1000 resultados para 209


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This research examines employees' anticipation of social and self-sanctions as a self-regulatory mechanism linking workgroup climates and counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) and personality as a limit to these effects. A cross-level study with 158 employees from 26 workgroups demonstrated that in groups with a high compliance climate-a climate emphasizing the importance of complying with organizational rules-employees anticipate more social and self-sanctions, leading those low in conscientiousness and low in agreeableness to engage less frequently in CWBs. In contrast, a high relational climate-a climate emphasizing the importance of positive social relations over self-interest-indirectly unbridles the CWBs of these employees by alleviating the social and self-sanctions they anticipate for CWBs. Climates did not have indirect effects for employees high in agreeableness and high in conscientiousness. These findings elucidate why workgroup climates do not affect the CWBs of all members in the same way.


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Differences in parasite transmission intensity influence the process of acquisition of host immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria and ultimately, the rate of malaria related morbidity and mortality. Potential vaccines being designed to complement current intervention efforts therefore need to be evaluated against different malaria endemicity backgrounds. The associations between antibody responses to the chimeric merozoite surface protein 1 block 2 hybrid (MSP1 hybrid), glutamate-rich protein region 2 (GLURP R2) and the peptide AS202.11, and the risk of malaria were assessed in children living in malaria hyperendemic (Burkina Faso, n = 354) and hypo-endemic (Ghana, n = 209) areas. Using the same reagent lots and standardized protocols for both study sites, immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgG and IgG sub-class levels to each antigen were measured by ELISA in plasma from the children (aged 6-72 months). Associations between antibody levels and risk of malaria were assessed using Cox regression models adjusting for covariates. There was a significant association between GLURP R2 IgG3 and reduced risk of malaria after adjusting age of children in both the Burkinabe (hazard ratio 0.82; 95 % CI 0.74-0.91, p < 0.0001) and the Ghanaian (HR 0.48; 95 % CI 0.25-0.91, p = 0.02) cohorts. MSP1 hybrid IgM was associated (HR 0.85; 95 % CI 0.73-0.98, p = 0.02) with reduced risk of malaria in Burkina Faso cohort while IgG against AS202.11 in the Ghanaian children was associated with increased risk of malaria (HR 1.29; 95 % CI 1.01-1.65, p = 0.04). These findings support further development of GLURP R2 and MSP1 block 2 hybrid, perhaps as a fusion vaccine antigen targeting malaria blood stage that can be deployed in areas of varying transmission intensity.


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Given the dual role of many plant traits to tolerate both herbivore attack and abiotic stress, the climatic niche of a species should be integrated into the study of plant defense strategies. Here we investigate the impact of plant reproductive strategy and components of species' climatic niche on the rate of chemical defense evolution in the milkweeds using a common garden experiment of 49 species. We found that across Asclepias species, clonal reproduction repeatedly evolved in lower temperature conditions, in species generally producing low concentrations of a toxic defense (cardenolides). Additionally, we found that rates of cardenolide evolution were lower for clonal than for nonclonal species. We thus conclude that because the clonal strategy is based on survival, long generation times, and is associated with tolerance of herbivory, it may be an alternative to toxicity in colder ecosystems. Taken together, these results indicate that the rate of chemical defense evolution is influenced by the intersection of life-history strategy and climatic niches into which plants radiate.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of 209 chemical compounds with the molecular formula C12H10-nCl n, where 1 <= n <= 10. They were commercially produced as complex mixtures for various uses, being employed principally as dielectric fluids in capacitors and transformers. They are not easily degraded due their chemical and physical stability and tend to bioaccumulate in the organisms. After the discovery of their xenobiotic activity, restrictions were imposed for their use, as well as for their discards. Nowadays the development of recovery processes for contaminated environment urges to be done due to the extension of reached areas.


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This paper presents the discovery of the oldest Roman camp on the Iberian Peninsula, a camp from the Second Punic War situated in La Palma (Tarragona, Spain), by the mouth of the River Ebro. Although no structural remains have been found, the site's strategic in- terest along with many coins, arms and fragments of amphoras and other objects indicate that a military camp was established here between 218 and 209 BC. Written sources, mainly Polybius and Livy, suggest that La Palma was where the legions of Publius Cornelius Scipio gathered before the attack on Carthago Nova in 209 BC. The paper ends by suggesting that La Palma may be the Roman camp of Nova Classis mentioned by Livy during the events of the war in 217 BC.


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Aikuispotilaan kotisyntyisen keuhkokuumeen etiologinen diagnostiikka mikrobiologisilla pikamenetelmillä Tausta. Keuhkokuume on vakava sairaus, johon sairastuu Suomessa vuosittain n. 60 000 aikuista. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin hoito on kehittynyt, siihen liittyy yhä merkittävä, 6-15%:n kuolleisuus. Alahengitystieinfektion aiheuttajamikrobien tunnistaminen on myös edelleen haasteellista. Tavoitteet. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa hoidettujen aikuispotilaiden keuhkokuumeen etiologiaa sekä selvittää uusien mikrobiologisten pikamenetelmi¬en hyödyllisyyttä taudinaiheuttajan toteamisessa. Aineisto. Osatöiden I ja III aineisto koostui 384 Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalaan infektio-osastolla hoidetusta keuhkokuumepotilaasta. Osatyössä I tutkittiin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja¬mikrobeja käyttämällä perinteisten menetelmien lisäksi antigeeniosoitukseen ja PCR-tekniikkaan perustuvia pikamenetelmiä. Osatyö II käsitti 231 potilaasta koostuvan alaryhmän, jossa tutkittiin potilaiden nielun limanäytteestä rinovirusten ja enterovirusten esiintyvyyttä. Osatyössä III potilailta tutkittiin plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuus ensimmäisten viiden sairaalahoitopäi¬vän aikana. Laajoja tilastotieteellisiä analyysejä käyttämällä selvitettiin CRP:n käyttökelpoisuutta sairauden vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa ja komplikaatioiden kehittymisen ennustamisessa. Osatyössä IV 68 keuhkokuumepotilaan sairaalaan tulovaiheessa otetuista näytteistä määritettiin neutrofiilien pintareseptorien ekspressio. Osatyössä V analysoitiin sisätautien vuodeosastoilla vuosina 1996-2000 keuhkokuumepotilaille tehtyjen keuhkohuuhtelunäytteiden laboratoriotutkimustulokset. Tulokset. Keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi 209 potilaalta, aiheuttajamikrobeja löydettiin kaikkiaan 230. Näistä aiheuttajista 135 (58.7%) löydettiin antigeenin osoituksella tai PCR-menetelmillä. Suu¬rin osa, 95 (70.4%), todettiin pelkästään kyseisillä pikamenetelmillä. Respiratorinen virus todettiin antigeeniosoituksella 11.1% keuhkokuumepotilaalla. Eniten respiratorisia viruksia löytyi vakavaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta (20.3%). 231 keuhkokuumepotilaan alaryhmässä todettiin PCR-menetelmällä picornavirus 19 (8.2%) potilaalla. Respiratorinen virus löytyi tässä potilasryh¬mässä kaiken kaikkiaan 47 (20%) potilaalta. Näistä 17:llä (36%) löytyi samanaikaisesti bakteerin aiheuttama infektio. CRP-tasot olivat sairaalaan tulovaiheessa merkitsevästi korkeammat vakavaa keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat III-V) sairastavilla potilailla kuin lievää keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat I-II) sairastavilla potilailla (p <0.001). Yli 100 mg/l oleva CRP-taso neljän päivän kuluttua sairaa¬laan tulosta ennusti keuhkokuumeen komplikaatiota tai huonoa hoitovastetta. Neutrofiilien komple¬menttireseptorin ekspressio oli pneumokokin aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla merkitse¬västi korkeampi kuin influenssan aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla. BAL-näytteistä vain yhdessä 71:stä (1.3%) todettiin diagnostinen bakteerikasvu kvantitatiivisessa viljelyssä. Uusilla menetelmilläkin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi vain 9.8% BAL-näytteistä. Päätelmät. Uusilla antigeeniosoitus- ja PCR-menetelmillä keuhkokuumeen etiologia voidaan saada selvitettyä nopeasti. Lisäksi näitä menetelmiä käyttämällä taudin aiheuttajamikrobi löytyi huomattavasti suuremmalta osalta potilaista kuin pelkästään tavanomaisia menetelmiä käyttämällä. Pikamenetelmien hyödyllisyys vaihteli taudin vaikeusasteen mukaan. Respiratorinen virus löytyi huomattavan usein keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta, ja näiden potilaiden taudinkuva oli usein vaikea. Tulovaiheen korkeaa CRP-tasoa voidaan käyttää lisäkeinona arvioitaessa keuhkokuumeen vaikeutta. CRP on erityisen hyödyllinen arvioitaessa hoitovastetta ja riskiä komplikaatioiden ke¬hittymiseen. Neutrofiilien komplementtireseptorin ekspression tutkiminen näyttää lupaavalta pi¬kamenetelmältä erottamaan bakteerien ja virusten aiheuttamat taudit toisistaan. Antimikrobihoitoa saavilla potilailla BAL-tutkimuksen löydökset olivat vähäiset ja vaikuttivat hoitoon vain harvoin.


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Soitinnus: piano.


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1816/07/27 (Numéro 209).


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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A eficiência de diferentes doses de fungicidas aplicados em diversos estádios fenológicos da soja foi avaliada no controle de Phakopsora pachyrhizi. As cultivares de soja utilizadas nos experimentos foram RS 10, BRS 154, CD 201, BRS 153, CD 206 e CD 209, sendo conduzidos em condições de campo sob infecção natural do patógeno. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram variação significativa no rendimento quando duas aplicações de fungicidas foram realizadas. A seqüência de fungicidas utilizados bem como o inóculo presente na área experimental evidenciaram a eficácia de controle da ferrugem. Fungicidas do grupo das estrobirulinas aplicados no estádio R1 apresentaram o melhor desempenho, e o controle executado preventivamente possibilitou a maior efetividade.


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Within caring science, investigations and explorations have been carried out on the ontology of caring, and many aspects of the field have been the subject of scientific research. The main subject for this study is grounded on the human need for aesthetics. The purpose is to find how the aesthetic dimension is taken into consideration and how the aesthetic surroundings are evaluated and attended to, in the general hospitals in Norway. The theoretical perspective is founded basicly on the study of litterature from caring science and philosophy. The aim is to develop a disposition for a framework on the aesthetic surroundings in the hospitals, and to develop phenomenological and ontological knowledge and understanding of the aesthetic dimension. The study aspires to attain a deeper understanding of the aesthetic acknowledgment and of the aesthetic needs. The focus is how the aesthetic dimension can promote health and wellbeing, both for patients and for the caring staff, in the general hospitals and why the aesthetic dimension should be obligatory in `evident care¿. The study concentrates on 11 selected categories in the hospital environment, where aesthetics is of importance. The research is implemented on 5 part studies: 1. part is a study of caring science and philosophical theories about aesthetics, as a framework for the investigation. 2. part is a survey of the physical environment, in Norwegian somatic hospitals, with focus on aesthetics. This by analyzing the strategy plans for the hospitals. 3. and 4. part is questionnaires to patients and nurses to get their opinion and evaluation of the aesthetic environment in the hospitals they are connected to, and their opinion on how this influences the health and wellness for both patients and caring staff. 5. part is qualitative interviews with 16 experts, to get their opinion and evaluation of the aesthetic environment in hospitals they are or have been connected to. How would the experts like the aesthetic surroundings to be, and also their opinion on what influence they think aesthetics has on health and wellness. The main literature of caring science is rooted in K. Erikssons caring theory as well as philosophic literature; mainly I. Kant, Platon and Y. Hirn's theories on aesthetics. Various scientificresearchers of aesthetics have also been referred to. The methodological approach is a triangulation with a hermeneutic exploration, where H.G. Gadamer and Ricoeur provides the inspirational foundation. The findings and conclusions result in the development of new hypothesis for the caring science foundation and suggestions, a disposition for a framework related to future planning of the aesthetic environments in general hospitals. It might be said that a common thread arises/appears in the invariance's (invariables) that are discerned from the analysis and interpretation of the interviews and also important angles shows in the variances that crystallized. Based on the conclusions the study confirms that there is a clearconnection between health, wellness and aesthetics in the environment and that it is an ethical obligationfor those in the caring professions to be aware of and attend to the aesthetic dimension.


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RESUMO Introdução Apesar dos progressos obtidos com a reforma na assistência psiquiátrica brasileira, percebe-se ainda despreparo dos profissionais da área da saúde quanto à competência em relação aos pacientes portadores de transtornos mentais. Objetivos Avaliar o conhecimento e atitudes de estudantes iniciantes e concluintes da área da saúde em relação a pacientes esquizofrênicos. Método Estudo transversal em que se aplicou uma vinheta e um questionário sobre um paciente portador de esquizofrenia a alunos dos cursos de Enfermagem, Medicina e Psicologia de faculdades de Barbacena (MG). Estabeleceu-se um escore para as respostas esperadas, comparando-se as médias dos grupos de estudantes. Resultados Amostra composta por 209 estudantes, sendo 81 (38,8%) do curso de Medicina, 61 (29,2%) de Enfermagem e 67 (32,1%) de Psicologia. Desses, 135 (64,6%) eram iniciantes e 74 (35,4%) eram concluintes. Alunos concluintes apresentaram maior escore médio quando comparados aos ingressantes, porém não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes na comparação do escore médio entre iniciantes e concluintes, e nem diferença entre os cursos avaliados. Conclusão Embora não se tenham observado diferenças significantes entre estudantes iniciantes e concluintes, em todos os cursos predominaram atitudes negativas e pouco conhecimento sobre o tema abordado. A instrução acadêmica deve ser aprimorada. Profissionais de saúde precisam se conscientizar de que suas atitudes geram maior impacto na sociedade que as atitudes da população geral.


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The dissertation seeks to explore how to improve users‘ adoption of mobile learning in current education systems. Considering the difference between basic and tertiary education in China, the research consists of two separate but interrelated parts, which focus on the use of mobile learning in basic and tertiary education contexts, respectively. In the dissertation, two adoption frameworks are developed based on previous studies. The frameworks are then evaluated using different technologies. Concerning mobile learning use in basic education settings, case study methodology is utilized. A leading provider of mobile learning services and products in China, Noah Ltd., is investigated. Multiple sources of evidence are collected to test the framework. Regarding mobile learning adoption in tertiary education contexts, survey research methodology is utilized. Based on 209 useful responses, the framework is evaluated using structural equation modelling technology. Four proposed determinants of intention to use are evaluated, which are perceived ease of use, perceived near-term usefulness, perceived ong-term usefulness and personal innovativeness. The dissertation provides a number of new insights for both researchers and practitioners. In particular, the dissertation specifies a practical solution to deal with the disruptive effects of mobile learning in basic education, which keeps the use of mobile learning away from the schools across such as European countries. A list of new and innovative mobile learning technologies is systematically introduced as well. Further, the research identifies several key factors driving mobile learning adoption in tertiary education settings. In theory, the dissertation suggests that since the technology acceptance model is initiated in work-oriented innovations by testing employees, it is not necessarily the best model for studying educational innovations. The results also suggest that perceived longterm usefulness for educational systems should be as important as perceived usefulness for utilitarian systems, and perceived enjoyment for hedonic systems. A classification based on the nature of systems purpose (utilitarian, hedonic or educational) would contribute to a better understanding of the essence of IT innovation adoption.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi testar o modelo WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project), através de comparações entre volume de enxurrada e perda de solo observados experimentalmente, provenientes dos segmentos de estradas florestais submetidas à chuva natural com inclinações de 1 e 7% e comprimentos de rampa de 20 e 40 m, e aqueles preditos pelo aplicativo, visando o desenvolvimento de um modelo brasileiro de predição de erosão em estradas florestais. Na determinação da quantidade do material erodido foram instalados tambores coletores, com capacidade de 209,25 litros, localizados na parte inferior das estradas, onde foram inseridas tubulações de PVC de 2 polegadas para coleta dos sedimentos provenientes da estrada propriamente dita. Nos tambores coletores foram feitos orifícios nivelados e perfeitamente iguais, posicionados a 0,65 m do fundo do primeiro e a 0,60 m do fundo do segundo, que funcionaram como um divisor Geib. Nas parcelas de 20 e 40 m de comprimento foram feitos cinco e sete orifícios, respectivamente, no primeiro e segundo tambores. O terceiro tambor foi utilizado para coletar o excedente da enxurrada proveniente do segundo tambor. Os tambores foram ligados em série, através de cano PVC de 2 polegadas. Os dados de volume e intensidade de precipitação diária foram obtidos com a instalação de pluviômetro e pluviógrafo no local. O período de coleta de dados foi de um ano, concentrando-se na época das chuvas. Posteriormente, os arquivos de clima, precipitação, solo, inclinação e comprimento do segmento foram introduzidos e adaptados ao modelo de predição de erosão WEPP com o propósito de testá-lo, visando a confecção de um modelo apropriado às condições brasileiras.