997 resultados para 250100 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)


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The participation of a nitrogen atom acting as an electrophile in pnicogen bonding, a hitherto unexplored interaction has been established by experimental charge density analysis. QTAIM and NBO analyses ratify this observation.


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Power conversion efficiency of a solar cell is a complex parameter which usually hides the molecular details of the charge generation process. For rationally tailoring the overall device efficiency of the dye-sensitized solar cell, detailed molecular understanding of photoinduced reactions at the dye-TiO2 interface has to be achieved. Recently, near-IR absorbing diketopyrrolopyrrole-based (DPP) low bandgap polymeric dyes with enhanced photostabilities have been used for TiO2 sensitization with moderate efficiencies. To improve the reported device performances, a critical analysis of the polymerTiO(2) interaction and electron transfer dynamics is imperative. Employing a combination of time-resolved optical measurements complemented by low temperature EPR and steady-state Raman spectroscopy on polymerTiO(2) conjugates, we provide direct evidence for photoinduced electron injection from the TDPP-BBT polymer singlet state into TiO2 through the C-O group of the DPP-core. A detailed excited state description of the electron transfer process in films reveals instrument response function (IRF) limited (<110 fs) charge injection from a minor polymer fraction followed by a picosecond recombination. The major fraction of photoexcited polymers, however, does not show injection indicating pronounced ground state heterogeneity induced due to nonspecific polymerTiO(2) interactions. Our work therefore underscores the importance of gathering molecular-level insight into the competitive pathways of ultrafast charge generation along with probing the chemical heterogeneity at the nanoscale within the polymerTiO2 films for optimizing photovoltaic device efficiencies.


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Conventional solids are prepared from building blocks that are conceptually no larger than a hundred atoms. While van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions also influence the formation of these materials, stronger interactions, referred to as chemical bonds, play a more decisive role in determining the structures of most solids. Chemical bonds that hold such materials together are said to be ionic, covalent, metallic, dative, or otherwise a combination of these. Solids that utilize semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots as building units have been demonstrated to exist; however, the interparticle forces in such materials are decidedly not chemical. Here we demonstrate the formation of charge transfer states in a binary quantum dot mixture. Charge is observed to reside in quantum confined states of one of the participating quantum dots. These interactions lead to materials that may be regarded as the nanoscale analog of an ionic solid. The process by which these materials form has interesting parallels to chemical reactions in conventional chemistry.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure and lithium deinsertion-insertion electrochemistry of two new lithium-rich layered oxides, Li3MRuO5 (M = Mn, Fe), related to rock salt based Li2MnO3 and LiCoO2. The Li3MnRuO5 oxide adopts a structure related to Li2MnO3 (C2/m) where Li and (Li0.2Mn0.4Ru0.4) layers alternate along the c-axis, while the Li3FeRuO5 oxide adopts a near-perfect LiCoO2 (R (3) over barm) structure where Li and (Li0.2Fe0.4Ru0.4) layers are stacked alternately. Magnetic measurements indicate for Li3MnRuO5 the presence of Mn3+ and low spin configuration for Ru4+ where the itinerant electrons occupy a pi*-band. The onset of a net maximum in the chi vs. T plot at 9.5 K and the negative value of the Weiss constant (theta) of -31.4 K indicate the presence of antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions according to different pathways. Lithium electrochemistry shows a similar behaviour for both oxides and related to the typical behaviour of Li-rich layered oxides where participation of oxide ions in the electrochemical processes is usually found. A long first charge process with capacities of 240 mA h g(-1) (2.3 Li per f.u.) and 144 mA h g(-1) (1.38 Li per f.u.) is observed for Li3MnRuO5 and Li3FeRuO5, respectively. An initial sloping region (OCV to ca. 4.1 V) is followed by a long plateau (ca. 4.3 V). Further discharge-charge cycling points to partial reversibility (ca. 160 mA h g(-1) and 45 mA h g(-1) for Mn and Fe, respectively). Nevertheless, just after a few cycles, cell failure is observed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterisation of both pristine and electrochemically oxidized Li3MRuO5 reveals that in the Li3MnRuO5 oxide, Mn3+ and Ru4+ are partially oxidized to Mn4+ and Ru5+ in the sloping region at low voltage, while in the long plateau, O2- is also oxidized. Oxygen release likely occurs which may be the cause for failure of cells upon cycling. Interestingly, some other Li-rich layered oxides have been reported to cycle acceptably even with the participation of the O2- ligand in the reversible redox processes. In the Li3FeRuO5 oxide, the oxidation process appears to affect only Ru (4+ to 5+ in the sloping region) and O2- (plateau) while Fe seems to retain its 3+ state.


