1000 resultados para termonucleari,reazioni,fisica nucleare,stelle
The purpose of this paper is to present results of research conducted with artisan fishermen and surfers in order to analyze the meaning of interactions between each one of these groups with Nature. Academic and field researches (direct observation and free interviews) were used to investigate nine fishermen (eight male, one female; 28-71 years; 10 years practice minimum) and six surfers (male; 23-41 years age, 1-29 years practice) in Sao Paulo's North Coast. The body and the way as it interacts with Nature, in the daily life of these groups, points out to subjects with little exposure in the Physical Education field.
The investigation of the nature of motor difficulties children experiment resulted in the identification of a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). The lack of consensus on the nature and the mechanisms of DCD might not be due to an apparent resilience of the disorder to the scientific enterprise. On the contrary, the present paper has a goal of presenting a thesis according to which the problem resides on the definition of DCD and on the selection of samples in studies that do not distinguish between clinical and research criteria. In conclusion, three steps for characterizing DCD are presented.
Physical Activity produces health! When admitting the precocious veracity that the affirmation introduces, we reconstruct it in ideological dimension to put again the intentions of the physical activity on the scope of the health. To support this displacement, we search endorsement in the concept of Great Health forged in the philosophy of Nietzsche and of this concept we launch considerations about body practices to argue the care from physiological imperatives, worried about the vital necessities of the body. These possibilities only appear when it gave power to the meeting of the subject with himself and with the other - as operated in the body practices context. It is the quality of this meeting that allows trying the Great Health.
The dance installs in the body another scene of senses that raises the creative performance and not that can be speculated about it. There, ""who dance"" is the Other one, making the body acting of another manner, beyond the systemic contour of Ego. Without the presence of this forged performance, the body would not pass of one ruled machine in function of something and not in favor of himself, as original movement of himself. This article intends to make a reflection about the corporal perception in the dance, trying to point out the creative performance. So, we opened a way to understand the process creative as field of corporal sensitization where the educative intervention is accomplished in the body.
The study checked possible theory-methodologic assumptions into Physical Education PCNs by the teachers of the last years of elementary school. The analyses in the publishing allow us to identify the different didactic procedures when compared with those which set up the traditional expectations. From these elements and using the projective method, it was developed an interview with focal group. The data obtained showed us docent perceptions which rearrange the educative practice, and interpretation allows us to realize which of the teachers views approaches the propositions in the official document, even if no reference has been done to it.
In the title compound, C(11)H(7)NO(4), there is a dihedral angle of 45.80 (7)degrees between the planes of the benzene and maleimide rings. The presence of O-H...O hydrogen bonding and weak C-H...O interactions allows the formation of R (3) 3(19) edge-connected rings parallel to the (010) plane. Structural, spectroscopic and theoretical studies were carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) optimized structures at the B3LYP/6-311 G(d,p) and 6-31++G(d,p) levels are compared with the experimentally determined molecular structure in the solid state. Additional IR and UV theoretical studies allowed the presence of functional groups and the transition bands of the system to be identified.
The title compound, C(9)H(8)O(2)S(2), can be used as a chain transfer agent and may be used to control the behavior of polymerization reactions. O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds of moderate character link the molecules into dimers. In the crystal, the dimers are linked into sheets by C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions, forming R(4)(2)(12) and R(2)(2)(8) edge-fused rings running parallel to [101]. There are no intermolecular interactions involving the S atoms.
In the title 2:1 adduct, C(14)H(10)O(4)S(2)center dot 0.5C(10)H(8)N(2)O(2), which arose from an unexpected oxidation of a precursor, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings in the disulfide is 82.51 (11)degrees. In the crystal, the molecules are linked by O-H center dot center dot center dot O, OH center dot center dot center dot N and C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions, generating sheets.
In the title compound, C(3)H(5)N(2)(+)center dot C(4)H(3)O(4)(-), the dihedral angle between the imidazolium ring and the plane formed by the fumarate anion is 80.98 (6)degrees. In the crystal structure, intermolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds form extended chains along [100] and [01 (1) over bar], creating a two-dimensional network.
In this work, a series of depositions of titanium nitride (TiN) films on M2 and D2 steel substrates were conducted in a Triode Magnetron Sputtering chamber. The temperature; gas flow and pressure were kept constant during each run. The substrate bias was either decreased or increased in a sequence of steps. Residual stress measurements were later conducted through the grazing X-ray diffraction method. Different incident angles were used in order to change the penetration depth and to obtain values of residual stress at different film depths. A model described by Dolle was adapted as an attempt to calculate the values of residual stress at each incident angle as a function of the value from each individual layer. Stress results indicated that the decrease in bias voltage during the deposition has produced compressive residual stress gradients through the film thickness. On the other hand, much less pronounced gradients were found in one of the films deposited with increasing bias voltage. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work presents measurements of the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) in commercial AISI/SAE 1005 steel samples for different grain sizes. The correlation between the shape of the MBN jump and the grain size is established. The results show the existence of types of MBN jumps. Also, the outcome shows that one of these types of MBN jumps become ""squarer"" with the decrease of grain size.
The present work shows measurements of the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) in commercial AISI/SAE 1045 and ASTM 36 steel deformed samples. The correlation between the MBN root mean square, Barkhausen signal profile and MBN power spectrum with the plastic deformation is established. The results show that the power spectral density of the Barkhausen signal is more effective as nondestructive evaluator than root mean square of Barkhausen signal. The Outcomes also suggest the presence of unbalanced tensions between the surface and the bulk of sample due to the presence of plastic deformation.
The strange quark matter hypothesis is one of the most exciting speculations of the XX Century Physics. If this hypothesis is correct, the ground state of the matter would be the strange matter, which could form the core of compact objects like neutron stars or even more exotic objects like quarks stars. Due to the high-density and low-temperature regime in these stars, the interaction between quarks through gluon exchange could favor the appearance of a color superconducting state, significantl modifying the equation of state of the system. In this paper we present a general overview of this Subject, taking also into account the effect of strong magnetic field in the quark stars.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar si el embarazo es un factor de riesgo o un factor de protección frente a la violencia doméstica y comparar la prevalencia y severidad de la violencia que sufren las mujeres embarazadas antes y durante el embarazo. MÉTODOS: Encuesta realizada a una muestra de 468 mujeres atendidas en consulta prenatal en su tercer trimestre de embarazo por los servicios de la Secretaría de Salud del estado de Morelos (México). Se exploró violencia emocional, física y sexual. Se construyó un índice para valorar la severidad. Se identificaron las variables más asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de violencia total no cambió significativamente antes y durante el embarazo (32%). La prevalencia de cada uno de los tres tipos de violencia se mantuvo asimismo sin cambios. El 27% de las mujeres que tuvieron violencia durante el embarazo no la tuvieron antes del mismo; una proporción equivalente tuvieron violencia antes del embarazo pero no durante el mismo. La severidad de la violencia emocional se incrementó significativamente durante el embarazo (en comparación con el año previo), mientras que la severidad de la violencia física disminuyó. Variables asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo: violencia en la infancia de la pareja; ; que la mujer haya presenciado violencia en casa durante su infancia; y violencia en el año previo al embarazo. Se presentan diversos escenarios de riesgo útiles para los prestadores de servicios. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia emocional durante el embarazo predomina por encima de la violencia fisica y sexual. Diferenciarlas contribuye a esclarecer la complejidad del fenómeno.
This work aims at investigating the impact of treating breast cancer using different radiation therapy (RT) techniques – forwardly-planned intensity-modulated, f-IMRT, inversely-planned IMRT and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT – and their effects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB treatment planning system were compared: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Seven left-sided breast patients submitted to breast-conserving surgery were enrolled in the study. For each patient, four RT techniques – f-IMRT, IMRT using 2-fields and 5-fields (IMRT2 and IMRT5, respectively) and DCART – were applied. The dose distributions in the planned target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose–volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose differences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung and heart than tangential techniques. However, IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Differences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the iMC algorithm predicted.