937 resultados para 270103 Protein Targeting and Signal Transduction


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The SCF ubiquitin ligase complex of budding yeast triggers DNA replication by cata lyzi ng ubiquitination of the S phase CDK inhibitor SIC1. SCF is composed of several evolutionarily conserved proteins, including ySKP1, CDC53 (Cullin), and the F-box protein CDC4. We isolated hSKP1 in a two-hybrid screen with hCUL1, the human homologue of CDC53. We showed that hCUL1 associates with hSKP1 in vivo and directly interacts with hSKP1 and the human F-box protein SKP2 in vitro, forming an SCF-Iike particle. Moreover, hCUL1 complements the growth defect of yeast CDC53^(ts) mutants, associates with ubiquitination-promoting activity in human cell extracts, and can assemble into functional, chimeric ubiquitin ligase complexes with yeast SCF components. These data demonstrated that hCUL1 functions as part of an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in human cells. However, purified human SCF complexes consisting of CUL1, SKP1, and SKP2 are inactive in vitro, suggesting that additional factors are required.

Subsequently, mammalian SCF ubiquitin ligases were shown to regulate various physiological processes by targeting important cellular regulators, like lĸBα, β-catenin, and p27, for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis by the 26S proteasome. Little, however, is known about the regulation of various SCF complexes. By using sequential immunoaffinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified proteins that interact with human SCF components SKP2 and CUL1 in vivo. Among them we identified two additional SCF subunits: HRT1, present in all SCF complexes, and CKS1, that binds to SKP2 and is likely to be a subunit of SCF5^(SKP2) complexes. Subsequent work by others demonstrated that these proteins are essential for SCF activity. We also discovered that COP9 Signalosome (CSN), previously described in plants as a suppressor of photomorphogenesis, associates with CUL1 and other SCF subunits in vivo. This interaction is evolutionarily conserved and is also observed with other Cullins, suggesting that all Cullin based ubiquitin ligases are regulated by CSN. CSN regulates Cullin Neddylation presumably through CSNS/JAB1, a stochiometric Signalosome subunit and a putative deneddylating enzyme. This work sheds light onto an intricate connection that exists between signal transduction pathways and protein degradation machinery inside the cell and sets stage for gaining further insights into regulation of protein degradation.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a large superfamily involved in various types of signal transduction pathways, and play an important role in coordinating the activation and migration of leukocytes to sites of infection and inflammation. Viral GPCRs, on the other hand, can help the virus to escape from host immune surveillance and contribute to viral pathogenesis. Lymphocystis disease virus isolated in China (LCDV-C) contains a putative homolog of cellular GPCRs, LCDV-C GPCR. In this paper, LCDV-C GPCR was cloned, and the subcellular localization and characterization of GPCR protein were investigated in fish cells. LCDV-C GPCR encoded a 325-amino acid peptide, containing a typical seven-transmembrane domain characteristic of the chemokine receptors and a conserved DRY motif that is usually essential for receptor activation. Transient transfection of GPCR-EGFP in fathead minnow (FHM) cells and epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells indicated that LCDV-C GPCR was expressed abundantly in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Transient overexpression of GPCR in these two cells cannot induce obvious apoptosis. FHM cells stably expressing GPCR showed enhanced cell proliferation and significant anchorage-independent growth. The effects of GPCR protein on external apoptotic stimuli were examined. Few apoptotic bodies were observed in cells expressing GPCR treated with actinomycin D (ActD). Quantitative analysis of apoptotic cells indicated that a considerable decrease in the apoptotic fraction of cells expressing GPCR, compared with. the control cells, was detected after exposure to ActD and cycloheximide. These data suggest that LCDV-C GPCR may inhibit apoptosis as part of its potential mechanism in mediating cellular transformation.


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Three-protein circadian oscillations in cyanobacteria sustain for weeks. To understand how cellular oscillations function robustly in stochastic fluctuating environments, we used a stochastic model to uncover two natures of circadian oscillation: the potential landscape related to steady-state probability distribution of protein concentrations; and the corresponding flux related to speed of concentration changes which drive the oscillations. The barrier height of escaping from the oscillation attractor on the landscape provides a quantitative measure of the robustness and coherence for oscillations against intrinsic and external fluctuations. The difference between the locations of the zero total driving force and the extremal of the potential provides a possible experimental probe and quantification of the force from curl flux. These results, correlated with experiments, can help in the design of robust oscillatory networks.


