861 resultados para ADVERSE DRUG EVENTS


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Many clinicians in the area of drug addiction believe that emotional problems arise from particular styles of parenting. To investigate this link, 63 young male and female addicts who had sought treatment completed the Parental Bonding Instrument which tapped their perceptions of their relationship with each parent. Addicts reported early parental experiences differing from those of a control group. Drug abusers judged their parents as cold, indifferent, controlling and intrusive. In addition, these perceptions were shared by male and female addicts. These results, together with previous research suggest that these perceptions might well point to a general risk factor for the development of a broad range of psychological and psychiatric disorders. In addition, the issue of family factors in the design and implementation of drug treatment programs needs to be addressed.


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The emergence of highly chloroquine (CQ) resistant P. vivax in Southeast Asia has created an urgent need for an improved understanding of the mechanisms of drug resistance in these parasites, the development of robust tools for defining the spread of resistance, and the discovery of new antimalarial agents. The ex vivo Schizont Maturation Test (SMT), originally developed for the study of P. falciparum, has been modified for P. vivax. We retrospectively analysed the results from 760 parasite isolates assessed by the modified SMT to investigate the relationship between parasite growth dynamics and parasite susceptibility to antimalarial drugs. Previous observations of the stage-specific activity of CQ against P. vivax were confirmed, and shown to have profound consequences for interpretation of the assay. Using a nonlinear model we show increased duration of the assay and a higher proportion of ring stages in the initial blood sample were associated with decreased effective concentration (EC50) values of CQ, and identify a threshold where these associations no longer hold. Thus, starting composition of parasites in the SMT and duration of the assay can have a profound effect on the calculated EC50 for CQ. Our findings indicate that EC50 values from assays with a duration less than 34 hours do not truly reflect the sensitivity of the parasite to CQ, nor an assay where the proportion of ring stage parasites at the start of the assay does not exceed 66%. Application of this threshold modelling approach suggests that similar issues may occur for susceptibility testing of amodiaquine and mefloquine. The statistical methodology which has been developed also provides a novel means of detecting stage-specific drug activity for new antimalarials.


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Background: The high rates of comorbid depression and substance use in young people have been associated with a range of adverse outcomes. Yet, few treatment studies have been conducted with this population. Objective: To determine if the addition of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MI/CBT) to standard alcohol and other drug (AOD) care improves the outcomes of young people with comorbid depression and substance use. Participants and Setting: Participants comprised 88 young people with comorbid depression (Kessler 10 score of > 17) and substance use (mainly alcohol/cannabis) seeking treatment at two youth AOD services in Melbourne, Australia. Sixty young people received MI/CBT in addition to standard care (SC) and 28 received SC alone. Outcomes Measures: Primary outcome measures were depressive symptoms and drug and alcohol use in the past month. Assessments were conducted at baseline, 3 and 6 months follow up. Results and Conclusions: The addition of MI/CBT to SC was associated with a significantly greater rate of change in depression, cannabis use, motivation to change substance use and social contact in the first 3 months. However, those who received SC had achieved similar improvements on these variables by 6 months follow up. All young people achieved significant improvements in functioning and quality of life variables over time, regardless of the treatment group. No changes in alcohol or other drug use were found in either group. The delivery of MI/CBT in addition to standard AOD care may offer accelerated treatment gains in the short-term.


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Objective: A literature review to examine the incorporation of respiratory assessment into everyday surgical nursing practice; possible barriers to this; and the relationship to patient outcomes. Primary argument: Escalating demands on intensive care beds have led to highly dependent patients being cared for in general surgical ward areas. This change in patient demographics has meant the knowledge and skills required of registered nurses in these areas has expanded exponentially. The literature supported the notion that postoperative monitoring of vital signs should include the fundamental assessment of respiratory rate; depth and rhythm; work of breathing; use of accessory muscles and symmetrical chest movement; as well as auscultation of lung fields using a stethoscope. Early intervention in response to changes in a patient's respiratory health status impacts positively on patient health outcomes. Substantial support exists for the contention that technologically adept nurses who also possess competent respiratory assessment skills make a difference to respiratory care. Conclusions: Sub-clinical respiratory problems have been demonstrated to contribute to adverse events. There is a paucity of research knowledge as to whether respiratory education programs and associated inservice make a difference to nursing clinical practice. Similarly, the implications for associated respiratory educational needs are not well documented, nor has a research base been sufficiently developed to guide nursing practice. Further research has the potential to influence the future role and function of the registered nurse by determining the importance of respiratory education programs on post-operative patient outcomes.


