999 resultados para AC-2
门户(Portal)是基于组件的web应用,它可以集成Internet环境下各种现有应用系统、数据资源和网络信息资源,并为用户形成个性化的访问页面,实现信息的集成和发布。Portlet是门户中的可重用组件,能够提供对web内容、应用程序和其他资源的访问。JSR168规范(Portlet 1.0)和JSR286规范(Portlet 2.0)提供了Portlet的标准。 随着门户的广泛使用,门户已经成为获取信息,巩固和整合IT基础设施的平台。于是来自于同一公司的、自主的、分散的多个部门都部署了自己的门户,但这些门户之间却无法进行内容共享,即Portlet在门户之间的集成。于是出现了联邦门户(Federated Portals),它是由多个分散的门户构成的网络,这些门户基于共同的标准协同工作。联邦门户实现了在异构门户之间共享远程内容,这些远程内容来自于名为生产者的门户,被收集、组合和运行在名为消费者的门户中。 联邦门户的基本特征是基于规范实现跨门户的系统联合。因此联邦门户的关键在于对门户间互操作标准的制定。这个标准就是OASIS推出的WSRP(Web Services for Remote Portlets)规范。WSRP规范提供了门户间互操作标准,成为联邦门户的基础技术。它有1.0和2.0两个版本,分别产生于2003年和2008年。 为了提高联邦门户应用的构建效率,增强异构门户互操作性的能力,完善联邦门户的用户友好性,需要为OncePortal提供支持WSRP 2.0规范的联邦门户。 本文从WSRP 2.0规范和联邦门户的需求出发,设计并实现了支持WSRP 2.0规范的联邦门户。首先根据WSRP 2.0规范对远程Portlet的语法模型、交互模型和生命周期模型三个方面进行特征分析;其次总结了联邦门户的核心功能、系统边界,并给出了联邦门户的设计;然后从Portlet URL的生成与改写、Portlet统一协作框架、远程Portlet资源服务、WSRP容器和代理容器以及Portlet缓存共5个方面介绍了联邦门户的关键技术;最后基于以上分析和设计,实现了联邦门户扩展应用,并将其应用在中科院软件所自主研发的门户产品OncePortal中。
In this study, we analyzed the operational characteristics of a 1.2-MW rice husk gasification and power generation plant located in Changxing, Zhejiang province, China. The influences of gasification temperature, equivalence ratio (ER), feeding rate and rice husk water content on the gasification characteristics in a fluidized bed gasifier were investigated. The axial temperature profile in the dense phase of the gasifier showed that inadequate fluidization occurred inside the bed, and that the temperature was closely related to changes in ER and feeding rate. The bed temperature increased linearly with increasing ER when the feeding rate was kept constant, while a higher feeding rate corresponded to a lower bed temperature at fixed ER. The gas heating value decreased with increasing temperature, while the feeding rate had little effect. When the gasification temperature was 700-800C, the gas heating value ranged from 5450-6400kJ/Nm3. The water content of the rice husk had an obvious influence on the operation of the gasifier: increases in water content up to 15% resulted in increasing ER and gas yield, while water contents above 15% caused aberrant temperature fluctuations. The problems in this plant are discussed in the light of operational experience of MW-scale biomass gasification and power generation plants.
We report the observation of intense spontaneous emission of green light from LiF:F-2:F-3(+) centers in active channel waveguides generated in lithium fluoride crystals by near-infrared femtosecond laser radiation. While irradiating the crystal at room temperature with 405 nm light from a laser diode, yellow and green emission was seen by the naked eye. Stripe waveguides were fabricated by translating the crystal along the irradiated laser pulse, and their guiding properties and fluorescence spectra at 540 nm demonstrated. This single-step process inducing a waveguide structure offers a good prospect for the development of a waveguide laser in bulk LiF crystals.