999 resultados para 12-111
Kirje 12.4.1966
Kirje 1.12.1970
Describe las acciones que realizó el crucero de evaluación de peces demersales, a bordo del BIC Humboldt entre noviembre y diciembre de 1989, cuya información ha permitido determinar la situación actual del subsistema demersal en lo referente a las condiciones oceanográficas, estructura especiológica, distribuón, concentración, biomasa y estructura poblacional de las diferentes especies, poniéndose especial énfasis en las de mayor abundancia económica, entre las que destaca la merluza.
Describe los principales resultados obtenidos en el Crucero evaluación de recursos pelágicos, efectuado a bordo del BIC/SNP-1 del 14 de noviembre de 1989, entre Chicama y Punta Doña María, constituyendo la segunda prospección planificada dentro del marco del proyecto Evaluación de los recursos: anchoveta, sardina, jurel y caballa, auspiciado por el Instituto del mar del Perú y la Comunidad económica europea.
Kirje 16.12.1963
The interaction of a parasite and a host cell is a complex process, which involves several steps: (1) attachment to the plasma membrane, (2) entry inside the host cell, and (3) hijacking of the metabolism of the host. In biochemical experiments, only an event averaged over the whole cell population can be analyzed. The power of microscopy, however, is to investigate individual events in individual cells. Therefore, parasitologists frequently perform experiments with fluorescence microscopy using different dyes to label structures of the parasite or the host cell. Though the resolution of light microscopy has greatly improved, it is not sufficient to reveal interactions at the ultrastructural level. Furthermore, only specifically labeled structures can be seen and related to each other. Here, we want to demonstrate the additional value of electron microscopy in this area of research. Investigation of the different steps of parasite-host cell interaction by electron microscopy, however, is often hampered by the fact that there are only a few cells infected, and therefore it is difficult to find enough cells to study. A solution is to profit from low magnification, hence large overview, and specific location of the players by fluorescence labels in a light microscope with the high power resolution and structural information provided by an electron microscope, in short by correlative light and electron microscopy.
Kirje 11.12.1970