990 resultados para ACTIVATION-ANALYSIS
RESUMO - Introdução: A Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DM2) tem uma elevada prevalência em todo o mundo, com impacto significativo a nível de Saúde Pública, na vida dos doentes e nos custos que lhe são associados. O Patiente Activation Measure 13 (PAM13) é um questionário que possibilita a avaliação das crenças, conhecimentos, motivação e capacidades de uma pessoa em relação à sua saúde; pelo que a sua utilização na DM2 é pertinente. Objetivos: Traduzir o PAM 13, versão curta, para Português de Portugal; Estabelecer as propriedades psicométricas da versão Portuguesa do PAM 13 (PAM13-P); Validar a PAM 13-P num grupo de pessoas com DM2. Material e métodos: O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural do questionário foi composto pelas fases: 1-Tradução, 2-Reconciliação e síntese, 3-Back translation, 4-Rever e sintetizar a Back translation, 5-Harmonização, 6-Revisão do comité de peritos, 7-Cognitive debriefing e 8-Avaliação final. Para validar o PAM13-P realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal analítico com uma amostra de conveniência, de pessoas com DM2, seguidas na Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal. O questionário foi de autopreenchimento e foi consultado o processo clínico para obtenção da HbA1c. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado através do SPSS 21® e Winsteps v3.8.1®. Resultados e discussão: O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural foi realizado de acordo com as guidelines. Foram realizados 3 painéis de e-Delphi, com 21 participantes de áreas distintas, tendo-se obtido bons níveis de concordância. As principais modificações realizadas ao questionário foram a simplificação da linguagem e dos itens, obtendo-se as equivalências necessárias. O PAM13-P foi aplicado a 201 pessoas, sendo que a taxa de resposta foi de 83%. Na amostra analisada 57.3% eram homens. Obtiveram-se as médias de idade 67.1 anos e de duração de diabetes 17.3 anos. A média do score do PAM foi 58.5±10.1(41.8-90.5) pontos e 49,7% da amostra estava no nível 3 de ativação. Relativamente aos itens verificou-se que os itens mais difíceis foram o 13(56.1) e o 8(55.4) e o com menor dificuldade foi 4(38.5). As categorias de resposta tiveram um bom ajuste ao Modelo de Rasch. O ajustamento dos itens foi infit entre 0.779-1.177 e outfit entre 0.794-1.315. A fiabilidade dos indivíduos variou entre 0.77(real) e 0.83(modelo) e dos itens foi de 0.97 (real e modelo). O Alfa de Cronbach foi bom (α=0.82). Estas estatísticas foram semelhantes aos da validação do PAM13. Existiu uma relação entre o score do PAM e os itens de validação em 51%. Das variáveis analisadas, existia um relação do nível de ativação com a idade e com a HbA1c. Conclusões: O PAM13-P foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente para Português e foi validado em pessoas com DM2, sendo as propriedades psicométricas boas.
Long-term exposure to transmeridian flights has been shown to impact cognitive functioning. Nevertheless, the immediate effects of jet lag in the activation of specific brain networks have not been investigated. We analyzed the impact of short-term jet lag on the activation of the default mode network (DMN). A group of individuals who were on a transmeridian flight and a control group went through a functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisition. Statistical analysis was performed to test for differences in the DMN activation between groups. Participants from the jet lag group presented decreased activation in the anterior nodes of the DMN, specifically in bilateral medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex. No areas of increased activation were observed for the jet lag group. These results may be suggestive of a negative impact of jet lag on important cognitive functions such as introspection, emotional regulation and decision making in a few days after individuals arrive at their destination.
