943 resultados para 010506 Statistical Mechanics, Physical Combinatorics and Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter
The human duplication thought-experiment is examined, and basic positions concerning the possible outcomes of the experiment are spelled out. A first position sustains supervenience, either from a reductionist or an emergentist perspective, and such views are contrasted. Certain moral aspects of the thought-experiment are then considered, especially in relation to the idea of death. Taking reductionism as a working hypothesis, two possibilities are suggested for investigating the hard problem of qualia: the postulation of some novel sort of physical interaction, and the postulation of a counter-intuitive law of scaling. One possibility for the latter would lead to a violation of supervenience.
In 1966 the Brazilian physicist Klaus Tausk (b. 1927) circulated a preprint from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, criticizing Adriana Daneri, Angelo Loinger, and Giovanni Maria Prosperi`s theory of 1962 on the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. A heated controversy ensued between two opposing camps within the orthodox interpretation of quantum theory, represented by Leon Rosenfeld and Eugene P. Wigner. The controversy went well beyond the strictly scientific issues, however, reflecting philosophical and political commitments within the context of the Cold War, the relationship between science in developed and Third World countries, the importance of social skills, and personal idiosyncrasies.
Background Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a Molluscipox virus infection of keratinocytes with hyperplasia and intracytoplasmic inclusions-the molluscum bodies (MBs). Few papers address cytokeratins (K) profile in MC, mainly focusing terminal keratinization process. Methods Forty-one MC lesions were subjected to immunohistochemical technique to verify K1, K10, K14, K16, involucrin, filaggrin, E-cadherin and p63 expression. MC immunolabeling pattern was compared to adjacent normal appearing epidermis (ANAE). Results In MC and ANAE, K1/K10 were expressed in suprabasal layers, K14 was expressed in basal and suprabasal layers and K16 was expressed through all spinous layer. Involucrin and filaggrin were observed in granular, spinous and in basal layer of ANAE and MC. E-cadherin was present up to the first layers of MC while ANAE exhibited E-cadherin labeling at basal and spinous layers. Basal and spinous layers keratinocytes nuclei, in both MC and ANAE, express p63. Conclusion Infection by Molluscipox virus alters keratinocyte differentiation status. The presence of K14 and p63 in spinous layer, as well as early expression of involucrin and filaggrin, associated to a hyperproliferative state disclosed by K16 expression, may be a result of disruption in keratinocytes maturation process. The changes observed at ANAE may represent early events in keratinization disturbance. Callegaro CF, Sotto MN. Molluscum contagiosum: immunomorphological aspects of keratinocytes markers of differentiation and adhesion.
Chinese-style dried, shredded meat is traditionally prepared by sequential cooking, shredding, pre-drying, and final drying (roasting) of lean meat. In this study, shredded dried beef (a(w)<0.6) was prepared by omitting roasting but prolonging pre-drying. Sensory scores of the modified product were lower than those for the traditional product. When heat pump drying replaced traditional oven drying, drying time was shortened without significant difference in quality attributes. Desorption curves were established for shredded beef at several drying temperatures.
Purpose: To evaluate biochemical and morphological effects on rats submitted to three different doses of the association zidovudine and ritonavir administered throughout pregnancy. Methods: Forty pregnant EPM-1 Wistar rats weighing about 200 g were randomly divided into the control group (Ctr = drug vehicle control, n = 10) and three experimental ones which were treated with an oral solution of zidovudine/ritonavir (Exp1 = 10/20 mg/kg bw, n = 10; Exp2 = 30/60 mg/kg bw, n = 10; Exp3 = 90/180 mg/kg bw, n = 10) from `day 0` up to the 20th day of pregnancy. At term (20th day) the rats were anesthetized. Blood and fetal and maternal organ samples (livers and kidneys) were taken for morphological and biochemical analyses. Results: Upon histological examinations fetal livers and kidneys appeared normal. In contrast the maternal samples revealed structural alterations. Maternal kidneys of the three experimental groups exhibited progressive and dose-dependent histological alterations; liver alterations were detected only in Exp3. Blood levels of AST and ALT were not significantly different from the control group but urea and creatinine levels were lower in groups Exp3 and Exp1. Conclusions: The administration of zidovudine plus ritonavir throughout rat pregnancy can cause morphological as well as functional changes in maternal kidneys.
Background Primary Immunodeficiencies (PIDs) represent unique opportunities to understand the operation of the human immune system. Accordingly, PIDs associated with autoimmune manifestations provide insights into the pathophysiology of autoimmunity as well as into the genetics of autoimmune diseases (AID). Epidemiological data show that there are PIDs systematically associated with AID, such as immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome (IPEX), Omenn syndrome, autoinunune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodertnal dystrophy (APECED), autoinumine lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), and C1q deficiency, while strong associations are seen with a handful of other deficits. Conclusion We interpret such stringent disease associations, together with a wealth of observations in experimental systems, as indicating first of all that natural tolerance to body components is an active, dominant process involving many of the components that ensure responsiveness, rather than, as previously believed, the result of the mere purge of autoreactivities. More precisely, it seems that deficits of Treg cell development, functions, numbers, and T cell receptor repertoire are among the main factors for autoimmunity pathogenesis in many (if not all) PIDs most frequently presenting with autoimmune features. Clearly, other pathophysiological mechanisms are also involved in autoimmunity, but these seem less critical in the process of self-tolerance. Comparing the clinical picture of IPEX cases with those, much less severe, of ALPS or APECED, provides some assessment of the relative importance of each set of mechanisms.