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Pyrazinoic acid, the active form of the antitubercular pro-drug Pyrazinamide, is an amphiprotic molecule containing carboxylic acid and pyridine groups and therefore can form both salts and cocrystals with relevant partner molecules. Cocrystallization of pyrazinoic acid with isomeric pyridine carboxamide series resulted in a dimorphic mixed-ionic complex with isonicotinamide and in eutectics with nicotinamide and picolinamide, respectively. It is observed that with alteration of the carboxamide position, steric and electrostatic compatibility issues between molecules of the combination emerge and affect intermolecular interactions and supramolecular growth, thus leading to either cocrystal or eutectic for different pyrazinoic acid-pyridine carboxamide combinations. Intermolecular interaction energy calculations have been performed to understand the role of underlying energetics on the formation of cocrystal/eutectic in different combinations. On the other hand, two molecular salts with piperazine and cytosine and a gallic acid cocrystal of the drug were obtained, and their X-ray crystal structures were also determined in this work.


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A combination of measurements using photoelectron spectroscopy and calculations using density functional theory (DFT) was applied to compare the detailed electronic structure of the organolead halide perovskites CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbBr3. These perovskite materials are used to absorb light in mesoscopic and planar heterojunction solar cells. The Pb 4f core level is investigated to get insight into the chemistry of the two materials. Valence level measurments are also included showing a shift of the valence band edges where there is a higher binding energy of the edge for the CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite. These changes are supported by the theoretical calculations which indicate that the differences in electronic structure are mainly caused by the nature of the halide ion rather than structural differences. The combination of photoelectron spectroscopy measurements and electronic structure calculations is essential to disentangle how the valence band edge in organolead halide perovskites is governed by the intrinsic difference in energy levels of the halide ions from the influence of chemical bonding.


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Stable aqueous dispersions of atomically thin layered MoS2 nanosheets have been obtained by sonication in the presence of ionic surfactants. The dispersions are stabilized by electrostatic repulsion between the sheets, and we show that the sign of the charge on the MoS2 nanosheets, either positive or negative, can be can be controlled by the choice of the surfactant. Using techniques from solution NMR, we show that the surfactant chains are weakly bound to the MoS2 sheets and undergo rapid exchange with free surfactant chains present in the dispersion. In situ nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopic measurements provide direct evidence that the surfactant chains lie flat, arranged randomly on the basal plane of the MoS2 nanosheets with their charged headgroup exposed. These results provide a chemical perspective for understanding the stability of these inorganic nanosheets in aqueous dispersions and the origin of the charge on the sheets.


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A newly designed rhodamine B anisaldehyde hydrazone exhibits Al3+-ion-induced cis (L) to trans (L) conformational isomerization with respect to the xanthene moiety through a rotation about a N-N bond; the isomerization is indicated by a detectable naked-eye color change and a turn-on red fluorescence in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer (EtOH/Water 1:9 v/v; pH 7.4) at 25 degrees C. In support of this observation, detailed spectroscopic and physicochemical studies along with density function theory (DFT) calculations have been performed. This cis-to-trans conformational isomerization is due to Al3+ ion coordination, which induces this visual color change and the turn-on fluorescence response. To strengthen our knowledge of the conformational isomerization, detailed structural characterizations of the cis and trans isomers in the solid state were performed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first structural report of both cis and trans conformational isomers for this family of compounds. Moreover, this noncytotoxic probe could be used to image the accumulation of Al3+ ions in HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines.


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The existence of three centered C=O...H(N)...X-C hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) involving organic fluorine and other halogens in diphenyloxamide derivatives has been explored by NMR spectroscopy and quantum theoretical studies. The three centered H-bond with the participation of a rotating CF3 group and the F...H-N intramolecular hydrogen bonds, a rare observation of its kind in organofluorine compounds, has been detected. It is also unambiguously established by a number of one and two dimensional NMR experiments, such as temperature perturbation, solvent titration, N-15-H-1 HSQC, and F-19-H-1 HOESY, and is also confirmed by theoretical calculations, such as quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), natural bond orbital (NBO) and non-covalent interaction (NCI).


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Gold-core platinum-shell (Au@Pt) nanoparticles with ultrathin platinum overlayers, ranging from submonolayer to two monolayers of platinum atoms, were prepared at room-temperature using a scalable, wet-chemical synthesis route. The synthesis involved the reduction of chloroauric acid with tannic acid to form 5 nm (nominal dia.) gold nanoparticles followed by addition of desired amount of chloroplatinic acid and hydrazine to form platinum overlayers with bulk Pt/Au atomic ratios (Pt surface coverages) corresponding to 0.19 (half monolayer), 0.39 (monolayer), 0.58 (1.5 monolayer) and 0.88 (2 monolayers). The colloidal particles were coated with octadecanethiol and phase-transferred into chlroform-hexane mixture to facilitate sample preparation for structural characterization. The structure of the resultant nanoparticles were determined to be Au@Pt using HRTEM, SAED, XPS, UV-vis and confirmed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies. Monolayers of octadecanethiol coated Au@Pt nanoparticles were self-assembled at an air-water interface and transfer printed twice onto a gold substrate to form bilayer films for electrochemical characterization. Electrochemical activity on such films was observed only after the removal of the octadecanethiol ligand coating the nanoparticles, using a RF plasma etching process. The electrochemical activity (HOR, MOR studies) of Au@Pt nanoparticles was found to be highest for particles having a two atom thick platinum overlayer. These nanoparticles can significantly enhance platinum utilization in electrocatalytic applications as their platinum content based activity was three times higher than pure platinum nanoparticles.