OBJECTIVE: The initial site of myocardial infarction (MI) may influence the prevalence of ventricular late potentials (VLP), high-frequency signals, due to the time course of ventricular activation. The prevalence of VLP in a period of more than 2 years after acute MI was assessed focusing on the initially injured wall . METHODS: The prevalence of VLP in a late phase after MI (median of 924 days) in anterior/antero-septal and inferior/infero-dorsal wall lesion was analyzed using signal-averaged electrocardiogram in time domain. The diagnostic performance of the filters employed for analysis on was tested at high-pass cut-off frequencies of 25 Hz, 40 Hz and 80 Hz. RESULTS: The duration of the ventricular activation and its terminal portion were larger in inferior than anterior infarction, at high-pass cut-off frequencies of 40 Hz and 80 Hz. In patients with ventricular tachycardia, these differences were more remarked. The prevalence of ventricular late potentials was three times greater in inferior than anterior infarction. CONCLUSION: Late after myocardial infarction, the prevalence and the duration of ventricular late potentials are greater in lesions of inferior/infero-dorsal than anterior/antero-septal wall confirming their temporal process, reflecting their high-frequency content.
Antecedentes: En nuestro laboratorio hemos demostrado que antígenos (Ags) de Fasciola hepatica inducen en células dendríticas murinas (CD), diferentes propiedades tolerogénicas como la incapacidad por si mismos de inducir la maduración de las células, la resistencia a la maduración por ligandos de TLR, el incremento en la producción de IDO y también la capacidad de esta estas células de dirigir la respuesta inmune hacia un perfil Th2 y T reg. Por otra parte ha sido bien documentado que CD con características tolerogénicas, ya sea inmaduras o semimaduras, son útiles para reducir respuestas inflamatorias excesivas tales como las que ocurren en enfermedades autoinmunes. Además hemos demostrado que CD tratadas con Ags del parásito en conjunto con un ligando Toll (CpG-ODN) producen altos niveles de citoquinas anti-inflamatorias (IL-10 y TGF-) bajos de citoquinas proinflamatorias (TNF, IL-6, IL-12). Hipótesis: El fenotipo semimaduro alcanzado en las CDpodría ser utilizado para reducir la inflamación en un modelo de enfermedad autoinmune en donde existe una exacerbada respuesta Th1 y Th17, ya que la producción elevada de IL-10 y TGF- podría inhibir o controlar estas respuestas de manera directa o a través de la inducción de células T regulatorias. Objetivos: En este proyecto nosotros proponemos la inmunización de animales susceptibles (ratones DBA1/j), al desarrollo de artritis inducida por colágeno (AIC) con CD tratadas con Ags de F. hepatica en conjunto con CpG-ODN para reducir los síntomas clínicos de la enfermedad. Materiales a utilizar: En nuestro laboratorio hemos desarrollado un modelo de artritis inducida por colágeno (AIC) mediante dos inmunizaciones de ratones DBA1/j con colágeno tipo II bovino y adyuvante de Freund. El modelo permitió establecer un índice clínico mediante la hinchazón en las patas de los animales. Doce días posteriores a la primera inmunización los animales serán inyectados con CD tratadas con: 1. PBS, 2.Extracto total de F.hepatica (TE) + CII, 3. CpG + CII, 4. TE+CpG+CII Se realizará la observación macroscópica diaria, a partir de los 7 días de la 2a inmunización Luego del sacrificio las articulaciones de las patas se prepararán para realizar un análisis histológico. Se detectará en suero los niveles de anticuerpos IgG1 (perfil Th2) y de IgG2a (perfil Th1) mediante la técnica de ELISA. Se detectará también el perfil de citoquinas en los nódulos drenantes por la técnica de ELISA y adicionalmente la poblaciónes celulares de células T regulatorias (Treg) CD4+CD25+Foxp3 o células Tr1. Resultados esperados: Pensamos que el tratamiento de los animales que desarrollan AIC con CD semimaduras (por el tratamiento con TE y CpG), serán capaces de migrar a los órganos linfaticos y secretar TGF-be(inductora de células T reg), IL-10 (inductoras de células Tr1), IDO inhibitoria de la respuesta de Li T y promotor de células T reg, también podría generarse una respuesta Th2 (por la presencia de antígenos del parásito), y estas respuestas aisladas o en forma sinérgica podrían inhibir las respuestas de tipo Th17 y Th1 asociadas a la patología en esta enfermedad. Importancia del proyecto: En el desarrollo de la artritis existe un aumento de la inmunidad mediada por células, asi como de la respuesta inmune humoral hacia componentes de la matriz del cartílago. El tratamiento convencional de la artritis recae en general en el uso de inmunosupresores no-específicos, los cuales poseen una variedad de efectos adversos y la inhibición de la respuesta inflamatoria no es específica. En este proyecto proponemos el uso de CD tratadas con antígenos del helminto F. hepatica y CpG ligando Tol que capacita a estas células para generar una respuesta adaptativa de