951 resultados para water drinking test


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Herbicides are used to control the growth of weeds along highways, power lines, and many other urban locations. Exposure to herbicides has been linked to adverse health outcomes. This study was initiated to pretest for the presence of herbicides in multiple water sources near intersections in a corridor in the Northwest Harris County (specifically in the Highway 6/FM 1960, North Freeway 45, US 290 and S 99 corridor). Roadside water and tap water samples were collected and analyzed for herbicides using the established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 515.4: "Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction, Derivatization, and Fast Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection." A standard operating procedure (adapted from the US EPA Method 515.4) was developed for subsequent, larger studies of environmental fate of herbicides and non-occupational exposure risks. Preliminary testing of 16 water samples was performed to pretest the existence of trace herbicides; all concentrations that were greater than the minimum reporting limits of each analyte are reported with a 99 percent confidence. This study failed to find concentrations above the limits of detection of the method in any of the samples collected on June 15, 2008. However, this does not indicate that the waters around the NW Harris County are free of herbicides and metabolites. A larger and repeated sampling in the region would be necessary to make that claim. ^


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Introduction. Lake Houston serves as a reservoir for both recreational and drinking water for residents of Houston, Texas, and the metropolitan area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) expressed concerns about the water quality and increasing amounts of pathogenic bacteria in Lake Houston (3). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate water quality for the presence of bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, carbon, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, and chlorine in Cypress Creek. The aims of this project are to analyze samples of water from Cypress Creek and to render a quantitative and graphical representation of the results. The collected information will allow for a better understanding of the aqueous environment in Cypress Creek.^ Methods. Water samples were collected in August 2009 and analyzed in the field and at UTSPH laboratory by spectrophotometry and other methods. Mapping software was utilized to develop novel maps of the sample sites using coordinates attained with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Sample sites and concentrations were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and correlated with permitted outfalls and other land use characteristic.^ Results. All areas sampled were positive for the presence of total coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The presences of other water contaminants varied at each location in Cypress Creek but were under the maximum allowable limits designated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations were elevated above the TCEQ limit of 5.0 mg/L at majority of the sites. One site had near-limit concentration of nitrates at 9.8 mg/L. Land use above this site included farm land, agricultural land, golf course, parks, residential neighborhoods, and nine permitted TCEQ effluent discharge sites within 0.5 miles upstream.^ Significance. Lake Houston and its tributary, Cypress Creek, are used as recreational waters where individuals may become exposed to microbial contamination. Lake Houston also is the source of drinking water for much of Houston/Harris and Galveston Counties. This research identified the presence of microbial contaminates in Cypress Creek above TCEQ regulatory requirements. Other water quality variables measured were in line with TCEQ regulations except for near-limit for nitrate at sample site #10, at Jarvis and Timberlake in Cypress Texas.^


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Developing countries are heavily burdened by limited access to safe drinking water and subsequent water-related diseases. Numerous water treatment interventions combat this public health crisis, encompassing both traditional and less-common methods. Of these, water disinfection serves as an important means to provide safe drinking water. Existing literature discusses a wide range of traditional treatment options and encourages the use of multi-barrier approaches including coagulation-flocculation, filtration, and disinfection. Most sources do not delve into approaches specifically appropriate for developing countries, nor do they exclusively examine water disinfection methods.^ The objective of this review is to focus on an extensive range of chemical, physio-chemical, and physical water disinfection techniques to provide a compilation, description and evaluation of options available. Such an objective provides further understanding and knowledge to better inform water treatment interventions and explores alternate means of water disinfection appropriate for developing countries. Appropriateness for developing countries corresponds to the effectiveness of an available, easy to use disinfection technique at providing safe drinking water at a low cost.^ Among chemical disinfectants, SWS sodium hypochlorite solution is preferred over sodium hypochlorite bleach due to consistent concentrations. Tablet forms are highly recommended chemical disinfectants because they are effective and very easy to use, but also because they are stable. Examples include sodium dichloroisocyanurate, calcium hypochlorite, and chlorine dioxide, which vary in cost depending on location and availability. Among physio-chemical disinfection options, electrolysis which produces mixed oxidants (MIOX) provides a highly effective disinfection option with a higher upfront cost but very low cost over the long term. Among physical disinfection options, solar disinfection (SODIS) applications are effective, but they treat only a fixed volume of water at a time. They come with higher initial costs but very low on-going costs. Additional effective disinfection techniques may be suitable depending on the location, availability and cost.^