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Background: Ureaplasmas are the most prevalent bacteria isolated from preterm deliveries and the prognosis for neonates varies depending on the gestation at delivery. Ureaplasmas vary their surface-exposed antigen (MBA, a virulence mechanism) during chronic intra-amniotic infections, but it is not known when changes first occur during gestation. Method: U. parvum serovar 3 (2x10e7CFU) was injected intra-amniotically (IA) into six experimental cohorts of pregnant ewes (of n=7), 3 days (d) or 7d before delivery at either: 100d, 124d or 140d gestation (term=145d). Control ewes received IA 10B broth. Fetuses were delivered surgically and ureaplasmas cultured from amniotic fluid (AF), chorioamnion, fetal lung (FL) and umbilical cord. Ureaplasmas were tested by western blot to demonstrate MBA variation. Results: The highest number of ureaplasmas were recovered from FL at 100d gestation after 3 days of infection (p<0.03). Six of 7(86%) 100d–3d FL demonstrated an ureaplasma MBA variant, but only 17% and 15% of FL showed an MBA variant after 3d infection at 124d and 140d gestation respectively. Greatest variation of the MBA occurred in AF and FL at 124d gestation after 7d infection. The least MBA variation was observed at 140d; however, at this time the most severe histological chorioamnionitis was observed. Conclusions: After intra-amniotic ureaplasma injections, higher numbers of ureaplasmas gained access to the FL at 100d gestation than observed at later gestations. This may exacerbate the adverse outcomes for neonates delivered early in gestation. In late gestation, ureaplasma MBA variation was minimal, but chorioamnionitis was the most severe. Adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with IA ureaplasma infection may vary depending on the duration of gestation, the number of ureaplasmas isolated from the fetal tissues and the degree of MBA variation.


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The decision of Eckford v Stanbroke Pastoral Co Pty Ltd [2012] QSC 48 ,although a decision refusing summary judgement raises a very important question of the ability to claim adverse possession of a pastoral lease issued in 1956 under the Land Act 1962 (Queensland).Division 5 of Part 6 of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) which guarantees registered freehold title expressly deals with the right of adverse possession however, there is no such provision in the present Land Act 1994 unlike s 170 of the Crown Lands Act 1989(NSW) which expressly precludes claims for adverse possession of specified non freehold land. There is no mention of adverse possession in any version of the Queensland Land Acts and only s 6(4) of the Limitation of Actions Act 1974 makes it clear that “the right, title or interest of the Crown” in or to any land is not affected by any adverse possessor.It is against the background that the Court considered the right of an adverse possessor to a Crown lease.


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Background: The size of the carrier influences drug aerosolization from a dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation. Lactose particles with irregular shape and rough surface in a variety of sizes are additionally used as carriers; however, contradictory reports exist regarding the effect of carrier size on the dispersion of drug. We examined the influence of the spherical particle size of the biodegradable polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) carrier on the aerosolization of a model drug, salbutamol sulphate (SS). Methods: Four different sizes (20-150 µm) of polymer carriers were fabricated using solvent evaporation technique and the dispersion of SS from these carriers was measured by a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI). The size and morphological properties of polymer carriers were determined by laser diffraction and SEM, respectively. Results: The FPF was found to increase from 5.6% to 21.3% with increasing carrier sizeup to150 µm. Conclusions: The aerosolization of drug increased linearly with the size of polymer carriers. For a fixed mass of drug particles in a formulation, the mass of drug particles per unit area of carriers is higher in formulations containing the larger carriers, which leads to an increase in the dispersion of drug due to the increased mechanical forces occurred between the carriers and the device walls.