tipo regulatoria, útil en la inhibición de las respuestas inflamatorias como la que ocurre durante la progresión de artritis reumatoidea en un modelo experimental en ratones. We have shown that F. hepatica Ags-treated dendritic cells (DC) together with a TLRl ligand (CpG-ODN) produce high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-Beta) and low of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-6, IL -12). Hypothesis: The semimature phenotype achieved by DC, could be used to reduce inflammation in a model of autoimmune disease. The high production of IL-10 and TGF-Beta by these cells could directly or through the induction of T reg cells inhibit the inflammatory response. Objective: In this project we propose the immunization of DBA1 / j mice, susceptible to the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) with F. hepatica-treated DC in conjunction with CpG-ODN to reduce clinical signs of disease. Materials: In our laboratory, we developed the CIA model by two immunizations of DBA1 / j mice with bovine type II collagen and Freund's adjuvant. The model allowed to stablish a clinical index by swelling in the legs of animals. Twelve days after the first immunization the animals are injected with DC treated with: 1. PBS 2. F.hepatica Extract (TE) + CII, 3. CpG + CII, 4. TE + CpG + CII Macroscopic observation will take place daily from 7 days of the 2nd immunization. After sacrifice the joints of the legs will be prepared for histological analysis. Serum levels of IgG1 antibodies (Th2 profile) and IgG2a (Th1 profile) will be detected by ELISA. It will also detected the cytokine profile in draining lymph nodes by ELISA and additionally the cell populations of regulatory T cells (Treg) CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 or Tr1 cells. Expected results: We believe that the treatment of animals that had developed CIA with DC will be able to migrate to lymphatic organs and secrete TGF-B (T reg cell-inducing), IL-10 (inducing Tr1 cells), IDO (inhibitory of T cells and inducing of T reg cells) could alone or in synergy inhibit Th17-type responses and Th1 associated with the pathology in this disease.
Background: The autonomic nervous system plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation; sympathetic activation occurs during myocardial ischemia. Objective: To assess the spectral analysis of heart rate variability during stent implantation, comparing the types of stent. Methods: This study assessed 61 patients (mean age, 64.0 years; 35 men) with ischemic heart disease and indication for stenting. Stent implantation was performed under Holter monitoring to record the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (Fourier transform), measuring the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components, and the LF/HF ratio before and during the procedure. Results: Bare-metal stent was implanted in 34 patients, while the others received drug-eluting stents. The right coronary artery was approached in 21 patients, the left anterior descending, in 28, and the circumflex, in 9. As compared with the pre-stenting period, all patients showed an increase in LF and HF during stent implantation (658 versus 185 ms2, p = 0.00; 322 versus 121, p = 0.00, respectively), with no change in LF/HF. During stent implantation, LF was 864 ms2 in patients with bare-metal stents, and 398 ms2 in those with drug-eluting stents (p = 0.00). The spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed no association with diabetes mellitus, family history, clinical presentation, beta-blockers, age, and vessel or its segment. Conclusions: Stent implantation resulted in concomitant sympathetic and vagal activations. Diabetes mellitus, use of beta-blockers, and the vessel approached showed no influence on the spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Sympathetic activation was lower during the implantation of drug-eluting stents.
The results presented in this review summarize a seirs of experiments designed to characterize the murine T cell imune response to the protozoan parasite Leishmania tropica. Enriched T cell populations and T cell clones specific for L. tropica antigens were derived from lymph nodes of primed mice and maintained in continous culture in vitro. These T lymphocytes were shown (A) to express the Lyt 1+ 3- cell surface phenotype, (B) to proliferate specifically in vitro in response to parasite antigens, together with a source of irradiated syngeneic macrophages, (C) to transfer antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to normal syngeneic mice, (D) to induce specific activation of parasitized macrophages in vitro resulting in the destruction of intracellular parasites, (E) to provide specific helper activity for antibody responses in vitro in a hapten-carrier system. Protection studies using these defiened T cell populations should allow the characterization of parasite antigen(s) implicated in the induction of cellular immune responses beneficial for the host.