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Biodegradability is a desirable, if not a necessary characteristic of pesticides. Carbaryl, as Sevin, is one of the more widely used insecticides for the control of agricultural pests and has been reported to be readily degraded by microorganisms. Because of its broad application, the concentration of Sevin in surface waters has been reported to reach nearly four parts per million (PPM) in surface waters, where it has been reported to affect the growth and metabolic rates of aquatic bacterial populations. Following these reports, it is of public health importance to determine the effects of this insecticide on the growth and metabolic rates of bacteria used to indicate water pollution, and on pathogenic organisms which are found in polluted water.^ This study was conducted to determine the effect of carbaryl on the growth and metabolic rates of indicator and pathogenic organisms. Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis were used as indicators, while Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium were the pathogens studied. Pure and mixed cultures of these organisms were exposed to two concentrations of carbaryl (Sevin).^ The study demonstrated that the fecal pollution indicator organisms, E. coli and S. faecalis respond differently to the presence of small concentrations of carbaryl in water as do the two pathogens tested, (S. typhimurium and S. aureus). The growth of all test organisms as measured by spread plate counts, was reduced by the presence of either one mg/l or five mg/l carbaryl within a period of eight days. Survival of the organisms in the presence of five mg/l carbaryl varied dependent upon whether the organism was in pure or mixed culture. In the presence of five mg/l carbaryl, both pure and mixed culture of E. coli showed longer survival. S. faecalis survived for more than eight days in pure culture, neither S. typhimurium nor S. aureus survived for eight days in pure culture.^ The metabolic rate of S. faecalis and S. aureus was reduced by both five mg/l and one mg/l Sevin concentrations, contrary to E. coli and S. typhimurium which had reduced metabolic rate with the introduction of five mg/l Sevin but showed an increase in the metabolic rate with one mg/l Sevin. There was no difference between the test and control when mixed populations were exposed to five mg/l Sevin and the metabolic rate tested. A mixture of E. coli and S. typhimurium populations showed a respiration increase over the control when exposed to one mg/l Sevin concentration. If similar effects occur in polluted surface waters, misleading results from bacteriological water quality testing may occur. ^


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Background Past and recent evidence shows that radionuclides in drinking water may be a public health concern. Developmental thresholds for birth defects with respect to chronic low level domestic radiation exposures, such as through drinking water, have not been definitely recognized, and there is a strong need to address this deficiency in information. In this study we examined the geographic distribution of orofacial cleft birth defects in and around uranium mining district Counties in South Texas (Atascosa, Bee, Brooks, Calhoun, Duval, Goliad, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, San Patricio, Refugio, Starr, Victoria, Webb, and Zavala), from 1999 to 2007. The probable association of cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes classified according to uranium and radium concentrations in drinking water supplies was evaluated. Similar associations between orofacial cleft birth defects and radium/radon in drinking water were reported earlier by Cech and co-investigators in another of the Gulf Coast region (Harris County, Texas).50, 55 Since substantial uranium mining activity existed and still exists in South Texas, contamination of drinking water sources with radiation and its relation to birth defects is a ground for concern. ^ Methods Residential addresses of orofacial cleft birth defect cases, as well as live births within the twenty Counties during 1999-2007 were geocoded and mapped. Prevalence rates were calculated by ZIP codes and were mapped accordingly. Locations of drinking water supplies were also geocoded and mapped. ZIP codes were stratified as having high combined uranium (≥30μg/L) vs. low combined uranium (<30μg/L). Likewise, ZIP codes having the uranium isotope, Ra-226 in drinking water, were also stratified as having elevated radium (≥3 pCi/L) vs. low radium (<3 pCi/L). A linear regression was performed using STATA® generalized linear model (GLM) program to evaluate the probable association between cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes and concentration of uranium and radium via domestic water supply. These rates were further adjusted for potentially confounding variables such as maternal age, education, occupation, and ethnicity. ^ Results This study showed higher rates of cleft births in ZIP codes classified as having high combined uranium versus ZIP codes having low combined uranium. The model was further improved by adding radium stratified as explained above. Adjustment for maternal age and ethnicity did not substantially affect the statistical significance of uranium or radium concentrations in household water supplies. ^ Conclusion Although this study lacks individual exposure levels, the findings suggest a significant association between elevated uranium and radium concentrations in tap water and high orofacial birth defect rates by ZIP codes. Future case-control studies that can measure individual exposure levels and adjust for contending risk factors could result in a better understanding of the exposure-disease association.^


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El río Mendoza conforma el oasis norte que es el más importante de la provincia. El crecimiento urbano ha avanzado sobre áreas originalmente agrícolas, rodeando la red de canales y desagües, que también recibe los desagües pluviales urbanos, producto de tormentas convectivas. La actividad antropogénica utiliza el recurso para bebida, saneamiento, riego, recreación, etc., y vuelca sus excedentes a la red, contaminándola. Para conocer la calidad del agua de esta cuenca se seleccionaron, estratégicamente, 15 sitios de muestreo: 3 a lo largo del río y a partir del dique derivador Cipolletti (R_I a R_III), 5 en la red de canales (C_I a C_V) y 7 ubicados en los colectores de drenaje (D_I a D_VII). Se realizaron los siguientes análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos; en el río y en la red de canales: conductividad eléctrica, temperatura, pH, aniones y cationes (cálculo de RAS), oxígeno disuelto (OD), sólidos sedimentables, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), bacterias aerobias mesófilas (BAM), coliformes totales y fecales y metales pesados. En la red de drenaje sólo se realizaron los cuatro primeros. Los resultados de los análisis, se incorporaron a una base de datos y se sometieron a un análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Este último consistió en la aplicación de diversas pruebas en busca de posibles diferencias entre los sitios de muestreo, para cada variable respuesta, a un α = 0.05. Se realizó el análisis de la varianza de efectos fijos y de efectos aleatorios y se probaron los supuestos de homocedasticidad y de normalidad de los errores. En el caso de violación de los supuestos, se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal- Wallis. Se compararon los siguientes sitios de muestreo entre sí: ríos, R_I-canales y drenajes. Se concluyó que hay un aumento significativo de la salinidad y la sodicidad en R_II, que los cambios de calidad ocurridos entre R_II y R_III podrían deberse al aporte de otras aguas. Con respecto a la comparación de los parámetros entre la cabeza del sistema (R_I) y la red de canales se puede decir que los aportes realizados por los escurrimientos urbanos ubicados hacia el oeste del canal Cacique Guaymallén, sumados a los vuelcos de Campo Espejo (detectados en C_II), incrementan significativamente la salinidad (+55 %) y sodicidad del agua (+95 %) respecto del punto R_I, aunque el valor de sodicidad sigue siendo bajo. También se han encontrado incrementos de salinidad (+80 %), de DQO (+1159 %) y BAM (+2873 %) con lógica disminución de OD (-58 %) en el punto C_V (canal Auxiliar Tulumaya) respecto del punto R_I, ocasionados por aportes urbanos (Gran Mendoza) sumados a la carga contaminante del canal Pescara. Los metales pesados no presentan grandes diferencias entre sitios de muestreo.


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We determined the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of live (Rose Bengal stained) tests belonging to different size classes of two benthic foraminiferal species from the Pakistan continental margin. Samples were taken at 2 sites, with water depth of about 135 and 275 m, corresponding to the upper boundary and upper part of the core region of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). For Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata, delta13C and delta18O values increased significantly with increasing test size. In the case of U. ex gr. U. semiornata, delta13C increased linearly by about 0.105 per mil for each 100-µm increment in test size, whereas delta18O increased by 0.02 to 0.06 per mil per 100 µm increment. For B. aff. B. dilatata the relationship between test size and stable isotopic composition is better described by logarithmic equations. A strong positive linear correlation is observed between delta18O and delta13C values of both taxa, with a constant ratio of delta18O and delta13C values close to 2:1. This suggests that the strong ontogenetic effect is mainly caused by kinetic isotope fractionation during CO2 uptake. Our data underline the necessity to base longer delta18O and delta13C isotope records derived from benthic foraminifera on size windows of 100 µm or less. This is already common practice in down-core isotopic studies of planktonic foraminifera.


