968 resultados para wrist monitor


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Patient blood pressure is an important vital signal to the physicians take a decision and to better understand the patient condition. In Intensive Care Units is possible monitoring the blood pressure due the fact of the patient being in continuous monitoring through bedside monitors and the use of sensors. The intensivist only have access to vital signs values when they look to the monitor or consult the values hourly collected. Most important is the sequence of the values collected, i.e., a set of highest or lowest values can signify a critical event and bring future complications to a patient as is Hypotension or Hypertension. This complications can leverage a set of dangerous diseases and side-effects. The main goal of this work is to predict the probability of a patient has a blood pressure critical event in the next hours by combining a set of patient data collected in real-time and using Data Mining classification techniques. As output the models indicate the probability (%) of a patient has a Blood Pressure Critical Event in the next hour. The achieved results showed to be very promising, presenting sensitivity around of 95%.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica.


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OBJECTIVE - To study cardiovascular alterations in young patients with no apparent organic disease who underwent electroconvulsive therapy. METHODS - The study comprised 47 healthy patients (22 males and 25 females) with a mean age of 30.3 years, who underwent electroconvulsive therapy. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and continuous electrocardiographic monitoring (Holter monitor) were performed during 24 hours. Blood pressure and heart rate were assessed 4 hours prior to electric shock administration, during electric shock administration, and 3 hours after electric shock administration. Arrhythmias and alterations in the ST segment in 24 hours were recorded. RESULTS - On electroconvulsive therapy, a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate was observed and the measurements returned to basal values after 25 minutes. Three females had tracings with depression of the ST segment suggesting myocardial ischemia prior to and after electroconvulsive therapy. Coronary angiography was normal. No severe cardiac arrhythmias were diagnosed. CONCLUSION - 1) Electroconvulsive therapy is a safe therapeutic modality in psychiatry; 2) it causes a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate; 3) it may be associated with myocardial ischemia in the absence of coronary obstructive disease; 4) electroconvulsive therapy was not associated with the occurrence of severe cardiac arrhythmias.


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La “Red de Homólogos de Pobreza de AUSJAL”, en el marco de una decidida voluntad institucional de las universidades jesuitas de América Latina deoptar estratégicamente por contribuir a la comprensión y la superación de la pobreza en la región, ha puesto en marcha el “Observatorio sobre Pobreza en América Latina de AUSJAL”, un proyecto de investigaciónacción con el cuál se espera fortalecer la capacidad de las Universidades de aportar a la superación de la pobreza en el continente. El objetivo general del proyecto es construir un instrumento de diagnóstico, seguimiento y evaluación sobre el estado de la pobreza en el continente, con miras a generar información académica actualizada que permita impulsar la voz de las universidades confiadas a la Compañía de Jesús en materia de compromiso social e incidir en los decisores de políticas públicas en cada uno de nuestros países. Para el cumplimiento de ese objetivo el proyecto de investigación se ha estructurado en base a tres componentes. Un primer componente denominado Monitor Social Latinoamericano (MSL) que tiene como producto una publicación de un conjunto de reportes nacionales y uno consolidado para América Latina con periodicidad de cada 18 meses; un segundo componente denominado Análisis de políticas Sociales Para la Superación de la Pobreza en América Latina (APSN) con el cual se espera definir un marco metodológico común y una agenda temática por edición que acompañe la publicación del primer componente en una edición de gran volumen con sus respectivos “resúmenes ejecutivos”; y un tercer componente denominado Desarrollo de Capacidades para el trabajo en Red (DCTR) encargado de la coordinación académica y editorial, la gestión administrativa y, muy especialmente, al fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales de las universidades para la gestión de conocimiento en red


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a prevalência de síncope neurocardiogênica em pacientes com síncope inexplicada e extra-sístoles ventriculares (EV), com morfologia de via de saída de ventrículo direito (VSVD) sem cardiopatia estrutural aparente. MÉTODOS: Noventa pacientes (66 mulheres, idade média de 40,2 ± 16,95 anos) com EV monomórficas com origem na VSVD foram avaliados prospectivamente. Cinqüenta e quatro pacientes apresentavam síncopes ou pré-síncopes associadas ou não a palpitações; 27 apresentavam palpitações sem pré-síncope ou síncope, e 9 eram assintomáticos. Todos foram submetidos a ecocardiograma, ECG de alta resolução, ressonância magnética cardíaca e teste de esforço para afastar cardiopatia estrutural e taquicardia ventricular adrenérgico-dependente, e a monitorização com Holter e monitor de eventos sintomáticos para correlacionar os sintomas com a arritmia. A investigação de suscetibilidade a síncope neurocardiogênica foi avaliada pelo teste de inclinação (TI). Os grupos foram comparados quanto a sexo, idade, freqüência e complexidade das extra-sístoles, com e sem esforço físico, resultado do TI e evolução clínica. RESULTADOS: No grupo com síncope e pré-síncope, o TI foi positivo em 38% dos casos e nos grupos com palpitações e assintomáticos, em 11% (p = 0,0257). Após orientação e tratamento da síncope neurocardiogênica, 85% dos pacientes com síncope e pré-sincope e TI positivo permaneceram assintomáticos durante seguimento médio de 40 meses. Dois pacientes com síncope e TI negativos apresentaram taquicardia ventricular sustentada espontânea durante a evolução clínica. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de síncope neurocardiogênica em pacientes com EV idiopáticas de VSVD é alta. Pacientes com síncope recorrente inexplicada e EV idiopáticas devem ser mantidos sob investigação.


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Identificación: Programa de capacitación y de ejecución de acciones para favorecer el desarrollo del potencial exportador de las empresas pequeñas y medianas de Río Cuarto y región. Caracterización del problema objeto de estudio: La zona de influencia de la ciudad de Río Cuarto posee, por su ubicación y características naturales, un potencial exportador no explotado, considerando la actual dinámica de los mercados internacionales. La ciudad está en el cruce de rutas nacionales que la conecta a las principales ciudades del MERCOSUR, con salida al Pacífico y al Atlántico y conexión rápida a rutas que van hacia la frontera norte del país. A modo de presentación de situaciones favorables, en el caso de Bolivia es para aprovechar el prestigio de los productos argentinos en ese mercado y las ventajas que las empresas chicas y medianas pueden disponer al no existir barreras idiomáticas, razonables requisitos de calidad y una gran necesidad de productos elaborados que pueden ser ofertados por PYMES regionales.En el caso de Chile importan tres aspectos: primero, la cercanía geográfica a la zona de Río Cuarto, ya que se accede en forma directa por vía terrestre, con una distancia de sólo 900 Km. respecto a la zona metropolitana de ese país; segundo, es el mercado regional con mayores niveles de exigencia para acceder al mismo, constituyendo por lo tanto una buena plataforma de aprendizaje para lograr el acceso luego al mundo desarrollado; tercero, al tener Chile firmado acuerdos de libre comercio con mercados que suman 3500 millones de habitantes, con acceso directo al cinturón del Pacífico, que es la zona más dinámica del comercio mundial actual, ese país necesita complementarse con sus vecinos para poder aprovechar las demandas potenciales de esos mercados.Con el proyecto se pretende contribuir a acentuar la internacionalización económica de la ciudad de Río Cuarto y su región circundante. Hipótesis:Se puede generar un polo exportador pyme a partir de la actividad sistemática de un programa de difusión de conocimientos sobre el comercio exterior, lo que contribuirá a profundizar la sustentabilidad económica de Río Cuarto y su región circundante.Objetivos: -a) Crear, desde el programa, una oferta de capacitación y asesoramiento que satisfaga los interrogantes y necesidades de las empresas pequeñas y medianas que busquen iniciarse en la actividad de exportación. b) Promover la formación de consorcios y formas asociativas, sobre todo de pequeñas y medianas empresas, para expandir el comercio exterior regional. c) Difundir las posibilidades de inserción internacional de las pymes regionales y sus requerimientos en los aspectos productivos y de comercialización. Estos últimos suelen constituir puntos críticos en el desarrollo exportador de las firmas. d) Analizar las posibilidades competitivas en el comercio internacional, en especial en el área del MERCOSUR, de cluster Materiales y Métodos a Utilizar: - Elaboración de un Monitor de Expectativas Empresariales con el objetivo de cuantificar la actual y la potencial Oferta Exportadora Regional. - Desarrollo de Análisis Sectoriales para determinar las posibilidades de incrementar las ventas al exterior de productos regionales. - Creación de Informes Especiales sobre Productos Regionales, los cuales le permitirán a Pequeños y Medianos Productores conocer en detalle, las oportunidades y exigencias para ingresar a los mercados externos, especialmente al área del MERCOSUR. - Organización de Viajes y Rondas de Negocios con el fin de fortalecer los lazos comerciales y culturales del empresariado local y extranjero. Resultados Esperados: - Profundizar conocimientos sobre las posibilidades que poseen los productos regionales de ingresar a los mercados externos. - Lograr una difusión generalizada de conocimientos sobre el Comercio Exterior, brindándole a las Pymes las herramientas básicas y fundamentales para que puedan desarrollar su potencial exportador.


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El problema que enfrenta la institucionalidad estatal argentina es que existe un serio déficit de información no solamente en el momento de evaluar un resultado, sino ya al momento de diseñar la política. Las estadísticas oficiales de hechos vitales, salud y educación son difundidas en el mejor de los casos con un año de atraso. La información de indicadores de salud por su nivel de desagregación no permite conocer las realidades locales. Es posible constatar la falta de información sobre las medidas tomadas para asegurar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del Estado en lo relativo a políticas y programas de salud mental. Del mismo modo que los organismos internacionales determinan los deficits de los sistemas de atención a la salud mental a través de las brechas de tratamiento y aun cuando no se dispone de estimaciones precisas se habla de brechas de información, que expresarían la distancia entre la información necesaria y la efectivamente disponible (OPS, 2009). Desde el mes de diciembre de 2007 se conforma la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, con el objeto de instalar en agenda la necesidad de contar con una legislación que brinde el marco normativo para la transformación del sector. En los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2010 se aprobaron sendas leyes de salud mental en la Provincia de Córdoba y a nivel nacional. Ambas proponen la transformación progresiva en los sistemas de atención a los problemas de salud mental de la población. Desde la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos se afirma que la legislación es un marco necesario pero no suficiente, en tanto se constata que las princiales violaciones a los derechos humanos se producen en situaciones concretas. El presente proyecto nace de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de información que permita conocer la transformación de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Córdoba a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848 de Salud Mental en el mes de octubre de 2010. Una vez logrado este objetivo legislativo, se pretende monitorear la gestión con la formulación de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿a través de qué indicadores medir, evaluar y monitorear si la producción de los servicios de salud mental se lleva adelante desde la perspectiva del enfoque de derechos sancionada en el marco normativo vigente?; ¿cuáles son los indicadores que desde dicha perspectiva los organismos estatales de producción de servicios deben elaborar para el compromiso de acción y la rendición de cuentas frente a la ciudadanía? ¿cuáles son los indicadores que la ciudadanía debe reclamar a los fines de monitorear el cumplimiento de dichos compromisos? La puesta en marcha del Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos permitirá analizar las políticas y programas de salud mental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y avanzar en el monitoreo de la producción de los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo General: analizar y hacer visible el cumplimiento de los objetivos sancionados en la ley 9848 de Salud Mental a través de la observación, el monitoreo y la incidencia en las políticas de salud mental de la provincia de Córdoba. Metodología: la construcción de indicadores de derechos humanos para la salud mental. El Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos pretende dar cuenta de las transformaciones que van a ocurrir a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848. Los resultados esperados están ligados a la producción y difusión de información sistematizada sobre las transformaciones en salud mental, a la vigilancia y el análisis del efecto/impacto de las políticas e incidir en las decisiones. El Observatorio pretende reconocer e integrar la información disponible y proponer indicadores que den cuenta de la situación inicial al momento de la implementación de los marcos normativos y permitir el monitoreo de las transformaciones emergentes. This project stems from the need for an information system designed to show the transformation of mental health services in the province of Cordoba after the enactment of the Mental Health Act 9848 in October 2010. Once achieved this legislative objective is to monitor the management with the formulation of the following questions: through which indicators to measure, evaluate and monitor whether the production of mental health services are carried forward from the perspective of rights-based approach enacted in two laws?, What are the indicators from that perspective the production agencies should develop services for the commitment to action and accountability to the public? What are the indicators that the public should demand that the purpose of monitoring compliance with these commitments? The launch of the Centre for Mental Health and Human Rights will review the policies and mental health programs from the perspective of human rights and progress in monitoring the production of mental health services. General Objective: to analyze and highlight the achievement of the objectives sanctioned by the Mental Health Act 9848 through the observation, monitoring and impact on mental health policy in the province of Cordoba. Methodology: building human rights indicators for mental health Mental Observatory Health and Human Rights aims to account for the changes that will occur after the enactment of Law 9848. The expected results are linked to production and dissemination of systematic information about changes in mental health, surveillance and analysis of the effect / impact and influence policy decisions. The Centre aims to recognize and integrate the available information and propose indicators that account for the initial situation at the time of implementation of regulatory frameworks and allow monitoring of change emerging.


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Recent studies have shown that septic tank systems are a major source of groundwater pollution. Many public health workers feel that the most cri^cal aspect of the use of septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal is the contamination of private water wells with attendant human health hazards. In this study the movement and attenuation of septic tank effluents in a range of soil/overburden types and hydrogeological situations was investigated. The suitability of a number of chemical and biological tracer materials to monitor the movement of septic tank effluent constituents to groundwater sources was also examined. The investigation was divided into three separate but inteiTelated sections. In the first section of the study the movement of septic tank effluent from two soil treatment systems was investigated by direct measurements of soil nutrient concentrations and enteric bacterial numbers in the soil beneath and downgradient of the test systems. Two sites with different soil types and hydrogeological characteristics were used. The results indicated that the attenuation of the effluent in both of the treatment systems was incomplete. Migration of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and fecal bacteria to a depth of 50 cm beneath the inverts of the distribution tiles was demonstrated on all sampling occasions. The lateral migration of the pollutants was less pronounced, although on occasions high nutrients levels and fecal bacterial numbers were detected at a lateral distance of 4.0 m downgradient of the test systems. There was evidence that the degree and extent of effluent migration was increased after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall when the attenuating properties of the treatment systems were reduced as a result of saturation of the soil. The second part of the study examined the contamination of groundwaters downgradient of septic tank soil treatment systems. Three test sites were used in the investigation. The sites were chosen because of differences in the thicknesses and nature of the unsaturated zone available for effluent attenuation at each of the locations. A series of groundwater monitoring boreholes were installed downgradient of the test systems at each of the sites and these were sampled regularly to assess the efficiency of the overburden material in reducing the polluting potential of the wastewater. Effluent attenuation in the septic tank treatment systems was shown to be incomplete, resulting in chemical and microbiological contamination of the groundwaters downgradient of the systems. The nature and severity of groundwater contamination was dependent on the composition and thickness of the unsaturated zone and the extent of weathering in the underlying saturated bedrock. The movement of septic tank effluent through soil/overburdens to groundwater sources was investigated by adding a range of chemical and biological tracer materials to the three septic tank systems used in section two of the study. The results demonstrated that a single tracer type cannot be used to accurately monitor the movement of all effluent constituents through soils to groundwater. The combined use of lithium bromide and endospores of Bacillus globigii was found to give an accurate indication of the movement of both the chemical and biological effluent constituents.


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As manufacturers face an increasingly competitive environment, they seek out opportunities to reduce production costs without negatively affecting the yield or the quality of their finished products. The challenge of maintaining high product quality while simultaneously reducing production costs can often be met through investments in energy efficient technologies and energy efficiency practices. Energy management systems can offer both technological and best practice efficiencies in order to achieve substantial savings. A strong energy management system provides a solid foundation for an organisation to reduce production costs and improve site efficiency. The I.S EN16001 energy management standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system and represents the latest best practice for energy management in Ireland. The objective of the energy management system is to establish a systematic approach for improving energy performance continuously. The I.S EN16001 standard specifies the requirements for continuous improvement through using energy more efficiently. The author analysed how GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Cork implemented the I.S. EN16001 energy management system model, and defined how energy saving opportunities where identified and introduced to improve efficiency performance. The author performed an extensive literature research in order to determine the current status of the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland, the processes involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing, the energy users required for pharmaceutical manufacturing and the efficiency measures that can be applied to these energy users in order to reduce energy consumption. The author then analysed how energy management standards are introduced to industry and critically analysed the driving factors for energy management performance in Ireland through case studies. Following an investigation as to how the I.S. EN16001 energy management standard is operated in GSK, a critical analysis of the performance achieved by the GSK energy management system is undertaken in order to determine if implementing the I.S EN16001 standard accelerates achieving energy savings. Since its introduction, the I.S. EN16001 model for energy management has enabled GSK to monitor, target and identify energy efficiency opportunities throughout the site. The model has put in place an energy management system that is continuously reviewed for improvement and to date has reduced GSK’s site operations cost by over 30% through technical improvements and generating energy awareness for smarter energy consumption within the GSK Cork site. Investment in I.S. EN16001 has proved to be a sound business strategy for GSK especially in today's manufacturing environment.


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Surgeons may use a number of cutting instruments such as osteotomes and chisels to cut bone during an operative procedure. The initial loading of cortical bone during the cutting process results in the formation of microcracks in the vicinity of the cutting zone with main crack propagation to failure occuring with continued loading. When a material cracks, energy is emitted in the form of Acoustic Emission (AE) signals that spread in all directions, therefore, AE transducers can be used to monitor the occurrence and development of microcracking and crack propagation in cortical bone. In this research, number of AE signals (hits) and related parameters including amplitude, duration and absolute energy (abs-energy) were recorded during the indentation cutting process by a wedge blade on cortical bone specimens. The cutting force was also measured to correlate between load-displacement curves and the output from the AE sensor. The results from experiments show AE signals increase substantially during the loading just prior to fracture between 90% and 100% of maximum fracture load. Furthermore, an amplitude threshold value of 64dB (with approximate abs-energy of 1500 aJ) was established to saparate AE signals associated with microcracking (41 – 64dB) from fracture related signals (65 – 98dB). The results also demonstrated that the complete fracture event which had the highest duration value can be distinguished from other growing macrocracks which did not lead to catastrophic fracture. It was observed that the main crack initiation may be detected by capturing a high amplitude signal at a mean load value of 87% of maximum load and unsteady crack propagation may occur just prior to final fracture event at a mean load value of 96% of maximum load. The author concludes that the AE method is useful in understanding the crack initiation and fracture during the indentation cutting process.


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Driven by concerns about rising energy costs, security of supply and climate change a new wave of Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET’s) have been embraced by the Irish consumer. Such systems as solar collectors, heat pumps and biomass boilers have become common due to government backed financial incentives and revisions of the building regulations. However, there is a deficit of knowledge and understanding of how these technologies operate and perform under Ireland’s maritime climate. This AQ-WBL project was designed to address both these needs by developing a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system to monitor the performance of such technologies and a web-based learning environment to disseminate performance characteristics and supplementary information about these systems. A DAQ system consisting of 108 sensors was developed as part of Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology’s (GMIT’s) Centre for the Integration of Sustainable EnergyTechnologies (CiSET) in an effort to benchmark the performance of solar thermal collectors and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP’s) under Irish maritime climate, research new methods of integrating these systems within the built environment and raise awareness of SET’s. It has operated reliably for over 2 years and has acquired over 25 million data points. Raising awareness of these SET’s is carried out through the dissemination of the performance data through an online learning environment. A learning environment was created to provide different user groups with a basic understanding of a SET’s with the support of performance data, through a novel 5 step learning process and two examples were developed for the solar thermal collectors and the weather station which can be viewed at http://www.kdp 1 .aquaculture.ie/index.aspx. This online learning environment has been demonstrated to and well received by different groups of GMIT’s undergraduate students and plans have been made to develop it further to support education, awareness, research and regional development.


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FUNDAMENTO: O teste de exercício de 4 segundos (T4s) avalia o tônus vagal cardíaco durante o transiente inicial da frequência cardíaca (FC), em exercício dinâmico súbito, por meio da identificação do índice vagal cardíaco (IVC) obtido a partir do eletrocardiograma (ECG). OBJETIVO: Testar a utilização do monitor de frequência cardíaca (MFC) Polar S810 como recurso alternativo ao ECG na aplicação do T4s. MÉTODOS: Neste trabalho, 49 indivíduos do sexo masculino (25 ± 20 anos, 176 ± 12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) realizaram o T4s. Os intervalos RR foram registrados simultaneamente por ECG e MFC. Calcularam-se média e desvio padrão do último intervalo RR do período pré-exercício ou o primeiro do período de exercício, aquele que for mais longo (RRB), do mais curto intervalo RR do período de exercício (RRC) e do IVC obtidos por ECG e MFC. Utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras dependentes (p < 0,05) para testar a significância das diferenças entre as médias. Para identificar a concordância entre o ECG e o MFC, utilizou-se a regressão linear, com cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a estratégia proposta por Bland e Altman. RESULTADOS: A regressão linear apresentou r² de 0,9999 para o RRB, 0,9997 para o RRC e 0,9996 para o IVC. A estratégia de Bland e Altman apresentou desvio padrão de 0,92 ms para o RRB, 0,86 ms para o RRC e 0,002 para o IVC. CONCLUSÃO: O MFC Polar S810 se mostrou eficiente na aplicação do T4s quando comparado ao ECG.


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FUNDAMENTO: O hipotireoidismo manifesto está associado com elevação da pressão arterial diastólica; entretanto, a associação entre o hipotireoidismo subclínico (HS) e alteração da pressão arterial (PA) é desconhecida. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) por 24 horas em pacientes normotensos com HS em comparação a indivíduos normotensos eutireóideos (EU). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 50 participantes (HS = 30 e EU = 20) que não apresentavam diferenças em relação a fatores de risco para hipertensão. A monitorização ambulatorial de pressão arterial foi realizada com um monitor Dynamapa®, utilizando-se um método oscilométrico validado pela AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) e pela BHS (British Hypertension Society). RESULTADOS: Os níveis séricos médios de TSH e T4 livre foram respectivamente 6,9 ± 2,2 µUI/ml e 1,1 ± 0,2 ng/dl em pacientes com HS. Apesar de não haver diferença em relação à média da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica entre os dois grupos, houve uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de pressão arterial diastólica média (PADM) e os valores séricos de TSH em pacientes com HS (r:0,477; p = 0,004). Essa correlação foi detectada por medidas diurnas (r:0,498; p = 0,002) e noturnas (r:0,322; p = 0,032). CONCLUSÃO: A pressão arterial não diferiu entre pacientes com ou sem HS; contudo, os resultados sugerem que a progressão de hipotireoidismo subclínico para níveis mais elevados de TSH pode aumentar o risco cardiovascular através do aumento da pressão arterial diastólica.


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FUNDAMENTO: A medida da pressão arterial (PA) pelo próprio paciente, sem protocolos rígidos, com treinamento adequado, aparelhos validados e no próprio domicílio, é definida como automedida da pressão arterial (AMPA). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a interferência da AMPA na adesão ao tratamento e no controle pressórico. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 57 pacientes, 38 no grupo de estudo (GE) e 19 no grupo de controle (GC). Esses pacientes foram seguidos por 12 meses e avaliados na randomização (V1), bem como no sexto (V2) e no décimo segundo mês (V3). Comparadas as médias da PA pela medida casual, pela AMPA e pela monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA), exames laboratoriais e as respostas ao questionário sobre o estilo de vida. Os aparelhos utilizados foram: OMRON HEM 714, para a AMPA; OMRON 705 CP, para a medida casual; e Monitor SPACELABS 9002, para a MAPA. RESULTADOS: A idade média em anos foi de 62,05 ± 10,78 e de 55,42 ± 11,87 no GE e no GC (p = 0,03), respectivamente. Os valores da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) pela medida casual no GE e no GC foram: 140,01 ± 16,73 mmHg e 141,79 ± 23,21 mmHg em V1 (p = 0,72); 135,49 ± 12,73 mmHg e 145,69 ± 19,31 mmHg em V2 (p = 0,02); 131,64 ± 19,28 mmHg e 134,88 ± 23,21 mmHg em V3 (p = 0,59). Os valores da pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) foram: 84,13 ± 10,71 mmHg e 86,29 ± 10,35 mmHg em V1 (p = 0,47); 81,69 ± 10,88 mmHg e 89,61 ± 11,58 mmHg em V2 (p = 0,02); 80,31 ± 11,83 mmHg e 86 ± 13,38 mmHg em V3 (p = 0,12). CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes do GE apresentaram adesão ao tratamento não farmacológico semelhante ao GC, mas tiveram maior adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e utilizaram menor número de drogas anti-hipertensivas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos na comparação do perfil metabólico e da função renal. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)