vergleichbare Gruppen à mindestens 11 Kühen gebildet, die im Cross-Over-Design gefüttert wurden, mit Probennahme am 14. und 21. Tag je Periode. Es wurden folgende FV untersucht: A: Wiesenheu vs. Kleegrasheu (=KG-Heu), B: Futterrüben (=FuR) vs. Weizen (Ergänzung zu Luzernegrasheu ad lib.), C: Grassilage vs. Grasheu. Bei Versuch A sind die Futtereffekte am deutlichsten, Gruppeneffekte sind gering. Die Milch der Wiesenheu-Variante hat weniger CLA’s und n3- FS und mehr mittellangkettige FS (MCT-FS), das Pr&M-Muster weist auf „Gewebereifung und Ausdifferenzierung“ vs. bei KG-Heu „Nährstoff-fülle, Wachstum und Substanz-Einlagerung und die SB zeigen fein ausdifferenzierte Bildmerkmale. Bei Versuch B sind die Futtereffekte ähnlich groß wie die Gruppeneffekte. Bei vergleichbarer Milchleistung weist die Milch der FuR-Variante höhere F- und E-Gehalte auf, sie säuert schneller und mehr, das FS-Muster weist auf eine „intensive“ Fütterung mit vermehrt MCT- FS, und die Pr&M-Untersuchungen charakterisieren sie mit „Eisentransport und Fetttröpfchenbildung“ vs. bei Weizen „mehr Abwehr-, Regulations- und Transportfunktion“ /. „mehr Lipidsynthese“. Die SB charakterisieren mit „große, kräftige Formen, verwaschen“ vs. „kleine, ausdifferenzierte Bildmerkmal“ für FuR vs. Weizen. Die FAS charakterisiert sie mit „Saftfutter-typisch“ vs. „Samentypisch“. Versuch C weist die geringsten Futtereffekt auf, und deutliche Gruppen- und Zeiteffekte. Milchleistung und F,E,L-Gehalte zeigen keinen Futtereffekt. Die Milch der Heu-Variante säuert schneller, und sie weist mehr SCT und MCT- FS auf. Pr&M-Untersuchungen wurden nicht durchgeführt. Die SB charakterisieren bei Heumilch mit „fein, zart, durchgestaltet, hell“, bei Silagemilch mit „kräftig, wäßrig-verwaschen, dunkler“. Die FAS kann keine konsistenten Unterschiede ermitteln. Der Horn-Einfluß auf die Milchprobe wurde an 34 Probenpaaren untersucht. Von 11 Höfen wurden je zwei möglichst vergleichbare Gruppen zusammengestellt, die sich nur im Faktor „Horn“ unterscheiden, und im wöchentlichen Abstand drei mal beprobt. F,E,L, SCC und SE der Proben sowie die FAS-Messungen weisen keine konsistenten signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Horn-Varianten auf. Pr&M weisen bei den untersuchten Proben (von zwei Höfen) auf Horneffekte hin: bei Eh eine Erhöhung von Immun-Abwehr-Funktionen, sowie einer Abnahme phosphorylierter C3- und C6-Metabolite und Beta-Lactoglobulin. Mit den SB ließen sich für die gewählten Merkmale (S-Größe und g.B.-Intensität) keine Horneffekte feststellen. FS, Pr&M-Muster sowie Harnstoffgehalt und SB (und z.T. Milchleistung) zeigten je FV ähnliche Effekt-Intensitäten für Futter-, Gruppen- und Zeiteffekte, und konnten die Cross-Over-Effekte gut wiedergeben. F- und E-Gehalte konnten neben tierindividuellen Effekten nur in FV B auch Futtereffekte aufzeigen. In FV C zeigten die SE der Proben den deutlichsten Futtereffekt, die anderen Methoden zeigten hier vorrangig Gruppen-Effekte, gefolgt von Futter- und Zeiteffekten. Die FAS zeigte den SB vergleichbare Ergebnisse, jedoch weniger sensibel reagierend. Die Interpretation von Qualitätsaspekten war bei konsistent differenzierbaren Proben (FV A, B, C) am fundiertesten mit Hilfe der FS möglich, da über die Synthese von FS und beeinflussende Faktoren schon vielfältige Erkenntnisse vorliegen. Das Pr&M-Muster war nach einer weiteren Methodenentwicklung bei der Deutung von Stoffwechselprozessen sehr hilfreich. Die FAS konnte z.T. eine zu der Fütterungsvariante passende Charakterisierung liefern. Für die SB-M fehlt es noch an Referenzmaterial, um Angaben zu Qualitätsaspekten zu machen, wenngleich Probenunterschiede aufgezeigt und Proben-Eigenschaften charakterisiert werden konnten.