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Context: The benefits of high serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] are unclear. Trials are needed to establish an appropriate evidence base. Objective: We plan to conduct a large-scale trial of vitamin D supplementation for the reduction of cancer incidence and overall mortality and report here the methods and results of a pilot trial established to inform its design. Design: Pilot D-Health was a randomized trial carried out in a general community setting with 12 months intervention and follow-up. Participants: Participants were 60- to 84-yr-old residents of one of the four eastern Australian states who did not have any vitamin D-related disorders and who were not taking more than 400 IU supplementary vitamin D per day. A total of 644 participants were randomized, and 615 completed the study (two persons withdrew because of nonserious adverse events). Interventions: The interventions were monthly doses of placebo or 30,000 or 60,000 IU vitamin D3. Main Outcomes: The main outcomes were the recruitment rate and changes in serum 25(OH)D. Results: Ten percent of those approached were recruited. At baseline, the mean 25(OH)D was 42 nmol/liter in all three study arms. The mean change in 25(OH)D in the placebo group was 0.12 nmol/liter, compared with changes of 22 and 36 nmol/liter in the 30,000- and 60,000-IU groups, respectively. Conclusions: The D-Health pilot has shown that a large trial is feasible in Australia and that a dose of 2000 IU/d will be needed to ensure that a large proportion of the population reaches the target serum 25(OH)D level. Copyright © 2012 by The Endocrine Society.


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Nanotechnology is a vigorous research area and one of its important applications is in biomedical sciences. Among biomedical applications, targeted drug delivery is one of the most extensively studied subjects. Nanostructured particles and scaffolds have been widely studied for increasing treatment efficacy and specificity of present treatment approaches. Similarly, this technique has been used for treating bone diseases including bone regeneration. In this review, we have summarized and highlighted the recent advancement of nanostructured particles and scaffolds for the treatment of cancer bone metastasis, osteosarcoma, bone infections and inflammatory diseases, osteoarthritis, as well as for bone regeneration. Nanoparticles used to deliver deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid molecules to specific bone sites for gene therapies are also included. The investigation of the implications of nanoparticles in bone diseases have just begun, and has already shown some promising potential. Further studies have to be conducted, aimed specifically at assessing targeted delivery and bioactive scaffolds to further improve their efficacy before they can be used clinically


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Structural framing systems and mechanisms designed for normal use rarely possess adequate robustness to withstand the effects of large impacts, blasts and extreme earthquakes that have been experienced in recent times. Robustness is the property of systems that enables them to survive unforeseen or unusual circumstances (Knoll & Vogel, 2009). Queensland University of Technology with industry collaboration is engaged in a program of research that commenced 15 years ago to study the impact of such unforeseeable phenomena and investigate methods of improving robustness and safety with protective mechanisms embedded or designed in structural systems. This paper highlights some of the research pertaining to seismic protection of building structures, rollover protective structures and effects of vehicular impact and blast on key elements in structures that could propagate catastrophic and disproportionate collapse.


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An increasing body of research is highlighting the involvement of illicit drugs in many road fatalities. Deterrence theory has been a core conceptual framework underpinning traffic enforcement as well as interventions designed to reduce road fatalities. Essentially the effectiveness of deterrence-based approaches is predicated on perceptions of certainty, severity, and swiftness of apprehension. However, much less is known about how the awareness of legal sanctions can impact upon the effectiveness of deterrence mechanisms and whether promoting such detection methods can increase the deterrent effect. Nevertheless, the implicit assumption is that individuals aware of the legal sanctions will be more deterred. This study seeks to explore how awareness of the testing method impacts upon the effectiveness of deterrence-based interventions and intentions to drug drive again in the future. In total, 161 participants who reported drug driving in the previous six months took part in the current study. The results show that awareness of testing had a small effect upon increasing perceptions of the certainty of apprehension and severity of punishment. However, awareness was not a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive again in the future. Importantly, higher levels of drug use were a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive in the future. Whilst awareness does have a small effect on deterrence variables, the influence of levels of drug use seems to reduce any deterrent effect.


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Hydrogels are hydrophilic, three dimensional polymers that imbibe large quantities of water while remaining insoluble in aqueous solutions due to chemical or physical cross-linking. The polymers swell in water or biological fluids, immobilizing the bioactive agent, leading to drug release in a well-defined specific manner. Thus the hydrogels’ elastic properties, swellability and biocompatibility make them excellent formulations for drug delivery. Currently, many drug potencies and therapeutic effects are limited or otherwise reduced because of the partial degradation that occurs before the administered drug reaches the desired site of action. On the other hand, sustained release medications release drugs continually, rather than providing relief of symptoms and protection solely when necessary. In fact, it would be much better if drugs could be administered in a manner that precisely matches physiological needs at desired times and at the desired site (site specific targeting). There is therefore an unmet need to develop controlled drug delivery systems especially for delivery of peptide and protein bound drugs. The purpose of this project is to produce hydrogels for structural drug delivery and time-dependent sustained release of drugs (bioactive agents). We use an innovative polymerisation strategy based on native chemical ligation (NCL) to covalently cross-link polymers to form hydrogels. When mixed in aqueous solution, four armed (polyethylene glycol) amine (PEG-4A) end functionalised with thioester and four branched Nterminal cysteine peptide dendrimers spontaneously conjugated to produce biomimetic hydrogels. These hydrogels showed superior resistance to shear stress compared to an equivalent PEG macromonomer system and were shown to be proteolytically degradable with concomitant release of a model payload molecule. This is the first report of a peptide dendrimers/PEG macromonomer approach to hydrogel production and opens up the prospect of facile hydrogel synthesis together with tailored payload release.


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Bioceramics play an important role in repairing and regenerating bone defects. Annually, more than 500,000 bone graft procedures are performed in the United states and approximately 2.2 million are conducted worldwide. The estimated cost of these procedures approaches $2.5billion per year. Around 60% of the bone graft substitutes available on the market involve bioceramics. It is reported that bioceramics in the world market increase by 9% per year. For this reason, the research of bioceramics has been one of the most active areas during, the past several years. Considering the significant importance of bioceramics, our goal was to compile this book to review the latest research advances in the field of bioceramics. The text also summarizes our work during the past 10 years in an effort to share innovative concepts, design of bioceramisc, and methods for material synthesis and drug delivery. We anticipate that this text will provide some useful information and guidance in the bioceramics field for biomedical engineering researchers and material scientists. Information on novel mesoporous bioactive glasses and silicate-based ceramics for bone regeneration and drug delivery are presented. Mesoporous bioactive glasses have shown multifunctional characteristics of bone regeneration and drug delivery due to their special mesopore structures,whereas silicated-based bioceramics, as typical third-generation biomaterials,possess significant osteostimulation properties. Silica nanospheres with a core-shell structure and specific properties for controllable drug delivery have been carefully reviewed-a variety of advanced synthetic strategies have been developed to construct functional mesoporous silica nanoparticles with a core-shell structure, including hollow, magnetic, or luminescent, and other multifunctional core-shell mesoporous silica nanoparticles. In addition, multifunctional drug delivery systems based on these nanoparticles have been designed and optimized to deliver the drugs into the targeted organs or cells,with a controllable release fashioned by virtue of various internal and external triggers. The novel 3D-printing technique to prepare advanced bioceramic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications has been highlighted, including the preparation, mechanical strength, and biological properties of 3D-printed porous scaffolds of calcium phosphate cement and silicate bioceramics. Three-dimensional printing techniques offer improved large-pore structure and mechanical strength. In addition , biomimetic preparation and controllable crystal growth as well as biomineralization of bioceramics are summarized, showing the latest research progress in this area. Finally, inorganic and organic composite materials are reviewed for bone regeneration and gene delivery. Bioactive inorganic and organic composite materials offer unique biological, electrical, and mechanical properties for designing excellent bone regeneration or gene delivery systems. It is our sincere hope that this book will updated the reader as to the research progress of bioceramics and their applications in bone repair and regeneration. It will be the best reward to all the contributors of this book if their efforts herein in some way help reader in any part of their study, research, and career development.


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Previous studies have measured cytokine expression within follicular fluid collected at the time of trans-vaginal oocyte retrieval and compared the profiles with the aetiology of infertility and/or successful or unsuccessful assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes. Seventy-one paired follicular fluid and vaginal swab specimens collected from ART patients were cultured to detect microorganisms and then were tested for the presence of cytokines by multiplex fluorescence bead assays. Specimen selection was based on two criteria: whether the follicular fluid specimen was colonised (with microorganisms prior to oocyte retrieval) or contaminated by lower genital tract microflora at the time of oocyte retrieval and; the aetiology of infertility...