859 resultados para ANSYS CFD
Buildings and other infrastructures located in the coastal regions of the US have a higher level of wind vulnerability. Reducing the increasing property losses and causalities associated with severe windstorms has been the central research focus of the wind engineering community. The present wind engineering toolbox consists of building codes and standards, laboratory experiments, and field measurements. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7 standard provides wind loads only for buildings with common shapes. For complex cases it refers to physical modeling. Although this option can be economically viable for large projects, it is not cost-effective for low-rise residential houses. To circumvent these limitations, a numerical approach based on the techniques of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been developed. The recent advance in computing technology and significant developments in turbulence modeling is making numerical evaluation of wind effects a more affordable approach. The present study targeted those cases that are not addressed by the standards. These include wind loads on complex roofs for low-rise buildings, aerodynamics of tall buildings, and effects of complex surrounding buildings. Among all the turbulence models investigated, the large eddy simulation (LES) model performed the best in predicting wind loads. The application of a spatially evolving time-dependent wind velocity field with the relevant turbulence structures at the inlet boundaries was found to be essential. All the results were compared and validated with experimental data. The study also revealed CFD’s unique flow visualization and aerodynamic data generation capabilities along with a better understanding of the complex three-dimensional aerodynamics of wind-structure interactions. With the proper modeling that realistically represents the actual turbulent atmospheric boundary layer flow, CFD can offer an economical alternative to the existing wind engineering tools. CFD’s easy accessibility is expected to transform the practice of structural design for wind, resulting in more wind-resilient and sustainable systems by encouraging optimal aerodynamic and sustainable structural/building design. Thus, this method will help ensure public safety and reduce economic losses due to wind perils.
The need for efficient, sustainable, and planned utilization of resources is ever more critical. In the U.S. alone, buildings consume 34.8 Quadrillion (1015) BTU of energy annually at a cost of $1.4 Trillion. Of this energy 58% is utilized for heating and air conditioning. Several building energy analysis tools have been developed to assess energy demands and lifecycle energy costs in buildings. Such analyses are also essential for an efficient HVAC design that overcomes the pitfalls of an under/over-designed system. DOE-2 is among the most widely known full building energy analysis models. It also constitutes the simulation engine of other prominent software such as eQUEST, EnergyPro, PowerDOE. Therefore, it is essential that DOE-2 energy simulations be characterized by high accuracy. Infiltration is an uncontrolled process through which outside air leaks into a building. Studies have estimated infiltration to account for up to 50% of a building’s energy demand. This, considered alongside the annual cost of buildings energy consumption, reveals the costs of air infiltration. It also stresses the need that prominent building energy simulation engines accurately account for its impact. In this research the relative accuracy of current air infiltration calculation methods is evaluated against an intricate Multiphysics Hygrothermal CFD building envelope analysis. The full-scale CFD analysis is based on a meticulous representation of cracking in building envelopes and on real-life conditions. The research found that even the most advanced current infiltration methods, including in DOE-2, are at up to 96.13% relative error versus CFD analysis. An Enhanced Model for Combined Heat and Air Infiltration Simulation was developed. The model resulted in 91.6% improvement in relative accuracy over current models. It reduces error versus CFD analysis to less than 4.5% while requiring less than 1% of the time required for such a complex hygrothermal analysis. The algorithm used in our model was demonstrated to be easy to integrate into DOE-2 and other engines as a standalone method for evaluating infiltration heat loads. This will vastly increase the accuracy of such simulation engines while maintaining their speed and ease of use characteristics that make them very widely used in building design.
This work considered the micro-mechanical behavior of a long fiber embedded in an infinite matrix. Using the theory of elasticity, the idea of boundary layer and some simplifying assumptions, an approximate analytical solution was obtained for the normal and shear stresses along the fiber. The analytical solution to the problem was found for the case when the length of the embedded fiber is much greater than its radius, and the Young's modulus of the matrix was much less than that of the fiber. The analytical solution was then compared with a numerical solution based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using ANSYS. The numerical results showed the same qualitative behavior of the analytical solution, serving as a validation tool against lack of experimental results. In general this work provides a simple method to determine the thermal stresses along the fiber embedded in a matrix, which is the foundation for a better understanding of the interaction between the fiber and matrix in the case of the classical problem of thermal-stresses.
This study presents a computational parametric analysis of DME steam reforming in a large scale Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor. The Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model used, which is based on Eulerian-Eulerian dispersed flow, has been developed and validated in Part I of this study [1]. The effect of the reactor inlet configuration, gas residence time, inlet temperature and steam to DME ratio on the overall reactor performance and products have all been investigated. The results have shown that the use of double sided solid feeding system remarkable improvement in the flow uniformity, but with limited effect on the reactions and products. The temperature has been found to play a dominant role in increasing the DME conversion and the hydrogen yield. According to the parametric analysis, it is recommended to run the CFB reactor at around 300 °C inlet temperature, 5.5 steam to DME molar ratio, 4 s gas residence time and 37,104 ml gcat -1 h-1 space velocity. At these conditions, the DME conversion and hydrogen molar concentration in the product gas were both found to be around 80%.
An anastomosis is a surgical procedure that consists of the re-connection of two parts of an organ and is commonly required in cases of colorectal cancer. Approximately 80% of the patients diagnosed with this problem require surgery. The malignant tissue located on the gastrointestinal track must be resected and the most common procedure adopted is the anastomosis. Studies made with 2,980 patients that had this procedure, show that the leakage through the anastomosis was 5.1%. This paper discusses the dynamic behavior of N2O gas through different sized leakages as detected by an Infra-Red gas sensor and how the sensors response time changes depending on the leakage size. Different sized holes were made in the rigid tube to simulate an anastomostic leakage. N2O gas was injected into the tube through a pipe and the leakage rate measured by the infra-red gas sensor. Tests were also made experimentally also using a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) package called FloWorks. The results will be compared and discussed in this paper.
Thesis (Ph.D, Mechanical and Materials Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-31 09:37:50.239
La compréhension de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule durant sa phase de développement est une question essentielle afin d'assurer, d'une part, un bon refroidissement et une bonne efficacité de ses composants et d'autre part de réduire la force de traînée et évidement le rejet des gaz à effet de serre ou la consommation d'essence. Cette thèse porte sur la simulation numérique et la validation expérimentale de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule à trois roues dont deux, en avant et une roue motrice en arrière. La simulation numérique est basée sur la résolution des équations de conservation de la masse, de la quantité de mouvement et de l'énergie en utilisant l'approche RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes). Le rayonnement thermique est modélisé grâce à la méthode S2S (Surface to Surface) qui suppose que le milieu séparant les deux surfaces rayonnantes, ici de l'air, ne participe pas au processus du rayonnement. Les radiateurs sont considérés comme des milieux poreux orthotropes où la perte de pression est calculée en fonction de leurs propriétés inertielle et visqueuse; leur dissipation thermique est modélisée par la méthode Dual flow. Une première validation de l'aérodynamique est faite grâce à des essais en soufflerie. Ensuite, une deuxième validation de la thermique est faite grâce à des essais routiers. Un deuxième objectif de la thèse est consacré à la simulation numérique de l'aérodynamique en régime transitoire du véhicule. La simulation est faite à l'aide de l'approche Detached eddy simulation (DES). Une validation expérimentale est faite à partir d'étude en soufflerie grâce à des mesures locales de vitesse à l'aide de sondes cobra.
Dans les turbomachines, le bruit du volume tournant est considéré comme une source majeure d’inconfort. La connaissance et l’identification des sources de bruit du rotor sont primordiales pour la conception d’une machine silencieuse et énergétiquement plus efficace. Ce document examine la capacité à la fois de la décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs (POD) et la décomposition aux valeurs singulières (SVD) à identifier les zones sur la surface d’une source (pale de ventilateur) fixe ou en mouvement subsonique qui contribuent le plus à la puissance acoustique rayonnée. La méthode de calcul de la dynamique des fluides (CFD) du code source OpenFoam est utilisée comme une première étape pour évaluer le champ de pression à la surface de la pale en mouvement subsonique. Les fluctuations de ce champ de pression permettent d’estimer à la fois le bruit de charge et la puissance sonore qui est rayonnée par la pale basée sur l’analogie acoustique de Ffowcs Williams et Hawkings (FW&H). Dans une deuxième étape, le bruit de charge estimé est également utilisé tant pour les approches POD et SVD. On remarque que la puissance sonore reconstruite par les deux dernières approches en se fondant uniquement sur les modes acoustiques les plus importants est similaire à celle prédite par l’analogie de FW&H. De plus, les modes les plus rayonnants estimés par la méthode SVD sont projetés sur la surface de la pale, mettant ainsi en évidence leurs emplacements. Il est alors prévu que cette identification soit utilisée comme guide pour l’ingénieur dans la conception d’une roue moins bruyante.
