965 resultados para 4 aminobutyric acid receptor blocking agent
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die gezielte Modifizierung von Oberflächen mittels multifunktioneller Polymere, die ausgehend von Aktivesterpolymeren durch polymeranaloge Reaktionen unter milden Bedingungen hergestellt werden konnten. Dazu wurden die neuartigen Akivestermonomere Pentafluorphenylacrylat PFA und Pentafluorphenylmethacrylat PFMA hergestellt und polymerisiert. PFMA konnte unter RAFT-Bedingungen mittels Cumyldithiobenzoat bzw. 4-Cyano-4-((thiobenzoyl)sulfanyl)pentansäure kontrolliert polymerisiert werden. Durch den RAFT-Prozess wurden weiterhin reaktive Blockcopolymere aus PFMA und Methylmethacrylat, N Acryloylmorpholin bzw. N,N Diethylacrylamid synthetisiert. Zur Herstellung alpha, omega-endfunktionalisierter Polymere wurde PFA mit Dithiobenzoesäure-(4-dodecylbenzyl)ester polymerisiert und durch anschließende polymeranaloge Reaktionen zu thermoschaltbaren Polymeren mit unterschiedlichem LCST-Verhalten umgesetzt, die den Aufbau polymerunterstützter Lipiddoppelschichten ermöglichen. Ausgehend von poly(PFA) wurden oberflächenaktiven multifunktionellen Polymeren hergestellt und zur Oberflächenmodifizierung von anorganischen TiO2 Nanopartikeln, TiO2-Nanodrähten und MoS2-Nanopartikeln eingesetzt. Es konnten so lösliche fluoreszierende TiO2-Nanopartikel sowohl durch in situ- als auch post-Funktionalisierung hergestellt werden. Zudem konnte durch Verwendung eines multifunktionellen Polymers mit NTA-Einheiten das Enzym Silicatein auf TiO2-Nanodrähten immobilisert werden, das durch Biokristallisation Aggregate aus TiO2-Nanodrähten und Goldnanopartikeln erzeugte.
In order to synthesize proton-conducting materials which retain acids in the membrane during fuel cell operating conditions, the synthesis of poly(vinylphosphonic acid) grafted polybenzimidazole (PVPA grafted PBI) and the fabrication of multilayer membranes are mainly focussed in this dissertation. Synthesis of PVPA grafted PBI membrane can be done according to "grafting through" method. In "grafting through" method (or macromonomer method), monomer (e.g., vinylphosphonic acid) is radically copolymerized with olefin group attached macromonomer (e.g., allyl grafted PBI and vinylbenzyl grafted PBI). This approach is inherently limited to synthesize graft-copolymer with well-defined architectural and structural parameters. The incorporation of poly(vinylphosphonic acid) into PBI lead to improvements in proton conductivity up to 10-2 S/cm. Regarding multilayer membranes, the proton conducting layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly of polymers by various strong acids such as poly(vinylphosphonic acid), poly(vinylsulfonic acid) and poly(styrenesulfonic acid) paired with basic polymers such as poly(4-vinylimidazole) and poly(benzimidazole), which are appropriate for ‘Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell’ applications have been described. Proton conductivity increases with increasing smoothness of the film and the maximum measured conductivity was 10-4 S/cm at 25°C. Recently, anhydrous proton-conducting membranes with flexible structural backbones, which show proton-conducting properties comparable to Nafion have been focus of current research. The flexible backbone of polymer chains allow for a high segmental mobility and thus, a sufficiently low glass transition temperature (Tg), which is an essential factor to reach highly conductive systems. Among the polymers with a flexible chain backbone, poly(vinylphosphonic acid), poly(vinylbenzylphosphonic acid), poly(2-vinylbenzimidazole), poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid), poly(4-vinylimidazole), poly(4-vinylimidazole-co-vinylphosphonic acid) and poly(4-vinylimidazole-co-4-styrenesulfonic acid) are interesting materials for fuel cell applications. Synthesis of polybenzimidazole with anthracene structural unit was carried out in order to avoid modification reaction in the imidazole ring, because anthracene would encourage the modification reaction with an olefin by Diels-Alder reaction.
