941 resultados para test case optimization


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With the advantages and popularity of Permanent Magnet (PM) motors due to their high power density, there is an increasing incentive to use them in variety of applications including electric actuation. These applications have strict noise emission standards. The generation of audible noise and associated vibration modes are characteristics of all electric motors, it is especially problematic in low speed sensorless control rotary actuation applications using high frequency voltage injection technique. This dissertation is aimed at solving the problem of optimizing the sensorless control algorithm for low noise and vibration while achieving at least 12 bit absolute accuracy for speed and position control. The low speed sensorless algorithm is simulated using an improved Phase Variable Model, developed and implemented in a hardware-in-the-loop prototyping environment. Two experimental testbeds were developed and built to test and verify the algorithm in real time.^ A neural network based modeling approach was used to predict the audible noise due to the high frequency injected carrier signal. This model was created based on noise measurements in an especially built chamber. The developed noise model is then integrated into the high frequency based sensorless control scheme so that appropriate tradeoffs and mitigation techniques can be devised. This will improve the position estimation and control performance while keeping the noise below a certain level. Genetic algorithms were used for including the noise optimization parameters into the developed control algorithm.^ A novel wavelet based filtering approach was proposed in this dissertation for the sensorless control algorithm at low speed. This novel filter was capable of extracting the position information at low values of injection voltage where conventional filters fail. This filtering approach can be used in practice to reduce the injected voltage in sensorless control algorithm resulting in significant reduction of noise and vibration.^ Online optimization of sensorless position estimation algorithm was performed to reduce vibration and to improve the position estimation performance. The results obtained are important and represent original contributions that can be helpful in choosing optimal parameters for sensorless control algorithm in many practical applications.^


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This dissertation examines the effectiveness and limits of multilateral sanctions regimes as instruments of foreign policy, particularly when trying to prevent the acquisition, development and proliferation of weapons of mass destructions. I hypothesize that globalization undermines the overall effectiveness of sanctions regimes. I analyze the agents and means of globalization. Agents are nation-states, corporations, non-state actors and organizations, and individuals. Means are the global import-export industry, global banking and investment, global corporate models, and global manufacturing industries. They all have contributed to vast increases in transnational economic activity and, furthermore, to more political tensions between nation-states, all of which jeopardize the implementation and enforcement of multilateral sanctions regimes. ^ To test this thesis, I examine how those factors impacted the multilateral sanctions regime imposed against Iraq from 1991 to 2002. This multilateral sanctions regime was conceived, approved and enforced by most nations in the United Nations. ^ Indeed, evidence collected for this dissertation suggests that Iraq did manage to consistently circumvent the UN sanctions regime, and that it did it by astutely utilizing the agents and means of globalization. Evidence also indicates that Iraq managed to rebuild parts of its military infrastructure, and that Iraq was on its way to rebuild its missile capability, for which it purchased large quantities of parts, components, technologies and manpower in the global market.^


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This dissertation explored the capacity of business group diversification to generate value to their affiliates in an institutional environment characterized by the adoption of structural pro-market reforms. In particular, the three empirical essays explored the impact of business group diversification on the internationalization process of their affiliates. ^ The first essay examined the direct effect of business group diversification on firm performance and its moderating effect on the multinationality-performance relationship. It further explored whether such moderating effect varies depending upon whether the focal affiliate is a manufacturing or service firm. The findings suggested that the benefits of business group diversification on firm performance have a threshold, that those benefits are significant at earlier stages of internationalization and that these benefits are stronger for service firms. ^ The second essay studied the capacity of business group diversification to ameliorate the negative effects of the added complexity faced by its affiliates when they internationalized. The essay explored this capacity in different dimensions of international complexity. The results indicated that business group diversification effectively ameliorated the effects of the added international complexity. This positive effect is stronger in the institutional voids rather than the societal complexity dimension. In the former dimension, diversified business groups can use both their non-market resources and previous experience to ameliorate the effects of complexity on firm performance. ^ The last essay explored whether the benefits of business group diversification on the scope-performance relationship varies depending on the level of development of the network of subsidiaries and the region of operation of the focal firm. The results suggested that the benefits of business group diversification are location bound within the region but that they are not related to the level of development of the targeted countries. ^ The three essays use longitudinal analyses on a sample of Latin American firms to test the hypotheses. While the first essay used multilevel models and fix effects models, the last two essays used exclusively fix effects models to assess the impact of business group diversification. In conclusion, this dissertation aimed to explain the capacity of business group diversification to generate value under conditions of institutional change.^


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This ethnographic case study of ten students and their teachers concludes that the state writing test had a negative impact on students’ and teachers’ perceptions of writing in four categories: strengths and weaknesses in student writing, self-assessment of writing skills, factors impacting test scores, and motivation and attitudes toward writing.


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The theories of orthogonal cultural identification and self-categorization are offered as links in examining the possible racioethnic differences in job satisfaction. It is posited that racioethnicity (Cox & Blake, 1991) is multidimensional with at least three conceptually distinct dimensions. Since there is a need for consistent terminology with respect to these distinct dimensions, the following new terms are offered to differentiate among them: "physioethnicity" refers to the physiological dimension of racioethnicity; "socioethnicity" refers to the sociocultural dimension; and "psychoethnicity" refers to the psychological dimension.^ Results showed that for the dominant group (Hispanics in this case) (1) bicultural and multicultural individuals were more satisfied with coworkers than acultural and monocultural individuals and (2) individuals with higher strength of psychoethnicity were more satisfied with coworkers, the work itself, and supervision than those with lower strength of psychoethnicity. The findings suggest racioethnic differences within the dominant group and between groups beyond race. ^


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This study evaluated the early development and pilot-testing of Project IMPACT, a case management intervention for victims of stalking. The Design and Development framework (Rothman & Thomas, 1994) was used as a guide for program development and evaluation. Nine research questions examined the processes and outcomes associated with program implementation. ^ The sample included all 36 clients who participated in Project IMPACT between February of 2000 and June of 2001, as well as the victim advocates who provided them with services. Quantitative and qualitative data were drawn from client case files, participant observation field notes and interview transcriptions. Quantitative data were entered into three databases where: (1) clients were the units of analysis (n = 36), (2) services were the units of analysis (n = 1146), and (3) goals were the units of analysis (n = 149). These data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's Chi-square, Spearman's Rho, Phi, Cramer's V, Wilcoxon's Matched Pairs Signed-Ranked Test and McNemar's Test Statistic. Qualitative data were reduced via open, axial and selective coding methods. Grounded theory and case study frameworks were utilized to analyze these data. ^ Results showed that most clients noted an improved sense of well-being and safety, although residual symptoms of trauma remained for numerous individuals. Stalkers appeared to respond to criminal and civil justice-based interventions by reducing violent and threatening behaviors; however, covert behaviors continued. The study produced findings that provided preliminary support for the use of several intervention components including support services, psycho-education, safety planning, and boundary spanning. The psycho-education and safety planning in particular seemed to help clients cognitively reframe their perceptions of the stalking experience and gain a sense of increased safety and well-being. A 65% level of satisfactory goal achievement was observed overall, although goals involving justice-based organizations were associated with lower achievement. High service usage was related to low-income clients and those lacking in social support. Numerous inconsistencies in program implementation were found to be associated with the skills and experiences of victim advocates. Thus, recommendations were made to further refine, develop and evaluate the intervention. ^


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Tall buildings are wind-sensitive structures and could experience high wind-induced effects. Aerodynamic boundary layer wind tunnel testing has been the most commonly used method for estimating wind effects on tall buildings. Design wind effects on tall buildings are estimated through analytical processing of the data obtained from aerodynamic wind tunnel tests. Even though it is widely agreed that the data obtained from wind tunnel testing is fairly reliable the post-test analytical procedures are still argued to have remarkable uncertainties. This research work attempted to assess the uncertainties occurring at different stages of the post-test analytical procedures in detail and suggest improved techniques for reducing the uncertainties. Results of the study showed that traditionally used simplifying approximations, particularly in the frequency domain approach, could cause significant uncertainties in estimating aerodynamic wind-induced responses. Based on identified shortcomings, a more accurate dual aerodynamic data analysis framework which works in the frequency and time domains was developed. The comprehensive analysis framework allows estimating modal, resultant and peak values of various wind-induced responses of a tall building more accurately. Estimating design wind effects on tall buildings also requires synthesizing the wind tunnel data with local climatological data of the study site. A novel copula based approach was developed for accurately synthesizing aerodynamic and climatological data up on investigating the causes of significant uncertainties in currently used synthesizing techniques. Improvement of the new approach over the existing techniques was also illustrated with a case study on a 50 story building. At last, a practical dynamic optimization approach was suggested for tuning structural properties of tall buildings towards attaining optimum performance against wind loads with less number of design iterations.