Abstract : Recently, there is a great interest to study the flow characteristics of suspensions in different environmental and industrial applications, such as snow avalanches, debris flows, hydrotransport systems, and material casting processes. Regarding rheological aspects, the majority of these suspensions, such as fresh concrete, behave mostly as non-Newtonian fluids. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. Due to the limitations that exist in terms of workability and formwork filling abilities of normal concrete, a new class of concrete that is able to flow under its own weight, especially through narrow gaps in the congested areas of the formwork was developed. Accordingly, self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a novel construction material that is gaining market acceptance in various applications. Higher fluidity characteristics of SCC enable it to be used in a number of special applications, such as densely reinforced sections. However, higher flowability of SCC makes it more sensitive to segregation of coarse particles during flow (i.e., dynamic segregation) and thereafter at rest (i.e., static segregation). Dynamic segregation can increase when SCC flows over a long distance or in the presence of obstacles. Therefore, there is always a need to establish a trade-off between the flowability, passing ability, and stability properties of SCC suspensions. This should be taken into consideration to design the casting process and the mixture proportioning of SCC. This is called “workability design” of SCC. An efficient and non-expensive workability design approach consists of the prediction and optimization of the workability of the concrete mixtures for the selected construction processes, such as transportation, pumping, casting, compaction, and finishing. Indeed, the mixture proportioning of SCC should ensure the construction quality demands, such as demanded levels of flowability, passing ability, filling ability, and stability (dynamic and static). This is necessary to develop some theoretical tools to assess under what conditions the construction quality demands are satisfied. Accordingly, this thesis is dedicated to carry out analytical and numerical simulations to predict flow performance of SCC under different casting processes, such as pumping and tremie applications, or casting using buckets. The L-Box and T-Box set-ups can evaluate flow performance properties of SCC (e.g., flowability, passing ability, filling ability, shear-induced and gravitational dynamic segregation) in casting process of wall and beam elements. The specific objective of the study consists of relating numerical results of flow simulation of SCC in L-Box and T-Box test set-ups, reported in this thesis, to the flow performance properties of SCC during casting. Accordingly, the SCC is modeled as a heterogeneous material. Furthermore, an analytical model is proposed to predict flow performance of SCC in L-Box set-up using the Dam Break Theory. On the other hand, results of the numerical simulation of SCC casting in a reinforced beam are verified by experimental free surface profiles. The results of numerical simulations of SCC casting (modeled as a single homogeneous fluid), are used to determine the critical zones corresponding to the higher risks of segregation and blocking. The effects of rheological parameters, density, particle contents, distribution of reinforcing bars, and particle-bar interactions on flow performance of SCC are evaluated using CFD simulations of SCC flow in L-Box and T-box test set-ups (modeled as a heterogeneous material). Two new approaches are proposed to classify the SCC mixtures based on filling ability and performability properties, as a contribution of flowability, passing ability, and dynamic stability of SCC.
La tuberculosis TB es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo en individuos con infección por VIH. En Colombia esta coinfección soporta una carga importante en la población general convirtiéndose en un problema de salud pública. En estos pacientes las pruebas diagnósticas tienen sensibilidad inferior y la enfermedad evoluciona con mayor frecuencia hacia formas diseminadas y rápidamente progresivas y su diagnóstico oportuno representa un reto en Salud. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar el desempeño de las pruebas diagnósticas convencionales y moleculares, para la detección de TB latente y activa pacientes con VIH, en dos hospitales públicos de Bogotá. Para TB latente se evaluó la concordancia entre las pruebas QuantiFERON-TB (QTF) y Tuberculina (PPD), sugiriendo superioridad del QTF sobre la PPD. Se evaluaron tres pruebas diagnósticas por su sensibilidad y especificidad, baciloscopia (BK), GenoType®MTBDR plus (Genotype) y PCR IS6110 teniendo como estándar de oro el cultivo. Los resultados de sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) de cada prueba con una prevalencia del 19,4 % de TB pulmonar y extrapulmonar en los pacientes que participaron del estudio fue: BK S: 64% E: 99,1%; Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 73% E: 95,5%, de la misma forma se determinaron los valores predictivos positivos y negativos (VPP y VPN) BK: 88,9% y 94,8%, Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 90% y 95,7%. Se concluyó bajo análisis de curva ROC que las pruebas muestran un rendimiento diagnóstico similar por separado en el diagnóstico de TB en pacientes con VIH, aumentando su rendimiento diagnostico cuando se combinan
