990 resultados para visceral larva migrans
Chondrosarcoma accounts for about 10% of all canine bone tumors and is the second most common primary bone tumor in dogs. In veterinary medicine, chondrosarcomas are classified as skeletal and extraskeletal. Extraskeletal chondrosarcomas are mesenchymal neoplasms of soft tissues and visceral organs that produce neoplastic chondrocytes in a fibrillary matrix. There is no involvement of bone or periosteal tissues in extraskeletal chondrosarcomas. The aim of this report is to describe the first case of a metastatic intraocular extraskeletal chondrosarcoma in a dog.
Periodontitis is an infectious disease, where putative periodontopathogens trigger chronic inflammatory and immune responses against periodontal structures, in which an unbalanced host response is also determinant to the disease outcome. It is reasonable to assume that patient susceptibility to periodontal tissue destruction could be determined by the balance between the response against periodontopathogens and regulatory mechanisms of these events mediated by suppressive T cells. In the present study, we identified and characterized natural regulatory T cells ( Tregs) in the inflammatory infiltrate of human chronic periodontitis ( CP) with emphasis on phenotypic analyses that were carried out to address the participation of Tregs in CP. Results showed that patients with CP presented increased frequency of T lymphocytes and CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells in the inflammatory infiltrate of gingival tissues. These cells exhibited the phenotypic markers of Tregs such as forkhead box p3 ( Foxp3), CTLA- 4, glucocorticoidinducible TNFR, CD103, and CD45RO and seemed to be attracted to the inflammation site by the chemokines CCL17 and CCL22, as their expression and its receptor CCR4 were increased in CP patients. Moreover, besides the increased detection of Foxp3 mRNA, diseased tissues presented high expression of the regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-beta. In addition, the inflammatory infiltrate in CP biopsies was composed of CD25(+)Foxp3(+) and CD25(+)TGF-beta(+) cells, thus corroborating the hypothesis of the involvement of Tregs in the pathogenesis of CP. Finally, these results indicate that Tregs are found in the chronic lesions and must be involved in the modulation of local immune response in CP patients.
Background: Spinal signs found in association with atypical chest and abdominal pain may suggest the pain is referred from the thoracic spine. However, the prevalence of such signs in these conditions has rarely been compared with that in those without pain. In this study, the prevalence of spinal signs and dysfunction in patients with back, chest and abdominal pain is compared with that in pain free controls. The aim of the study is to determine the significance of spinal findings in patients with such pain. Methods: A general practitioner blinded to the patients' histories performed a cervical and thoracic spinal examination on general practice patients with back, chest and/or abdominal pain and on controls without pain. Thoracic intervertebral dysfunction was diagnosed on the basis of movement and palpation findings. Results: Seventy three study patients plus 24 controls, were examined. For cervical spinal signs, pain in the back, chest and/or abdomen was associated with pain with active movements and overpressure at end range and with loss of movement range. For thoracic spinal signs, this association held for pain with active movements and overpressure, but not with loss of movement range. The prevalence of thoracic intervertebral dysfunction was 25.0% in controls, 65.5% with chest/abdominal pain, 72.0% with back pain and 79.0% with back pain with chest/abdominal pain. This prevalence was higher with chest pain than with abdominal pain. Conclusions: The results show an association, but not a causal link between thoracic intervertebral dysfunction and atypical chest/abdominal pain. A spinal examination should be performed routinely assessing these conditions. The minimum examination for the detection of intervertebral dysfunction is testing for pain with spinal movements and palpation for tenderness. The interpretation of positive signs requires knowledge of their prevalence in pain free controls and in patients with visceral disease
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is classically characterised by ovarian dysfunction (oligomenorrhoea, anovulation and infertility), androgen excess (hirsutism and acne), obesity, and morphological abnormalities of the ovaries (cystic enlargement and stromal expansion). More, recently, insulin resistance has been found to be common in PCOS, along with an increased prevalence of other features of the metabolic syndrome, namely glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidaemia. Hyperinsulinaemia is likely to contribute to the disordered ovarian function and androgen excess of PCOS. Reducing insulin resistance by lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise improves endocrine and menstrual function in PCOS. These lifestyle modifications are the best initial means of improving insulin resistance. Metformin, an oral hypoglycaemic agent that increases insulin sensitivity has been shown to reduce serum concentrations of insulin and androgens, to reduce hirsutism, and to improve ovulation rates. The effect of metformin alone on fertility rates is-unknown. Some studies suggest that metformin will reduce total body weight to a small extent, but with a predominant effect on visceral adipose reduction. The effects of metformin on lipid abnormalities, hypertension or premature vascular disease are unknown, but the relative safety, moderate cost, and efficacy in reducing insulin resistance suggest that metformin may prove to be of benefit in combating these components of the metabolic syndrome in PCOS. Further properly planned randomised controlled trials are required.
Estrogen influences regional adipose tissue distribution and the accompanying cardiovascular disease risk. To elucidate the mechanisms of this link further, we assessed whether human preadipocytes (PAs) expressed estrogen receptors (ERs) and whether there were any regional or gender differences in ER complement. Human PAs expressed the ER alpha gene but not ERP by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, possessed ER alpha protein on Western blotting, and displayed specific 17 beta -estradiol (E-2) binding with calculated dissociation constants of 0.78 nM, 0.96 nM, and 1.19 nM and maximal binding capacities of 9.3 fmol/mg, 14.6 fmol/ mg, and 18.2 fmol/mg from three whole cell binding assays. There were no regional differences in ER alpha complement for males or females. There were no gender differences in ER alpha complement for subcutaneous or visceral samples. We conclude that ER alpha but not ERP is present in human PAs. This suggests that the effect of estrogen on adipose tissue deposition has a contribution from the direct effect of estrogen on human PAs via ER alpha.
In the marine environment a wide range of invertebrates have a pelagobenthic lifecycle that includes planktonic larval and benthic adult phases. Transition between these morphologically and ecologically distinct phases typically occurs when the developmentally competent larva comes into contact with a species-specific environmental cue. This cue acts as a morphogenetic signal that induces the completion of the postlarval/juvenile/adult developmental program at metamorphosis. The development of competence often occurs hours to days after the larva is morphologically mature. In the non-feeding - lecithotrophic - larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata and the gastropod mollusc Haliotis asinina, gene expression patterns in pre-competent and competent stages are markedly different, reflecting the different developmental states of these larval stages. For example, the expression of Hemps, an EGF-like signalling peptide required for the induction of Herdmania metamorphosis, increases in competent larvae. Induction of settlement and metamorphosis results in further changes in developmental gene expression, which apparently is necessary for the complete transformation of the larval body plan into the adult form.
Early development and metamorphosis of Reniera sp., a haplosclerid demosponge, have been examined to determine how gastrulation occurs in this species, and whether there is an inversion of the primary germ layers at metamorphosis. Embryogenesis occurs by unequal cleavage of blastomeres to form a solid blastula consisting micro- and macromeres; multipolar migration of the micromeres to the surface of the embryo results in a bi-layered embryo and is interpreted as gastrulation. Polarity of the embryo is determined by the movement of pigment-containing micromeres to one pole of the embryo; this pole later becomes the posterior pole of the swimming larva. The bi-layered larva has a fully differentiated monociliated outer cell layer, and a solid interior of various cell types surrounded by dense collagen. The pigmented cells at the posterior pole give rise to long cilia that are capable of responding to environmental stimuli. Larvae settle on their anterior pole. Fluorescent labeling of the monociliated outer cell layer with a cell-lineage marker (CMFDA) demonstrates that the monociliated cells resorb their cilia, migrate inwards, and transdifferentiate into the choanocytes of the juvenile sponge, and into other amoeboid cells. The development of the flagellated choanocytes and other cells in the juvenile from the monociliated outer layer of this sponge's larva is interpreted as the dedifferentiation of fully differentiated larval cells-a process seen during the metamorphosis of other ciliated invertebrate larvae-not as inversion of the primary germ layers. These results suggest that the sequences of development in this haplosclerid demosponge are not very different than those observed in many cnidarians.
Androgens play an important role in regulating the central obesity that is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. This study confirms that androgen receptors are present in subcultured human preadipocytes, with androgen receptor gene expression and saturable specific dihydrotestosterone binding, dissociation constant 1.02 - 2.56 nM and maximal binding capacity 30.8 - 55.7 fmol/mg protein. There was an intrinsic regional difference in androgen receptor complement, with more androgen receptors in visceral than in subcutaneous preadipocytes. Dihydrotestosterone was metabolised by human preadipocytes, with more androstanediol produced by subcutaneous than visceral preadipocytes. While dihydrotestosterone metabolism was insufficient to explain the regional variation in androgen binding, both of these differences would reduce the androgen responsiveness of the subcutaneous preadipocytes compared with visceral preadipocytes. There were no gender differences in androgen binding or metabolism. While the direct effects of androgens on human PAS remain uncertain, these regional differences suggest that AR-mediated regulation of certain PA functions influences adipose tissue distribution.
Background: Steatosis occurs in more than 50% of patients with chronic hepatitis C and is associated with increased hepatic fibrosis. In many of these patients the pathogenesis of steatosis appears to be the some as for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-that is, related to visceral adiposity and obesity. Methods: The effect of a three month weight reduction programme on liver biochemistry and metabolic parameters was examined in 19 subjects with steatosis and chronic hepatitis C. Paired liver biopsies were performed in 10 subjects, prior to and 3-6 months following the intervention, to determine the effect of weight loss on liver histology. Results: There was a mean weight loss of 5.9 (3.2) kg and a mean reduction in waist circumference of 9.0 (5.0) cm. In 16 of the 19 patients, serum alanine aminotransferase levels fell progressively with weight loss. Mean fasting insulin fell from 16 (7) to 11 (4) mmol/l (p
Objective: To investigate the effects of rosiglitazone (RSG) on insulin sensitivity and regional adiposity (including intrahepatic fat) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: We examined the effect of RSG (8 mg/day, 2 divided doses) compared with placebo on insulin sensitivity and body composition in 33 type 2 diabetic patients. Measurements of insulin sensitivity (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp), body fat (abdominal magnetic resonance imaging and DXA), and liver fat (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) were taken at baseline and repeated after 16 weeks of treatment. Results: There was a significant improvement in glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin -0.7 +/- 0.7%, p less than or equal to 0.05) and an 86% increase in insulin sensitivity in the RSG group (glucose-disposal rate change from baseline: 17.5 +/- 14.5 mumol glucose/min/kg free fat mass, P < 0.05), but no significant change in the placebo group compared with baseline. Total body weight and fat mass increased (p &LE; 0.05) with RSG (2.1 +/- 2.0 kg and 1.4 +/- 1.6 kg, respectively) with 95% of the increase in adiposity occurring in nonabdominal regions. In the abdominal region, RSG increased subcutaneous fat area by 8% (25.0 +/- 28.7 cm(2), p = 0.02), did not alter intra-abdominal fat area, and reduced intrahepatic fat levels by 45% (-6.7 +/- 9.7%, concentration relative to water). Discussion: Our data indicate that RSG greatly improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes and is associated with an increase in adiposity in subcutaneous but not visceral body regions.
The Trypanosomatidae comprise a large group of parasitic protozoa, some of which cause important diseases in humans. These include Tryanosoma brucei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness and nagana in cattle), Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative agent of Chagas' disease in Central and South America), and Leishmania spp. (the causative agent of visceral and [muco]cutaneous leishmaniasis throughout the tropics and subtropics). The cell surfaces of these parasites are covered in complex protein- or carbohydrate-rich coats that are required for parasite survival and infectivity in their respective insect vectors and mammalian hosts. These molecules are assembled in the secretory pathway. Recent advances in the genetic manipulation of these parasites as well as progress with the parasite genome projects has greatly advanced our understanding of processes that underlie secretory transport in trypanosomatids. This article provides an overview of the organization of the trypanosomatid secretory pathway and connections that exist with endocytic organelles and multiple lytic and storage vacuoles. A number of the molecular components that are required for vesicular transport have been identified, as have some of the sorting signals that direct proteins to the cell surface or organelles it? the endosome-vacuole system. Finally, the subcellular organization of the major glycosylation pathways in these parasites is reviewed. Studies on these highly divergent eukaryotes provide important insights into the molecular processes underlying secretory transport that arose very early in eukaryotic evolution. They also reveal unusual or novel aspects of secretory), transport and protein glycosylation that may be exploited in developing new antiparasite drugs.