Introduction: Non-invasive brain imaging techniques often contrast experimental conditions across a cohort of participants, obfuscating distinctions in individual performance and brain mechanisms that are better characterised by the inter-trial variability. To overcome such limitations, we developed topographic analysis methods for single-trial EEG data [1]. So far this was typically based on time-frequency analysis of single-electrode data or single independent components. The method's efficacy is demonstrated for event-related responses to environmental sounds, hitherto studied at an average event-related potential (ERP) level. Methods: Nine healthy subjects participated to the experiment. Auditory meaningful sounds of common objects were used for a target detection task [2]. On each block, subjects were asked to discriminate target sounds, which were living or man-made auditory objects. Continuous 64-channel EEG was acquired during the task. Two datasets were considered for each subject including single-trial of the two conditions, living and man-made. The analysis comprised two steps. In the first part, a mixture of Gaussians analysis [3] provided representative topographies for each subject. In the second step, conditional probabilities for each Gaussian provided statistical inference on the structure of these topographies across trials, time, and experimental conditions. Similar analysis was conducted at group-level. Results: Results show that the occurrence of each map is structured in time and consistent across trials both at the single-subject and at group level. Conducting separate analyses of ERPs at single-subject and group levels, we could quantify the consistency of identified topographies and their time course of activation within and across participants as well as experimental conditions. A general agreement was found with previous analysis at average ERP level. Conclusions: This novel approach to single-trial analysis promises to have impact on several domains. In clinical research, it gives the possibility to statistically evaluate single-subject data, an essential tool for analysing patients with specific deficits and impairments and their deviation from normative standards. In cognitive neuroscience, it provides a novel tool for understanding behaviour and brain activity interdependencies at both single-subject and at group levels. In basic neurophysiology, it provides a new representation of ERPs and promises to cast light on the mechanisms of its generation and inter-individual variability.
This work compares the structural/dynamics features of the wild-type alb-adrenergic receptor (AR) with those of the D142A active mutant and the agonist-bound state. The two active receptor forms were compared in their isolated states as well as in their ability to form homodimers and to recognize the G alpha q beta 1 gamma 2 heterotrimer. The analysis of the isolated structures revealed that, although the mutation- and agonist-induced active states of the alpha 1b-AR are different, they, however, share several structural peculiarities including (a) the release of some constraining interactions found in the wild-type receptor and (b) the opening of a cytosolic crevice formed by the second and third intracellular loops and the cytosolic extensions of helices 5 and 6. Accordingly, also their tendency to form homodimers shows commonalties and differences. In fact, in both the active receptor forms, helix 6 plays a crucial role in mediating homodimerization. However, the homodimeric models result from different interhelical assemblies. On the same line of evidence, in both of the active receptor forms, the cytosolic opened crevice recognizes similar domains on the G protein. However, the docking solutions are differently populated and the receptor-G protein preorientation models suggest that the final complexes should be characterized by different interaction patterns.
Loss of either hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor (HAI)-1 or -2 is associated with embryonic lethality in mice, which can be rescued by the simultaneous inactivation of the membrane-anchored serine protease, matriptase, thereby demonstrating that a matriptase-dependent proteolytic pathway is a critical developmental target for both protease inhibitors. Here, we performed a genetic epistasis analysis to identify additional components of this pathway by generating mice with combined deficiency in either HAI-1 or HAI-2, along with genes encoding developmentally co-expressed candidate matriptase targets, and screening for the rescue of embryonic development. Hypomorphic mutations in Prss8, encoding the GPI-anchored serine protease, prostasin (CAP1, PRSS8), restored placentation and normal development of HAI-1-deficient embryos and prevented early embryonic lethality, mid-gestation lethality due to placental labyrinth failure, and neural tube defects in HAI-2-deficient embryos. Inactivation of genes encoding c-Met, protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), or the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) alpha subunit all failed to rescue embryonic lethality, suggesting that deregulated matriptase-prostasin activity causes developmental failure independent of aberrant c-Met and PAR-2 signaling or impaired epithelial sodium transport. Furthermore, phenotypic analysis of PAR-1 and matriptase double-deficient embryos suggests that the protease may not be critical for focal proteolytic activation of PAR-2 during neural tube closure. Paradoxically, although matriptase auto-activates and is a well-established upstream epidermal activator of prostasin, biochemical analysis of matriptase- and prostasin-deficient placental tissues revealed a requirement of prostasin for conversion of the matriptase zymogen to active matriptase, whereas prostasin zymogen activation was matriptase-independent.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked genetic disease caused by the absence of functional dystrophin. Pharmacological upregulation of utrophin, the autosomal homologue of dystrophin, offers a potential therapeutic approach to treat Duchenne patients. Full-length utrophin mRNA is transcribed from two alternative promoters, called A and B. In contrast to the utrophin promoter A, little is known about the factors regulating the activity of the utrophin promoter B. Computer analysis of this second promoter revealed the presence of several conserved binding motives for Ets-transcription factors. Using electrotransfer of cDNA into mouse muscles, we demonstrate that a genetically modified beta-subunit of the Ets-transcription factor GA-binding protein potently activates a utrophin promoter B reporter construct in innervated muscle fibers in vivo. These results make the GA-binding protein and the signaling cascade regulating its activity in muscle cells, potential targets for the pharmacological modulation of utrophin expression in Duchenne patients.
We have undertaken a comparative immunephenotypic study of spleen cells from hepatosplenic patients (HS) and uninfected individuals (NOR) using flow cytometry. Our data did not show any significant differences in the mean percentage of T-cells and B-cells between the two groups. Analysis of activated T-cells demonstrated that HS present an increased percentage of CD3+HLA-DR+ splenocytes in comparison to NOR. Analysis of T-cell subsets demonstrated a significant increase on the percentage of both activated CD4+ T-splenocytes and CD8+ cells in HS. We did not find any difference in the mean percentage of CD28+ T-cells. Analysis of the B-cell compartment did not show any difference on the percentage of B1-splenocytes. However, the spleen seems to be an important reservoir/source for B1 lymphocytes during hepatosplenic disease, since after splenectomy we found a decreased the percentage of circulating B1-lymphocytes. We observed an increase on the percentage of CD2+CD3- lymphocytes in the spleen of HS suggesting that the loss of CD3 by activated T-cells or the expansion of NK-cells might play a role in the development/maintenance of splenomegaly.
The ability to detect early molecular responses to various chemicals is central to the understanding of biological impact of pollutants in a context of varying environmental cues. To monitor stress responses in a model plant, we used transgenic moss Physcomitrella patens expressing the beta-glucuronidase reporter (GUS) under the control of the stress-inducible promoter hsp17.3B. Following exposure to pollutants from the dye and paper industry, GUS activity was measured by monitoring a fluorescent product. Chlorophenols, heavy metals and sulphonated anthraquinones were found to specifically activate the hsp17.3B promoter (within hours) in correlation with long-term toxicity effects (within days). At mildly elevated physiological temperatures, the chemical activation of this promoter was strongly amplified, which considerably increased the sensitivity of the bioassay. Together with the activation of hsp17.3B promoter, chlorophenols induced endogenous chaperones that transiently protected a recombinant thermolabile luciferase (LUC) from severe heat denaturation. This sensitive bioassay provides an early warning molecular sensor to industrial pollutants under varying environments, in anticipation to long-term toxic effects in plants. Because of the strong cross-talk between abiotic and chemical stresses that we find, this P. patens line is more likely to serve as a direct toxicity bioassay for pollutants combined with environmental cues, than as an indicator of absolute toxicity thresholds for various pollutants. It is also a powerful tool to study the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in plants exposed to combined chemical and environmental stresses.
