995 resultados para 369.4, 019.9


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The effects of a PRL-stimulating substance (sulpiride) on PRL and PGF2 alpha secretion and on luteal and ovarian follicular dynamics were studied during the estrous cycle in mares. A control group (n = 9) and a sulpiride group (Sp; n = 10) were used. Sulpiride (25 mg) was given every 8 h from Day 13 postovulation to the next ovulation. Repeated sulpiride treatment did not appear to maintain PRL concentrations at 12-h intervals beyond Day 14. Therefore, the hypothesis that a long-term increase in PRL altered luteal and follicular end points was not testable. Hourly samples were collected from the hour of a treatment (Hour 0) to Hour 8 on Day 14. Concentrations of PRL increased to maximum at Hour 4 in the Sp group. The PRL pulses were more prominent (P < 0.008) in the sulpiride group (peak, 19.4 +/- 1.9 ng/mL; mean +/- SEM) than in the controls (11.5 +/- 1.8 ng/mL). Concentrations of a metabolite of PGF2a (PGFM), number, and characteristics of PGFM pulses, and concentrations of progesterone during Hours 0 to 8 were not affected by the increased PRL. A novel observation was that the peak of a PRL pulse occurred at the same hour or 1 h later than the peak of a PGFM pulse in 8 of 8 PGFM pulses in the controls and in 6 of 10 pulses in the Sp group (P < 0.04), indicating that sulpiride interfered with the synchrony between PGFM and PRL pulses. The hypothesis that sulpiride treatment during the equine estrous cycle increases concentrations of PRL and the prominence of PRL pulses was supported. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies have recognised the importance of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in sickle cell disease (SCD). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and prognostic impact of PH and its features in patients with SCD. 80 patients with SCD underwent baseline clinical evaluation, laboratory testing, 6-min walk tests (6MWTs) and echocardiography. Patients with a peak tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity (TRV) of >= 2.5 m.s(-1) were further evaluated through right heart catheterisation (RHC) to assure the diagnosis of PH. Our study evidenced a 40% prevalence of patients with elevated TRV at echocardiography. RHC (performed in 25 out of 32 patients) confirmed PH in 10% (95% CI 3.4-16.5%) of all patients, with a prevalence of post-capillary PH of 6.25% (95% CI 0.95-11.55%) and pre-capillary PH of 3.75% (95% CI -0.4-7.9%). Patients with PH were older, had worse performance in 6MWTs, and more pronounced anaemia, haemolysis and renal dysfunction. Survival was shorter in patients with PH. Our study reinforced the use of echocardiography as a screening tool for PH in SCD and the mandatory role of RHC for proper diagnosis. Our findings confirmed the prognostic significance of PH in SCD as its association to pronounced haemolytic profile.


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FUNDAMENTO: Pouco se sabe, em nosso meio, sobre diferenças regionais no tratamento da coronariopatia aguda. OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento regional relativamente à utilização de terapêuticas comprovadamente úteis na coronariopatia aguda. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 71 hospitais, respeitando-se a proporcionalidade do país em relação à localização geográfica, entre outros critérios. Na população global, foi analisada regionalmente a utilização de AAS, clopidogrel, inibidor da ECA/bloqueador de AT1, betabloqueador e estatina, isoladamente e agrupados por escore individual que variou de 0 (nenhum medicamento utilizado) a 100 (todos utilizados). No infarto com supradesnivelamento de ST (IAMCSST) foram analisadas diferenças regionais sobre utilização de terapêuticas de recanalização (fibrinolíticos e angioplastia primária). RESULTADOS: No global da população, nas primeiras 24 horas de hospitalização, a média de escore na região Norte-Nordeste (70,5 ± 22,1) foi menor (p < 0,05) do que nas regiões Sudeste (77,7 ± 29,5), Centro-Oeste (82 ± 22,1) e Sul (82,4 ± 21). Por ocasião da alta, o escore da região Norte-Nordeste (61,4 ± 32,9) foi menor (p < 0,05) do que nas regiões Sudeste (69,2 ± 31,6), Centro-Oeste (65,3 ± 33,6), e Sul (73,7 ± 28,1); adicionalmente, o escore do Centro-Oeste foi menor (p < 0,05) do que o do Sul. No IAMCSST, o uso de terapêuticas de recanalização foi maior no Sudeste (75,4%, p = 0,001 em relação ao restante do país), e menor no Norte-Nordeste (52,5%, p < 0,001 em relação ao restante do país). CONCLUSÃO: O uso de terapêuticas comprovadamente úteis no tratamento da coronariopatia aguda está aquém do desejável no país, com importantes diferenças regionais.


