811 resultados para toe
Hallux rígidus (HR) affects the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) between 35% and 60% of the population over 65 years and there are multiple ways of treatment. Depending on the radiological stage where you find the deformity determines the procedure to be performed; in the early stages cheilectomy techniques and corrective osteotomy is performed while the more advanced ratings, the surgeon chooses destructive techniques considered as arthrodesis and arthroplasty. This final of degree project aims to focus on 1 MTPJ destructive techniques to clarify which of the procedures generates better results by a number of parameters; outcomes of the American Orthopaedic Foot scale and Ankle Society Hallux metatarsophalangeal Interphalangeal-scale (AOFAS), range of motion (ROM) of the 1ºAMTF, radiological classification. As for the implant arthroplasty technique, this article offers information on material and design that generates better relating to patient characteristics such as age, inflammatory joint diseases, viability and durability of the implant results. The conclusion from this review is that the values obtained in the arthrodesis according AOFAS decrease due to loss of mobility, but both techniques have similar values of effectiveness and concludes with the decision that the technique used is determined taking into account various factors and patient characteristics. Keywords: Hallux rígidus; (Hallux Rígidus) and surgery treatment; Hallux Rígidus arthrodesis; Hallux Rígidus arthroplasty; Hallux Rígidus (arthroplasty and arthrodesis).
On March 11 2011, an exceptionally large tsunami event was triggered by a massive earthquake offshore, the northeast coast of Japan, which affected coastal infrastructure such as seawalls, coastal dikes and breakwaters in the Tohoku region. Such infrastructure was built to protect against the Level 1 tsunamis that previously hit the region, but not for events as significant as the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, which was categorized as a Level 2 tsunami [Shibayama et al. 2013]. The failure mechanisms of concrete-armoured dikes, breakwaters and seawalls due to Level 2 tsunamis are still not fully understood by researchers and engineers. This paper investigates the failure modes and mechanisms of damaged coastal structures in Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures, following the authors' post-disaster field surveys carried out between 2011 and 2013. Six significant failure mechanisms were identified for the coastal dikes and seawalls affected by this tsunami: 1) Leeward toe scour failure, 2) Crown armour failure, 3) Leeward slope armour failure, 4) Seaward toe and armour failure, 5) Overturning failure, and 6) Parapet wall failure, in which leeward toe scour being recognized as the major failure mechanism in most surveyed locations. The authors also propose a simple practical mathematical model for predicting the scour depth at the leeward toe of the coastal dikes, by considering the effects of the tsunami hydrodynamics, the soil properties and the type of structure. The key advantage of this model is that it depends entirely on quantities that are measurable in the field. Furthermore this model was further refined by conducting a series of hydraulic model experiments aimed to understand the governing factors of the leeward toe scour failure. Finally, based on the results obtained, key recommendations are given for the design of resilient coastal defence structures that can survive a level 2 tsunami event.
O presente relatório resulta de um estágio realizado no âmbito da eficiência energética assente no programa Galp 20-20-20 que tem por génese uma parceria entre a Universidade de Aveiro e a empresa de coberturas cerâmicas, CS – Coelho da Silva S.A. A Fábrica alvo de estudo é uma consumidora intensiva de energia, despendeu no ano de 2013 cerca de 3.768 tep. Devido aos seus processos de cozedura e secagem, apresenta uma elevada dependência de Gás Natural, representando pouco mais de 78% do consumo global da fábrica. Deste consumo de energia térmica, 83% respeita ao forno e os restantes 17% encontram-se alocados ao secador, pelo que as medidas de eficiência energética presentes neste relatório centram-se da redução deste vetor energético. São então propostas três medidas para a redução da dependência deste vetor. A primeira, incide na recuperação de calor residual presente nos gases de exaustão através da instalação de um permutador de calor. Esta medida permite uma redução do consumo na ordem dos 10% e conta com um payback de 2,3 anos resultante de uma economia anual de 150.000 €. Para este estudo foi desenvolvido um modelo dinâmico em excel que permite a simulação de diversos cenários. São também propostas mais duas intervenções que incidem na alteração do circuito térmico. Estas medidas têm um impacte mais reduzido no que respeita ao percentual de redução energético, ambas com menos de 1% de redução do consumo global da fábrica. Contudo são medidas bastante interessantes dada a sua simplicidade e contam com poupanças anuais na ordem dos 6.000 € que resultam num payback inferior a 2 meses. Paralelamente executaram-se dois estudos para a iluminação, o primeiro sugere a instalação de um modelador de tensão que reduz a potência de iluminação em 36%, implicando uma redução da iluminância de cerca de 5%. A redução da potência resulta numa economia energética na ordem dos 0,4% da energia global da instalação. Este equipamento poderá ser adquirido por completo ou em renting. Ao optar pela compra integral, o investimento será apenas ressarcido em 2,8 anos resultante de uma poupança anula de perto de 6.500 €. Caso seja por renting este não tem qualquer custo adicional e as economias monetárias são partilhadas entre a empresa que fornece o equipamento e a CS-Coelho da Silva, S.A. Por fim é sugerida a substituição de parte da iluminação atual da fábrica por tecnologia LED, com esta medida reduz-se o consumo global em 0,76%. Esta medida gera uma economia monetária na ordem dos 11.500 € sendo ressarcida em 2,1 anos.