Objective: The aim of this article is to propose an integrated framework for extracting and describing patterns of disorders from medical images using a combination of linear discriminant analysis and active contour models. Methods: A multivariate statistical methodology was first used to identify the most discriminating hyperplane separating two groups of images (from healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia) contained in the input data. After this, the present work makes explicit the differences found by the multivariate statistical method by subtracting the discriminant models of controls and patients, weighted by the pooled variance between the two groups. A variational level-set technique was used to segment clusters of these differences. We obtain a label of each anatomical change using the Talairach atlas. Results: In this work all the data was analysed simultaneously rather than assuming a priori regions of interest. As a consequence of this, by using active contour models, we were able to obtain regions of interest that were emergent from the data. The results were evaluated using, as gold standard, well-known facts about the neuroanatomical changes related to schizophrenia. Most of the items in the gold standard was covered in our result set. Conclusions: We argue that such investigation provides a suitable framework for characterising the high complexity of magnetic resonance images in schizophrenia as the results obtained indicate a high sensitivity rate with respect to the gold standard. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The emergence of less common fungal pathogens has been increasingly reported in the last decade. We describe 25 cases of Rhodotorula spp. isolated from blood cultures at a large Brazilian tertiary teaching hospital from 1996-2004. We also investigated the in vitro activity of four antifungal drugs, using a standardized method. The median age of patients was 43 years. The majority of patients (88%) had a central venous catheter (CVC) and 10 (40%) were recipients of a bone marrow transplant. The episode was classified as a bloodstream infection (BSI) in 80% of the patients. Amphotericin B deoxycholate was the most common antifungal used and CVC was removed in 89.5% of the patients. Death occurred in four patients (17.4%), all classified as BSI. All strains were identified as R. mucilaginosa by conventional methods. Misidentification of the species was observed in 20% and 5% of the strains with the Vitek Yeast Biochemical Card and API 20C AUX systems, respectively. Amphotericin B demonstrated good in vitro activity (MIC(50/90), 0.5 mu g/ml) and the MICs for fluconazole were high for all strains (MIC(50/90), 64 mu g/ml).
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the isolated and associated effects of estrogen therapy (estradiol valerate 1 mg/d orally) and physical exercise (moderate aerobic exercise, 3 h/wk) on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and menopausal symptoms among women who had undergone hysterectomy. Design: A 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 44 postmenopausal women who had undergone hysterectomy. The interventions were physical exercise and hormone therapy (n = 9), being sedentary and hormone therapy (n = 14), physical exercise and placebo (n = 11), and being sedentary and placebo (n = 10). HRQOL was assessed by a Brazilian standard version of the Medical Outcome Study Short-Forrn Health Survey and symptoms by Kupperman Index at baseline and after 6 months. Results: There was a decrease in symptoms in all groups, but only groups who performed physical exercise showed an increase in quality of life. Analysis of variance showed that changes in physical functioning (P = 0.001) and bodily pain (P = 0.012) scores over the 6-month period differed significantly between women who exercised and women who were sedentary, regardless of hormone therapy. Hormone therapy had no effect, and there was also no significant association between physical exercise and hormone therapy in HRQOL. Conclusions: Physical exercises can reduce menopausal symptoms and enhance HRQOL, independent of whether hormone therapy is taken.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of silver nitrate pleurodesis (SNP) in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE) when performed in an outpatient setting. Prospective study including patients with RMPE recruited in a tertiary university-based hospital from February 2008 to June 2009. Elected patients underwent pleural catheter insertion (Day 1) followed by 0.5% SNP (Day 2), and on 7th day the drain was removed. All procedures were performed in an outpatient facility. Pleurodesis was considered successful when no additional pleural procedure was necessary by the 30th day. Complications were registered and graded according to the CTCAE3.0. Quality of life was evaluated before and 30 days after SNP. A total of 68 patients (54 female, 14 male, mean age: 57.3 years) were included. In addition, 7 had bilateral pleural effusions; therefore, 75 hemithoraces were drained. Also, 5 were excluded, and 70 hemithoraces (63 patients) underwent SNP. During the period of 30 days postpleurodesis, 8 deaths not related to the procedure occurred, and we lost contact with 10 patients who were followed elsewhere. At the 30th day, 48 hemithoraces (45 patients) were reevaluated, and 2 recurrences observed. The most frequent complication was pain-graded as 3 or more in 7 patients; infection occurred in 2 patients. Physical and environmental aspects of quality of life improved significantly after pleurodesis. In this study, SNP could be performed safely in an outpatient setting, with pain the most frequent complication. Recurrences occurred in 4% of the patients.
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology® is the World's first encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanotechnology. The 10-volume Encyclopedia is an unprecedented single reference source that provides ideal introduction and overview of most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology spanning from science to engineering to medicine. Although there are many books/handbook and journals focused on nanotechnology, no encyclopedic reference work has been published covering all aspects of nanoscale science and technology dealing with materials synthesis, processing, fabrication, probes, spectroscopy, physical properties, electronics, optics, mechanics, biotechnology, devices, etc. The Encyclopedia fills this gap to provide basic information on all fundamental and applied aspects of nanotechnology by drawing on two decades of pioneering research. It is the only scientific work of its kind since the beginning of the field of nanotechnology bringing together core knowledge and the very latest advances. It is written for all levels audience that allows non-scientists to understand the nanotechnology while providing up-to-date latest information to active scientists to experts in the field. This outstanding encyclopedia is an indispensable source for research professionals, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine.