996 resultados para 310-M0005D
This paper describes the resettlement process of a community devastated by annual floods, to newly constructed housing in Pune, India. The relocation from Kamgar Putala slum to a housing society at Hadapsar was organized by a community-led NGO partnership in 2004. The housing development was coordinated by the local NGO Shelter Associates with significant community participation. The housing has been revisited in 2010 to evaluate the sustainability of the resettlement project's delivery model via stakeholder perception. The process of organizing for resettlement after natural disaster is described along with the implementation and evaluation of the new housing nearly six years after initial occupation. The strong partnership approach overcame a series of political and financial hurdles at various stages of the relocation project. The story of resettling Kamgar Putala is detailed alongside an outline of the current political climate for an alternative slum-upgrading policy in India and Pune. The advantages of an empowered community supported by an influential local NGO demonstrate a commendable team effort which has tackled the threat of floods. The paper highlights the merits of a community-led partnership approach to housing development for achieving sustainable urban development as well as the alleviation of poverty in a developing context. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
在对江汉平原钻孔中属晚更新世地层的化石硅藻进行鉴定时,发现1个新种:Geissleria jianghanensis sp.nov.Li,2个中国新记录属:Geissleria和Aneumast us,6个中国新记录:Cymbella neuquina var.fastigata(Krasske)Krammer,Maidana et Villanueva,Cymbella perfossilis Krammer,Cymbella neocistula Krammer,Cym-bella neocistul
Technology roadmapping has been used to strategise the development of energy technologies. However, there have been limited roadmapping applications that analyse the emergence of a new energy technology that then forms a new industry and propels broad-based low-carbon economic growth. This paper, therefore, attempts to develop a roadmapping framework by integrating the lifecycle analysis tool, in order to strategise the emergence of dimethyl ether, an alternative energy based on advanced engineering technologies such as carbon capture and storage. This paper compares two scenarios of dimethyl ether vs. diesel and finds that the superiority of dimethyl ether will not arise until 2030, when the complementary engineering technologies become available. This proposed framework can also be generalised to other clean energy industries, and we anticipate our paper will spark inspiration for roadmapping and strategising the 'right' technologies for the growth of Chinese energy industries. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
比较了鱼类养殖前后 ,地下水中正磷酸盐 (o P)浓度、碱性磷酸酶活性 (APA)在不同大小颗粒之间的分布、溶解态APA对pH、温度、CuSO4、ZnSO4、EDTA 2Na与表面活性剂 (CTAB与TritonX 10 0 )的应答方式及其动力学特征。养鱼之后 ,玻璃缸水中碱性磷酸酶表现出明显较高的活性 ,且以溶解态为主要存在形式 ,这种效应与鱼类的品种有关 ,溶解态APA的最大反应速度 (Vmax)与米氏常数 (Km)均明显提高 ,最适温度与pH值以及对于Zn2 + 的应答方式亦发生明显改变 ,颗粒结
淡水生态系统中的复杂性问题 ,可由水体类型的复杂性 ,水体形成的复杂性 ,水生生物的多样性 ,以及生态系统结构、功能的复杂性和格局、过程的复杂性 ,流域影响的复杂性 ,人类干扰的复杂性等构成 .简要介绍了中国淡水生态学研究的某些进展与动态 ,并针对淡水生态学研究所面临的主要问题———湖泊富营养化和蓝藻水华上暴发的相关研究作了介绍 ;结合国际生态学研究的最新动态 ,还探讨了淡水生态学研究可能的发展方向 .淡水生态系统复杂性研究可能取得的进展有如下几个方面 :RCC (rivercontinuumconcep
运用聚类分析和主成分分析对香溪河 19个样点水质的理化特性进行研究 .聚类分析表明 ,根据各采样点之间水质组分的相似性可将香溪河大致分为 3个河段 ,分别属于不同的亚流域 ,各亚流域间的特征差异显著 .对各河段水质的主成分分析表明 ,上述 3河段的主要水质信息差异很大 ,第 1河段 (在河流上游 )水质的信息主要体现为总碱度和硬度 ,第 2河段 (河流中游 )主要体现为可溶性磷酸盐、总磷和氯离子 ,第 3河段 (河流下游 )则为 pH、亚硝酸盐氮、总氮和COD .文中结合香溪河流域地理环境背景 ,探讨了香
本文首次对低温保存的三株草鱼呼肠孤病毒GCRV873 、GCRV875、GCRV876与新分离的GCRV991毒株进行了细胞培养与病毒感染特性等比较研究。结果表明 ,GCRV873 、GCRV875、GCRV876在 - 30℃保存 10年后仍然具有一定的感染性 ,其滴度均在 10 2 TCID50 /mL以上 ,略低于从病鱼组织分离的GCRV991毒株的滴价。经传代培养后 ,四株GCRV的毒力逐渐升高 ,并趋于稳定 ;当感染复数 (MOI)为 0 .0 5PFU/cell时 ,测定四株GCRV的滴度均高
在江汉平原濒临长江北岸的洪湖及其周围的土壤中 ,分别取得沉积物柱状钻孔样品和土壤剖面样品 ,用偏光显微镜和电子显微镜观察了 2 .5kaBP以来形成的三种湖相粘土的微结构特征 ,并以此解释的其成因和沉积环境 .0 .9- 2 .5kaBP期间形成的青色粘土的典型微结构有 :凝胶结构、细颗粒粒径和小孔隙、矿物颗粒低圆度和淡水中心冈硅藻等生物框架结构 .主要是有机质胶体与粘土胶体相互作用形成的 .此期间 ,河流带入湖泊的泥沙少 ,洪湖拥有一个开阔、稳定、浮游生物较多的淡水湖泊环境 .0 .4 5 - 1kaB
以武汉东湖为对象 ,研究了 1 998.0 3— 1 999.0 2期间不同营养水平湖区底泥中 (0—5cm ,5— 1 0cm)总磷的含量及季节动态。 6个站平均总磷含量为 1 .1 5mg/g ,同 80年代初相比 ,Ⅰ、Ⅱ站底泥中总磷含量分别增高 1 .42倍和 1 .0 3倍。受污水排放影响较重的 0站磷含量高达 2 .78mg/g,而受污水排放影响较小的Ⅳ、Ⅴ站仅分别为 0 .52mg/g和 0 .50mg/g。东湖底泥中磷年平均含量与湖水中磷年平均浓度相关系数极高 (r=0 .997,n =5