O crescimento exponencial da população mundial que assentou essencialmente na utilização de combustíveis fósseis e o facto de aproximadamente ¾ da população mundial viver em cidades, criou uma situação insustentável de emissões de CO2 para a atmosfera. No sentido de minimizar e tentar reverter este comportamento a União Europeia criou o programa Pacto dos Autarcas, que visa o comprometimento de um território em reduzir as suas emissões de CO2 em, pelo menos, 20% até 2020, através do chamado Plano de Ação. O presente trabalho pretende desenvolver um possível Plano de Ação para a Sustentabilidade Energética para o município de Vale de Cambra. Da realização da matriz energética para este município foi inventariado o consumo de 47.154 tep e respectivas emissões de CO2 associada de 108.084 toneladas, para o ano de referência 2012. Face ao estudo compreendido entre 2002 e 2012 são previstos consumos e emissões na ordem de 54.327 tep e 123.059 toneladas de CO2 respetivamente até 2020 caso não sejam tomadas medidas para inverter essa tendência. Baseado na interpretação da matriz energética criada, propõe-se um conjunto de ações nas áreas da indústria, mobilidade, edifícios, energias renováveis, eficiência energética, governabilização e ainda sensibilização/formação para obter uma redução de 20% das emissões e consumo em 2020, passando para 98.447 toneladas de CO2 emitidas e 43.462 tep respetivamente. Conclui-se que o planeamento energético de um território é de elevada importância porque permite articular vários aspectos, conseguindo aumentar a protecção do ambiente (com a redução de emissões de gases efeito de estufa) e aumentando a eficiência energética do território, aumenta a sua competitividade económica e consequentemente maior oportunidade de investimentos externos, criando mais oportunidades de emprego e bem-estar social.
Tässä työssä on tutkittu prosessipuhaltimena käytettävän keskipakoispuhaltimen lujuusteknistä mitoitusta. Työn tavoitteena on ollut luoda analyyttisiä laskentakaavoja Koja Oy:n käyttöön tulevaisuuden tuotekehityksen tueksi. Tavoitteena on ollut tutkia myös siipien ja etu- ja takalevyn kiinnityshitsejä ja antaa työkaluja siipipyörän väsymismitoitukseen. Kirjallisuuskatkauksessa löytyi muutamia raportoituja tapauksia, jossa keskipakoispuhallin on vaurioitunut käytön aikana. Yhtenäisenä tekijänä kaikille tapauksille on ollut hitsausliitoksen väsyminen. Väsyttävän kuormituksen raportoiduissa tapauksissa on aiheuttanut siipipyörän värähtely. Väsyminen on alkanut siiven kiinnitysliitoksista hitsin rajaviivalta, siipipyörän ulkokehältä. Siipipyörän analysointiin on käytetty analyyttisiä laskentakaavoja ja elementtimenetelmää. Analyyttisten laskentakaavojen tuottaminen on muuten monimutkaiselle rakenteelle hyvin työlästä ja aikaa vievää. Staattisessa tarkastelussa elementtimenetelmällä siipipyörän mallintamiseen on käytetty keskipintamallia. Lisäksi laskentatiedostojen kokoa on pystytty rajaamaan syklisesti symmetrisen rakenteen ansiosta. Siipipyörän väsymistarkastelu on suoritettu tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä, jossa tarkasteltavan hitsin rajaviivoille ja juureen on elementtimenetelmässä mallinnettu r=1 mm suuruinen lovi, josta jännityksen on luettu. Elementtimenetelmässä laskentaohjelmistona on käytetty Abaqus 6.14.1 -laskentaohjelmistoa. Analyyttisten laskentakaavojen kehityksessä on päästy hyvin lähelle elementtimenetelmästä saatuja vastaavia tuloksia. Analyyttisten kaavojen antamat tulokset eroavat kuitenkin sen verran virhettä, että varsinainen tarkka laskenta on syytä suorittaa ennen lopullisen konstruktion määrittämistä. Tehollisella lovijännitysmenetelmällä on saatu määritettyä rakenteen kriittisin kohta, jonka kestoikä on 36 400 sykliä. Tutkimuksen pohjalta Koja Oy on saanut hyvät edellytykset jatkaa tutkimusta lopun tuoteperheen parantamiseen.
Esta pesquisa procurou identificar os fatores que impactam a adoção e implementação do SPED segundo avaliação de gestores de empresas brasileiras, contemplando fatores estabelecidos pelo Modelo TOE, passando pelas dimensões tecnológica, organizacional e ambiental do referido modelo. Através do tratamento estatístico dos dados oriundos da aplicação de uma survey, buscou-se resposta aos objetivos de pesquisa. Detectou-se que, embora existam outros fatores influenciando decisões sobre adoção e implementação do SPED, a obrigatoriedade governamental, enquanto componente do contexto ambiental, demonstrou ser o principal vetor de impacto, isto é, de influência, sobre tais decisões. Isto pareceu decorrer do fato de que o governo ser um dos principais, se não o principal ator do ambiente regulatório.
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
The Alcantarilha lowland, partly barred by a well developed barrier, including foredunes covering Pleistocene-Holocene beachrock and aeolianite, develops across the Alcantarilha infilled estuary, the beach-dune extending further SE until the Salgados lagoon. A topographic and coring survey revealed a peculiar feature at the leeward toe of the dune ridge close to the inlet area: a sandy fan with location, shape and morphology suggesting emplacement by single or multiple overwash of the barrier tip rather than tidal forcing. Its storm or tsunami origin and age are under investigation, and the only time-constrain available at present is that it should post-date ca. 6600 cal BP, the most recent in situ aeolianite (Moura et al., 2007) dated so far. METHODS, DATA SET AND RESULTS The fan boundaries are distinctive in aerial photos and satellite images: it is roughly ellipsoidal, ~200 m wide and ~300 m elongated paralleling the shoreline, rising ~ 0.9-1.2 m above the surrounding floodplain surface. Detailed topography shows that its short axis aligns with SW-NE elongated (though irregular) depressions in the dune crest, which link the beach with the fan. This could have favoured funnelling of, or erosion by, water overtopping the barrier but, in either case, the fan should correspond to extreme and abrupt event(s) of coastal flooding. 18 trenches and cores were performed in the exposed area of the fan and nearby flood plain to obtain samples and data on its sedimentology, lithostratigraphy and geometry. The fan consists of well sorted and rounded sand (Fig. 2). It thins away and wedges out landwards of the apex (located near Alc29T) where it is partly covered by dune sand. Its lower boundary is undulating and marked by textural contrast between sand (fan) and underlying mud (alluvial/lagoonal); an accumulation of marine-sourced perforated pebbles showing limited lateral continuity may pinpoint this boundary near the foredune (core Alc 25, ca. 80 m westward of profile in Fig.1); mud-balls were also observed immediately above this surface in cores and trenches. As the washover was probably emplaced in a barred lagoonal/estuarine floodplain setting, the fan’s northern outer belt is enclosed by low-energy sediments (not shown in Fig. 2).