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Foi avaliado o uso de cinco ou mais medicamentos (polifarmácia) e seus fatores associados por idosos do município de São Paulo. Realizou-se estudo transversal de base populacional: Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento, no ano de 2006. A amostra foi composta por 1.115 idosos com 65 anos e mais, que correspondiam a 422.377 indivíduos do Município de São Paulo. Utilizou-se regressão logística múltipla. A prevalência de polifarmácia foi de 36%. Sexo feminino (OR = 1,7; IC 95%: 1,0; 2,9), idade igual ou superior a 75 anos (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,3; 2,7), maior renda (OR = 1,8; IC 95%: 1,2; 2,8), estar trabalhando (OR = 1,8; IC 95%: 1,1; 2,9), auto avaliação de saúde regular (OR = 1,6; IC 95%: 1,1; 2,3) ou ruim (OR = 2,6; IC 95%: 1,4; 4,9), hipertensão (OR = 2,0; IC 95%: 1,4; 2,9), diabetes (OR = 4,1; IC 95%: 2,2; 7,5), doença reumática (OR = 2,3; IC 95%: 1,5; 3,6) e problemas cardíacos (OR = 2,9; IC 95%: 1,9; 4,5) apresentaram associação positiva com polifarmácia. Usar apenas o sistema público de saúde (OR = 0,5; IC 95%: 0,3; 0,7) associou-se inversamente à polifarmácia. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram os de ação no sistema cardiovascular e trato alimentar e metabolismo. No âmbito da farmacoepidemiologia, o conhecimento dos fatores associados a polifarmácia, como os identificados nesse estudo, pode ser útil para alertar os profissionais da saúde quanto à importância de identificar e monitorar os grupos de idosos mais vulneráveis a polifarmácia.


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Twelve ileal cannulated pigs (30.9 ± 2.7 kg) were used to determine the apparent (AID) and standardized (SID) ileal digestibility of protein and AA in canola meals (CM) derived from black- (BNB) and yellow-seeded (BNY) Brassica napus canola and yellow-seeded Brassica juncea (BJY). The meals were produced using either the conventional pre-press solvent extraction process (regular meal) or a new, vacuum-assisted cold process of meal de-solventization (white flakes) to provide 6 different meals. Six cornstarch-based diets containing 35% canola meal as the sole source of protein in a 3 (variety) × 2 (processing) factorial arrangement were randomly allotted to pigs in a 6 × 7 incomplete Latin square design to have 6 replicates per diet. A 5% casein diet was fed to estimate endogenous AA losses. Canola variety and processing method interacted for the AID of DM (P = 0.048), N (P = 0.010), and all AA (P < 0.05), except for Arg, Lys, Phe, Asp, Glu, and Pro. Canola variety affected or tended to affect the AID of most AA but had no effect on the AID of Lys, Met, Val, Cys, and Pro, whereas processing method had an effect on only Lys and Asp and tended to affect the AID of Thr, Gly and Ser. The effects of canola variety, processing method, and their interaction on the SID values for N and AA followed a similar pattern as for AID values. For the white flakes, SID of N in BJY (74.2%) was lower than in BNY and BNB, whose values averaged 78.5%; however, among the regular meals, BJY had a greater SID value for N than BNY and BNB (variety × processing, P = 0.015). For the white flakes, the SID of Ile (86.4%), Leu (87.6%), Lys (88.9%), Thr (87.6%) and Val (84.2%) in BNB were greater than BNY and BJY. Opposite results were observed for the regular processing, with SID of Lys (84.1%), Met (89.5%), Thr (84.1%), and Val (83.6%) being greater in BJY, followed by BNB and BNY(variety × processing, P < 0.057). The SID of Met was greatest for the white flakes (90.2%) but least for the regular processing (83.0%) in BNY (variety × processing, P < 0.057). It was concluded that the AID and SID of N and AA of the CM tested varied according to canola variety and the processing method used. Overall, the SID values for Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Thr, and Val averaged across CM types and processing methods were 81.8, 82.6, 83.4, 85.9, 80.8, and 78.4%, respectively.


