851 resultados para whether magistrate may order that parties be legally represented in QCAT


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O estudo sobre a Institucionalização dos Sistemas Municipais de Ensino na realidade paraense: obstáculos e dificuldades – o caso do Município de Barcarena teve como principal objetivo investigar os fatores que inviabilizam a constituição do Conselho Municipal de Educação na realidade do Município investigado, visando a identificar se os obstáculos são de caráter financeiro, político ou técnico. Análise documental e entrevistas foram os instrumentos utilizados para alcançar os objetivos explicitados. A coleta e o tratamento dos dados priorizaram análises de leis, decretos, pareceres, regimento, planos de governo, projetos e programas educacionais bem como de entrevistas com sujeitos envolvidos no processo educacional. Os resultados da pesquisa permitem inferir que, para a institucionalização do Sistema de Ensino na realidade de Barcarena, necessário se faz que a gestão municipal se disponha a romper com o caráter de base patrimonial arraigado na prática governamental, pois não há garantia de democratização da gestão somente por meio da criação do Sistema de Ensino, ou de outros elementos que compõem a gestão educacional, sem um processo de construção da gestão pública assentado no coletivo. A demanda imediata requer autonomia municipal para construção de uma política educacional que atenda à realidade municipal; mecanismos que viabilizem a participação da sociedade nas deliberações e nos órgãos de acompanhamento e controle social dos recursos destinados à educação, por meio das diversas categorias representadas; superação da concepção do espaço público como patrimônio privado; e formação de equipe técnica habilitada a realizar os encaminhamentos da educação municipal. A demanda constitui-se num desafio, uma vez que os conflitos, as tensões, as disputas de poder são fortes, o que representa um fator positivo, se entendido como possibilidade de construção da política educacional ancorada na diversidade de opiniões, pois os diferentes segmentos da sociedade civil de Barcarena apresentam interesse na participação, alguns se mobilizando mais ativamente, outros em menor proporção, existindo, porém, a necessidade de que sejam estes reconhecidos como sujeitos sociais e de que a formação teórica, pedagógica e política também seja compreendida como fator fundamental à participação social nas ações de mobilização para organização do Sistema de Ensino, paralelamente ao reconhecimento de que é um direito que precisa consolidar-se.


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A aprendizagem de relações condicionais bidirecionais (simetria) tem sido raramente demonstrada em não-humanos. Recentemente três estudos apresentaram dados positivos de repertórios comportamentais de simetria em pombos. Estes estudos apontaram como possíveis variáveis determinantes da emergência de simetria: 1) O treino misto de relações arbitrárias e de identidade simultaneamente e com um mesmo conjunto de estímulos; 2) O sujeito não ter sido exposto a treino prévio de qualquer tipo de relação com os mesmos estímulos; e 3) A utilização do procedimento de discriminação condicional sucessiva (Go/No-go). O presente estudo buscou averiguar a necessidade do uso de Go/No-go, aplicando as demais variáveis (treino misto e não exposição prévia), para a obtenção da emergência de simetria. Este estudo avaliou em dois macacos-prego (Cebus apella) a aprendizagem de relações arbitrárias e de identidade de estímulos apresentados na mesma sessão experimental e a emergência de simetria, utilizando dois procedimentos. Um sujeito (M18) foi treinado em tarefa de Go/Nogo com tentativas mistas de relações arbitrárias e relações de identidade, com o mesmo conjunto de estímulos. O sujeito passou por dois treinos Go/No-go que não foram bem sucedidos em estabelecer controle condicional. Um outro sujeito (M27) foi treinado em uma tarefa de emparelhamento ao modelo com atraso zero com tentativas mistas de relações de identidade e arbitrárias, com mesmo conjunto de estímulos. Esse segundo procedimento buscou averiguar a necessidade do uso do procedimento Go/No-go para a obtenção da emergência de simetria. As sessões de treino eram compostas por oito tentativas de identidade (quatro relações) e oito tentativas de relações arbitrárias (duas relações), apresentadas em seqüência randômica. Todas as tentativas tinham três escolhas entre as comparações. Posteriormente, M27 foi submetido a três testes (todos com reforço programado para todas as tentativas). O treino de linha de base mista (identidade e arbitrária) ocorreu em 14 sessões. O primeiro teste foi de simetria, em uma sessão de oito tentativas para cada uma das quatro relações de identidade, duas arbitrárias e duas de teste, totalizando 64 tentativas, cujo critério de desempenho era acertar sete das oito tentativas de cada relação. M27 teve 2 erros em uma das relações de identidade e acertou todas as demais, inclusive as de simetria. Para averiguar se havia uma coerência do controle de estímulos, foi feito o segundo teste no qual as respostas de escolha entre as comparações não podiam mais ser condicionais ao modelo, uma vez que se utilizou um mesmo estímulo novo no lugar dos modelos para todas as tentativas, tanto de linha de base quanto de teste. M27 cometeu três erros ao todo. Esse resultado pode indicar que havia uma relação de controle, não prevista: como dois pares de estímulos se alternavam na função S- em todas