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Many classical as well as modern optimization techniques exist. One such modern method belonging to the field of swarm intelligence is termed ant colony optimization. This relatively new concept in optimization involves the use of artificial ants and is based on real ant behavior inspired by the way ants search for food. In this thesis, a novel ant colony optimization technique for continuous domains was developed. The goal was to provide improvements in computing time and robustness when compared to other optimization algorithms. Optimization function spaces can have extreme topologies and are therefore difficult to optimize. The proposed method effectively searched the domain and solved difficult single-objective optimization problems. The developed algorithm was run for numerous classic test cases for both single and multi-objective problems. The results demonstrate that the method is robust, stable, and that the number of objective function evaluations is comparable to other optimization algorithms.


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Toll plazas have several toll payment types such as manual, automatic coin machines, electronic and mixed lanes. In places with high traffic flow, the presence of toll plaza causes a lot of traffic congestion; this creates a bottleneck for the traffic flow, unless the correct mix of payment types is in operation. The objective of this research is to determine the optimal lane configuration for the mix of the methods of payment so that the waiting time in the queue at the toll plaza is minimized. A queuing model representing the toll plaza system and a nonlinear integer program have been developed to determine the optimal mix. The numerical results show that the waiting time can be decreased at the toll plaza by changing the lane configuration. For the case study developed an improvement in the waiting time as high as 96.37 percent was noticed during the morning peak hour.


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The aim of this work is to present a methodology to develop cost-effective thermal management solutions for microelectronic devices, capable of removing maximum amount of heat and delivering maximally uniform temperature distributions. The topological and geometrical characteristics of multiple-story three-dimensional branching networks of microchannels were developed using multi-objective optimization. A conjugate heat transfer analysis software package and an automatic 3D microchannel network generator were developed and coupled with a modified version of a particle-swarm optimization algorithm with a goal of creating a design tool for 3D networks of optimized coolant flow passages. Numerical algorithms in the conjugate heat transfer solution package include a quasi-ID thermo-fluid solver and a steady heat diffusion solver, which were validated against results from high-fidelity Navier-Stokes equations solver and analytical solutions for basic fluid dynamics test cases. Pareto-optimal solutions demonstrate that thermal loads of up to 500 W/cm2 can be managed with 3D microchannel networks, with pumping power requirements up to 50% lower with respect to currently used high-performance cooling technologies.


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Launching centers are designed for scientific and commercial activities with aerospace vehicles. Rockets Tracking Systems (RTS) are part of the infrastructure of these centers and they are responsible for collecting and processing the data trajectory of vehicles. Generally, Parabolic Reflector Radars (PRRs) are used in RTS. However, it is possible to use radars with antenna arrays, or Phased Arrays (PAs), so called Phased Arrays Radars (PARs). Thus, the excitation signal of each radiating element of the array can be adjusted to perform electronic control of the radiation pattern in order to improve functionality and maintenance of the system. Therefore, in the implementation and reuse projects of PARs, modeling is subject to various combinations of excitation signals, producing a complex optimization problem due to the large number of available solutions. In this case, it is possible to use offline optimization methods, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), to calculate the problem solutions, which are stored for online applications. Hence, the Genetic Algorithm with Maximum-Minimum Crossover (GAMMC) optimization method was used to develop the GAMMC-P algorithm that optimizes the modeling step of radiation pattern control from planar PAs. Compared with a conventional crossover GA, the GAMMC has a different approach from the conventional one, because it performs the crossover of the fittest individuals with the least fit individuals in order to enhance the genetic diversity. Thus, the GAMMC prevents premature convergence, increases population fitness and reduces the processing time. Therefore, the GAMMC-P uses a reconfigurable algorithm with multiple objectives, different coding and genetic operator MMC. The test results show that GAMMC-P reached the proposed requirements for different operating conditions of a planar RAV.


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This work's objective is the development of a methodology to represent an unknown soil through a stratified horizontal multilayer soil model, from which the engineer may carry out eletrical grounding projects with high precision. The methodology uses the experimental electrical apparent resistivity curve, obtained through measurements on the ground, using a 4-wire earth ground resistance tester kit, along with calculations involving the measured resistance. This curve is then compared with the theoretical electrical apparent resistivity curve, obtained through calculations over a horizontally strati ed soil, whose parameters are conjectured. This soil model parameters, such as the number of layers, in addition to the resistivity and the thickness of each layer, are optimized by Differential Evolution method, with enhanced performance through parallel computing, in order to both apparent resistivity curves get close enough, and it is possible to represent the unknown soil through the multilayer horizontal soil model fitted with optimized parameters. In order to assist the Differential Evolution method, in case of a stagnation during an arbitrary amount of generations, an optimization process unstuck methodology is proposed, to expand the search space and test new combinations, allowing the algorithm to nd a better solution and/or leave the local minima. It is further proposed an error improvement methodology, in order to smooth the error peaks between the apparent resistivity curves, by giving opportunities for other more uniform solutions to excel, in order to improve the whole algorithm precision, minimizing the maximum error. Methodologies to verify the polynomial approximation of the soil characteristic function and the theoretical apparent resistivity calculations are also proposed by including middle points among the approximated ones in the verification. Finally, a statistical evaluation prodecure is presented, in order to enable the classication of soil samples. The soil stratification methodology is used in a control group, formed by horizontally stratified soils. By using statistical inference, one may calculate the amount of soils that, within an error margin, does not follow the horizontal multilayer model.


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Performing experiments on small-scale quantum computers is certainly a challenging endeavor. Many parameters need to be optimized to achieve high-fidelity operations. This can be done efficiently for operations acting on single qubits, as errors can be fully characterized. For multiqubit operations, though, this is no longer the case, as in the most general case, analyzing the effect of the operation on the system requires a full state tomography for which resources scale exponentially with the system size. Furthermore, in recent experiments, additional electronic levels beyond the two-level system encoding the qubit have been used to enhance the capabilities of quantum-information processors, which additionally increases the number of parameters that need to be controlled. For the optimization of the experimental system for a given task (e.g., a quantum algorithm), one has to find a satisfactory error model and also efficient observables to estimate the parameters of the model. In this manuscript, we demonstrate a method to optimize the encoding procedure for a small quantum error correction code in the presence of unknown but constant phase shifts. The method, which we implement here on a small-scale linear ion-trap quantum computer, is readily applicable to other AMO platforms for quantum-information processing.


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The environment affects our health, livelihoods, and the social and political institutions within which we interact. Indeed, nearly a quarter of the global disease burden is attributed to environmental factors, and many of these factors are exacerbated by global climate change. Thus, the central research question of this dissertation is: How do people cope with and adapt to uncertainty, complexity, and change of environmental and health conditions? Specifically, I ask how institutional factors, risk aversion, and behaviors affect environmental health outcomes. I further assess the role of social capital in climate adaptation, and specifically compare individual and collective adaptation. I then analyze how policy develops accounting for both adaptation to the effects of climate and mitigation of climate-changing emissions. In order to empirically test the relationships between these variables at multiple levels, I combine multiple methods, including semi-structured interviews, surveys, and field experiments, along with health and water quality data. This dissertation uses the case of Ethiopia, Africa’s second-most populous nation, which has a large rural population and is considered very vulnerable to climate change. My fieldwork included interviews and institutional data collection at the national level, and a three-year study (2012-2014) of approximately 400 households in 20 villages in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. I evaluate the theoretical relationships between households, communities, and government in the process of adaptation to environmental stresses. Through my analyses, I demonstrate that water source choice varies by individual risk aversion and institutional context, which ultimately has implications for environmental health outcomes. I show that qualitative measures of trust predict cooperation in adaptation, consistent with social capital theory, but that measures of trust are negatively related with private adaptation by the individual. Finally, I describe how Ethiopia had some unique characteristics, significantly reinforced by international actors, that led to the development of an extensive climate policy, and yet with some challenges remaining for implementation. These results suggest a potential for adaptation through the interactions among individuals, communities, and government in the search for transformative processes when confronting environmental threats and climate change.


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Free energy calculations are a computational method for determining thermodynamic quantities, such as free energies of binding, via simulation.

Currently, due to computational and algorithmic limitations, free energy calculations are limited in scope.

In this work, we propose two methods for improving the efficiency of free energy calculations.

First, we expand the state space of alchemical intermediates, and show that this expansion enables us to calculate free energies along lower variance paths.

We use Q-learning, a reinforcement learning technique, to discover and optimize paths at low computational cost.

Second, we reduce the cost of sampling along a given path by using sequential Monte Carlo samplers.

We develop a new free energy estimator, pCrooks (pairwise Crooks), a variant on the Crooks fluctuation theorem (CFT), which enables decomposition of the variance of the free energy estimate for discrete paths, while retaining beneficial characteristics of CFT.

Combining these two advancements, we show that for some test models, optimal expanded-space paths have a nearly 80% reduction in variance relative to the standard path.

Additionally, our free energy estimator converges at a more consistent rate and on average 1.8 times faster when we enable path searching, even when the cost of path discovery and refinement is considered.