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The notion of structure is central to the subject of chemistry. This review traces the development of the idea of crystal structure since the time when a crystal structure could be determined from a three-dimensional diffraction pattern and assesses the feasibility of computationally predicting an unknown crystal structure of a given molecule. Crystal structure prediction is of considerable fundamental and applied importance, and its successful execution is by no means a solved problem. The ease of crystal structure determination today has resulted in the availability of large numbers of crystal structures of higher-energy polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs. These structural libraries lead to the concept of a crystal structure landscape. A crystal structure of a compound may accordingly be taken as a data point in such a landscape.


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Structural studies on the polymorphs of the organoselenium antioxidant ebselen and its derivative show the potential of organic selenium to form unusually short Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds that lead to conserved supramolecular recognition units. Se center dot center dot center dot O interactions observed in these polymorphs are the shortest such chalcogen bonds known for organoselenium compounds. The FTIR spectral evolution characteristics of this interaction from solution state to solid crystalline state further validates the robustness of this class of supramolecular recognition units. The strength and electronic nature of the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds were explored using high-resolution X-ray charge density analysis and atons-in-molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis. A charge density study unravels the strong electrostatic nature of Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding and soft-metal-like behavior of organoselenium. An analysis of the charge density around Se-N and Se-C covalent bonds in conjunction with the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding modes in ebselen and its analogues provides insights into the mechanism of drug action in this class of organoselenium antioxidants. The potential role of the intermolecular Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding in forming the intermediate supramolecular assembly that leads to the bond cleavage mechanism has been proposed in terms of electron density topological parameters in a series of molecular complexes of ebselen with reactive oxygen species (ROS).


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Homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD) is an oxidoreductase in the aspartic acid pathway. This enzyme coordinates a critical branch point of the metabolic pathway that leads to the synthesis of bacterial cell-wall components such as L-lysine and m-DAP in addition to other amino acids such as L-threonine, L-methionine and L-isoleucine. Here, a structural rationale for the hydride-transfer step in the reaction mechanism of HSD is reported. The structure of Staphylococcus aureus HSD was determined at different pH conditions to understand the basis for the enhanced enzymatic activity at basic pH. An analysis of the crystal structure revealed that Lys105, which is located at the interface of the catalytic and cofactor-binding sites, could mediate the hydride-transfer step of the reaction mechanism. The role of Lys105 was subsequently confirmed by mutational analysis. Put together, these studies reveal the role of conserved water molecules and a lysine residue in hydride transfer between the substrate and the cofactor.


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The rare examples of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HB) of the type the N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C, detected in a low polarity solvent in the derivatives of hydrazides, by utilizing one and two-dimensional solution state multinuclear NMR techniques, are reported. The observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), and (1h)J(FN), provides direct evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HB. Solvent induced perturbations and the variable temperature NMR experiments unambiguously establish the presence of intramolecular HB. The existence of multiple conformers in some of the investigated molecules is also revealed by two dimensional HOESY and N-15-H-1 HSQC experiments. The H-1 DOSY experimental results discard any possibility of self or cross dimerization of the molecules. The derived NMR experimental results are further substantiated by Density Function Theory (DFT) based Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), and Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecule (QTAIM) calculations. The NCI calculations served as a very sensitive tool for detection of non-covalent interactions and also confirm the presence of bifurcated HBs.


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Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3 and Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3 are synthesized using chemical reduction and solution combustion method, respectively. Chemical reduction is carried out using formaldehyde as a reducing agent giving Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3. Solution combustion method is used to prepare Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3. Detailed characterization using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurement, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is carried out to distinguish the Pt-supported and Pt-doped compounds in terms of their morphology and Pt oxidations states. TEM results indeed show the differences in their morphology. Further, electrochemical measurements are performed in neutral medium to differentiate their electrochemical activity. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) shows noticeable differences between Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3 and Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3. Importantly, our results show that Pt4+ in doped compound has poor to zero electrocatalytic activity toward formic acid and methanol electro-oxidation in comparison to Pt-0 in supported compound. This study shows that metallic Pt in zero oxidation state is a superior catalyst to Pt in +4 oxidation state.