Objetivo general: Establecer la prevalencia de las deformidades óseas y estructurales en pacientes con pie diabético que acudieron al área de consulta externa de Traumatología del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el período de tres meses. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo llevado a cabo en 100 pacientes con pie diabético que acudieron a la consulta externa de Traumatología durante tres meses. El método de investigación fue la observación directa; las técnicas comprendieron entrevista, evaluación mediante plantoscopía y valoración radiográfica, los instrumentos usados fueron los formularios, los datos tras su validación fueron ingresados en una base en el programa SPSS V15; mediante el cual se realizó el análisis usando tablas simples con porcentajes y frecuencias relativas. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 64,09 años con el 84% de la población de sexo femenino; el cuadro clínico se caracterizó por presencia de callosidades 62%; metatarsalgia 57%; talalgia 48% y dolor en bunion de 21%. Tomando en consideración los parámetros radiográficos se diagnosticó hallux valgus 71%; deformidades de los dedos en garra 56%; pie plano 34%; dedos en martillo 31%; juanetillo de sastre 30%; hallux rigidus 16% y pie cavo 13%. La valoración mediante el uso de plantoscopía reveló 39% de pacientes pie plano y el 17% pie cavo
Oil recovery using waterflooding has been until now the worldwide most applied method, specially for light oil recovery, its success is mainly because of the low costs involved and the facilities of the injection process. The Toe- To-Heel Waterflooding TTHWTM method uses a well pattern of vertical injector wells completed at the bottom of the reservoir and horizontal producer wells completed at the top of it. The main producing mechanism is gravitational segregation in short distance. This method has been studied since the early 90´s and it had been applied in Canada with positive results for light heavy oils, nevertheless it hasn´t been used in Brazil yet. In order to verify the applicability of the process in Brazil, a simulation study for light oil was performed using Brazilian northwest reservoirs characteristics. The simulations were fulfilled using the STARS module of the Computer Modelling Group Software, used to perform improved oil recovery studies. The results obtained in this research showed that the TTHWTM well pattern presented a light improvement in terms of recovery factor when compared to the conventional 5- Spot pattern, however, it showed lower results in the economic evaluation
INTRODUCCIÓN: La artritis psoriásica es una enfermdad inflamatoria del sistema músculo-esquelético de carácter crónico y autoinmune que puede estar o no presente en pacientes conartritis psoriásica, así como los métodos de imagen diagnóstica más usados. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica mediante la búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed y Scopus emplenado los descritpores "psoriasic arthritis", "foot", "feet", "toe", "Achiles tendon", "enthesitis" durante el perídodo comprendido entre 2013 y mayo de 2016. Fueron filtrados artículos en inglés y castellano, en pacientes con artritis psoriásica y afectación de pue y tobillo. RESULTADOS: Las principales afecciones de la artritis psoriásica en el pie incluyen: entesitis del Tendón de Aquiles (TA) y de la fascia plantar, espolón calcáneo, bursitis retrocalcánea, entesofito del TA, erosiones en articulaciones metatarsofalángicaas (AMTF) e interfalángicas distales (IFD) y dactilitis (dedos en salchicha). Los métodos de imagen diagn´sotica usados fueron: Radiografía convencional, Ultrasonidos y Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. DISCUSIÓN/CONCLUSIONES: Dentro de las afecciones de la artritis psoriásica en pie y tobillo, las mñas comunes son la entesitis del TA y erosiones óseas en AMTF E IFD. Los métodos de imagen diagnóstica más usados para valorar las alteraciones en pie y tobillo son la Radiografía convencional y el Ultrasonido.
OBJECTIVES: Most studies reporting evidence of adverse effects of lead and cadmium on the ability to balance have been conducted in high-exposure groups or have included adults. The effects of prenatal exposure have not been well studied, nor have the effects in children been directly studied. The aim of the study was to identify the associations of lead (in utero and in childhood) and cadmium (in utero) exposure with the ability to balance in children aged 7 and 10 years. DESIGN: Prospective birth cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Maternal blood lead (n=4285) and cadmium (n=4286) levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in women enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) during pregnancy. Child lead levels were measured in a subsample of 582 of ALSPAC children at age 30 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Children completed a heel-to-toe walking test at 7 years. At 10 years, the children underwent clinical tests of static and dynamic balance. Statistical analysis using SPSS V.19 included logistic regression modelling, comparing categories of ≥ 5 vs <5 µg/dL for lead, and ≥ 1 vs <1 µg/L for cadmium. RESULTS: Balance at age 7 years was not associated with elevated in utero lead or cadmium exposure (adjusted OR for balance dysfunction: Pb 1.01 (95% CI 0.95 to 1.01), n=1732; Cd 0.95 (0.77 to 1.20), n=1734), or with elevated child blood lead level at age 30 months (adjusted OR 0.98 (0.92 to 1.05), n=354). Similarly, neither measures of static nor dynamic balance at age 10 years were associated with in utero lead or cadmium exposure, or child lead level. CONCLUSIONS: These findings do not provide any evidence of an association of prenatal exposure to lead or cadmium, or lead levels in childhood, on balance ability in children. Confirmation in other cohorts is needed.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of prenatal alcohol exposure with balance in10-year-old children. DESIGN: Population-based prospective longitudinal study. SETTING: Former Avon region of UK (Southwest England). PARTICIPANTS: 6915 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children who had a balance assessment at age 10 and had data on maternal alcohol consumption. OUTCOME MEASURES: 3 composite balance scores: dynamic balance (beam-walking), static balance eyes open, static balance eyes closed (heel-to-toe balance on a beam and standing on one leg, eyes open or closed). RESULTS: Most mothers (95.5%) consumed no-to-moderate amounts (3-7 glasses/week) of alcohol during pregnancy. Higher total-alcohol consumption was associated with maternal-social advantage, whereas binge drinking (≥4 units/day) and abstinence were associated with maternal social disadvantage. No evidence was found of an adverse effect of maternal-alcohol consumption on childhood balance. Higher maternal-alcohol use during pregnancy was generally associated with better offspring outcomes, with some specific effects appearing strong (static balance eyes open and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.23 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.49); static balance eyes closed and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.25 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.48). Similar results were found for both paternal and postnatal maternal alcohol exposure. A Mendelian-randomization approach was used to estimate the association between maternal genotype and offspring balance using the non-synonymous variant rs1229984*A (ADH1B) to proxy for lower maternal alcohol consumption; no strong associations were found between this genotype/proxy and offspring balance. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence was found to indicate that moderate maternal alcohol consumption in this population sample had an adverse effect on offspring balance at age 10. An apparent beneficial effect of higher total maternal alcohol consumption on offspring balance appeared likely to reflect residual confounding.
OBJECTIVE: The literature contains many reports of balance function in children, but these are often on atypical samples taken from hospital-based clinics and may not be generalisable to the population as a whole. The purpose of the present study is to describe balance test results from a large UK-based birth cohort study. METHODS: Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were analysed. A total of 5402 children completed the heel-to-toe walking test at age 7 years. At age 10 years, 6915 children underwent clinical tests of balance including beam-walking, standing heel-to-toe on a beam and standing on one leg. A proportion of the children returned to the clinic for retesting within 3 months allowing test-retest agreement to be measured. RESULTS: Frequency distributions for each of the balance tests are given. Correlations between measures of dynamic balance at ages 7 and 10 years were weak. The static balance of 10 year old children was found to be poorer with eyes closed than with eyes open, and poorer in boys than in girls for all measures. Balance on one leg was poorer than heel-to-toe balance on a beam. A significant learning effect was found when first and second attempts of the tests were compared. Measures of static and dynamic balance appeared independent. Consistent with previous reports in the literature, test-retest reliability was found to be low. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides information about the balance ability of children aged 7 and 10 years and provides clinicians with reference data for balance tests commonly used in the paediatric clinic.
Marine plastic pollution is rapidly growing and is a source of major concern. Seabirds often ingest plastic debris and are increasingly used as biological monitors of plastic pollution. However, virtually no studies have assessed plastics in seabirds in the deep subtropical North Atlantic. We investigated whether remains of white-faced storm-petrels (WFSP) present in gull pellets could be used for biomonitoring. We analysed 263 pellets and 79.0% of these contained plastic debris originating in the digestive tract of WFSP. Pellets with no bird prey did not contain plastics. Most debris were fragments (83.6%) with fewer plastic pellets (8.2%). Light-coloured plastics predominated (71.0%) and the most frequent polymer was HDPE (73.0%). Stable isotopes in toe-nails of WFSP containing many versus no plastics did not differ, indicating no individual specialisation leading to differential plastic ingestion. We suggest WFSP in pellets are highly suitable to monitor the little known pelagic subtropical Northeast Atlantic.