as tentativas, M27 pode ter aprendido a rejeitar esses dois pares de estímulos independente do modelo apresentado. De modo a averiguar se de fato não havia controle por seleção de acordo com o modelo, foi feito um teste apenas com duas comparações com as mesmas outras configurações do primeiro teste. M27 errou seis das 32 tentativas de linha de base de identidade, seis das 16 arbitrárias e seis das 16 de simetria. Os acertos foram, portanto, acima da linha do acaso, o que confirma parcialmente a hipótese acima e pode indicar a presença de um controle misto condicional e discriminativo entre os estímulos de comparação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A number of 170 individuals of the species Pimelodus maculatus, a Neotropical fish known as mandi was collected in three distinct locations of the Piracicaba river (Piracicaba, Santa Maria da Serra and Americana – SP0 from April 2009 to February 2010. A common species of catfish whose individuals exist in many neotropical basins was observed to get more information about a possible influence of the water conditions in distant parts of a same river to its condition and also to verify whether the stomach contents of fish collected in these distinct places may distinguish as a possible consequence of food availability. The species were studied by collecting biological data such as standard length (SL) in cm, their total weights (TW ) in grams and sexes to see the composition of fish present in the samples. Length-weight relationships are important means to investigate facts related to the condition of the species in these systems. The analysis was made by using covariance to observe if individuals of similar lengths collected in distinct places may be compared to this purpose. Usual methods to investigate relationships of stomach food contents were applied. By analyzing the condition factor, one may conclude that the mandis collected in the region of Santa Maria da Serra presented similar characteristics to those obtained in Piracicaba, but they differ in this aspect for individuals collected in Americana. This fact is not conclusive about the reasons of this situation, but it may be a first step to other studies in order to get more information about. The degree of stomach repletion may be a first approach to this possible explanation, as individuals of Piracicaba presented usually full stomachs and differed in this way to individuals collected in the two other places


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One of the interests of leisure is social and involves the festival. The holidays can be of different types and occur in different places, having lots of functions as the union of those involved, the development of creativity, fun and identification with the culture. The festivities are part of the play culture. The school, being an environment that deals directly and indirectly with the culture of organized behavior and appreciation of the discipline, often in second person through the formation of relationships, cultural transmission and access to the traditions of the groups around it. The entertainment component of culture in the school also finds himself sidelined in a society of work and a school that educates more to the labor market. The parties almost do not occur at school and when they happen, are given in order to make profits and sell consumer goods, apart from values that are intrinsic. In this study the objective was to deepen the study of parties, given that these are elements provides the establishment of the identity of a group of groups and of each individuals. When it comes to educating people, parties contributed to the emancipation of the human being which is cultural. Was developed a study in the field about the theme parties at the school, to understand whether and how it is being taught in schools, and what is its real importance for teachers and students, since we consider it fundamental to the development of culture and leisure culture of individuals. For this, we conducted a qualitative study based on a field research, using as a tool for collecting a semi-structured interviews with 52 students from 6th grade (7 years) from two schools at Ibitinga-SP, since one of them was a public school and the other a private school. Based on data collected from interviews and analysis, we found that the parties do not happen in schools, students do not learn what is leisure, and do not study or folklore festivals in physical...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Abstract The purpose of this research was to study the sex distribution and energy allocation of dioecious Eastern Red Cedars (Juniperus virginiana) along an environmental resource gradient. The trees surveyed were growing in a canyon located at the University of Nebraska’s Cedar Point Biological Research Station in Ogallala, Nebraska. Due to the geography of this canyon, environmental factors necessary for plant growth should vary depending on the tree’s location within the canyon. These factors include water availability, sun exposure, ground slope, and soil nitrogen content, all of which are necessary for carbon acquisition. Juniperus virginiana is a dioecious conifer. Dioecious plants maintain male and female reproductive structures on separate individuals. Therefore, proximal spatial location is essential for pollination and successful reproduction. Typically female reproductive structures are more costly and require a greater investment of carbon and nitrogen. For this reason, growth, survival and successful reproduction are more likely to be limited by environmental resources for females than for male individuals. If this is true for Juniperus virginiana, females should be located in more nutrient and water rich areas than males. This also assumes that females can not be reproductively successful in areas of poor environmental quality. Therefore, reproductive males should be more likely to inhabit environments with relatively lower resource availability than females. Whether the environment affects sexual determination or just limits survival of different sexes is still relatively unknown. In order to view distribution trends along the environmental gradient, the position of the tree in the canyon transect was compared to its sex. Any trend in sex should correspond with varying environmental factors in the canyon, ie: sunlight availability, aspect, and ground slope. The individuals’ allocation to growth and reproduction was quantified first by comparing trunk diameter at six inches above ground to sex and location of the tree. The feature of energy allocation was further substantiated by comparing carbon and nitrogen content in tree leaf tissue and soil to location and sex of each individual. Carbon and nitrogen in soil indicate essential nutrient availability to the individual, while C and N in leaf tissue indicate nutrient limitation experienced by the tree. At the conclusion of this experiment, there is modest support that survival and fecundity of females demands environments relatively richer in nutrients, than needed by males to survive and be reproductively active. Side of the canyon appeared to have an influence on diameter of trees, frequency of sex and carbon and nitrogen leaf content. While this information indicated possible trends in the relation of sex to nutrient availability, most of the environmental variables presumed responsible for the sex distribution bias differed minutely and may not have been biologically significant to tree growth.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background and Purpose: Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a common manifestation in acute stroke. Aspiration resulting from difficulties in swallowing is a symptom that should be considered due to the frequent occurrence of aspiration pneumonia that could influence the patient's recovery as it causes clinical complications and could even lead to the patient's death. The early clinical evaluation of swallowing disorders can help define approaches and avoid oral feeding, which may be detrimental to the patient. This study aimed to create an algorithm to identify patients at risk of developing dysphagia following acute ischemic stroke in order to be able to decide on the safest way of feeding and minimize the complications of stroke using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NHISS). Methods: Clinical assessment of swallowing was performed in 50 patients admitted to the emergency unit of the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke, within 48 h after the beginning of symptoms. Patients, 25 females and 25 males with a mean age of 64.90 years (range 26-91 years), were evaluated consecutively. An anamnesis was taken before the patient's participation in the study in order to exclude a prior history of deglutition difficulties. For the functional assessment of swallowing, three food consistencies were used, i.e. pasty, liquid and solid. After clinical evaluation, we concluded whether there was dysphagia. For statistical analysis we used the Fisher exact test, verifying the association between the variables. To assess whether the NIHSS score characterizes a risk factor for dysphagia, a receiver operational characteristics curve was constructed to obtain characteristics for sensitivity and specificity. Results: Dysphagia was present in 32% of the patients. The clinical evaluation is a reliable method of detection of swallowing difficulties. However, the predictors of risk for the swallowing function must be balanced, and the level of consciousness and the presence of preexisting comorbidities should be considered. Gender, age and cerebral hemisphere involved were not significantly associated with the presence of dysphagia. NIHSS, Glasgow Coma Scale, and speech and language changes had a statistically significant predictive value for the presence of dysphagia. Conclusions: The NIHSS is highly sensitive (88%) and specific (85%) in detecting dysphagia; a score of 12 may be considered as the cutoff value. The creation of an algorithm to detect dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke appears to be useful in selecting the optimal feeding route while awaiting a specialized evaluation. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Traditional abduction imposes as a precondition the restriction that the background information may not derive the goal data. In first-order logic such precondition is, in general, undecidable. To avoid such problem, we present a first-order cut-based abduction method, which has KE-tableaux as its underlying inference system. This inference system allows for the automation of non-analytic proofs in a tableau setting, which permits a generalization of traditional abduction that avoids the undecidable precondition problem. After demonstrating the correctness of the method, we show how this method can be dynamically iterated in a process that leads to the construction of non-analytic first-order proofs and, in some terminating cases, to refutations as well.