P19 is a mouse-derived embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiation toward ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages and could thus be differentiated into neurons. Different culture conditions were tested to optimise and increase the efficiency of neuronal differentiation since the population of P19-derived neurons was reported to be heterogeneous with respect to the morphology and neurotransmitters they synthesise. P19-derived neurons were cultured on microelectrode arrays as cell aggregates and as dissociated cells. Improved neuronal maturation was shown by the presence of microtubule associated protein 2, neurofilament and synaptophysin formation when initiation of neuronal differentiation was prolonged. High initial cell density cultures and coating of surfaces with polyethylenimine-laminin further improved neuronal maturation of differentiated P19 cells. Increased spontaneous activities of the P19-derived neurons were correspondingly recorded. Two to three hours recordings were performed between 17 and 25 days when extracellular signals were stabilised. It was found that P19-derived neurons developed network properties as partially synchronised network activities. P19-derived neurons appeared to give inhomogenous response to the 2 major neurotransmitters, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The P19-derived neuronal networks obtained from optimised protocol in this thesis were predominantly GABAergic. The reproducible long term extracellular recordings performed showed that neurons derived from P19 embryonal carcinoma cells could be applied as a model for cell based biosensor in corporation with microelectrode arrays.
This thesis was focused on the investigation of the linear optical properties of novel two photon absorbers for biomedical applications. Substituted imidazole and imidazopyridine derivatives, and organic dendrimers were studied as potential fluorophores for two photon bioimaging. The results obtained showed superior luminescence properties for sulphonamido imidazole derivatives compared to other substituted imidazoles. Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines exhibited an important dependence on the substitution pattern of their luminescence properties. Substitution at imidazole ring led to a higher fluorescence yield than the substitution at the pyridine one. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines of Donor-Acceptor-Donor type were examined. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines dimerized at C3 position had better luminescence properties than those dimerized at C5, displaying high emission yields and important 2PA cross sections. Phosphazene-based dendrimers with fluorene branches and cationic charges on the periphery were also examined. Due to aggregation phenomena in polar solvents, the dendrimers registered a significant loss of luminescence with respect to fluorene chromophore model. An improved design of more rigid chromophores yields enhanced luminescence properties which, connected to large 2PA cross-sections, make this compounds valuable as fluorophores in bioimaging. The photophysical study of several ketocoumarine initiators, designed for the fabrication of small dimension prostheses by two photon polymerization (2PP) was carried out. The compounds showed low emission yields, indicative of a high population of the triplet excited state, which is the active state in producing the reactive species. Their efficiency in 2PP was proved by fabrication of microstructures and their biocompatibility was tested in the collaborator’s laboratory. In the frame of the 2PA photorelease of drugs, three fluorene-based dyads have been investigated. They were designed to release the gamma-aminobutyric acid via two photon induced electron transfer. The experimental data in polar solvents showed a fast electron transfer followed by an almost equally fast back electron transfer process, which indicate a poor optimization of the system.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum ersten Mal die kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche, motiviert im Hinblick auf die Nutzung der Synthesemethode für die molekulare Elektronik und verwandte Anwendungen. Durch die Verwendung der Nichtkontakt-Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kelvinprobe-Mikroskopie bei Raumtemperatur wurden grundlegende molekulare Prozesse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Molekülen und der Calcit(10.4) Oberfläche sowie die chemische Reaktivität der Moleküle auf der Oberfläche analysiert. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen intermolekularen und Molekül-Oberfläche Wechselwirkungen zeigt sich für Biphenyl-4,4'-dicarbonsäure (BPDCA) durch die Koexistenz zweier unterschiedlicher molekularer Strukturen, die einen Einblick in die treibenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstorganisation bieten. Die sehr ausgeprägte Reihenstruktur basiert auf der optimalen geometrischen Struktur der BPDCA Moleküle zu den Abmessungen des Substrats, während die zweite Struktur durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Molekülen gekennzeichnet ist. Der Deprotonierungsvorgang von 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure (DHBA)-Molekülen auf Calcit wird bei Zimmertemperatur gezeigt. Zwei Phasen werden beobachtet, die nach Aufbringen der Moleküle koexistieren. Mit der Zeit geht eine bulk-ähnliche Phase in eine stabile, dicht gepackte Phase über. Der Übergang wird durch Betrachtung des Protonierungszustands der Moleküle erklärt. Die bulk-ähnliche Phase benötigt Wasserstoffbrückbindungen zur Strukturbildung. Werden die Moleküle deprotoniert, so wird die resultierende dicht gepackte Phase durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung der deprotonierten Carboxylatgruppen mit den Oberflächen-Calciumkationen stabilisiert. 