958 resultados para ASEAN-6 countries


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the title compound, C19H16ClNO2, the quinoline ring system is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.008 angstrom). The phenyl group and the -CO2 fragment of the ester unit form dihedral angles of 60.0 (1) and 60.5 (1)degrees, respectively, with the quinoline ring system.


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Globally, the main contributors to morbidity and mortality are chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Chronic disease is costly and partially avoidable, with around 60% of deaths and nearly 50% of the global disease burden attributable to these conditions. By 2020, chronic illnesses will likely be the leading cause of disability worldwide. Existing healthcare systems that focus on acute episodic health conditions, both national and international, cannot address the worldwide transition to chronic illness; nor are they appropriate for the ongoing care and management of those already dealing with chronic diseases. As such, chronic disease management requires integrated approaches that incorporate interventions targeted at both individuals and populations, and emphasise the shared risk factors of different conditions. International and Australian strategic planning documents articulate similar elements to manage chronic disease, including the need for aligning sectoral policies for health, forming partnerships, and engaging communities in decision-making. Infectious diseases are also a common and significant contributor to ill health throughout the world. In many countries, this impact has been minimised by the combined efforts of preventative health measures and improved treatment methods. However, in low-income countries, infectious diseases remain the dominant cause of death and disability. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that infectious diseases (including respiratory infections) still account for around 23% (or around 14 million) of all deaths each year, and result in over 4.6 billion episodes of diarrhoeal disease and 243 million cases of malaria each year (Lozano et al. 2012, WHO 2009). In addition to the high level of mortality, infectious diseases disable many hundreds of millions of people each year, mainly in developing countries, with the global burden of disease from infectious diseases estimated to be around 300 million DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) (WHO 2012). The aim of this chapter is to outline the impact that infectious diseases and chronic diseases have on the health of the community, describe the public health strategies used to reduce the burden of those diseases, and discuss the historic and emerging disease risks to public health. This chapter examines the comprehensive approaches implemented to prevent both chronic and infectious diseases, and to manage and care for communities with these conditions.


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Lasten ylähengitystiekirurgia (kita-nielurisojen poisto ja tärykalvon putkitus) on länsimaissa erittäin yleistä. Leikkausten lukumäärät vaihtelevat niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisestikin, mutta selvää syytä näille eroille ei tiedetä. Hoitosuositusten merkitys käytäntöihin on kyseenalaistettu ja voi olla, ettei hoitosuosituksia noudateta. Leikkaukset saattavat aiheuttaa lapsipotilaille psykologisen vamman, ja lisäksi niihin sisältyy komplikaatioiden, jopa kuoleman, vaara. Jotta haittoja voidaan välttää, on tärkeää tunnistaa ne lapset, jotka hyötyvät leikkauksesta. Ongelma on paitsi lääketieteellinen, myös taloudellinen: ylähengitystiekirurgiasta aiheutuu merkittäviä kuluja. Leikkausmäärien arvioiminen on tärkeää, jotta leikkauskäytäntöjä voidaan järkeistää. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin ylähengitystieleikkausten määriä Suomessa ja Norjassa sekä näiden kahden maan välillä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta ei kummassakaan maassa ole tehty. Kitarisanpoiston, välikorvan putkituksen, tärykalvopiston, nielurisanpoiston ja kita- ja nielurisanpoiston leikkausmäärät saatiin kansallisista tietokannoista. Lukuja verrattiin ko. maan lasten lukumäärään, maantieteelliseen sijoittumiseen sekä lasten ikään ja sukupuoleen. Lisäksi leikkausmääriä arvioitiin suhteessa korva-, nenä- ja kurkkulääkäreiden sekä yleislääkäreiden määrään, maantieteelliseen sijoittumiseen ja lääkäreiden ikään ja sukupuoleen. Leikkausten määrissä havaittiin suurta vaihtelua niin Suomessa kuin Norjassa. Suomessa suurimmat erot leikkausmäärissä löydettiin läntisen ja itäisen miljoonapiirin välillä. Läntisessä piirissä tehtiin lähes kaksin kertaa enemmän leikkauksia kuin itäisessä piirissä. Norjassa suurimmat erot olivat pohjoisen ja itäisen piirin välillä. Pohjoisessa piirissä tehtiin kaksinkertainen määrä leikkauksia itäiseen piirrin verrattuna. Suomessa tehtiin tutkimuksen koko aikavälillä enemmän kitarisanpoistoja kuin Norjassa, mutta ko. leikkausten määrä oli maassamme selvästi laskussa. Vuonna 2002 Suomessa tehtiin 2,5 kertaa enemmän kitarisanpoistoja kuin Norjassa. (Kita)nielurisanpoistoja tehtiin kuitenkin Suomessa vähemmän kuin Norjassa. Näiden leikkausten määrät pysyivät tutkimuksen aikavälillä Suomessa samalla tasolla, kun Norjassa leikkausmäärät hieman nousivat. Suomalaisia lapsia leikattiin keskimäärin paljon nuorempina kuin norjalaisia lapsia. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty selitystä ylähengitystieleikkausten määrän suurelle vaihtelulle Suomessa ja Norjassa tai maiden välillä. Kuitenkin Suomessa tehtyjen kitarisanpoistojen huomattavan vähenemisen myötä maiden ylähengitystieleikkausten määrät lähenivät toisiaan.


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Atopy-related allergic diseases, i.e. allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma, have increased in frequency in the industrialized countries. In order to reverse this trend, effective preventive strategies need to be developed. This requires a better understanding of the early-life events leading to the expression of the atopic phenotype. The present study has aimed at defining early-life factors and markers associated with the subsequent development of allergic diseases in a cohort of 200 healthy, unselected Finnish newborns prospectively followed up from birth to age 20 years. Their mothers were encouraged to start and maintain exclusive breastfeeding as long as it was nutritionally sufficient for the infant. Consequently, all the infants received some duration of exclusive breastfeeding, 58% of the infants were on exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, and 18% received this feeding at least for the first 9 months. Of the infants, 42% had a family history of allergy. After the first year of follow-up, the children were re-assessed at ages 5, 11 and 20 years with clinical examination, skin prick testing, and parental and personal interviews. Exclusive breastfeeding for over 9 months was associated with atopic dermatitis and symptoms of food hypersensitivity at age 5 years, and with symptoms of food hypersensitivity at age 11 years in the children with a familial allergy. Subjects with allergic symptoms or a positive skin prick test in childhood or adolescence had lower retinol concentrations during their infancy and childhood than others. An elevated cord serum immunoglobulin E concentration predicted subsequent atopic manifestations though with modest sensitivity. Children and adolescents with allergic symptoms, skin prick test positivity and an elevated IgE had lower total cholesterol levels in infancy and childhood than the nonatopic subjects. In conclusion, prolonging strictly exclusive breastfeeding for over 9 months of age was not of help in prevention of allergic symptoms; instead, it was associated with increased atopic dermatitis and food hypersensitivity symptoms in childhood. Due to the modest sensitivity, cord serum IgE is not an effective screening method for atopic predisposition in the general population. Retinol and cholesterol concentrations in infancy were inversely associated with the subsequent development of allergic symptoms. Based on these findings, it is proposed that there may be differences in the inborn regulation of retinol and cholesterol levels in children with and without a genetic susceptibility to atopy, and these may play a role in the development of atopic sensitization and allergic diseases.


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People with disabilities (PWD) experience difficulties in accessing the transport system (including both infrastructure and services) to meet their needs for health care, employment and other activities. Our research shows that lack of access to the journeys needed for these purposes is a more significant barrier in low and middle income countries than in high income countries, and results in inadequate health care, rehabilitation and access to education and employment. At the same time, the existing transport system in low and middle income countries presents much higher road crash risks than in high income countries. By combining the principles and methods of Road Safety Audit and disability access, and adapting these Western approaches to a low/middle income country context, we have worked with Handicap International Cambodia to develop a Journey Access Tool (JAT) for use by disabled peoples’ organisations (DPOs), people with a disability and other key stakeholders. A key element of the approach is that it involves the participation of PWD on the journeys that they need to take, and it identifies infrastructure and service improvements that should be prioritised in order to facilitate access to these journeys. The JAT has been piloted in Cambodia with a range of PWD. This presentation will outline the design of the JAT and the results of the pilot studies. The information gained thus far strongly suggests that the JAT is a valuable and cost-effective approach that can be used by DPOs and professionals to identify barriers to access and prioritise the steps needed to address them.


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The rapid increase in allergic diseases in developed, high-income countries during recent decades is attributed to several changes in the environment such as urbanization and improved hygiene. This relative lack of microbial stimulation is connected to a delay in maturation of the infantile immune system and seems to predispose especially genetically prone infants to allergic diseases. Probiotics, which are live ingestible health-promoting microbes, may compensate for the lack of microbial stimulation of the developing gut immune system and may thus be beneficial in prevention of allergies. Prebiotics, which are indigestible nutrients by us, promote the growth and activity of a number of bacterial strains considered beneficial for the gut. In a large cohort of 1 223 infants at hereditary risk for allergies we studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled manner whether probiotics administered in early life prevent allergic diseases from developing. We also evaluated their safety and their effects on common childhood infections, vaccine antibody responses, and intestinal immune markers. Pregnant mothers used a mixture of four probiotic bacteria or a placebo, from their 36th week of gestation. Their infants received the same probiotics plus prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides for 6 months. The 2-year follow-up consisted of clinical examinations and allergy tests, fecal and blood sampling, and regular questionnaires. Among the 925 infants participating in the 2-year follow-up the cumulative incidence of any allergic disease (food allergy, eczema, asthma, rhinitis) was comparable in the probiotic (32%) and the placebo (35%) group. However, eczema, which was the most common manifestation (88%) of all allergic diseases, occurred less frequently in the probiotic (26%) than in the placebo group (32%). The preventive effect was more pronounced against atopic (IgE-associated) eczema which, of all atopic diseases, accounted for 92%. The relative risk reduction of eczema was 26% and of atopic eczema 34%. To prevent one case of eczema, the number of mother-infant pairs needed to treat was 16. Probiotic treatment was safe without any undesirable outcome for neonatal morbidity, feeding-related behavior, serious adverse events, growth, or for vaccine-induced antibody responses. Fewer infants in the probiotic than in the placebo group received antibiotics during their first 6 months of life and thereafter to age 2 years suffered from fewer respiratory tract infections. As a novel finding, we discovered that high fecal immunoglobulin A (IgA) concentrations at age 6 months associated with reduced risk for atopic (IgE-associated) diseases by age 2 years. In conclusion, although feeding probiotics to high-risk newborn infants showed no preventive effect on the cumulative incidence of any allergic diseases by age 2, they apparently prevented eczema. This probiotic effect was more pronounced among IgE-sensitized infants. The treatment was safe and seemed to stimulate maturation of the immune system as indicated by increased resistance to respiratory infections and improved vaccine antibody responses.


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At present, many countries have either embraced ISO9001 or used it as the basis of their national quality certification systems. However, few studies have been conducted to examine the benefits companies’ gain from achieving and implementing ISO9001 standards (Chikuku et al. 2012; Psomas et al. 2013; Sampaio et al. 2011a,b). Analysis has brought much more confused and uneven results across the countries. Turning to the experience of Malaysia, this country has witnessed a spectacular growth at an average rate of 9.89% per annum of ISO certificates issued to companies operating within its borders (ISO Survey 2012). While many companies rush to be ISO 9001 certified whether this brings about better benefits (both the financial and the non-financial) is still an open question. In this study, the research problems were first formulated from the literature and then a questionnaire survey was conducted to test the hypotheses. A survey was administered to chief executives officers and managers across manufacturing and service organizations in Malaysia. Multivariate analysis and SPSS macro developed by Preacher and Hayes were used as statistical techniques to the financial and non-financial benefits of ISO9001 certification. The survey instrument was a two-page questionnaire comprising three sections. The first section of the questionnaire covered the company’s profile. The second section consisted of 25 items on internal benefits and third section consisted of 7 items on external benefits measured on 1–5 Likert scale to assess the benefits of ISO9001 certification. Total 201 valid responses were received. Results of the study indicate that there was no significant direct relationship between ISO9001 certification and organizational financial performance, while strong statistical evidence was found to support the direct relationship between ISO9001 certification and non-financial performance. The findings of the study discovered that financial performance is actually directly related to two non-financial measures, namely quality performance and local and international business performance, which are directly and significantly influenced by ISO9001 certification. Therefore non-financial performance measures are involved in the mediational process. The findings will assist practitioners in taking right courses of action that make the implementation of this standard more effective. For example, the study findings study suggests that companies should put emphasize on nonfinancial factors to improve their financial performance.


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Hyoscyamine 60-hydroxylase (H6H: EC, a key enzyme at the terminal step of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, converts hyoscyamine to scopolamine. The accumulation of scopolamine in different organs, in particular the aerial parts for storage, is subject to the expression of hyoscyamine 6-phydroxylase as well as its transport from the site of synthesis. To understand the molecular basis of this regulation, we have analyzed, in parallel, the relative levels of hyoscyamine and scopolamine, and the accumulation of H6H (both protein and transcript) in leaves, stems and roots of D. metel. The root, stem and leaf tissues all contain about 0.51-0.65 mg g(-1) dry weight of scopolamine. Hyoscyamine content was extremely low in leaf and stem tissues and was about 0.28 mg g(-1) dry weight in the root tissue. H6H protein and its transcript were found only in roots but not in the aerial parts viz. stems and leaves. The immunolocalization studies performed on leaf, stem, root as well as hairy root tissues showed that H6H was present only in the pericycle cells of young lateral and hairy roots. These studies suggest that the conversion of hyoscyamine to scopolamine takes place in the root pericycle cells, and the alkaloid biosynthesized in the roots gets translocated to the aerial parts in D. metel. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study is to explore whether Australian mineral companies operating in high human rights risk countries provide more human rights disclosures than companies operating in low risk countries. A content analysis instrument containing 88 specific human rights performance items derived from a number of international human rights guidelines has been developed to investigate the annual reports, social responsibility reports and corporate websites of the top 50 Australian mineral companies (2010/2011). The findings show that human rights performance disclosures by companies with operations in high human rights risk countries are significantly higher than companies with operations in the low risk countries. By disclosing extended human rights performance information, companies operating in high risk countries appear to ease community concerns about human rights violations. The finding is consistent with legitimacy theory which posits that organisations respond to community concerns in relation to particular social issues.


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Since national differences exist in genes, environment, diet and life habits and also in the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT), the associations between different hormone therapies and the risk for breast cancer were studied among Finnish postmenopausal women. All Finnish women over 50 years of age who used HT were identified from the national medical reimbursement register, established in 1994, and followed up for breast cancer incidence (n= 8,382 cases) until 2005 with the aid of the Finnish Cancer Registry. The risk for breast cancer in HT users was compared to that in the general female population of the same age. Among women using oral or transdermal estradiol alone (ET) (n = 110,984) during the study period 1994-2002 the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for breast cancer in users for < 5 years was 0.93 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.80–1.04), and in users for ≥ 5 years 1.44 (1.29–1.59). This therapy was associated with similar rises in ductal and lobular types of breast cancer. Both localized stage (1.45; 1.26–1.66) and cancers spread to regional nodes (1.35; 1.09–1.65) were associated with the use of systemic ET. Oral estriol or vaginal estrogens were not accompanied with a risk for breast cancer. The use of estrogen-progestagen therapy (EPT) in the study period 1994-2005 (n= 221,551) was accompanied with an increased incidence of breast cancer (1.31;1.20-1.42) among women using oral or transdermal EPT for 3-5 years, and the incidence increased along with the increasing duration of exposure (≥10 years, 2.07;1.84-2.30). Continuous EPT entailed a significantly higher (2.44; 2.17-2.72) breast cancer incidence compared to sequential EPT (1.78; 1.64-1.90) after 5 years of use. The use of norethisterone acetate (NETA) as a supplement to estradiol was accompanied with a higher incidence of breast cancer after 5 years of use (2.03; 1.88-2.18) than that of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) (1.64; 1.49-1.79). The SIR for the lobular type of breast cancer was increased within 3 years of EPT exposure (1.35; 1.18-1.53), and the incidence of the lobular type of breast cancer (2.93; 2.33-3.64) was significantly higher than that of the ductal type (1.92; 1.67-2.18) after 10 years of exposure. To control for some confounding factors, two case control studies were performed. All Finnish women between the ages of 50-62 in 1995-2007 and diagnosed with a first invasive breast cancer (n= 9,956) were identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry, and 3 controls of similar age (n=29,868) without breast cancer were retrieved from the Finnish national population registry. Subjects were linked to the medical reimbursement register for defining the HT use. The use of ET was not associated with an increased risk for breast cancer (1.00; 0.92-1.08). Neither was progestagen-only therapy used less than 3 years. However, the use of tibolone was associated with an elevated risk for breast cancer (1.39; 1.07-1.81). The case-control study confirmed the results of EPT regarding sequential vs. continuous use of progestagen, including progestagen released continuously by an intrauterine device; the increased risk was seen already within 3 years of use (1.65;1.32-2.07). The dose of NETA was not a determinant as regards the breast cancer risk. Both systemic ET, and EPT are associated with an elevation in the risk for breast cancer. These risks resemble to a large extent those seen in several other countries. The use of an intrauterine system alone or as a complement to systemic estradiol is also associated with a breast cancer risk. These data emphasize the need for detailed information to women who are considering starting the use of HT.


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In the title compound, C19H22N4O2, the tetrahydropyrimidine ring adopts an envelope conformation (with the N atom connected to the benzyl group representing the flap). This benzyl group occupies a quasi-axial position. The two benzyl groups lie over the tetrahydropyridimidine ring. The amino group is a hydrogen-bond donor to the nitro group.


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The 1,4-dihydropyridine ring in the title hydrate, C17H18BrNO2 center dot H2O, has a flattened-boat conformation, and the benzene ring is occupies a position orthogonal to this [dihedral angle: 82.19 (16)degrees]. In the crystal packing, supramolecular arrays mediated by N-H center dot center dot center dot O-water and O-water-H center dot center dot center dot O-carbonyl hydrogen bonding are formed in the bc plane. A highly disordered solvent molecule is present within a molecular cavity defined by the organic and water molecules. Its contribution to the electron density was removed from the observed data in the final cycles of refinement and the formula, molecular weight and density are given without taking into account the contribution of the solvent molecule.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are, in developed countries, the leading cause of mortality. The majority of premature deaths and disability caused by CVD are due to atherosclerosis, a degenerating inflammatory disease affecting arterial walls. Early identification of lesions and initiation of treatment is crucial because the first manifestations quite often are major disabling cardiovascular events. Methods of finding individuals at high risk for these events are under development. Because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an excellent non-invasive tool to study the structure and function of vascular system, we sought to discover whether existing MRI methods are able to show any difference in aortic and intracranial atherosclerotic lesions between patients at high risk for atherosclerosis and healthy controls. Our younger group (age 6-48) comprised 39 symptomless familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients and 25 healthy controls. Our older group (age 48-64) comprised 19 FH patients and 18 type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and 29 healthy controls. Intracranial and aortic MRI was compared with carotid and femoral ultrasound (US). In neither age-group did MRI reveal any difference in the number of ischemic brain lesions or white matter hyperintensities (WMHIs) - possible signs of intracranial atherosclerosis - between patients and controls. Furthermore, MRI showed no difference in the structure or function of the aorta between FH patients and controls in either group. DM patients had lower compliance of the aorta than did controls, while no difference appeared between DM and FH patients. However, ultrasound showed greater plaque burden and increased thickness of carotid arterial walls in FH and DM patients in both age-groups, suggesting a more advanced atherosclerosis. The mortality of FH patients has decreased substantially after the late 1980´s when statin treatment became available. With statins, the progression of atherosclerotic lesions slows. We think that this, in concert with improvements in treatment of other risk factors, is one reason for the lack of differences between FH patients and controls in MRI measurements of the aorta and brain despite the more advanced disease of the carotid arteries assessed with US. Furthermore, whereas atherosclerotic lesions between different vascular territories correlate, differences might still exist in the extent and location of these lesions among different diseases. Small (<5 mm in diameter) WMHIs are more likely a phenomenon related to aging, but the larger ones may be the ones related to CVD and may be intermediate surrogates of stroke. The image quality in aortic imaging, although constantly improving, is not yet optimal and thus is a source of bias.