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Aims: An extensive variety of prenatal insults are associated with an increased incidence of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders in adult life. We previously demonstrated that maternal global nutrient restriction during pregnancy leads to increased blood pressure and endothelial dysfunction in the adult offspring. This study aimed to assess whether prenatal exposure to nutritional insult has transgenerational effects in F-2 and F-3 offspring. Main methods: For this, female Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups on day 1 of pregnancy: a control group fed standard chow ad libitum and a restricted group fed 50% of the ad libitum intake throughout gestation. At delivery, all animals were fed a standard laboratory chow diet. At 11 weeks of age, one female and one male from each restricted litter were randomly selected and mated with rats from another restricted litters in order to generate the F-2 offspring. The same procedure produced F-3 generation. Similarly, the rats in the control group were bred for each generation. Key Findings: Our findings show that the deleterious effects of maternal nutrient restriction to which the F-0 mothers were exposed may not be limited to the male first generation. In fact, we found that elevated blood pressure, an impaired vasodilatory response to acetylcholine and alterations in NO production were all transferred to the subsequent males from F-2 and F-3 generations. Significance: Our data show that global nutrient restriction during pregnancy results in a specific phenotype that can be passed transgenerationally to a second and third generation. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome following the abrupt cessation of alcohol intake that includes symptoms of physical and emotional disturbances, anxiety being the most prevalent symptom. In humans, it was shown that anxiety may increase the probability of relapse. In laboratory animals, however, the use of anxiety to predict alcohol preference has remained difficult. Excitatory amino acids as glutamate have been implicated in alcohol hangover and may be responsible for the seizures and anxiety observed during withdrawal. The dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) is a midbrain region critical for the modulation/expression of anxiety- and fear-related behaviors and the propagation of seizures induced by alcohol withdrawal, the glutamate neurotransmission being one of the most affected. The present study was designed to evaluate whether low- (LA) and high-anxiety rats (HA), tested during the alcohol hangover phase, in which anxiety is the most prevalent symptom, are more sensitive to the reinforcing effects of alcohol when tested in a voluntary alcohol drinking procedure. Additionally, we were interested in investigating the main effects of reducing the excitatory tonus of the dorsal midbrain, after the blockade of the ionotropic glutamate receptors into the DPAG, on the voluntary alcohol intake of HA and LA motivated rats that were made previously experienced with the free operant response of alcohol drinking. For this purpose, we used local infusions of the N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-kainate receptors antagonist DL-2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid - DL-AP7 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l) and L-glutamic acid diethyl ester - GDEE (160 nmol/0.2 mu l) respectively. Alcohol intoxication was produced by 10 daily bolus intraperitonial (IP) injections of alcohol (2.0 g/kg). Peak-blood alcohol levels were determined by gas-chromatography analysis in order to assess blood-alcohol content. Unconditioned and conditioned anxiety-like behavior was assessed by the use of the fear-potentiated startle procedure (FPS). Data collected showed that anxiety and alcohol drinking in HA animals are positively correlated in animals that were made previously familiarized with the anxiolytic effects of alcohol. In addition, anxiety-like behavior induced during alcohol hangover seems to be an effect of changes in glutamatergic neurotransmission into DPAG possibly involving AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptors, among others. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare impulsivity among patients with bipolar disorder, their siblings, and healthy controls in order to examine whether impulsivity in bipolar disorder is related to genetic liability for the illness. METHODS: Using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, we assessed 204 subjects: 67 euthymic outpatients with bipolar disorder type I, 67 siblings without bipolar disorder, and 70 healthy controls. RESULTS: Impulsivity scores were higher among patients with bipolar disorder than among healthy controls. Siblings showed higher motor impulsivity scores than did healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that motor impulsivity may be a vulnerability marker for bipolar disorder. Our data may contribute to further improve preventive strategies in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorder.