957 resultados para suction of solid particles


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Results of a search for decays of massive particles to fully hadronic final states are presented. This search uses 20.3 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS detector in s√=8TeV proton--proton collisions at the LHC. Signatures based on high jet multiplicities without requirements on the missing transverse momentum are used to search for R-parity-violating supersymmetric gluino pair production with subsequent decays to quarks. The analysis is performed using a requirement on the number of jets, in combination with separate requirements on the number of b-tagged jets, as well as a topological observable formed from the scalar sum of the mass values of large-radius jets in the event. Results are interpreted in the context of all possible branching ratios of direct gluino decays to various quark flavors. No significant deviation is observed from the expected Standard Model backgrounds estimated using jet-counting as well as data-driven templates of the total-jet-mass spectra. Gluino pair decays to ten or more quarks via intermediate neutralinos are excluded for a gluino with mass mg~<1TeV for a neutralino mass mχ~01=500GeV. Direct gluino decays to six quarks are excluded for mg~<917GeV for light-flavor final states, and results for various flavor hypotheses are presented.


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Composite films with filler microparticles of Barium ferrite dispersed within P(VDF-TrFE) as polymeric matrix have been prepared by solvent evaporation. The lowest BaFO content of 1% wt acts as a small defect within the polymeric matrix, reducing the values of the dielectric and mechanical properties of the pure P(VDF-TrFE). For filler contents up to a 20%, the BaFO filler reinforces the matrix and measured properties increase their values. This trend is not followed by the electrical conductivity. We extended the study to fibers composed by BaFe12O19 microparticles in a PVDF matrix. Due to the big size of BaFO particles (1 micron in diameter), proper fabrication of the fiber shaped composites has not been achieved. We found that true BaFO content are always lower than nominal ones. Results are discussed in terms of the influence of size and morphology of the BaFO particles on the initial properties of the polymeric matrix.


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The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is used to search for the decay of a scalar boson to a pair of long-lived particles, neutral under the Standard Model gauge group, in 20.3 fb−1 of data collected in proton--proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV. This search is sensitive to long-lived particles that decay to Standard Model particles producing jets at the outer edge of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter or inside the hadronic calorimeter. No significant excess of events is observed. Limits are reported on the product of the scalar boson production cross section times branching ratio into long-lived neutral particles as a function of the proper lifetime of the particles. Limits are reported for boson masses from 100 GeV to 900 GeV, and a long-lived neutral particle mass from 10 GeV to 150 GeV.


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Many extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of heavy particles with long lifetimes. This article presents the results of a search for events containing at least one long-lived particle that decays at a significant distance from its production point into two leptons or into five or more charged particles. This analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 collected in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. No events are observed in any of the signal regions, and limits are set on model parameters within supersymmetric scenarios involving R-parity violation, split supersymmetry, and gauge mediation. In some of the search channels, the trigger and search strategy are based only on the decay products of individual long-lived particles, irrespective of the rest of the event. In these cases, the provided limits can easily be reinterpreted in different scenarios.


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The stem cell niche organization and dynamics provide valuable cues for the development of mimetic environments that could have potential to stimulate the regenerative process. We propose the use of biodegradable biomaterials to produce closed miniaturised structures able to encapsulate different cell types or bioactive molecules. In particular, capsules are fabricated using the so-called layer-by-layer technology, where the consecutive (nano-sized) layers are well stabilized by electrostatic interactions or other weak forces. Using alginate-based spherical templates containing cells or other elements (e.g. proteins, magnetic nanoparticles, microparticles) it is possible to produce liquefied capsules that may entrap the entire cargo under mild conditions. The inclusion of liquefied micropcapsules may be used to produce hierarchical compartmentalised systems for the delivery of bioactive agents. The presence of solid microparticles inside such capsules offers adequate surface area for adherent cell attachment increasing the biological performance of these hierarchical systems, while maintain both permeability and injectability. We demonstrated that the encapsulation of distinct cell types (including mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells) enhances the osteogenic capability of this system, that could be useful in bone tissue engineering applications.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Molecular Genetics


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OBJECTIVE: To report the effects of 2 regimens of hormone replacement therapy during the postmenopausal period on the profile of the major lipoprotein subfractions (HDL, LDL, and VLDL). METHODS: We carried out a cohort study in 38 postmenopausal patients who were starting their hormone replacement therapy due to gynecological indications, for a period of 12 weeks. Analysis of lipoprotein subclasses was performed through nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Hormone replacement therapy cause an increase in the proportion of larger subfractions of VLDL and HDL (p=0.008 and 0.03, respectively) and in the proportion of larger particles of VLDL due to a 36% increase in the levels of larger particles (p=0.004), concomitantly with a 15% reduction in the levels of smaller particles (p=0.04). In regard to HDL, the increase occurred only a 17% increase in the levels of larger particles (p=0.002). No significant change occurred in the distribution pattern of LDL subfractions. CONCLUSION: The proportion of larger subfractions of VLDL and HDL increases after hormone replacement therapy. The increase in the proportion of larger particles of VLDL occurs due to an increase in the levels of the larger subclasses concomitantly with a reduction in the smaller particles. However, an increase in the proportion of larger particles of HDL occurs only due to an increase in the levels of the larger subfractions.


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Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Mecânica.


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In Brazil all the fishes belonging to the sub-family Curimatinae are called « saguirú ». The present work gives a biological study of the Curimatus elegans Steind., a small fish without any economical importance, which is to be found along the whole brazilian coast, down till Paraguay. The specimens utilized for the present study come from Fortaleza (Ceará, north-eastern Brazil). The C. elegans is « ilyophagus », that means, it feeds itself exclusively with those organic materials to be found in mud, specially with microscopical algae. The intestines are very extent, some of them measuring about 9 to 11 times body's length. Studies have been made about growth and age of the C. elegans; the biggest sizes found were of 153 mm. for females and 88 mm. for males. The C. elegans shows developed sexual glands during a long period (April to September). The movements of the spermatozoa, in contact with water is of 40 to 50 seconds of intense movements, ceasing after 70 to 100 seconds. In contact with 0.5% NaCl-solution spermatozoa show a big increase in movements-time, that can last till about 25 minutes. The eggs' diameter measures 0.70 to 0.73 mm., mature and hydrated it attains 0.93 to 1,00 mm. There is a certain correlation between the size of the body and the quantity of eggs. Big specimens can produce a total of 200.000 eggs. The average quantity contained in 1 gr. and 1 cc. is 6018 and 6229 eggs, respectively. Maturity and spawning in laboratory has been obtained due to injections of suspension of fish-hypophysis. Three or four hours after the injection, fishes show more movement and evident signs of excitation, proceeding spawning after 5 to 6 hours. Males, persecuting females, describe successive circles (merry-go-round) - carroussel), swimming side by side with females up to water's surface, where sexual products are start beating dry, for there is no blood yet. Circulation-scheme is to be found on fig. 4 and 5. The swim-bladder and the stomach are but delineated; the intestine is formed by a cylindric tube, all closed. At the place, where later on there will open the mouth, we find a group of ciliary hairs that produce a liquid current, very evident by the semi-circle formed by attached solid particles. After 36 hours, opening of the mouth and formation of the gill slits begin. At the age of 90 hours (4 mm.) the larvas swim well and start to feed themselves; the digestive tube is now all open and the swimbladder works already. During the first days of life, larvas have an adhesive organ situated at their frontal region (fig. 7) in form of a crescent, by means of which they hang to surrounding vegetation (fig. 6). When the larva begins to swim and to feed itself and its yolk are having been absorbed. the adhesive organ retracts and disappears. While larvas and alevins feed themselves with plancton, they have small eye-teeth, which disappear,. when fishes become « ilyophagus ». There exist too, during their life as larvas, pharyngeal-teeth. The lateral line appears in the larva after 16 to 18 days; more or less at the same time all fins are completely developed. Shortly after, first scales appear (20 to 23 days). Evolution of intestines twisting followed (fig. 9). Larvas show at different parts of their bodies small of organs excretory functions, that are constituted by bottons in serial disposition, every one with an excretory canal that opens towards the outside. These formations disappear suddenly when larvas attain their phase of alevin. The existence of a great number of said formations at the caudal fin (fig. 12) is of great interest. In our experiences of breeding we have employed several thousands of C. elegans larvas in different environs and we made conditions of surrounding change (illumination), depth of water, temperature, presence of sand at bottom of aquariums and without sand, food). In this way we could compare the results obtained, estimate the action of each factor for the realisation of a good bring-up of larvas.


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We are interested in coupled microscopic/macroscopic models describing the evolution of particles dispersed in a fluid. The system consists in a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation to describe the microscopic motion of the particles coupled to the Euler equations for a compressible fluid. We investigate dissipative quantities, equilibria and their stability properties and the role of external forces. We also study some asymptotic problems, their equilibria and stability and the derivation of macroscopic two-phase models.


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Ultrastructural morphology and ATPase specific activities of mitochondria isolated from 1-celled fertilized egg, 10-day embryo, 21-day infective larvae and adult body wall muscle of Ascaris suum and rat liver were determined and compared. Although cristae of both muscle and egg mitochondria contained numerous elementary particles with head pieces of conventional diameter (85 A), each muscle mitochondrion contained relatively few, short cristae with a diminished frequency of elementary particles and associated ATPase activity. These morphological relationships are related to the previous conclusion that the transition from an aerobic to an essentially anaerobic metabolism is intimately associated with the mitochondrion and is a normal and mandatory feature of development.


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Summary The best described physiological function of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is to transport cholesterol to target tissues. LDL deliver their cholesterol cargo to cells following their interaction with the LDL receptor. LDL, when their vascular concentrations increase, have also been implicated in pathologies such as atherosclerosis. Among the cell types that are found in blood vessels, endothelial and smooth muscle cells have dominated cellular research on atherosclerotic mechanisms and LDL activation of signaling pathways, while very little is known about adventitial fibroblast activation caused by elevated lipoprotein levels. Since fibroblasts participate in wound repair and since it has recently been recognized that fibroblasts may play pivotal roles in vascular remodeling and repair of injury, we assessed whether lipoproteins affect fibroblast function. We have found that LDL specifically mediate the activation of a class of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs): the p38 MAPKs. The activation of this pathway in turn modulates cell shape by promoting lamellipodia formation and extensive cell spreading. This is of particular interest because it provides a mechanism by which LDL can promote wound healing or vessel wall remodeling as observed during the development of atherosclerosis. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms by which LDL induce p38 activation we searched for the component in the LDL particle responsible for the induction of this pathway. We found that cholesterol is the major component of lipoprotein particles that mediates their ability to stimulate the p38 MAPK pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the cellular mechanisms underlying the ability of LDL to induce cell shape changes and whether this could participate in wound repair. Our recent data demonstrates that the capacity of LDL to induce fibroblast spreading relies on their ability to stimulate IL-8 secretion, which in turn leads to accelerated wound healing. LDL-induced IL-8 production and subsequent wound closure are impaired upon inhibition of the p38 MAPK pathway indicating that the LDL-induced spreading and accelerated wound sealing rely on the ability of LDL to stimulate IL-8 secretion in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Therefore, regulation of fibroblast shape and migration by lipoproteins may be relevant to atherosclerosis that is characterized by increased LDL-cholesterol levels, IL-8 production and extensive remodeling of the vessel wall. Résumé: La fonction physiologique des lipoprotéines à faible densité (LDL) la mieux décrite est celle du transport du cholestérol aux tissus cibles. Les LDL livrent leur cargaison de cholestérol aux cellules après leur interaction avec le récepteur au LDL. Une concentration vasculaire des LDL augmenté est également impliquée dans le développement de l'athérosclérose. Parmi les types de cellule présents dans les vaisseaux sanguins, les cellules endothéliales et les cellules du muscle lisse ont dominé la recherche cellulaire sur les mécanismes athérosclérotiques et sur l'activation par les LDL des voies de signalisation intracellulaire. A l'inverse peu de choses sont connues sur l'activation des fibroblastes de l'adventice par les lipoprotéines. Puisqu'il a été récemment reconnu que les fibroblastes peuvent jouer un rôle central dans la remodélisation vasculaire et la réparation tissulaire, nous avons étudié si les lipoprotéines affectent la fonction des fibroblastes. Nous avons constaté que les LDL activent spécifiquement une classe de protéines kinases: les p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases). L'activation de cette voie module à son tour la forme de la cellule en favorisant la formation de lamellipodes et l'agrandissement des cellules. Cela a un intérêt particulier car il fournit un mécanisme par lequel les LDL peuvent promouvoir la cicatrisation ou la remodélisation des parois vasculaires comme observés lors du développement de l'athérosclérose. Pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les LDL provoquent l'activation des p38 MAPK, nous avons cherché à identifier les composants dans la particule de LDL responsables de l'induction de cette voie. Nous avons constaté que le cholestérol est l'élément principal des particules de lipoprotéine qui contrôle leur capacité à stimuler la voie des p38 MAPK. En outre, nous avons examiné les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de la capacité des LDL à induire des changements dans la forme des cellules. Nos données récentes démontrent que la capacité des LDL à induire l'agrandissement des cellules, ainsi que leur aptitude à favoriser la cicatrisation, reposant sur leur capacité à stimuler la sécrétiond'IL-8. La production d'IL-8 induite par les LDL est bloquée par l'inhibition de la voie p38 MAPK, ce qui indique que l'étalement des cellules induit par les LDL ainsi que l'accélération de la cicatrisation sont liés à la capacité des LDL à stimuler la sécrétion d'IL8 via l'activation des p38 MAPK. La régulation de la forme et de la migration des fibroblastes par les lipoprotéines peuvent donc participer au développement de l'athérosclérose qui est caractérisée par l'augmentation des niveaux de production de LDL-cholestérol et d'IL-8 ainsi que par une remodélisation augmentée de la paroi du vaisseau.


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The 1st chapter of this work presents the different experiments and collaborations in which I am involved during my PhD studies of Physics. Following those descriptions, the 2nd chapter is dedicated to how the radiation affects the silicon sensors, as well as some experimental measurements carried out at CERN (Geneve, Schwitzerland) and IFIC (Valencia, Spain) laboratories. Besides the previous investigation results, this chapter includes the most recent scientific papers appeared in the latest RD50 (Research & Development #50) Status Report, published in January 2007, as well as some others published this year. The 3rd and 4th are dedicated to the simulation of the electrical behavior of solid state detectors. In chapter 3 are reported the results obtained for the illumination of edgeless detectors irradiated at different fluences, in the framework of the TOSTER Collaboration. The 4th chapter reports about simulation design, simulation and fabrication of a novel 3D detector developed at CNM for ions detection in the future ITER fusion reactor. This chapter will be extended with irradiation simulations and experimental measurements in my PhD Thesis.


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PECUBE is a three-dimensional thermal-kinematic code capable of solving the heat production-diffusion-advection equation under a temporally varying surface boundary condition. It was initially developed to assess the effects of time-varying surface topography (relief) on low-temperature thermochronological datasets. Thermochronometric ages are predicted by tracking the time-temperature histories of rock-particles ending up at the surface and by combining these with various age-prediction models. In the decade since its inception, the PECUBE code has been under continuous development as its use became wider and addressed different tectonic-geomorphic problems. This paper describes several major recent improvements in the code, including its integration with an inverse-modeling package based on the Neighborhood Algorithm, the incorporation of fault-controlled kinematics, several different ways to address topographic and drainage change through time, the ability to predict subsurface (tunnel or borehole) data, prediction of detrital thermochronology data and a method to compare these with observations, and the coupling with landscape-evolution (or surface-process) models. Each new development is described together with one or several applications, so that the reader and potential user can clearly assess and make use of the capabilities of PECUBE. We end with describing some developments that are currently underway or should take place in the foreseeable future. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mosquito cell cultures infected with human sera from dengue-1 and dengue-2 outbreaks, started in Rio de Janeiro by 1986 and 1990 respectively, were examined by electron microscopy at different times post the infection of cell cultures. More information was obtained about cell penetration of virus particles in the presence or not of antibodies, their pathway inside the cells, replication mode and exit. Infectiveness of the virus at those different stages can only be attributed to the particles appearing inside the trans-Golgi vesicles; most of all newly formed virus particles remain inside the RER-derived cell vesicles or inside lysosomes, even during cell lysis. Groups of larges particles, 65-75 nm in diameter at dengue-2 infections, persist during cell passage. The large amounts of smooth membrane structures, as vesicles or tabules inside the RER are attributed to a cell response to viral infection.