4-Iodbenzoesäure (IBA)-Moleküle bilden auf Calcit nur Inseln an Stufenkanten, was auf die schwache Molekül-Oberflächen-Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen ist. Für einen stärkeren Einfluss des Substrats durchlaufen die Moleküle einen kontrollierten Übergangsschritt vom protonierten zum deprotonierten Zustand. Im deprotonierten Zustand nehmen die Moleküle eine wohldefinierte Adsorptionsposition auf dem Substrat ein. Die deprotonierte Säuregruppe wird ausgenutzt, um die Desorption der halogensubstituierten Benzoesäure-Moleküle bei der thermischer Aktivierung für die Vernetzungsreaktion zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wird die Carboxylatgruppe als starker Elektronendonor verwendet um die Phenyl-Halogen-Bindung zu schwächen und somit die homolytische Spaltung dieser Bindung auch bei moderaten Temperaturen zu ermöglichen. Diesem Konzept folgend ist die erste erfolgreiche kovalente Verknüpfung von 2,5-Diiod-benzoesäure, 2,5-Dichlorbenzoesäure, 3,5-Diiod Salicylsäure und 4-Iod-benzoesäure zu durchkonjugierten molekularen Drähten, Zick-Zack-Strukturen sowie Dimere gezeigt durch Ausnutzen von unterschiedlichen Substitutionsposition sowie Ändern der Anzahl der substituierten Halogenatome. Aufbauend auf diesem Erfolg, wird eine zweistufige Vernetzungsreaktion vorgestellt. Zum Induzieren der ortsspezifischen und sequentiellen kovalenten Verknüpfung wird ein Ausgangsmolekül gewählt, das sowohl eine Bromphenyl als auch eine Chlorphenyl Gruppe mit unterschiedlichen Dissoziationsenergien für die homolytische Spaltung besitzt. Die Reaktionsstellen und sequentielle Reihenfolge für die Reaktion sind somit in der molekularen Struktur einkodiert und bisher unerreichte Reaktionspfade können mithilfe der kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche beschritten werden.
Alcohol-induced liver disease (ALD) is a leading cause of nonaccident-related deaths in the United States. Although liver damage caused by ALD is reversible when discovered at the earlier stages, current risk assessment tools are relatively nonspecific. Identification of an early specific signature of ALD would aid in therapeutic intervention and recovery. In this study, the metabolic changes associated with ALD were examined using alcohol-fed male Ppara-null mouse as a model of ALD. Principal components analysis of the mass spectrometry-based urinary metabolic profile showed that alcohol-treated wild-type and Ppara-null mice could be distinguished from control animals without information on history of alcohol consumption. The urinary excretion of ethyl-sulfate, ethyl-beta-d-glucuronide, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid sulfate was elevated and that of the 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, adipic acid, and pimelic acid was depleted during alcohol treatment in both wild-type and the Ppara-null mice albeit to different extents. However, indole-3-lactic acid was exclusively elevated by alcohol exposure in Ppara-null mice. The elevation of indole-3-lactic acid is mechanistically related to the molecular events associated with development of ALD in alcohol-treated Ppara-null mice. This study demonstrated the ability of a metabolomics approach to identify early, noninvasive biomarkers of ALD pathogenesis in Ppara-null mouse model.
Objective Impaired function of the central gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system, which provides the brain’s major inhibitory pathways, is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. The effect of acute psychological stress on the human GABA-ergic system is still unknown, however. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acute stress on prefrontal GABA levels. Method A recently developed noninvasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy method was used to measure changes in the GABA concentration of the prefrontal cortex in 10 healthy human subjects during a threat-of-shock condition and during a safe condition (two sessions on different days). The main outcome measure was the mean GABA concentration within a 3×3×2-cm3 voxel selected from the medial prefrontal cortex. Results Prefrontal GABA decreased by approximately 18% in the threat-of-shock condition relative to the safe condition. This reduction was specific to GABA, since the concentrations of N-acetyl-aspartate, choline-containing compounds, and glutamate/glutamine levels obtained in the same spectra did not change significantly. Conclusions This result appeared compatible with evidence from preclinical studies in rodents, which showed rapid presynaptic down-regulation of GABA-ergic neurotransmission in response to acute psychological stress. The molecular mechanism and functional significance of this reduced inhibitory effect of acute psychological stress in relation to impaired GABA-ergic function in anxiety disorders merit further investigation.
Central nervous system involvement is a rare and serious complication of Behçet's disease (BD). Herein, we describe a patient with an atypical central lesion, who experienced progressive hypesthesia of the right arm and sensory loss of the trigeminal nerve together with intense headache. A repeated biopsy was necessary to conclusively establish the diagnosis of BD. Therapy with infusions of infliximab led to a remarkable full remission. TNFα-blocking therapy was successfully replaced by azathioprine. The present well-illustrated case demonstrates the difficulty of establishing the diagnosis of BD with central nervous system involvement, the dramatic benefit of short given TNF-α-blocking agent, and the long-term remission with azathioprin.
An immunohistochemical examination of guinea-pig taste buds in vallate papillae revealed gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the area of von Ebner’s glands, minor salivary glands. Since there have been no reports describing those cells in these locations for other species, we investigated these glands in order both to localize the cells and compare their immunoreactive characteristics with corresponding cells in the vallate taste buds. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells coincided with cells containing no secretory granules in the end portion of the glands, which was supported by the electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Double immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed these cells to be entirely immunopositive to type III inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R-3), phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2), and villin and also partly immunopositive to neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and calbindin D-28K. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the vallate taste buds exhibited completely the same immunoreactivities for these five molecules. Accordingly, the present results give credence to a consideration that the gustducin-immunnoreactive cells in both locations are identical in function(s) e.g., chemo-reception.
The analysis of ethyl glucuronide (EtG), a marker of recent alcohol consumption, in serum with an optimized CZE assay is reported. The method uses a 0.1-mm id fused-silica capillary of 50 cm effective length that is coated with linear polyacrylamide, a pH 4.4 nicotinic acid/epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) BGE, reversed polarity and indirect analyte detection. The assay is based on a 1:1 dilution of serum with deionized water and has LODs for EtG, lactate and acetate of 3.8 x 10(-7) M, 2.60 x 10(-6 )M and 2.18 x 10(-6 )M, respectively. Separation of EtG from endogenous macro- and microcomponents (anionic serum components of high and low concentration, respectively) and its quantification are shown to be possible for a wide range of lactate (stacker) and acetate (destacker) concentrations, macrocomponents that have an impact on the CZE behavior of EtG and that change after intake of ethanol. The assay has been successfully applied to the analysis of EtG, lactate and acetate in (i) sera of volunteers that ingested known amounts of alcohol and (ii) samples of patients that were classified (teetotalers and social drinkers vs. alcohol abusers) via analysis of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin.
Tightly regulated expression of the transcription factor PU.1 is crucial for normal hematopoiesis. PU.1 knockdown mice develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and PU.1 mutations have been observed in some populations of patients with AML. Here we found that conditional expression of promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML-RARA), the protein encoded by the t(15;17) translocation found in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), suppressed PU.1 expression, while treatment of APL cell lines and primary cells with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) restored PU.1 expression and induced neutrophil differentiation. ATRA-induced activation was mediated by a region in the PU.1 promoter to which CEBPB and OCT-1 binding were induced. Finally, conditional expression of PU.1 in human APL cells was sufficient to trigger neutrophil differentiation, whereas reduction of PU.1 by small interfering RNA (siRNA) blocked ATRA-induced neutrophil differentiation. This is the first report to show that PU.1 is suppressed in acute promyelocytic leukemia, and that ATRA restores PU.1 expression in cells harboring t(15;17).
