1000 resultados para 173-1069


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The effects of intranasal administration of increasing doses of synthetic human natriuretic peptide (4-28 hANP) were studied in six healthy volunteers. The peptide was administered as a nasal spray at doses of 50, 100, 200, and 500 micrograms in ascending order at 48-h intervals. Vehicle was administered by the same route randomly between any two of the doses. Intranasal hANP administration had no effect on either blood pressure, heart rate (HR), or hematocrit. Diuresis did not change consistently, whereas natriuresis tended to rise with vehicle as well as with hANP administration. This was attributed to the infusion of isotonic saline during the experiment. There was no significant increase in plasma ANP levels after intranasal administration of any of the different doses. Thus, no evidence that the atrial natriuretic peptide tested (4-28 hANP) can cross the nasal mucosal barrier was found.


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Inbreeding load affects not only the average fecundity of philopatric individuals but also its variance. From bet-hedging theory, this should add further dispersal pressures to those stemming from the mere avoidance of inbreeding. Pressures on both sexes are identical under monogamy or promiscuity. Under polygyny, by contrast, the variance in reproductive output decreases with dispersal rate in females but increases in males, which should induce a female-biased dispersal. To test this prediction, we performed individual-based simulations. From our results, a female-biased dispersal indeed emerges as both polygyny and inbreeding load increase. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal may be selected for as a bet-hedging strategy.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos dos cultivos isolado e consorciado dos adubos verdes de verão crotalária (Crotalaria juncea) e milheto (Pennisetum americanum) na produção de fitomassa, nos teores e acúmulo de nutrientes e na fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN). O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em que os tratamentos constaram dos adubos verdes crotalária, milheto, crotalária + milheto e vegetação espontânea. A crotalária apresentou maior produção de fitomassa, que foi 108% maior que a da vegetação espontânea e 31% superior a do milheto. No consórcio crotalária + milheto, a leguminosa contribuiu com 65% da massa de matéria seca total. A presença da crotalária resultou em maiores teores de N e Ca, enquanto o milheto e as ervas espontâneas apresentaram maiores teores de potássio. O acúmulo de P e Mg foi fortemente influenciado pela produção de fitomassa, atingindo valores elevados com a presença da crotalária, ao passo que o acúmulo de N e Ca resultou tanto dos maiores teores quanto da maior produção de fitomassa nos tratamentos com a leguminosa. A FBN foi 61% na leguminosa quando consorciada e 57% quando isolada, incorporando ao solo via FBN 89 e 173 kg/ha de N, respectivamente, constituindo-se excelente estratégia de incremento de N ao solo.


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Les manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien sont fréquentes. La pH-impédancemétrie permet d’évaluer des reflux acides ou non acides et de déterminer leur extension proximale. A la lumière de deux patients de notre collectif, nous observons une corrélation entre reflux non acide et symptômes ORL dans le premier cas et une suppression acide insuffisante dans le deuxième cas. Ces résultats nous orientent vers un traitement spécifique complémentaire aux inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons. La pH-impédancemétrie détecte les reflux aussi bien acides que non acides, et analyse la concordance entre les symptômes et les épisodes de reflux. Elle permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien et une prise en charge thérapeutique mieux adaptée. ENT symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux are frequent. pH-impedance can detect acid and non-acid reflux and measure their proximal extension. The technique identifies the refluxate by changes in impedance. We discuss 2 clinical situations where correlation of symptoms could be explained by a non-acid reflux in the first case, and a lack of acid suppression in the second case, respectively. These results lead to a specific additional treatment to proton pump inhibitors (PPI). This technology provides a better understanding of the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis, and affords the prescription of PPI on a proven diagnosis. Detection of non-acid reflux leads to an optimized medical treatment.


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Objective: To describe an ongoing outbreak that tripled the annual detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: Active surveillance of MRSA is performed since 20 years in our hospital. Our protocol includes screening of patients transferred from high-incidence health-care institutions or countries, roommates of new MRSA cases, and wards where _2 patients acquired MRSA during the same week. Contact precautions are used for known carriers. PFGE was used for molecular typing until 2004, and was then replaced by Double-Locus Sequence Typing (DLST). Results: A median yearly incidence of 173 new carriers of MRSA was observed from 2002 to 2007. Since September 2008, an increasing number of new cases were observed, mainly as successive clusters limited to distinct wards, reaching a total of 398 until October 2009. The yearly incidence of new cases rose to 275 in 2008 and 613 in 2009. 60% of the cases were due to one strain: DLST 4−4, ST 228, SCCmecI. The incidence of new cases due to the previously predominant strains remained unchanged. The epidemic strain corresponded to a new variant of a clone responsible for a previous outbreak in 2001, and only sporadically isolated (mean of 20 cases/year) since then. A case- control study documented a significant association between acquisition of the epidemic strain and a stay in intensive and intermediary care units, a highest number of internal transfers, but did not identify a point source of transmission. Infection control practices and antibiotic policy had remained unchanged for several years. Compliance with handhygiene as monitored yearly was on the rise. Screening of 313 healthcare workers only found one carrier of the epidemic strain lately in the outbreak. Additional infection control measures were enforced, including screening at ICU admission and discharge with PCR-based rapid test, routine screening for all patients leaving epidemic wards, introduction of PCR-based rapid test for contact tracing, additional working forces for environmental disinfection, and hospital-wide education of healthcare workers. However, the outbreak was still ongoing after 5 months. Conclusions: Factors linked to the dissemination of this new variant in our institution remain undetermined. This unresolved outbreak suggests that this new variant acquired hyperepidemic properties, which calls for further investigations.


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The Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) was initially designed to assess cognition in long term care residents. Subsequently, the CPS has also been used among in-home, post-acute, and acute care populations even though CPS' clinimetric performance has not been studied in these settings. This study aimed to determine CPS agreement with the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) and its predictive validity for institutionalization and death in a cohort (N=401) of elderly medical inpatients aged 75 years and over. Medical, physical and mental status were assessed upon admission. The same day, the patient's nurse completed the CPS by interview. Follow-up data were gathered from the central billing system (nursing home stay) and proxies (death). Cognitive impairment was present in 92 (23%) patients according to CPS (score >or= 2). Agreement with MMSE was moderate (kappa 0.52, P<.001). Analysis of discordant results suggested that cognitive impairment was overestimated by the CPS in dependent patients with comorbidities and depressive symptoms, and underestimated in older ones. During follow-up, subjects with abnormal CPS had increased risks of death (adjusted hazard ratio (adjHR) 1.7, 95% CI 1.0-2.8, P=.035) and institutionalization (adjHR 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-5.3, P=.006), independent of demographic, health and functional status. Interestingly, subjects with abnormal CPS were at increased risk of death only if they also had abnormal MMSE. The CPS predicted death and institutionalization during follow-up, but correlated moderately well with the MMSE. Combining CPS and MMSE provided additional predictive information, suggesting that domains other than cognition are assessed by professionals when using the CPS in elderly medical inpatients.


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Structural variation, whether it is caused by copy number variants or present in a balanced form, such as reciprocal translocations and inversions, can have a profound and dramatic effect on the expression of genes mapping within and close to the rearrangement, as well as affecting others genome wide. These effects can be caused by altering the copy number of one or more genes or regulatory elements (dosage effect) or from physical disruption of links between regulatory elements and their associated gene or genes, resulting in perturbation of expression. Similarly, large-scale structural variants can result in genome-wide expression changes by altering the positions that chromosomes occupy within the nucleus, potentially disrupting not only local cis interactions, but also trans interactions that occur throughout the genome. Structural variation is, therefore, a significant factor in the study of gene expression and is discussed here in more detail.


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Benzodiazepine (BDZ), a widely recognized first-line status epilepticus (SE) treatment, may lead to respiratory depression. This cohort study investigates the effect of BDZ doses in SE patients in terms of morbidity and mortality. It considers incident SE episodes from a prospective registry (2009-2012), comparing patients receiving standard BDZ dose to those receiving exceeding doses (>30% above recommended dose), in terms of likelihood to receive intubation, morbidity, and mortality. Duration of hospitalization was assessed for subjects needing intubation for airways protection (not for refractory SE treatment) versus matched subjects not admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). We identified 29 subjects receiving "excessive" and 173 "standard" BDZ dose; 45% of the overtreated patients were intubated for airways protection, but only 8% in the standard-dose group (p < 0.001). However, both groups presented similar clinical outcomes: 50% returned to baseline, 40% acquired a new handicap, and 10% died. Orotracheal intubation due to airways protection was associated with significantly longer hospitalization (mean 2 weeks vs. 1 week, p = 0.008). In conclusion, although administration of excessive BDZ doses in SE treatment does not seem to influence outcome, it is related to higher respiratory depression risk and longer hospitalization, potentially exposing patients to additional complications and costs.


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