Background Evaluate the production of TNF and IL-6 in the supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures of patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. Materials and methods Adherent cell cultures were stimulated with LPS and BCG. Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cytokine concentration was determined by ELISA in supernatants of mononuclear cell cultures. Results In non-stimulated cultures, lower TNF cytokine levels were detected during the late postoperative (LP) period compared to control (P = 0.02). LP TNF and IL-6 levels were high in cultures stimulated with LPS compared with the preoperative period (PREOP) (P = 0.007; P = 0.008, respectively). Stimulation with BCG led to increased levels of TNF and IL-6 during the LP period compared to control (P = 0.001; P = 0.04, respectively). Conclusions BCG is able to modulate the immune response of patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer in vitro, increasing the secretion of TNF and IL-6 by macrophages during the postoperative period.
The afferent nerves of the cornea and conjunctiva, efferent nerves of the lacrimal gland, and the lacrimal gland are a functional unit that works cooperatively to produce the aqueous component of tears. A decrease in the lacrimal gland secretory function can lead to dry eye disease. Because aging is a risk factor for dry eye disease, study of the changes in the function of the lacrimal gland functional unit with age is important for developing treatments to prevent dry eye disease. No one mechanism is known to induce the changes that occur with aging, although multiple different mechanisms have been associated with aging. These fall into two theoretical categories: programmed theories of aging (immunological, genetic, apoptotic, and neuroendocrine) and error theories of aging (protein alteration, somatic mutation, etc). Lacrimal glands undergo structural and functional alteration with increasing age. In mouse models of aging, it has been shown that neural stimulation of protein secretion is an early target of aging, accompanied by an increase in mast cells and lipofuscin accumulation. Hyperglycemia and increased lymphocytic infiltration can contribute to this loss of function at older ages. These findings suggest that an increase in oxidative stress may play a role in the loss of lacrimal gland function with age. For the afferent and efferent neural components of the lacrimal gland functional unit, immune or inflammatory mediated decrease in nerve function could contribute to loss of lacrimal gland secretion with age. More research in this area is critically needed.
Purpose: Corticoids have been an option for phimosis treatment since 1993. However, long-term use or repeated cycles pose a concern regarding drug absorption and consequent systemic effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of topical corticoids used in treating phimosis on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in children. Materials and Methods: A total of 31 children were included in the study. Cortisol secretion was evaluated by the measurement of salivary cortisol in saliva samples collected at 9:00 a.m, before starting treatment and after 8 weeks of topical treatment with 0.05% clobetasol propionate. Salivary cortisol was determined by radioimmunoassay. To confirm that use of clobetasol propionate was not detected by the assay, the presence of cortisol circadian rhythm was checked by an extra saliva sample obtained at 11:00 p.m. from 10 children, and was observed to be maintained in all of them. Results: No significant difference in salivary cortisol levels was observed between samples obtained at 9:00 a.m. before starting treatment and after completing treatment when the entire group was analyzed. However, in 2 children the salivary cortisol levels after treatment were lower than the cutoff value (358 ng/dl) assumed to be suggestive of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. Conclusions: Topical clobetasol propionate used twice daily for clinical treatment of phimosis does not affect the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in most patients. However, salivary cortisol level should be considered as a laboratory marker in long-term treatment or during repeated cycles to detect possible hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression.
Increased plasma levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after multiple sclerosis relapse
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been related to neuroprotection in a series of central nervous system diseases, although its role in multiple sclerosis (MS) was only partially investigated. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the plasma levels of BDNF from 29 MS patients and 24 control subjects. MS patients had decreased levels of BDNF in comparison with healthy controls. BDNF levels increased significantly after MS relapse. Our results provide some evidence for the involvement of BDNF in the pathogenesis of MS and suggest a role for this neurotrophin during the recovery of acute demyelinating inflammatory lesion. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Botryomycosis is a chronic, granulomatous, suppurative bacterial infection involving the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The skin lesion is characterized by multiple fistulae draining purulent secretion with white-yellowish grains PAS positive. The main etiologic agent is Staphylococcus aureus and other less frequent pathogens are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, isolated or associated. The authors report a case of this disease with exuberant lesions on the right leg and increased limb volume, fibrous consistency and multiple fistula orifices draining white-yellowish grains. Resolution was achieved with sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim.
Context In 2007, the effects of the autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in 15 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) were reported. Most patients became insulin free with normal levels of glycated hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) during a mean 18.8-month follow-up. To investigate if this effect was due to preservation of beta-cell mass, continued monitoring was performed of C-peptide levels after stem cell transplantation in the 15 original and 8 additional patients. Objective To determine C-peptide levels after autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM during a longer follow-up. Design, Setting, and Participants A prospective phase 1/2 study of 23 patients with type 1 DM(aged 13-31 years) diagnosed in the previous 6 weeks by clinical findings with hyperglycemia and confirmed by measurement of serum levels of anti glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies. Enrollment was November 2003-April 2008, with follow-up until December 2008 at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Hematopoietic stem cells were mobilized via the 2007 protocol. Main Outcome Measures C-peptide levels measured during the mixed-meal tolerance test, before, and at different times following HSCT. Secondary end points included morbidity and mortality from transplantation, temporal changes in exogenous insulin requirements, and serum levels of HbA1c. Results During a 7- to 58-month follow-up (mean, 29.8 months; median, 30 months), 20 patients without previous ketoacidosis and not receiving corticosteroids during the preparative regimen became insulin free. Twelve patients maintained this status for a mean 31 months (range, 14-52 months) and 8 patients relapsed and resumed insulin use at low dose (0.1-0.3 IU/kg). In the continuous insulin-independent group, HbA(1c) levels were less than 7.0% and mean (SE) area under the curve (AUC) of C-peptide levels increased significantly from 225.0 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 785.4 (90.3) ng/mL per 2 hours at 24 months posttransplantation (P<.001) and to 728.1 (144.4) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001). In the transient insulin-independent group, mean (SE) AUC of C-peptide levels also increased from 148.9 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 546.8 (96.9) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001), which was sustained at 48 months. In this group, 2 patients regained insulin independence after treatment with sitagliptin, which was associated with increase in C-peptide levels. Two patients developed bilateral nosocomial pneumonia, 3 patients developed late endocrine dysfunction, and 9 patients developed oligospermia. There was no mortality. Conclusion After a mean follow-up of 29.8 months following autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM, C-peptide levels increased significantly and the majority of patients achieved insulin independence with good glycemic control. Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00315133
The D-mannose binding lectin ArtinM from Artocarpus integrifolia, previously known as KM+ and artocarpin. is considered a stimulant of Th1-type immunity, which is able to confer resistance to some intracellular pathogens. In addition, ArtinM induces neutrophil migration by haptotaxis through simultaneous interactions of its carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) with glycans expressed on the extracellular matrix and the neutrophil surface. In the present study, we have expanded the characterization of ArtinM as a neutrophil activator. Exposure of neutrophils to ArtinM for 15 min resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins, a process that was selectively inhibited by D-mannose or mannotriose. Shortly after stimulation, neutrophils secreted high levels of LTB(4) and underwent shedding of L-selectin from their surface. Exposure to ArtinM enhanced neutrophil functions, such as respiratory burst and zymozan and Listeria monocytogenes phagocytosis. In addition, ArtinM-stimulated neutrophils displayed increased CXCL-8 secretion and TLR2 gene transcription. These results demonstrate that ArtinM is able to induce potent neutrophil activation, a feature that should be strongly considered in the assessment of the lectin capacity to confer resistance against infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Obestatin is a recently identified ghrelin gene product that was reported to inhibit appetite and gastric motility in contrast to ghrelin. We investigated fasting obestatin and ghrelin levels in patients with obesity and anorexia nervosa. Methods: Fasting plasma obestatin, acyl-ghrelin, desacyl-ghrelin, leptin, glucose serum adiponectin, and insulin were measured in 10 obese subjects, 11 restricting-type anorexics, and 11 control subjects. Results: Obese group had significantly lower levels of obestatin (p < .01), while anorexic group had significantly higher levels (p < .01). Obestatin was negatively correlated with body mass index (BMI) (r = -.74), glucose (r = -.56), insulin (r = -.55), leptin (r = -.66), and also with the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-R) (r = -.49) and was positively correlated with acyl-ghrelin (r = .65) and desacyl-ghrelin (r = .60). No correlation was seen between obestatin and adiponectin, but the latter was negatively correlated with both acyl-ghrelin and desacyl-ghrelin. Desacyl-ghrelin to acyl-ghrelin ratio was significantly different between anorexic and control groups (p < .05), while no difference was seen between obese and control groups. Conclusions: Both obestatin and ghrelin are increased in anorexic and decreased in obesity. We suggest that obestatin is a nutritional marker reflecting body adiposity and insulin resistance.
Treatment of Aspergillus niveus with 30 mu g tunicamycin/ml did not interfere with alpha-glucosidase production, secretion, or its catalytic properties. Fully- and under-glycosylated forms of the enzyme had similar molecular masses, similar to 56 kDa. Moreover, the absence of N-glycans did not affect either pH optimum (6.0) or temperature optimum (65A degrees C). The K(m) and V(max) values of under- and fully-glycosylated forms of alpha-glucosidase were similar when assessed for hydrolysis of starch (similar to 0.6 mg/ml, similar to 350 mu mol glucose per min per ml), maltose (similar to 0.54 mu mol, similar to 330 mu mol glucose per min per ml) and p-nitrophenyl-alpha-d-glucopyranoside (similar to 0.54 mu mol, similar to 8.28 mu mol p-nitrophenol per min per ml). However, the under-glycosylated form was sensitive to high temperatures probably because, in addition to stabilizing the protein conformation, glycosylation may also prevent unfolded or partially folded proteins from aggregating. Binding assays clearly showed that the under-glycosylated protein did not bind to concanavalin A but has conserve its jacalin-binding property, suggesting that only O-glycans might be intact on the tunicamycin treated form of the enzyme.
Morphological characteristics of the tongue were studied in adult rhea (Rhea americana). The lingual surface and the surface of epithelium-connective tissue interface of rhea tongue were examined macroscopically and by light and scanning electron microscopy. The rhea tongue revealed a triangular aspect, without adjustment of the inferior bill formation, occupying approximately of the length of the oral cavity. Lingual papilla-like structures were not observed over the lingual surface. The tongue mucosa was composed of a thick non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the dorsal and ventral part, supported by a connective tissue core. The submucosa contained numerous glands with cytoplasmic granules, and luminal secretion was positive for histochemical reaction to Alcian Blue in pH 2.5 and PAS, and negative to Alcian Blue in pH 0.5. Despite the rudimentary characteristic of the tongue in rhea, our results suggest an important role of tongue secretions in food lubrication and humidification during the swallowing process, based on the enormous quantity of lingual glands in the submucosa and the histochemical characteristics of their secretions.
Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary gland, practically free of colostrum and obtained by the complete milking of oil(? or more healthy animals. Mastitis is all inflammatory process of the mammary gland and it may cause alterations in the milk. The present work aimed to verify whether it is possible, by means of the counts of microorganism in the bulk raw milk ill four selective culture media, to establish a correlation with the occurrence of mastitis and therefore, to monitor this disease in bovine dairy herds. The following selective culture media were Used: KF Streptococcus Agar, Edwards Agar, Baird-Parker Agar, Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite. Spearman`s correlation coefficient was calculated in order to compare the Occurrence of mastitis (percentage) in each herd with respective selective culture media counts of microorganisms in bulk raw milk. Thirty-six possibilities were analysed (Tamis and CMT-positive rates were compared with the log-transformed count in four selective Culture media) and there was a negative correlation between Tamis 3 and the Baird-Parker Agar plate count. The total results of microbiological tests showed that there were three correlations of the counts in selective culture media. Fifty-two possibilities were analysed and there was a negative correlation between no-bacteria I-growth mastitis rates and log(10) of KF Streptoccocus Agar plate Count and there were two positive correlations between coagulase-positive staphylococci and log(10) of Baird-Parker Agar plate count and Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite plate count.
Objectives: The effects of short-term 5-day and long-term 30-day hyperprolactinemia induced by domperidone (1.7 mg/kg/day, s.c.) or ectopic pituitary graft on the acute inflammatory response induced by carrageenan were evaluated in male rats. Both models of hyperprolactinemia effectively increased serum prolactin (PRL) levels. Methods: The volume in milliliters of inflammatory edema was measured by plethysnnography 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after carrageenan injection. The areas under the inflammatory time-response curves were compared. Additionally, the effects of hyperprolactinemia on body weight and serum corticosterone levels were evaluated. Results: In both domperidone-treated and pituitary graft-implanted animals, short-term 5-day hyperprolactinemia increased the inflammatory response, while long-term 30-day hyperprolactinemia had anti-inflammatory effects. Body weight was not affected by either short- or long-term hyperprolactinennia. Conclusion: These results show that PRL has biphasic effects on the carrageenan-induced inflammatory response. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
In rabbit ligated ileal loops, two atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) strains, 3991-1 and 0421-1, intimately associated with the cell membrane, forming the characteristic EPEC attachment and effacement lesion of the brush border, induced a mucous hypersecretion, whereas typical EPEC (tEPEC) strain E2348/69 did not. Using cultured human mucin-secreting intestinal HT29-MTX cells, we demonstrate that apically aEPEC infection is followed by increased production of secreted MUC2 and MUC5AC mucins and membrane-bound MUC3 and MUC4 mucins. The transcription of the MUC5AC and MUC4 genes was transiently upregulated after aEPEC infection. We provide evidence that the apically adhering aEPEC cells exploit the mucins` increased production since they grew in the presence of membrane-bound mucins, whereas tEPEC did not. The data described herein report a putative new virulence phenomenon in aEPEC.
The objective was to evaluate the influence of varying plasma progesterone (P(4)) concentrations throughout the luteal phase in dairy cows on PGF(2 alpha) production (assessed as plasma concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF(2 alpha); PGFM) following treatment with estradiol-17 beta (E(2)) or oxytocin (OT). In all experiments, time of ovulations was synchronized with the OvSynch protocol and Day 0 corresponded to day of second GnRH injection. In Experiment 1, non-lactating dairy cows on Day 6 remained non-treated (n = 9), received 20 mg LH (n = 7), or had ovarian follicles larger than 6 mm aspirated (n = 8). In Experiment 2, cows on Day 6 were untreated (n = 9) or received 5000 IU hCG (n = 10). In Experiments 1 and 2, all cows received 3 mg E(2) on Day 17, and blood samples were collected every 30 min from 2h before to 10h after E(2). Experiment 3 was conducted in two periods, each from Days 0 to 17 of the estrous cycle. At the end of Period 1, animals switched treatments in a crossover arrangement. Animals in Group 2/8 (n = 4) received 2 kg/d of concentrate in the first period and 8 kg/d in the second period. Animals in Group 8/2 (n = 7) received the alternate sequence. Blood was collected daily for measurement Of P(4) 4 h after concentrate feeding. On Day 17, blood was collected from 1 h before to 1 h after a 100 IU OT injection. In Experiment 1, both plasma P(4) and release Of PGF(2 alpha) were similar between LH-treated and control cows (P > 0.10). In Experiment 2, plasma P4 was elevated to a greater extent on Day 17 in cows treated with hCG (P < 0.05) and plasma PGFM was also greater in hCG-treated animals (treatment x time interaction; P < 0.05). In Experiment 3, there was a group x period interaction (P < 0.01) for plasma P(4), indicating that less concentrate feeding was associated with greater plasma P(4). Release of PGF(2 alpha) in response to OT was greater for cows receiving less concentrate (group x period interaction; P < 0.05). In conclusion, dairy cows with more elevated blood P(4) concentrations released more PGF(2 alpha) in response to E(2) or OT. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of treatment with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR) and estradiol benzoate (EB) on follicular dynamics in Bos indicus (n = 23), Bos taurus (n = 25), and cross-bred (n = 23) heifers. To assess the influence of reduced serum progesterone concentrations during 8 days of treatment with a progesterone-releasing device on follicular dynamics, half of the heifers received PGF at CIDR insertion (Day 0; 3 x 2 factorial design). Mean ( +/- S.E.M.) serum progesterone concentrations during CIDR treatment varied (P < 0.05) among genetic groups: B. indicus (5.4 +/- 0.1 ng/mL), B. taurus (3.3 +/- 0.0 ng/mL), and cross-bred (4.3 +/- 0.1 ng/mL). Maximum diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) was smaller (P < 0.01) in B. indicus heifers (9.5 +/- 0.5 mm) than in cross-bred (12.3 +/- 0.4 mm) or B. taurus heifers (11.6 +/- 0.5 mm). B. indicus experienced lower (P < 0.01) ovulation rate (39.1%) than did B. taurus (72.7%) and cross-bred (84.0%). Heifers treated with PGF on Day 0 had lower (P < 0.05) serum progesterone concentrations during progesterone treatment. The PGF treatment on Day 0 increased (P < 0.01) the diameter of the DF (11.9 +/- 0.4 mm vs. 10.5 +/- 0.4 mm). Moreover, greater (P = 0.02) ovulation rates (78.8 vs. 54.0%) occurred in heifers treated with PGF on Day 0. In summary, B. indicus heifers had greater serum progesterone concentrations, smaller DF diameter, and a lower ovulation rate compared to B. taurus heifers. Prostaglandin treatment on the day of CIDR insertion reduced serum progesterone during treatment, and resulted in increased maximum DF diameter and ovulation rate. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.