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No supralitoral de praias arenosas, o número limitado de espécies da macrofauna e a maior constância destas entre praias (comparado ao médio litoral), apresenta-se ora como pró, ora como contra, a identificação de organismos adequados ao monitoramento e avaliação da qualidade ambiental. Assim, o crescente esforço para identificar padrões espaciais/temporais dessas espécies leva a um aumento de questionamentos metodológicos. Visamos responder se há necessidade de fixar condições de maré (alta ou baixa; sizígia ou quadratura) para estudos com o caranguejo Ocypode quadrata. 1) Altura da maré e quantificação de indivíduos. Nove praias foram avaliadas em cada estação do ano, através de três transectos de 2 m perpendiculares à linha d'água, em condições de maré aleatórias. A altura da maré foi registrada para cada transecto e correlacionada com: o comprimento total do transecto; a amplitude de ocorrência de O. quadrata. Houve correlação significativa entre a altura da maré e o comprimento dos transectos em 4 das 9 praias; em nenhum caso houve correlação significativa entre as amplitudes de maré e de ocorrência dos animais. 2) Marés de sizígia e quadratura e quantificação de indivíduos. Em uma área de estudo fixa, foram traçados transectos na preamar e baixa-mar das marés de sizígia e quadratura ao longo de um mês. Não houve variação significativa de acordo com o tipo de maré, mas houve aumento significativo ao longo do tempo. O estudo se iniciou em maré de sizígia, o que pode ter levado a menor média geral nessa condição. Assim, o estudo aponta que condições de maré não sejam essenciais para a quantificação de populações de Ocypode - contanto que se evite condições extremas -, um ponto facilitador do trabalho com este organismo.


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A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying hydroxocobalamin in human plasma using paracetamol as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (ethanol 100%; -20°C). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS). Chromatography was performed on Prevail C8 3 μm, analytical column (2.1×100 mm i.d.). The method had a chromatographic run time of 3.4 min and a linear calibration curve over the range 5-400 ng.mL-1 (r>0.9983). The limit of quantification was 5 ng.mL-1. The method was also validated without the use of the internal standard. The precision in the intra-batch validation with IS was 9.6%, 8.9%, 1.0% and 2.8% whereas without IS was 9.2%, 8.2%, 1.8% and 1.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in intra-batch validation with IS was 108.9%, 99.9%, 98.9% and 99.0% whereas without IS was 101.1%, 99.3%, 97.5% and 92.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The precision in the inter-batch validation with IS was 9.4%, 6.9%, 4.6% and 5.5% whereas without IS was 10.9%, 6.4%, 5.0% and 6.2% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in inter-batch validation with IS was 101.9%, 104.1%, 103.2% and 99.7% whereas without IS was 94.4%, 101.2%, 101.6% and 96.0% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. This HPLC-MS-MS procedure was used to assess the pharmacokinetics of Hydroxo cobalamin following intramuscular injection 5000 μg in healthy volunteers of both sexes (10 males and 10 females). The volunteers had the following clinical characteristics (according to gender and expressed as mean ± SD [range]): males: age: 32.40 ± 8.00 y [23.00-46.00], height: 1.73 ± 0.07 m [1.62-1.85], body weight: 72.48 ± 10.22 Kg [60.20- 88.00]; females: age: 28.60 ± 9.54 y [18.00-44.00], height: 1.60 ± 0.05 m [1.54-1.70], body weight: 58.64 ± 6.09 Kg [51.70- 66.70]. The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the hydroxocobalamin plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUClast, T1/2, Tmax, Vd, Cl, Cmax and Clast. The pharmacokinetic parameters were 120 (± 25) ng/mL for Cmax, 2044 (± 641) ng.h/mL for AUClast, 8 (± 3.2) ng.mL-1 for Clast, 38 (± 15.8) hr for T1/2 and 2.5 (range 1-6) hr for Tmax. Female volunteers presented significant (p=0.0136) lower AUC (1706 ± 704) ng.h/mL) and larger (p=0.0205) clearance (2.91 ± 1.41 L/hr), as compared to male 2383 ± 343 ng.h/mL and 1.76 ± 0.23 L/hr, respectively. These pharmacokinetic differences could explain the higher prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in female patients. The method described validated well without the use of the internal standard and this approach should be investigated in other HPLC-MS-MS methods.