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Several studies indicate that the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) off the Pacific coast of Japan has induced slip to the trench and triggered landslides in the Japan Trench. In order to better understand these processes, detailed mapping and shallow-coring landslides at the trench as well as Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) deep drilling to recover the plate boundary décollement (Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project, JFAST) have been conducted. In this study we report sediment core data from the rapid response R/V SONNE cruise (SO219A) to the Japan Trench, evidencing a Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) in the uppermost section later drilled at this JFAST-site during IODP Expedition 343. A 8.7 m long gravity core (GeoB16423-1) recovered from ~7,000 m water depth reveals a 8 m sequence of semi-consolidated mud clast breccias embedded in a distorted chaotic sediment matrix. The MTD is covered by a thin veneer of 50 cm hemipelagic, bioturbated diatomaceous mud. This stratigraphic boundary can be clearly distinguished by using physical properties data from Multi Sensor Core Logging and from fall-cone penetrometer shear strength measurements. The geochemical analysis of the pore-water shows undisturbed linear profiles measured from the seafloor downcore across the stratigraphic contact between overlying younger background-sediment and MTD below. This indicates that the investigated section has not been affected by a recent sediment destabilization in the course of the giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake event. Instead, we report an older landslide which occurred between 700 and 10,000 years ago, implying that submarine mass movements are dominant processes along the Japan Trench. However, they occur on local sites and not during each megathrust earthquake.


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In this study, we demonstrate the utility of amino acid geochronology based on single-foraminiferal tests in Quaternary sediment cores from the Queensland margin, Australia. The large planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata is ubiquitous in shelf, slope, and basin sediments of north Queensland as well as pantropical oceans. Fossil tests are resistant to dissolution, and retain substantial concentrations of amino acids (2-4 nmol/mg of shell) over hundreds of thousands of years. Amino acid D and L isomers of aspartic acid (Asp) and glutamic acid (Glu) were separated using reverse phase chromatography, which is sensitive enough to analyze individual foraminifera tests. In all, 462 Pulleniatina tests from 80 horizons in 11 cores exhibit a systematic increase in D/L ratios down core. D/L ratios were determined in 32 samples whose ages are known from AMS 14C analyses. In all cases, the Asp and Glu D/L ratios are concordant with 14C age. D/L ratios of equal-age samples are slightly lower for cores taken from deeper water sites, reflecting the sensitivity of the rate of racemization to bottom water temperature. Beyond the range of 14C dating, previously identified marine oxygen-isotope stage boundaries provide approximate ages of the sediments up to about 500,000 years. For this longer time frame, D/L ratios also vary systematically with isotope-correlated ages. The rate of racemization for Glu and Asp was modeled using power functions. These equations can be used to estimate ages of samples from the Queensland margin extending back at least 500,000 years. This analytical approach provides new opportunities for geochronological control necessary to understand fundamental sedimentary processes affecting a wide range of marine environments.


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We present differential bathymetry and sediment core data from the Japan Trench, sampled after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki (offshore Japan) earthquake to document that prominent bathymetric and structural changes along the trench axis relate to a large (~27.7 km**2) slump in the trench. Transient geochemical signals in the slump deposit and analysis of diffusive re-equilibration of disturbed SO4**2- profiles over time constrain the triggering of the slump to the 2011 earthquake. We propose a causal link between earthquake slip to the trench and rotational slumping above a subducting horst structure. We conclude that the earthquake-triggered slump is a leading agent for accretion of trench sediments into the forearc and hypothesize that forward growth of the prism and seaward advance of the deformation front by more than 2 km can occur, episodically, during a single-event, large mega-thrust earthquake.