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Peroxiredoxin (Prx) is known to be an antioxidant protein that protects the organisms against various oxidative stresses and functions in intracellular signal transduction. A Prx gene was firstly isolated in the crustacean, Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full-length cDNA consists of 942 bp with a 594 bp open reading frame, encoding 198 amino acids. The molecular mass of the deduced amino acid is 22041.17 Da with an estimated pI of 5.17. Sequence comparison showed that Prx of F. chinensis shares 76%, 73% and 72% identity with that of Aedes aegypti, Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtaunese and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of Prx transcripts of F chinensis in all tissues examined. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that the Prx showed different expression profiles in shrimp hemocytes and hepatopancreas after artificial infection with Vibrio anguillarum. In addition, a fusion protein containing Prx was produced in vitro. LC-ESI-MS analysis showed that four peptide fragments of the recombinant protein were identical to the corresponding sequence of F. chinensis Prx. And the purified recombinant proteins were shown to reduce H2O2 in the presence of dithiothreitol. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oxidative stress is a deleterious stressor associated with a plethora of disease and aging manifestations, including neurodegenerative disorders, yet very few factors and mechanisms promoting the neuroprotection of photoreceptor and other neurons against oxidative stress are known. Insufficiency of RAN-binding protein-2 (RANBP2), a large, mosaic protein with pleiotropic functions, suppresses apoptosis of photoreceptor neurons upon aging and light-elicited oxidative stress, and promotes age-dependent tumorigenesis by mechanisms that are not well understood. Here we show that, by downregulating selective partners of RANBP2, such as RAN GTPase, UBC9 and ErbB-2 (HER2; Neu), and blunting the upregulation of a set of orphan nuclear receptors and the light-dependent accumulation of ubiquitylated substrates, light-elicited oxidative stress and Ranbp2 haploinsufficiency have a selective effect on protein homeostasis in the retina. Among the nuclear orphan receptors affected by insufficiency of RANBP2, we identified an isoform of COUP-TFI (Nr2f1) as the only receptor stably co-associating in vivo with RANBP2 and distinct isoforms of UBC9. Strikingly, most changes in proteostasis caused by insufficiency of RANBP2 in the retina are not observed in the supporting tissue, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Instead, insufficiency of RANBP2 in the RPE prominently suppresses the light-dependent accumulation of lipophilic deposits, and it has divergent effects on the accumulation of free cholesterol and free fatty acids despite the genotype-independent increase of light-elicited oxidative stress in this tissue. Thus, the data indicate that insufficiency of RANBP2 results in the cell-type-dependent downregulation of protein and lipid homeostasis, acting on functionally interconnected pathways in response to oxidative stress. These results provide a rationale for the neuroprotection from light damage of photosensory neurons by RANBP2 insufficiency and for the identification of novel therapeutic targets and approaches promoting neuroprotection.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a prevalent human fungal pathogen that must survive within various tissues in order to establish a human infection. We have identified the C. neoformans Rim101 transcription factor, a highly conserved pH-response regulator in many fungal species. The rim101 multiply sign in circle mutant strain displays growth defects similar to other fungal species in the presence of alkaline pH, increased salt concentrations, and iron limitation. However, the rim101 multiply sign in circle strain is also characterized by a striking defect in capsule, an important virulence-associated phenotype. This capsular defect is likely due to alterations in polysaccharide attachment to the cell surface, not in polysaccharide biosynthesis. In contrast to many other C. neoformans capsule-defective strains, the rim101 multiply sign in circle mutant is hypervirulent in animal models of cryptococcosis. Whereas Rim101 activation in other fungal species occurs through the conserved Rim pathway, we demonstrate that C. neoformans Rim101 is also activated by the cAMP/PKA pathway. We report here that C. neoformans uses PKA and the Rim pathway to regulate the localization, activation, and processing of the Rim101 transcription factor. We also demonstrate specific host-relevant activating conditions for Rim101 cleavage, showing that C. neoformans has co-opted conserved signaling pathways to respond to the specific niche within the infected host. These results establish a novel mechanism for Rim101 activation and the integration of two conserved signaling cascades in response to host environmental conditions.


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Fungal pathogens exploit diverse mechanisms to survive exposure to antifungal drugs. This poses concern given the limited number of clinically useful antifungals and the growing population of immunocompromised individuals vulnerable to life-threatening fungal infection. To identify molecules that abrogate resistance to the most widely deployed class of antifungals, the azoles, we conducted a screen of 1,280 pharmacologically active compounds. Three out of seven hits that abolished azole resistance of a resistant mutant of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a clinical isolate of the leading human fungal pathogen Candida albicans were inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), which regulates cell wall integrity during growth, morphogenesis, and response to cell wall stress. Pharmacological or genetic impairment of Pkc1 conferred hypersensitivity to multiple drugs that target synthesis of the key cell membrane sterol ergosterol, including azoles, allylamines, and morpholines. Pkc1 enabled survival of cell membrane stress at least in part via the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in both species, though through distinct downstream effectors. Strikingly, inhibition of Pkc1 phenocopied inhibition of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 or its client protein calcineurin. PKC signaling was required for calcineurin activation in response to drug exposure in S. cerevisiae. In contrast, Pkc1 and calcineurin independently regulate drug resistance via a common target in C. albicans. We identified an additional level of regulatory control in the C. albicans circuitry linking PKC signaling, Hsp90, and calcineurin as genetic reduction of Hsp90 led to depletion of the terminal MAPK, Mkc1. Deletion of C. albicans PKC1 rendered fungistatic ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors fungicidal and attenuated virulence in a murine model of systemic candidiasis. This work establishes a new role for PKC signaling in drug resistance, novel circuitry through which Hsp90 regulates drug resistance, and that targeting stress response signaling provides a promising strategy for treating life-threatening fungal infections.


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BACKGROUND: Impaired myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signaling, including desensitization and functional uncoupling, is a characteristic of congestive heart failure. A contributing mechanism for this impairment may involve enhanced myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) activity because levels of this betaAR-desensitizing G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) are increased in heart failure. An hypothesis has emerged that increased sympathetic nervous system activity associated with heart failure might be the initial stimulus for betaAR signaling alterations, including desensitization. We have chronically treated mice with drugs that either activate or antagonize betaARs to study the dynamic relationship between betaAR activation and myocardial levels of betaARK1. METHODS AND RESULTS: Long-term in vivo stimulation of betaARs results in the impairment of cardiac +betaAR signaling and increases the level of expression (mRNA and protein) and activity of +betaARK1 but not that of GRK5, a second GRK abundantly expressed in the myocardium. Long-term beta-blocker treatment, including the use of carvedilol, improves myocardial betaAR signaling and reduces betaARK1 levels in a specific and dose-dependent manner. Identical results were obtained in vitro in cultured cells, demonstrating that the regulation of GRK expression is directly linked to betaAR signaling. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates, for the first time, that betaAR stimulation can significantly increase the expression of betaARK1 , whereas beta-blockade decreases expression. This reciprocal regulation of betaARK1 documents a novel mechanism of ligand-induced betaAR regulation and provides important insights into the potential mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, in the treatment of heart failure.


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Stimulation of a mutant angiotensin type 1A receptor (DRY/AAY) with angiotensin II (Ang II) or of a wild-type receptor with an Ang II analog ([sarcosine1,Ile4,Ile8]Ang II) fails to activate classical heterotrimeric G protein signaling but does lead to recruitment of beta-arrestin 2-GFP and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) (maximum stimulation approximately 50% of wild type). This G protein-independent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase is abolished by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 but is unaffected by the PKC inhibitor Ro-31-8425. In parallel, stimulation of the wild-type angiotensin type 1A receptor with Ang II robustly stimulates ERK1/2 activation with approximately 60% of the response blocked by the PKC inhibitor (G protein dependent) and the rest of the response blocked by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 by small interfering RNA (beta-arrestin dependent). These findings imply the existence of independent G protein- and beta-arrestin 2-mediated pathways leading to ERK1/2 activation and the existence of distinct "active" conformations of a seven-membrane-spanning receptor coupled to each.


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Restenosis continues to be a major problem limiting the effectiveness of revascularization procedures. To date, the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins in the triggering of pathological vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cell proliferation have not been elucidated. betagamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (Gbetagamma) are known to activate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases after stimulation of certain G protein-coupled receptors; however, their relevance in VSM mitogenesis in vitro or in vivo is not known. Using adenoviral-mediated transfer of a transgene encoding a peptide inhibitor of Gbetagamma signaling (betaARKct), we evaluated the role of Gbetagamma in MAP kinase activation and proliferation in response to several mitogens, including serum, in cultured rat VSM cells. Our results include the striking finding that serum-induced proliferation of VSM cells in vitro is mediated largely via Gbetagamma. Furthermore, we studied the effects of in vivo adenoviral-mediated betaARKct gene transfer on VSM intimal hyperplasia in a rat carotid artery restenosis model. Our in vivo results demonstrated that the presence of the betaARKct in injured rat carotid arteries significantly reduced VSM intimal hyperplasia by 70%. Thus, Gbetagamma plays a critical role in physiological VSM proliferation, and targeted Gbetagamma inhibition represents a novel approach for the treatment of pathological conditions such as restenosis.


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Phosphorylation of GTP-binding-regulatory (G)-protein-coupled receptors by specific G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) is a major mechanism responsible for agonist-mediated desensitization of signal transduction processes. However, to date, studies of the specificity of these enzymes have been hampered by the difficulty of preparing the purified and reconstituted receptor preparations required as substrates. Here we describe an approach that obviates this problem by utilizing highly purified membrane preparations from Sf9 and 293 cells overexpressing G-protein-coupled receptors. We use this technique to demonstrate specificity of several GRKs with respect to both receptor substrates and the enhancing effects of G-protein beta gamma subunits on phosphorylation. Enriched membrane preparations of the beta 2- and alpha 2-C2-adrenergic receptors (ARs, where alpha 2-C2-AR refers to the AR whose gene is located on human chromosome 2) prepared by sucrose density gradient centrifugation from Sf9 or 293 cells contain the receptor at 100-300 pmol/mg of protein and serve as efficient substrates for agonist-dependent phosphorylation by beta-AR kinase 1 (GRK2), beta-AR kinase 2 (GRK3), or GRK5. Stoichiometries of agonist-mediated phosphorylation of the receptors by GRK2 (beta-AR kinase 1), in the absence and presence of G beta gamma, are 1 and 3 mol/mol, respectively. The rate of phosphorylation of the membrane receptors is 3 times faster than that of purified and reconstituted receptors. While phosphorylation of the beta 2-AR by GRK2, -3, and -5 is similar, the activity of GRK2 and -3 is enhanced by G beta gamma whereas that of GRK5 is not. In contrast, whereas GRK2 and -3 efficiently phosphorylate alpha 2-C2-AR, GRK5 is quite weak. The availability of a simple direct phosphorylation assay applicable to any cloned G-protein-coupled receptor should greatly facilitate elucidation of the mechanisms of regulation of these receptors by the expanding family of GRKs.


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) phosphorylates its membrane-associated receptor substrates, such as the beta-adrenergic receptor, triggering events leading to receptor desensitization. beta ARK activity is markedly stimulated by the isoprenylated beta gamma subunit complex of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G beta gamma), which translocates the kinase to the plasma membrane and thereby targets it to its receptor substrate. The amino-terminal two-thirds of beta ARK1 composes the receptor recognition and catalytic domains, while the carboxyl third contains the G beta gamma binding sequences, the targeting domain. We prepared this domain as a recombinant His6 fusion protein from Escherichia coli and found that it had both independent secondary structure and functional activity. We demonstrated the inhibitory properties of this domain against G beta gamma activation of type II adenylyl cyclase both in a reconstituted system utilizing Sf9 insect cell membranes and in a permeabilized 293 human embryonic kidney cell system. Gi alpha-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase was not affected. These data suggest that this His6 fusion protein derived from the carboxyl terminus of beta ARK1 provides a specific probe for defining G beta gamma-mediated processes and for studying the structural features of a G beta gamma-binding domain.


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3-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) plays a central role in signal transduction pathways that activate phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Despite its key role as an upstream activator of enzymes such as protein kinase B and p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, the regulatory mechanisms controlling PDK1 activity are poorly understood. PDK1 has been reported to be constitutively active in resting cells and not further activated by growth factor stimulation (Casamayor, A., Morrice, N. A., and Alessi, D. R. (1999) Biochem. J. 342, 287-292). Here, we report that PDK1 becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated and translocates to the plasma membrane in response to pervanadate and insulin. Following pervanadate treatment, PDK1 kinase activity increased 1.5- to 3-fold whereas the activity of PDK1 associated with the plasma membrane increased similar to6-fold. The activity of PDK1 localized to the plasma membrane was also increased by insulin treatment. Three tyrosine phosphorylation sites of PDK1 (Tyr-9 and Tyr-373/376) were identified using in vivo labeling and mass spectrometry. Using site-directed mutants, we show that, although phosphorylation on Tyr-373/376 is important for PDK1 activity, phosphorylation on Tyr-9 has no effect on the activity of the kinase. Both of these residues can be phosphorylated by v-Src tyrosine kinase in vitro, and co-expression of v-Src leads to tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of PDK1. Thus, these data suggest that PDK1 activity is regulated by reversible phosphorylation, possibly by a member of the Src kinase family.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute one of the largest groupings of eukaryotic proteins, and represent a particularly lucrative set of pharmaceutical targets. They play an important role in eukaryotic signal transduction and physiology, mediating cellular responses to a diverse range of extracellular stimuli. The phylum Platyhelminthes is of considerable medical and biological importance, housing major pathogens as well as established model organisms. The recent availability of genomic data for the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni and the model planarian Schmidtea mediterranea paves the way for the first comprehensive effort to identify and analyze GPCRs in this important phylum.


Application of a novel transmembrane-oriented approach to receptor mining led to the discovery of 117 S. mansoni GPCRs, representing all of the major families; 105 Rhodopsin, 2 Glutamate, 3 Adhesion, 2 Secretin and 5 Frizzled. Similarly, 418 Rhodopsin, 9 Glutamate, 21 Adhesion, 1 Secretin and 11 Frizzled S. mediterranea receptors were identified. Among these, we report the identification of novel receptor groupings, including a large and highly-diverged Platyhelminth-specific Rhodopsin subfamily, a planarian-specific Adhesion-like family, and atypical Glutamate-like receptors. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out following extensive gene curation. Support vector machines (SVMs) were trained and used for ligand-based classification of full-length Rhodopsin GPCRs, complementing phylogenetic and homology-based classification.


Genome-wide investigation of GPCRs in two platyhelminth genomes reveals an extensive and complex receptor signaling repertoire with many unique features. This work provides important sequence and functional leads for understanding basic flatworm receptor biology, and sheds light on a lucrative set of anthelmintic drug targets.


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SRC family kinases play essential roles in a variety of cellular functions, including proliferation, survival, differentiation, and apoptosis. The activities of these kinases are regulated by intramolecular interactions and by heterologous binding partners that modulate the transition between active and inactive structural conformations. p130(CAS) (CAS) binds directly to both the SH2 and SH3 domains of c-SRC and therefore has the potential to structurally alter and activate this kinase. In this report, we demonstrate that overexpression of full-length CAS in COS-1 cells induces c-SRC-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple endogenous cellular proteins. A carboxy-terminal fragment of CAS (CAS-CT), which contains the c-SRC binding site, was sufficient to induce c-SRC-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity, as measured by tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin, paxillin, and, to a lesser extent, focal adhesion kinase. A single amino acid substitution located in the binding site for the SRC SH3 domain of CAS-CT disrupted CAS-CT's interaction with c-SRC and inhibited its ability to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and paxillin. Murine C3H10T1/2 fibroblasts that expressed elevated levels of tyrosine phosphorylated CAS and c-SRC-CAS complexes exhibited an enhanced ability to form colonies in soft agar and to proliferate in the absence of serum or growth factors. CAS-CT fully substituted for CAS in mediating growth in soft agar but was less effective in promoting serum-independent growth. These data suggest that CAS plays an important role in regulating specific signaling pathways governing cell growth and/or survival, in part through its ability to interact with and modulate the activity of c-SRC.