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Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos de precondicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCI-R) no modelo de transplante de intestino delgado fetal. Métodos: foram constituídos dois grupos: transplante isogênico (Iso, camundongos C57BL/6, n=24) e transplante alogênico (Alo, camundongos BALB/c, n=24). Em cada grupo, distribuíram-se os animais com e sem PCI-R, que foi realizado por oclusão da artéria femoral esquerda da fêmea prenhe durante 10 minutos, seguida por tempo igual de reperfusão. O imunossupressor utilizado foi Tacrolimo (Fk, 5 mg/kg/dia v.o.). Ao final obteve-se os seguintes subgrupos: Alo-Tx, Alo-Pci, Alo-Fk, Alo-Pci-Fk, Iso-Tx, Iso-Pci, Iso-Fk e Iso-Pci-Fk. O enxerto foi transplantado no espaço entre o músculo reto-abdominal e pré- peritoneal dos receptores a meio centímetro do apêndice xifóide, à esquerda da linha mediana. Após o sétimo dia de seguimento, o enxerto foi removido, fixado e embebido em parafina para avaliação histomorfológica (desenvolvimento e rejeição) e análise imunohistoquímica (anti-PCNA e anti-caspase-3 clivada). Os dados foram analisados usando ANOVA e testes complementares e foi considerado significante quando p <0.05. Resultados: A avaliação do desenvolvimento do enxerto no grupo de Iso mostrou que o PCI-R reduziu o desenvolvimento comparado com Iso-Tx (5,2±0,4 vs 9,0±0,8), o Fk e sua associação com PCI-R aumentaram o desenvolvimento do enxerto comparado com PCI-R (11,2±0,7 e 10,2±0,8, respectivamente). No grupo Alo, o Fk e/ou sua associação com PCI-R aumentaram o desenvolvimento comparado com Alo-Tx e Alo com PCI-R (6,0±0,8, 9,0±1,2, 0,0±0,0, 0,5±0,3, respectivamente). A expressão de PCNA foi maior no grupo ISO em animais tratados com Fk e PCI-R comparados a outros grupos (12,2±0,8 vs Tx: 8,8±0,9, PCI-R: 8,0±0,4 e Fk: 9,0±0,6). No grupo Alo, a expressão de PCNA não diferiu entre grupos. A rejeição do enxerto foi menor nos grupos tratados com PCI-R (-18%), Fk (- 68%) ou ambos (-61%) comparados com Alo-Tx. A expressão de caspase-3 clivada foi menor no grupo Iso em animais tratados com associação de PCI-R e Fk (6,2 ±0,9 vs Tx: 8,6±0,5; PCI-R: 5,8 ±0,9 e Fk: 6,0 ±0,3). Conclusão: O PCIR mostrou efeito benéfico sobre a lesão de isquemia e reperfusão do enxerto intestinal fetal nos transplantes isogênico e alogênico, aumentando o número de células caliciformes e a proliferação celular. No transplante alogênico, aumentou o desenvolvimento do enxerto, diminuiu o grau de rejeição aguda na ausência de imunossupressão, porém não apresentou efeito sinérgico com o imunossupressor. No transplante isogênico houve diminuição do grau de desenvolvimento do enxerto, porém foi efetivo na redução da apoptose.


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[ES] Estudiamos el rendimiento en el salto vertical y como podría verse afectado por la composición corporal en 13 niñas que practicaban gimnasia rítmica (GR; 10.4 ± 0.9 años) y13 niñas control (CO; 9.9 ± 0.7 años). La composición corporal fue determinada mediante antropometría y DXA. Se realizaron saltos con y sin contramovimiento (CMJ y SJ) sobre una plataforma de fuerza analizándose entre otras variables la altura de vuelo (AV), velocidad de despegue (VD), velocidad vertical máxima del centro de masas (Vimax), la potencia media(Pm), el impulso mecánico positivo (Ipos), tiempo de fuerza máxima (Tfmax) y potencia instantánea máxima (Pimax). Las gimnastas consiguieron una AV, VD, Ipos y Vimax mayor en ambos saltos y una Pm, Tfmax y Pimax mayores en el CMJ que las control (p<0.05). En conclusión, practicar gimnasia rítmica se asocia a un mayor rendimiento en el salto vertical.


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[ES] El fenómeno del maltrato de hijos hacia padres y otros ascendientes se ha incrementado en los últimos años, como consecuencia de los cambios operados en la familia y en general en los valores que predominan en nuestra sociedad. Las conductas son muy variadas y pueden abarcar desde un insulto ocasional hasta el destrozo del mobiliario, el sometimiento de la voluntad de los progenitores o las agresiones físicas habituales. La respuesta a estas conductas debe ser temprana, siendo recomendable acudir a la ayuda de psicólogos y educadores, así como a los servicios sociales y en especial a los programas de intervención familiar diseñados específicamente para menores infractores. Cuando los hechos constituyen delito es necesario aplicar medidas que se adapten al perfil de estos menores y contemplen terapias proyectadas sobre las relaciones familiares. Entre estas medidas judiciales destaca la de convivencia con grupo educativo. Su efectividad dependerá mucho de la implicación de los mismos padres perjudicados


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The last decades have seen an unrivaled growth and diffusion of mobile telecommunications. Several standards have been developed to this purposes, from GSM mobile phone communications to WLAN IEEE 802.11, providing different services for the the transmission of signals ranging from voice to high data rate digital communications and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). In this wide research and market field, this thesis focuses on Ultra Wideband (UWB) communications, an emerging technology for providing very high data rate transmissions over very short distances. In particular the presented research deals with the circuit design of enabling blocks for MB-OFDM UWB CMOS single-chip transceivers, namely the frequency synthesizer and the transmission mixer and power amplifier. First we discuss three different models for the simulation of chargepump phase-locked loops, namely the continuous time s-domain and discrete time z-domain approximations and the exact semi-analytical time-domain model. The limitations of the two approximated models are analyzed in terms of error in the computed settling time as a function of loop parameters, deriving practical conditions under which the different models are reliable for fast settling PLLs up to fourth order. Besides, a phase noise analysis method based upon the time-domain model is introduced and compared to the results obtained by means of the s-domain model. We compare the three models over the simulation of a fast switching PLL to be integrated in a frequency synthesizer for WiMedia MB-OFDM UWB systems. In the second part, the theoretical analysis is applied to the design of a 60mW 3.4 to 9.2GHz 12 Bands frequency synthesizer for MB-OFDM UWB based on two wide-band PLLs. The design is presented and discussed up to layout level. A test chip has been implemented in TSMC CMOS 90nm technology, measured data is provided. The functionality of the circuit is proved and specifications are met with state-of-the-art area occupation and power consumption. The last part of the thesis deals with the design of a transmission mixer and a power amplifier for MB-OFDM UWB band group 1. The design has been carried on up to layout level in ST Microlectronics 65nm CMOS technology. Main characteristics of the systems are the wideband behavior (1.6 GHz of bandwidth) and the constant behavior over process parameters, temperature and supply voltage thanks to the design of dedicated adaptive biasing circuits.


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Recent reports showed that early-interim PET-scan is the only tool predicting treatment outcome in advanced-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (asCHL). We evaluated the prognostic impact of a series of immunohistochemical markers, mentioned in literature as prognostic factors, on tissue microarrays assembled from biopsies of 220 patients: STAT1, SAP, TOP2A, PCNA and CD20, both in neoplastic (HRSC) and microenvironment cells (MC); RRM2, MAD2, CDC2, BCL2, P53, BCL11A and EBER in HRSC; ALDH1A1, TIA-1, granzyme B, perforin, FOXP3, and PD-1 in MC. All patients had been treated with standard ABVD ± Rx therapy. Interim-PET after 2 ABVD courses was evaluated according to the criteria indicated by Gallamini in his study (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007). The survival analysis has been performed in a subset of 138 patients whose complete clinical information were available: the mean age was 33.3 years (14-79), the stage III-IVB in 98 and IIB in 40, and the mean follow-up 38.1 months (7.6-71.9). Histopathology review showed: NS-I 75, NS-II 22, MC 20, DL 3, and CHL/nos 18 cases. Interim-PET was positive in 30 patients, while treatment failure was recorded in 32. In univariate analysis the factors related to treatment outcome were BCL2 on HRSC (cut-off value 50%), STAT1/SAP on MC, and PET (Log-rank 6.9, 7.9 and 93.9 respectively). The combined expression of STAT1 and SAP was scored in three levels depending on the architectural pattern: score 0 for expression of both with a diffuse/rosetting pattern; score 1 for discordant combination of diffuse/rosetting and scattered patterns; score 2 for both markers with a scattered pattern; the 3y-PFS were 87.4%, 69.9% and 61.9% respectively. In multivariate analysis PET, BCL2 and STAT1/SAP remained significant (HR: 24.8, 4.6, 7.5 and 5.6, respectively; p<.01). The proposed model is able to predict treatment response in AsCHL, even if with a lower efficacy than PET. However, unlike PET, it can be applied upfront therapy.


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Die Hypersilylgruppe (Me3Si)3Si stellt einen sehr sperrigen, Elektronen liefernden Substituenten dar und kann zur Stabilisierung niedriger Oxidationsstufen sowie ungewöhnlicher Strukturelemente dienen. Durch Reaktionen der base-freien Hypersilanide der Alkalimetalle sowie des Dihypersilylplumbandiyls mit unterschiedlichsten phosphorhaltigen Reagenzien konnten eine Reihe hypersilyl-stabilisierter Phosphor- und Bleicluster-Verbindungen erhalten werden. Kaliumhypersilanid reagiert in Toluol glatt mit weißem Phosphor bei Raumtemperatur in Toluol unter quantitativer Bildung von rotem Kalium-bis(hypersilyl)tetraphosphenid [(Me3Si)3Si]2P4K2 (1), einem Kaliumsalz des Tetraphosphens (Me3Si)3Si-PH-P=P-PH-Si(SiMe3)3. In Benzol oder Toluol steht 1 im Gleichgewicht mit dem dimeren Octaphosphanid [(Me3Si)3Si]4P8K4 (2). Bei längerem Stehen der toluolischen Lösungen zerfällt 1 langsam vermutlich in Folge einer Protolyse zum gelben Pentaphosphanid [(Me3Si)3Si]3P5K2 (4). Aus benzolischer Lösung konnte hingegen ein weiteres Oktaphosphanid, [(Me3Si)3Si]3P8K3 (5), isoliert werden. Führt man die Reaktion Kaliumhypersilanid mit P4 in stärker koordinierenden Lösungsmitteln wie Diethylether durch, so entstehen neben 1 größere Mengen des Triphosphenids [(Me3Si)3Si]2P3K (3); dieses enthält ein Triphosphaallyl-Anion mit partieller P-P-Doppelbindung. Setzt man Lithiumhypersilanid mit weißem Phosphor um, so beobachtet man eine vollständig andere Produktpallette. Als Hauptprodukte lassen Polyphosphane wie beispielsweise [(Me3Si)3Si]2P4 (6) nachweisen, das zu 1 analoge [(Me3Si)3Si]2P4Li2 (7) entsteht nur in vergleichsweise kleinen Mengen. In der Gegenwart von Hexahydro-1,3,5-trimethyl-S-triazin, entsteht aus Lithiumhypersilanid und P4 hingegen im wesentlichen [(Me3Si)3Si]2P3Li (8) neben beträchtlichen Mengen von (Me3Si)4Si. Dessen Bildung erfordert eine Si-Si-Bindungsspaltung im Verlauf der Reaktion. Die Reaktion von Natriumhypersilanid mit P4 verläuft sehr unübersichtlich, das Pentaphosphanid [(Me3Si)3Si]3P5Na2 (9) ist das einzige isolierbare Produkt. Setzt man 1 mit [(Me3Si)2Si]2Sn um, so bilden sich überraschenderweise, je nach verwendetem Solvens [(Me3Si)3Si]3P4SnK (10) oder [(Me3Si)3Si]2[(Me3Si)2N]P4SnK (11). Alle neuen Verbindungen wurden NMR-spektroskopisch charakterisiert, die Phosphenide 1, 7, 8 sowie die Phosphanide 2, 4, 5, 9, 10 darüber hinaus durch Kristallstrukturanalysen. Dihypersilylplumbandiyl und -stannandiyl reagieren bei tiefer Temperatur mit P4, MPH2 (M=Li, K), PMe3, and PH3 zu formalen Lewis-Säure-Base-Addukten. Die Addukte {[(Me3Si)3Si]2PbPH2}M [M = Li (15), K (18)], {{[(Me3Si)3Si]2Pb}2PH2}M [M = Li (19), K (20)], und [(Me3Si)3Si]2EPMe3 [E = Pb (21), Sn (22)] wurden als kristalline Feststoffe erhalten und konnten vollständig charakterisiert werden. Die metastabilen Addukte {[(Me3Si)3Si]2E}4P4 (E = Pb, Sn) und [(Me3Si)3Si]2PbPH3 konnten lediglich NMR-spektroskopisch nachgewiesen werden. Bei Raumtemperatur entstehen in Folge von Ligandenaustausch-Prozessen die kristallographisch charakterisierten Heterokubane [(Me3Si)3Si]4P4E4 [E = Pb (12), Sn (14)], das Diphosphen (Me3Si)3SiP=PSi(SiMe3)3 (13) sowie der Pb2P2-Heterocyclus [(Me3Si)3SiPbP(H)Si(SiMe3)3]2 (17). Bei tiefer Temperatur wird aus einer sehr langsamen Reaktion von Dihypersilylplumbandiyl und PH3 in sehr kleinen Ausbeuten ein weiteres, völlig unerwartetes Produkt gebildet: der Bleicluster [(Me3Si)3Si]6Pb12 (23). Er weist ein verzerrt ikosaedrisches, zentrosymmetrisches Pb12-Gerüst auf. Nach jetzigen Erkenntnissen läuft seine Bildung über das nicht fassbare Hydridoplumbandiyl HPbSi(SiMe3)3, das intermediär durch Substituentenaustausch zwischen Pb[Si(SiMe3)3]2 and PH3 entsteht. Der Ersatz des Phosphans durch andere Hydridquellen wie (Ph3PCuH)6, (iBu)2AlH, and Me3NAlH3 führt ebenfalls zur Bildung von Bleiclustern, allerdings ist jetzt der Cluster [(Me3Si)3Si]6Pb10 (24) das Hauptprodukt. Beide Cluster, 23 und 24, gehorchen den Wade-Regeln.