Fluids are important because of their preponderance in our lives. Fluid mechanics touches almost every aspect of our daily lives, and it plays a central role in many branches of science and technology. Therefore, it is a challenging and exciting field of scientific activity due to the complexity of the subject studied and the breadth of the applications. The quest for advances in fluid mechanics, as in other scientific fields, emerge from analytical, computational (CFD) and experimental studies. The improvement in our ability to describe, predict and control the phenomena played (and plays) key roles in the technological breakthroughs. The present theme issue of “Fluid and Heat Flow: Simulation and Optimization” collects a selection of papers. selection of papers presented at Special Session “Fluid Flow, Energy Transfer and Design”
Modellistica di accensione per candele ad arco elettrico in motori a combustione interna alternativi
Nel panorama mondiale di contenimento delle emissioni inquinanti in atmosfera é divenuto sempre più importante limitare la parte derivante dai motori a combustione interna: l'utilizzo di motori GDI a carica stratificata e di ricircolo dei gas di scarico (EGR) sono esempi di tecnologie pensate proprio in tale ottica. Sia la presenza di un ambiente magro che di EGR nel cilindro, come anche l'aumento della pressione nel cilindro per l'incremento della pressione di sovralimentazione o del rapporto di compressione, hanno lo svantaggio di limitare la velocità di combustione e rendere più sfavorevoli le condizioni di accensione della miscela; in questo scenario diviene di fondamentale importanza il miglioramento dei sistemi di accensione, la creazione di modelli volti a simularli e la comprensione dei fenomeni che ne stanno alla base. Il seguente lavoro di tesi si inserisce proprio in questo contesto, indagando le varie fasi di cui si compone il fenomeno dell'accensione e le relazioni che legano le variabili di interesse fisico, verificate sulla base di evidenze sperimentali. Successivamente vengono analizzati i principali modelli d'accensione che sono stati proposti e implementati in codici computazionali fluidodinamici; l'analisi mette in luce le differenze, i punti di forza e le semplificazioni introdotte in ognuno di essi, in modo da poterli valutare criticamente. La suddetta analisi é anche utile per introdurre il modello frutto del lavoro del gruppo di ricerca dell'Università di Bologna; ci si concentra particolarmente su quest'ultimo poiché un obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi é stato proprio l'implementazione e l'utilizzo del modello in un codice fluidodinamico tridimensionale quale CONVERGE CFD. L'implementazione é stata poi validata attraverso simulazioni su una geometria reale di un motore a combustione interna ad elevate prestazioni, confrontando i risultati ottenuti con il nuovo modello rispetto ai dati sperimentali sulla combustione.
La seguente tesi nasce dall’esigenza di ottimizzare, da un punto di vista acustico e prestazionale, un ventilatore centrifugo preesistente in azienda. Nei primi tre capitoli si è analizzato il problema da un punto di vista teorico, mentre nel terzo e quarto capitolo da un punto di vista computazionale sfruttando tecniche CFD. Nel primo capitolo è stata fatta una trattazione generale dei ventilatori centrifughi, concentrandosi sul tipo di problematiche a cui questi vanno incontro. Nel secondo capitolo è stata presentata la teoria che sta alla base di una rilevazione sperimentale e di un’analisi acustica. Unitamente a ciò sono stati riportati alcuni articoli che mostrano tecniche di ottimizzazione acustica in ventilatori centrifughi. Nel terzo capitolo è stata riassunta la teoria alla base della fluidodinamica e di uno studio fluidodinamico. Nel quarto capitolo viene spiegato come è stato creato il modello fluidodinamico. Si è optato per un’analisi del problema in stato stazionario, sfruttando il Moving Reference Frame, e considerando l’aria come incomprimibile, visto il ridotto numero di Mach. L’analisi acustica è stata effettuata nel post-processing sfruttando il modello di Proudman. Infine è stata dimostrata la correlazione che intercorre tra i tre punti della curva resistente del ventilatore di funzionamento reale, permettendo di estendere i risultati ricavati dalla analisi di uno di questi agli altri due. Nel quinto capitolo è stata effettuata un’analisi dei risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni fluidodinamiche e sono state proposte diverse modifiche della geometria. La modifica scelta ha visto un miglioramento delle prestazioni e una minore rumorosità. Infine sono state proposte nelle conclusioni ulteriori possibili strade da percorre per un’indagine e ottimizzazione del ventilatore più accurata.
Nell'ambito dei motori ad accensione comandata, la comprensione del processo di accensione e delle prime fasi di sviluppo del kernel è di primaria importanza per lo studio dell'intero processo di combustione, dal momento che questi determinano lo sviluppo successivo del fronte di fiamma. Dal punto di vista fisico, l'accensione coinvolge un vasto numero di fenomeni di natura molto complessa, come processi di ionizzazione e passaggio di corrente nei gas: molti di questi avvengono con tempi caratteristici che ne impediscono la simulazione tramite le attuali tecniche CFD. Si rende pertanto necessario sviluppare modelli semplificati che possano descrivere correttamente il fenomeno, a fronte di tempi di calcolo brevi. In quest'ottica, il presente lavoro di tesi punta a fornire una descrizione accurata degli aspetti fisici dell'accensione, cercando di metterne in evidenza gli aspetti principali e le criticità. A questa prima parte di carattere prettamente teorico, segue la presentazione del modello di accensione sviluppato presso il DIN dell'Università di Bologna dal Prof. Bianche e dall'Ing. Falfari e la relativa implementazione tramite il nuovo codice CONVERGE CFD: la validazione è infine condotta riproducendo un caso test ben noto il letteratura, che mostrerà un buon accordo tra valori numerici e sperimentali a conferma della validità del modello.