Purpose: Mutations in the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of NR2E3 cause recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS) and clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD). In addition to ligand binding, the LBD contains also essential amino acid sequences for the oligomerization of nuclear receptors. The aim of our studies is to characterize the impact of mutations in the LBD on receptor oligomerization and transcriptional activity of NR2E3. Methods: The different NR2E3 mutants were generated by QuickChange mutagenesis and analyzed in 293T-based transactivation studies and BRET2 (bioluminescence resonance electron transfer) assays. In silico homology modeling of mutant proteins was also performed using available crystallographic data of related nuclear receptors. Results: The mutants p.W234S, p.A256V, p.A256E, p.L263P, p.R309G, p.R311Q, p.R334G, p.L336P, p.L353V, p.R385P and p.M407K, all located in the LBD, showed impaired receptor dimerization at various degrees. Impaired repressor dimerization as assessed by BRET2 assays did not always correlate with impaired repressor function of NR2E3 as assessed by cell-based reporter assays. There were minor differences of transcriptional activity of mutant proteins on mouse S-opsin (opn1sw), mouse cone arrestin (arr3) and human cone arrestin, suggesting that the effect of LBD mutations was independent of the promoter context. Conclusions: Mutational analysis and homology modeling allowed the characterization of potential oligomerization interfaces of the NR2E3 LBD. Additionally, mutations in NR2E3 LBD may cause recessive retinal degenerations by different molecular mechanisms.
Genomic islands are foreign DNA blocks inserted in so-called regions of genomic plasticity (RGP). Depending on their gene content, they are classified as pathogenicity, symbiosis, metabolic, fitness or resistance islands, although a detailed functional analysis is often lacking. Here we focused on a 34-kb pathogenicity island of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 (PA14GI-6), which is inserted at RGP5 and carries genes related to those for pyochelin/enantiopyochelin biosynthesis. These enantiomeric siderophores of P. aeruginosa and certain strains of Pseudomonas protegens are assembled by a thiotemplate mechanism from salicylate and two molecules of cysteine. The biochemical function of several proteins encoded by PA14GI-6 was investigated by a series of complementation analyses using mutants affected in potential homologs. We found that PA14_54940 codes for a bifunctional salicylate synthase/salicyl-AMP ligase (for generation and activation of salicylate), that PA14_54930 specifies a dihydroaeruginoic acid (Dha) synthetase (for coupling salicylate with a cysteine-derived thiazoline ring), that PA14_54910 produces a type II thioesterase (for quality control), and that PA14_54880 encodes a serine O-acetyltransferase (for increased cysteine availability). The structure of the PA14GI-6-specified metabolite was determined by mass spectrometry, thin-layer chromatography, and HPLC as (R)-Dha, an iron chelator with antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity. The conservation of this genomic island in many clinical and environmental P. aeruginosa isolates of different geographical origin suggests that the ability for Dha production may confer a selective advantage to its host.
Conjugative transfer of the integrative and conjugative element ICEclc in the bacterium Pseudomonas knackmussii is the consequence of a bistable decision taken in some 3% of cells in a population during stationary phase. Here we study the possible control exerted by the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS on the bistability decision. The gene for RpoS in P. knackmussii B13 was characterized, and a loss-of-function mutant was produced and complemented. We found that, in absence of RpoS, ICEclc transfer rates and activation of two key ICEclc promoters (P(int) and P(inR)) decrease significantly in cells during stationary phase. Microarray and gene reporter analysis indicated that the most direct effect of RpoS is on P(inR), whereas one of the gene products from the P(inR)-controlled operon (InrR) transmits activation to P(int) and other ICEclc core genes. Addition of a second rpoS copy under control of its native promoter resulted in an increase of the proportion of cells expressing the P(int) and P(inR) promoters to 18%. Strains in which rpoS was replaced by an rpoS-mcherry fusion showed high mCherry fluorescence of individual cells that had activated P(int) and P(inR), whereas a double-copy rpoS-mcherry-containing strain displayed twice as much mCherry fluorescence. This suggested that high RpoS levels are a prerequisite for an individual cell to activate P(inR) and thus ICEclc transfer. Double promoter-reporter fusions confirmed that expression of P(inR) is dominated by extrinsic noise, such as being the result of cellular variability in RpoS. In contrast, expression from P(int) is dominated by intrinsic noise, indicating it is specific to the ICEclc transmission cascade. Our results demonstrate how stochastic noise levels of global transcription factors can be transduced to a precise signaling cascade in a subpopulation of cells leading to ICE activation.