994 resultados para 164-995
ENGLISH: A primary objective of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is a knowledge of the ecology of tunas which inhabit the Eastern Tropical Pacific. This paper presents some results of the work in physical oceanography, which, it is hoped, will be useful to the biological work and at the same time of interest to physical oceanographers. The work presented here was begun in connection with simple observable facts; the thermocline is very close to the sea surface in a region off Costa Rica (Wooster and Cromwell, 1958), and this region is biologically productive (Holmes, et al. 1957; Brandhorst, 1958). It is the main object of this study to describe and explain these facts, insofar as possible. SPANISH: Uno de los principales objetivos de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical es el conocimiento de la ecología de los atunes que viven en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Este informe presenta algunos de los resultados del estudio en oceanografía física, los cuales se espera que serán útiles en la investigación biológica y, al mismo tiempo, de interés para los oceanógrafos físicos. El trabajo presentado aquí se inició en conexión con sencillos hechos observables; mar afuera de Costa Rica, la termoclina queda muy cerca de la superficie del mar (Wooster y Cromwell, 1958) y esta región es biológicamente productiva (Holmes, el al., 1957; Brandhorst, 1958). El objeto principal de este estudio es describir y explicar estos hechos, hasta donde sea posible. (PDF contains 32 pages.)
A Assembleia Nacional Constituinte começa hoje uma nova fase. Agora tudo o que for decidido e votado neste Plenário vai ter força de Lei. E força de Lei Maior, força de Constituição. Muita discussão e muitas horas sem dormir já foram gastas. Foram produzidos 66.197 documentos entre projetos e emendas. Foram enviadas 72.719 sugestões a Constituinte, de todas as partes do país. E mais de 10 milhões de brasileiros assinaram emendas populares. Mudanças importantes já foram discutidas e aprovadas nas etapas anteriores. A Constituição que começa a ser votada é a 7ª Carta que o Brasil tem. Há 164 anos o país começou a ser juridicamente organizado. Surgia a 1ª Constituição do Brasil, a Constituição do Império. A mudança surgiu com a Proclamação da República. A nova Carta foi votada em 1891. Serviu à Velha República e sofreu mudanças em 1934 e depois em 1937, com o Estado Novo. A redemocratização surgiu em 1946, durou até 1967, quando foi alterada depois da Revolução Militar, de março de 1964. A nova Carta começa a ser votada, com o compromisso dos constituintes de executá-la no tempo justo.
This report contains the frrst observations made for the Modis Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE). Data presented here were obtained on the R/V DeSteiguer between 28 August and 8 October along the central California coast and in Monterey Bay. Three types of data are reported here: high spectral resolution radiometry at three depths for seven stations; salinity, temperature, fluorescence and beam attenuation profiles at the same stations; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen. [PDF contans 164 pages]
The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop entitled, "Biological Platforms as Sensor Technologies and their Use as Indicators for the Marine Environment" was held in Seward, Alaska, September 19 - 21,2007. The workshop was co-hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC). The workshop was attended by 25 participants representing a wide range of research scientists, managers, and manufacturers who develop and deploy sensory equipment using aquatic vertebrates as the mode of transport. Eight recommendations were made by participants at the conclusion of the workshop and are presented here without prioritization: 1. Encourage research toward development of energy scavenging devices of suitable sizes for use in remote sensing packages attached to marine animals. 2. Encourage funding sources for development of new sensor technologies and animal-borne tags. 3. Develop animal-borne environmental sensor platforms that offer more combined systems and improved data recovery methodologies, and expand the geographic scope of complementary fixed sensor arrays. 4. Engage the oceanographic community by: a. Offering a mini workshop at an AGU ocean sciences conference for people interested in developing an ocean carbon program that utilizes animal-borne sensor technology. b. Outreach to chemical oceanographers. 5. Min v2d6.sheepserver.net e and merge technologies from other disciplines that may be applied to marine sensors (e.g. biomedical field). 6. Encourage the NOAA Permitting Office to: a. Make a more predictable, reliable, and consistent permitting system for using animal platforms. b. Establish an evaluation process. c. Adhere to established standards. 7. Promote the expanded use of calibrated hydrophones as part of existing animal platforms. 8. Encourage the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) to promote animal tracking as effective samplers of the marine environment, and use of animals as ocean sensor technology platforms. [PDF contains 20 pages]
Im Oktober/November des vergangenen Jahres ergab sich während der 483. Reise von FK „Solea“ ein im Vergleich zu den vier Vorjahren hoher Fangindex von 220 Kabeljau Gadus morhua je Stunde (Weber 2001). Die Fische hatten eine Länge von 15 bis18 cm und waren besonders in Küstennähe Ostfrieslands anzutreffen. Durch unsere Langzeituntersuchungen zur Ökologie der Flussseeschwalbe Sterna hirundo im Wattenmeer sind wir bereits im Juni des Jahres 2001 auf den starken Jahrgang des Kabeljaus aufmerksam geworden und können die Vermutung von Weber bestätigen, dass die Kabeljaus den Sommer über im Wattengebiet herangewachsen sind.
Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the management of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results indicate a weak year-class 2001.
Individuals of the western stock of Baltic cod were kept at captivity with different temperatures and salinities until natural spawning. Spawning activities up to 16 weeks were observed between February and June. This time interval agrees weIl with the spawning season of the wild cod stock. Also as in in-situ observations larger individuals started earlier with the spawning process than smaller ones and had significantly larger periods of spawning. Larger cods produced more batches and more eggs than smaller cods within this time interval. The comparison between the actual and potential absolut fecundity showed large differences. Only apart of the potential absolut fecundity, estimated in the phase of prespawning development of ovaries, was developed until their release. These analyses showed that larger cod were able to develop a larger part of the eggs within the ovaries up to the complete development. This result should be considered in the future during estimations of the population fecundity of the western Baltic spawning stock.
Some aspects of the reproduction of Nematopalaemon hastatus in the artisanal shrimp fishery in the outer Cross River estuary (Nigeria) was investigated. 2 kg samples were taken from the daily catch of the N. hastatus fishery on a twice-weekly basis. The N. hastatus in the sample were then observed for gravidity, using a hand lens, and their post-orbital carapace length (POCL) taken. This was done over a 12-month period. The eggs in formalin-fixed samples showed colour changes from light orange to dark brown with maturation. Gravid females with eggs in different stages of maturation, from light orange to dark brown were observed in the samples. The reproduction occurs all year-round. The proportion of gravid females observed in samples had two distinct peaks in June and November, and two distinct troughs in May and October. The lowest length at which gravidity was observed was 6.0 mm POCL. There were no Penaeus notialis in the samples
Information is given on the landings of herring and sprat in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea. Based on assessment units used by the ‘Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N’ and the ‘Baltic Fisheries Assessment’ working group, the total landings are shown for the years 1974 to 1996. Further the quarterly landings for 1996 are listed on national basis by area/Sub-Division. In addition an actual description of the national fleets operating in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea is given. At least the actual stock development and the catch options estimated by the corresponding working groups for different assessment units is presented.
Rhodamine 6G (R6G) was incubated in silver sols with different low concentrations and its surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectra, excited by linearly and circularly polarized light, respectively, were studied. At the single-molecule level the SERRS spectra were recorded in 10(-13) M dye colloidal solution. Spectral inhomogeneous behaviors from single-molecule were observed such as spectral polarization, spectral diffusion and intensity fluctuations of vibrational lines. Difference between SERRS spectra of R6G excited by linearly and circularly polarized light and the effect of the polarizing angle of Raman signal relative to the slit of spectrograph on the Raman spectral polarization were analyzed and measured experimentally. Circularly polarized laser and the correction of the polarizing angle of Raman signal are necessary to avoid fake results in the measuring of Raman spectral of single-molecule, which was not noticed in initial papers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.