During general anesthesia drugs are administered to provide hypnosis, ensure analgesia, and skeletal muscle relaxation. In this paper, the main components of a newly developed controller for skeletal muscle relaxation are described. Muscle relaxation is controlled by administration of neuromuscular blocking agents. The degree of relaxation is assessed by supramaximal train-of-four stimulation of the ulnar nerve and measuring the electromyogram response of the adductor pollicis muscle. For closed-loop control purposes, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model of the neuromuscular blocking agent mivacurium is derived. The model is used to design an observer-based state feedback controller. Contrary to similar automatic systems described in the literature this controller makes use of two different measures obtained in the train-of-four measurement to maintain the desired level of relaxation. The controller is validated in a clinical study comparing the performance of the controller to the performance of the anesthesiologist. As presented, the controller was able to maintain a preselected degree of muscle relaxation with excellent precision while minimizing drug administration. The controller performed at least equally well as the anesthesiologist.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: No controlled, randomized trial has investigated whether intravenous, intra-arterial (IAT), or mechanical thrombolysis is beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. We report 2 children who underwent IAT for acute ischemic stroke and include them in a review about intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, and mechanical thrombolysis for childhood stroke. METHODS: We searched in MEDLINE and EMBASE for studies that reported on treatment of childhood stroke with intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, or mechanical thrombolysis in the presence of occlusion of the basilar artery, sphenoidal, or insular middle cerebral artery. To be included in this review, the following findings had to be reported: (1) stroke severity at presentation; (2) cerebral imaging findings before thrombolysis; (3) time to treatment; (4) dose of the thrombolytic agent; (5) pre- and postinterventional angiographic findings in IAT; and (6) outcome assessed at hospital discharge or within 12 months after thrombolysis. RESULTS: Adequate data were available in 17 children (including our 2 own cases) who underwent intravenous thrombolysis (n=6), IAT (n=10), or mechanical thrombolysis (n=1). No symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage occurred, but 2 asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhages were present. Sixteen children (94%) survived, and 12 (71%) had a good outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0 or 1). CONCLUSIONS: The available data about thrombolysis in pediatric stroke are limited. They suggest that this treatment may be beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. Controlled, randomized trials are needed to determine whether thrombolysis is useful in childhood stroke.
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a marker of recent alcohol consumption. For the optimization of the analysis of EtG by CZE with indirect absorbance detection, the use of capillaries with permanent and dynamic wall coatings, the composition of the BGE, and various sample preparation procedures, including dilution with water, ultrafiltration, protein precipitation, and SPE, were investigated. Two validated screening assays for the determination of EtG in human serum, a CZE-based approach and an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), are described. The CZE assay uses a coated capillary, 2,4-dimethylglutaric acid as an internal standard, and a pH 4.65 BGE comprising 9 mM nicotinic acid, epsilon-aminocaproic acid and 10% v/v ACN. Proteins are removed via precipitation with ACN prior to analysis and the LOQ is 0.50 mg/L. The EIA is based upon commercial reagents which are promoted for the determination of urinary EtG. Krebs-Ringer solution containing 5% BSA is used as a calibration matrix. All samples are ultrafiltered prior to analysis of the ultrafiltrate on a Mira Plus analyzer. Assay calibration ranged between 0 and 2 mg/L and the upper reference limit was determined to be 0.05 mg/L. Both assays proved to be suitable for the analysis of samples from different individuals. For EtG levels above 0.50 mg/L, good agreement was observed for the comparison of the results of the two methods.
Augmented inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) function has been linked to a variety of cardiac pathologies, including cardiac arrhythmia. The contribution of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release (IP3ICR) in excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) under physiological conditions, as well as under cellular remodelling, remains controversial. Here we test the hypothesis that local IP3ICR directly affects ryanodine receptor (RyR) function and subsequent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in atrial myocytes. IP3ICR was evoked by UV-flash photolysis of caged InsP3 under whole-cell configuration of the voltage-clamp technique in atrial myocytes isolated from C57/BL6 mice. Photolytic release of InsP3 was accompanied by a significant increase in the Ca2+ release event frequency (4.14±0.72 vs. 6.20±0.76 events (100 μm)−1 s−1). These individual photolytically triggered Ca2+ release events were identified as Ca2+ sparks, which originated from RyR openings. This was verified by Ca2+ spark analysis and pharmacological separation between RyR and InsP3R-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-Ca2+ release (2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, xestospongin C, tetracaine). Significant SR-Ca2+ flux but eventless SR-Ca2+ release through InsP3R were characterized using SR-Ca2+ leak/SR-Ca2+ load measurements. These results strongly support the idea that IP3ICR can effectively modulate RyR openings and Ca2+ spark probability. We conclude that eventless and highly efficient InsP3-dependent SR-Ca2+ flux is the main mechanism of functional cross-talk between InsP3Rs and RyRs, which may be an important factor in the modulation of ECC sensitivity.