Cestodes (tapeworms) are a derived, parasitic clade of the phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms). The cestode body wall represents an adaptation to its endoparasitic lifestyle. The epidermis forms a nonciliated syncytium, and both muscular and nervous system are reduced. Morphological differences between cestodes and free-living flatworms become apparent already during early embryogenesis. Cestodes have a complex life cycle that begins with an infectious larva, called the oncosphere. In regard to cell number, cestode oncospheres are among the simplest multicellular organisms, containing in the order of 50-100 cells. As part of our continuing effort to analyze embryonic development in flatworms, we describe here the staining pattern obtained with acTub in embryos and larvae of the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta and, briefly, the monogenean Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis. In addition, we labeled the embryonic musculature of Hymenolepis with phalloidin. In Hymenolepis embryos, two different cell types that we interpret as neurons and epidermal gland cells express acTub. There exist only two neurons that develop close to the midline at the anterior pole of the embryo. The axons of these two neurons project posteriorly into the center of the oncosphere, where they innervate the complex of muscles that is attached to the booklets. In addition to neurons, acTub labels a small and invariant set of epidermal gland cells that develop at superficial positions, anteriorly adjacent to the neurons, in the dorsal midline, and around the posteriorly located hooklets. During late stages of embryogenesis they spread and form a complete covering of the embryo. We discuss these data in the broader context of platyhelminth embryology.
Quantification of calcium in the cuticle of the fly larva Exeretonevra angustifrons was undertaken at the micron scale using wavelength dispersive X-ray microanalysis, analytical standards, and a full matrix correction. Calcium and phosphorus were found to be present in the exoskeleton in a ratio that indicates amorphous calcium phosphate. This was confirmed through electron diffraction of the calcium-containing tissue. Due to the pragmatic difficulties of measuring light elements, it is not uncommon in the field of entomology to neglect the use of matrix corrections when performing microanalysis of bulk insect specimens. To determine, firstly, whether such a strategy affects the outcome and secondly, which matrix correction is preferable, phi-rho (z) and ZAF matrix corrections were contrasted with each other and without matrix correction. The best estimate of the mineral phase was found to be given by using the phi-rho (z) correction. When no correction was made, the ratio of Ca to P fell outside the range for amorphous calcium phosphate, possibly leading to flawed interpretation of the mineral form when used on its own.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the effect of age on glucose metabolism by examining 1) glucose metabolism in young and middle-aged subjects when total or regional adiposity is taken into account and 2) in vitro glucose transport in adipose tissue explants from young and middle-aged women paired for total and abdominal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Study 1: body composition, subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue areas, and fasting and oral glucose-stimulated glucose and insulin were measured in 84 young and 81 middle-aged men and in 110 young and 91 middle-aged women. Study 2: glucose uptake in subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue explants were measured in eight young and eight middle-aged women. RESULTS - Study 1: young and middle-aged men showed similar subcutaneous abdominal tissue area, whereas fat mass and visceral adipose tissue were greater in middle-aged than in young men (P < 0.01). Fat mass and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue areas were greater in middle-aged as compared with young women (P < 0.01). Fasting plasma glucose and the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in middle-aged than in young men and women (P < 0.001). Statistical control for visceral adipose tissue area eliminated the difference seen in glucose response in men and women. Study 2: glucose transport in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue did not differ between young and middle-aged women. CONCLUSIONS - 1) Visceral obesity, more than age per se, correlates with glucose intolerance in middle-aged subjects; 2) aging does not influence in vitro adipose tissue glucose uptake.
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is commonly used to extract polyhedra from infected cells and diseased dead larval tissues. It was found, however, that 80% of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) polyhedra produced via cell culture were damaged after 30 min of 0.5% SDS treatment whereas only 20% of in vivo produced polyhedra were damaged by the same treatment. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the damaged polyhedra had lost their polyhedron envelopes and virions were dislodged from the polyhedrin matrix, leaving empty spaces that were previously occupied by the occluded virions. Up to 20% in vitro produced polyhedra were resistant to SDS and remained intact, even after a 24 h exposure to SDS. This sensitivity to SDS was observed across a range of cell culture media, including serum supplemented media. Electron microscopy also revealed that the inferior polyhedron envelope of in vitro produced polyhedra is likely due to poor interaction between the polyhedron envelope, polyhedron envelope protein (PEP), and polyhedrin matrix. The PEP gene was cloned and sequenced and mutations in this gene were ruled out as an explanation. In vitro produced polyhedra that were passed through insect larva once were resistant to SDS, indicating that a critical component is lacking in insect cell culture medium used for producing HaSNPV or the cells growing in culture are inefficient in some ways in relation to production of polyhedra. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.