The nematicidal activity of mustard plant against hatching, migration and mortality of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was investigated. In vitro test confirmed that mixing the sandy clay soil mixture with mustard as 4% as a biofumigant significantly reduce the percentage of egg hatching at all different incubation periods 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h, compared to control treatment (un-amended mixture soil and eggs in free water). Results indicate that the percentage of egg hatching reduction was 88.5, 90, 81.4, 74 and 69.4%, respectively. Mustard mixed with soil as a biofumigant led to high percentage of larval mortality at the different intervals periods in vitro. The percentage of larval mortality was 94, 100, 90.5, 90.5, and 79.4%, respectively compared to control. Laboratory results confirmed that the highest reduction in egg hatching and larval mortality was obtained after incubation period for 48 h. In vivo experiment reveals that the incorporation of the soil pots with mustard at all different doses used 3, 5% (48 h before nematode inoculation, or soil infestation with nematode), and 5% (one week before nematode inoculation or 7% of soil weight) significantly reduces all the nematode parameters compared to plant treated nematode alone. All nematode parameters i.e. the number of galls per root system, gall index, number of egg masses per root system, as well as number of juveniles per 250g soil showed high reduction with mixing the soil pots with mustard at 5% (one week before nematode inoculation), followed by the same treatment for 48h before nematode inoculation. Mustard application, one week before nematode inoculation, reduced the nematode parameters by 97, 64, 97, and 93%, respectively, compared to control. The percent of chemical components i.e. total sugars, total amino acids and total phenols were markedly enhanced compared to positive and negative control. The highest percentage was obtained with mustard at 5% one week before nematode inoculation by 68.7, 57.3 and 45%, respectively. Finally, we have to conclude that this modified technology is an innovative and can be used efficiently to control Root-knot nematode under organic agriculture and Global GAP agricultural systems instead of these carcinogenic nematicides.
In a series of experiments the toxicity of lead to worms in soil was determined following the draft OECD earthworm reproduction toxicity protocol except that lead was added as solid lead nitrate, carbonate and sulphide rather than as lead nitrate solution as would normally be the case. The compounds were added to the test soil to give lead concentrations of 625-12500 pg Pb g-1 of soil. Calculated toxicities of the lead decreased in the order nitrate > carbonate > sulphide, the same order as the decrease in the solubility of the metal compounds used. The 7-day LC50 (lethal concentration when 50% of the population is killed) for the nitrate was 5321 +/- 275 mug Pb g(-1) of soil and this did not change with time. The LC50 values for carbonate and sulphide could not be determined at the concentration ranges used. The only parameter sensitive enough to distinguish the toxicities of the three compounds was cocoon (egg) production. The EC50S for cocoon production (the concentration to produce a 50% reduction in cocoon production) were 993, 8604 and 10 246 mug Pb g(-1) of soil for lead nitrate, carbonate and sulphide, respectively. Standard toxicity tests need to take into account the form in which the contaminant is present in the soil to be of environmental relevance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A cross-sectional survey investigating the contribution of free-range village chickens to household economies was carried out in four administrative districts within 60km of Accra. Answers were provided by 101 men and 99 women. Nearly all respondents claimed to keep chickens for meat, with a far smaller percentage claiming to keep them for egg production. Over 80% of respondents kept chickens to supplement their incomes. The proportion of the flock eaten varied between administrative areas (p=0.009 and p=0.027), although this was possibly a consequence of differences in consumption patterns between occupation of the respondent, land area cultivated and flock size. The proportion of chickens sold varied as a result of differences in flock size (p=0.013), the proportion sold increasing with number of birds in the flock. Respondents generally agreed that chickens could be sold without difficulty. A majority of chicken sales were from the farm gate, directly to consumers or traders. Sales were on demand or when the owner needed money. Money from the sale was kept by the owner of the chicken and the money was spent on personal needs. The proportion of the flock sold varied between administrative areas (p=0.025) and occupation of the respondent (p=0.040). Respondents describing animal production as their main occupation tended to have greater reliance on chicken sales for their income. Consideration is given to estimating the offtake from the flock and the financial contribution to the household.
This paper presents the method and findings of a contingent valuation (CV) study that aimed to elicit United Kingdom citizens' willingness to pay to support legislation to phase out the use of battery cages for egg production in the European Union (EU). The method takes account of various biases associated with the CV technique, including 'warm glow', 'part-whole' and sample response biases. Estimated mean willingness to pay to support the legislation is used to estimate the annual benefit of the legislation to UK citizens. This is compared with the estimated annual costs of the legislation over a 12-year period, which allows for readjustment by the UK egg industry. The analysis shows that the estimated benefits of the legislation outweigh the costs. The study demonstrates that CV is a potentially useful technique for assessing the likely benefits associated with proposed legislation. However, estimates of CV studies must be treated with caution. It is important that they are derived from carefully designed surveys and that the willingness to pay estimation method allows for various biases. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The paper presents the method and findings of a Delphi expert survey to assess the impact of UK government farm animal welfare policy, form assurance schemes and major food retailer specifications on the welfare of animals on forms. Two case-study livestock production systems are considered, dairy and cage egg production. The method identifies how well the various standards perform in terms of their effects on a number of key farm animal welfare variables, and provides estimates of the impact of the three types of standard on the welfare of animals on forms, taking account of producer compliance. The study highlights that there remains considerable scope for government policy, together with form assurance schemes, to improve the welfare of form animals by introducing standards that address key factors affecting animal welfare and by increasing compliance of livestock producers. There is a need for more comprehensive, regular and random surveys of on-farm welfare to monitor compliance with welfare standards (legislation and welfare codes) and the welfare of farm animals over time, and a need to collect farm data on the costs of compliance with standards.
Light patterns have less effect on numbers of eggs laid by current stocks than on those of forty years ago, but the principles have not changed. Ovarian activity is stimulated by increasing photoperiods and suppressed by decreasing photoperiods. The light pattern used during rearing can still have large effects on age at 50% lay, even for modern stocks. Early sexual maturity maximises egg numbers but gives smaller eggs. Late maturity maximises egg size at the expense of numbers. The relationship between egg output (g/hen d) and age at first egg is curvilinear, with maximum yield occurring in flocks maturing in about the centre of their potential range. Fancy patterns of increasing daylength after maturity are probably not justified. A flock held on a constant 14h day will lay as many eggs as one given step up lighting. Intermittent lighting saves about 5% of feed consumption with no loss of output, provided that the feed has adequate amino acid content to allow for the reduced feed intake. Producers with light-proof laying houses should be taking advantage of intermittent lighting. The recommended light intensity for laying houses is still 10 lx, although the physiological threshold for response to changes in photoperiod is closer to 2 lx. Very dim (0.05 lx) light filtering into blacked out houses will not stimulate the hypothalamic receptors responsible for photo-sexual responses, but may affect the bird's biological clock, which can alter its response to a constant short photoperiod. Feed intake shows a curvilinear dependence on environmental temperature. At temperatures below the panting threshold, performance can be maintained by adjusting the feed so as to maintain an adequate intake of critical amino acids. Above the panting threshold, the hen is unable to take in enough energy to maintain normal output. There is no dietary modification which can effectively offset this problem. Diurnally cycling temperatures result in feed intake and egg production equivalent to that observed under a constant temperature equal to the mean of the cycle. When the poultry house is cooler at night than by day, it helps to provide light so that the birds can feed during the cooler part of the cycle.
Investigating agroforestry systems that incorporate poultry is warranted in Northern Europe as they may offer benefits including: improved welfare and use of range; reduced feed costs; price premia on products; reduced payback periods for forests; and, greater returns on investment. Free-range egg production accounts for 27% of the United Kingdom egg market and demand for outdoor broilers is increasing. No research has been conducted recently on the economic viability of agroforestry systems with poultry. An economic model was constructed to: assess economic viability of a broiler agroforestry system; and, investigate the sensitivity of economic performance to key factors and interactions, and identify those which warrant attention in research and management. The system modelled is a commercial trial established in Southern England in 2002 where deciduous trees were planted and broilers reared in six- or nine-week periods. The model uses Monte Carlo simulation and financial performance analyses run for a 120-year period. An Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15.5% is predicted for the six-week system which remains viable under a 'worst case' scenario (IRR of 12.6%). Factors which affect financial performance most (decreasing in magnitude) are prices achieved for broilers, costs of brooding houses, chicks, arks, feed and timber prices. The main anticipated effects of biological interactions on financial performance (increased ranging on feed conversion and excess nutrient supply on tree health) were not supported by analysis. Further research is particularly warranted on the welfare benefits offered by the tree component and its relation to price premia.
It has recently been proposed that life-history evolution is subject to a fundamental size-dependent constraint. This constraint limits the rate at which biomass can be produced so that production per unit of body mass is inevitably slower in larger organisms than in smaller ones. Here we derive predictions for how changes in body size and production rates evolve in different lifestyles subject to this constraint. Predictions are tested by using data on the mass of neonate tissue produced per adult per year in 637 placental mammal species and are generally supported. Compared with terrestrial insectivores with generalized primitive traits, mammals that have evolved more specialized lifestyles have divergent massspecific production rates: (i) increased in groups that specialize on abundant and reliable foods: grazing and browsing herbivores (artiodactyls, lagomorphs, perissoclactyls, and folivorous rodents) and flesh-eating marine mammals (pinnipeds, cetaceans); and (ii) decreased in groups that have lifestyles with reduced death rates: bats, primates, arboreal, fossorial, and desert rodents, bears, elephants, and rhinos. Convergent evolution of groups with similar lifestyles is common, so patterns of productivity across mammalian taxa reflect both ecology and phylogeny. The overall result is that groups with different lifestyles have parallel but offset relationships between production rate and body size. These results shed light on the evolution of the fast-slow life-history continuum, suggesting that variation occurs along two axes corresponding to body size and lifestyle.
1. Bees are one of the most important groups of pollinators in the temperate zone. Although heavy metal pollution is recognised to be a problem affecting large parts of the European Union, we currently lack insights into the effects of heavy metals on wild bee survival and reproduction. 2. We investigated the impact of heavy metal pollution on the wild bee Osmia rufa (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) by comparing their survival, reproduction and population dynamics along two independent gradients of heavy metal pollution, one in Poland and the other in the United Kingdom. We used trap nests to evaluate the response of fitness and survival parameters of O. rufa. To quantify the levels of pollution, we directly measured the heavy metal concentration in provisions collected by O. rufa. 3. We found that with increasing heavy metal concentration, there was a steady decrease in number of brood cells constructed by females and an increase in the proportion of dead offspring. In the most polluted site, there were typically 3–4 cells per female with 50–60% dead offspring, whereas in unpolluted sites there were 8 to 10 cells per female and only 10–30% dead offspring. Moreover, the bee population growth rate (R0) decreased along the heavy metal pollution gradients. In unpolluted sites, R0 was above 1, whereas in contaminated sites, the values tended to be below 1. 4. Our findings reveal a negative relationship between heavy metal pollution and several fitness parameters of the wild bee O. rufa, and highlight a mechanism whereby the detrimental effects of heavy metal pollution may severely impact wild bee communities.
Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the caeca and colon of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira, notably Brachyspira pilosicoli. Following the ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters in the European Union in 2006, the number of cases of AIS has increased, which, alongside emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Lactobacillus-based probiotics have been shown to protect against infection with common enteric pathogens in livestock. Our previous studies have shown that Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 antagonizes aspects of the pathobiology of Brachyspira in vitro. Here, we showed that L. reuteri LM1 mitigates the clinical symptoms of AIS in chickens experimentally challenged with B. pilosicoli. Two groups of 15 commercial laying hens were challenged experimentally by oral gavage with B. pilosicoli B2904 at 18 weeks of age; one group received unsupplemented drinking water and the other received L. reuteri LM1 in drinking water from 1 week prior to challenge with Brachyspira and thereafter for the duration of the study. This treatment regime was protective. Specifically, B. pilosicoli was detected by culture in fewer birds, bird weights were higher, faecal moisture contents were significantly lower (P<0.05) and egg production as assessed by egg weight and faecal staining score was improved (P<0.05). Also, at post-mortem examination, significantly fewer B. pilosicoli were recovered from treated birds (P<0.05), with only mild–moderate histopathological changes observed. These data suggest that L. reuteri LM1 may be a useful tool in the control of AIS.
Understanding the dynamics and diversity of marine phytoplankton is essential for predicting oceanic primary production, oxygen generation and carbon sequestration. Several top-down and bottom-up factors lead to complex phytoplankton dynamics. Complexities further arise from inter-species interactions within phytoplankton communities. Consequently, some of the basic questions on phytoplankton diversity, identified long ago, still puzzle the ecologists: for example, what regulates the diversity in simple systems where species compete for limiting resources? In this context, allelopathic interaction among phytoplankton species has been identified as a potential driver of their dynamics and regulator of their diversity. This chapter deals with the importance of allelopathy in regulating the outcome of nutrient competition among phytoplankton species, through analysis of a resource-competition model. It demonstrates that, through the mechanism of pseudo-mixotrophy - proposed earlier by the author - allelopathy provides essential growth advantage to weaker competitors, and stabilizes resource competition, which ensures the coexistence of two phytoplankton on a single nutrient. In simple nutrient-phytoplankton interactions where higher-trophic influences are negligible, this mechanism theoretically promotes phytoplankton diversity, and can potentially support high diversity in natural phytoplankton communities.
Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) is a common disease occurring in poultry that can be caused by Brachyspira pilosicoli, a Gram-negative bacterium of the order Spirochaetes. During AIS, this opportunistic pathogen colonises the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract of poultry (principally the ileum, caeca and colon), which can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, reduced growth rate and reduced egg production and quality. Due to the large increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment, the European Union banned in 2006 the prophylactic use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock. Consequently, the number of outbreaks of AIS has dramatically increased in the UK resulting in significant economic losses. This review summaries the current knowledge about AIS infection caused by B. pilosicoli and discusses various treatments and prevention strategies to control AIS.
C16-YEALRVANEVTLN, a peptide amphiphile (PA) incorporating a biologically active amino acid sequence found in lumican, has been examined for its influence upon collagen synthesis by human corneal fibroblasts in vitro, and the roles of supra-molecular assembly and activin receptor-like kinase ALK receptor signaling in this effect were assessed. Cell viability was monitored using the Alamar blue assay, and collagen synthesis was assessed using Sirius red. The role of ALK signaling was studied by receptor inhibition. Cultured human corneal fibroblasts synthesized significantly greater amounts of collagen in the presence of the PA over both 7-day and 21-day periods. The aggregation of the PA to form nanotapes resulted in a notable enhancement in this activity, with an approximately two-fold increase in collagen production per cell. This increase was reduced by the addition of an ALK inhibitor. The data presented reveal a stimulatory effect upon collagen synthesis by the primary cells of the corneal stroma, and demonstrate a direct influence of supra-molecular assembly of the PA upon the cellular response observed. The effects of PA upon fibroblasts were dependent upon ALK receptor function. These findings elucidate the role of self-assembled nanostructures in the biological activity of peptide amphiphiles, and support the potential use of a self-assembling lumican derived PA as a novel biomaterial, intended to promote collagen deposition for wound repair and tissue engineering purposes