928 resultados para steroid


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A catalyst has been synthesized comprising a manganese porphyrin carrying four beta-cyclodextrin groups. It catalyzes the hydroxylation of substrates of appropriate size carrying tert-butylphenyl groups that can hydrophobically bind into the cyclodextrin cavities. In one example as many as 650 catalytic turnovers are seen before the catalyst is oxidatively destroyed, and with a rate comparable to that of typical cytochrome P450 enzymes. In another example, a steroid derivative is regio- and stereoselectively hydroxylated at a single unactivated carbon atom, but more slowly and with fewer turnovers. The carbon attacked is not the most chemically reactive, and the selectivity is determined by the geometry of the catalyst-substrate complex. Nonbinding substrates are not reactive under the conditions used, and substrates with more flexible binding geometries give more than a single product.


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Response to the steroid hormone ecdysone in Drosophila is controlled by genetic regulatory hierarchies that include eight members of the nuclear receptor protein family. The DHR3 gene, located within the 46F early-late ecdysone-inducible chromosome puff, encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that recently has been shown to exert both positive and negative regulatory effects in the ecdysone-induced genetic hierarchies at metamorphosis. We used a reverse genetics approach to identify 11 DHR3 mutants from a pool of lethal mutations in the 46F region on the second chromosome. Two DHR3 mutations result in amino acid substitutions within the conserved DNA binding domain. Analysis of DHR3 mutants reveals that DHR3 function is required to complete embryogenesis. All DHR3 alleles examined result in nervous system defects in the embryo.


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Exposure to cyclopamine, a steroid alkaloid that blocks Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, promotes pancreatic expansion in embryonic chicks. Heterotopic development of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine structures occurs in regions adjacent to the pancreas including stomach and duodenum, and insulin-producing islets in the pancreas are enlarged. The homeodomain transcription factor PDX1, required for pancreas development, is expressed broadly in the posterior foregut but pancreas development normally initiates only in a restricted region of PDX1-expressing posterior foregut where endodermal Shh expression is repressed. The results suggests that cyclopamine expands the endodermal region where Shh signaling does not occur, resulting in pancreatic differentiation in a larger region of PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm. Cyclopamine reveals the capacity of a broad region of the posterior embryonic foregut to form pancreatic cells and provides a means for expanding embryonic pancreas development.


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Hydrophilic drugs are often poorly absorbed when administered orally. There has been considerable interest in the possibility of using absorption enhancers to promote absorption of polar molecules across membrane surfaces. The bile acids are one of the most widely investigated classes of absorption enhancers, but there is disagreement about what features of bile acid enhancers are responsible for their efficacy. We have designed a class of glycosylated bile acid derivatives to evaluate how increasing the hydrophilicity of the steroid nucleus affects the ability to transport polar molecules across membranes. Some of the glycosylated molecules are significantly more effective than taurocholate in promoting the intestinal absorption of a range of drugs, showing that hydrophobicity is not a critical parameter in transport efficacy, as previously suggested. Furthermore, the most effective glycosylated compound is also far less damaging to membranes than the best bile acid absorption promoters, presumably because it is more hydrophilic. The results reported here show that it is possible to decouple absorption-promoting activity from membrane damage, a finding that should spark interest in the design of new compounds to facilitate the delivery of polar drugs.


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A cross-sectional survey was made in 56 exceptionally healthy males, ranging in age from 20 to 84 years. Measurements were made of selected steroidal components and peptidic hormones in blood serum, and cognitive and physical tests were performed. Of those blood serum variables that gave highly significant negative correlations with age (r > −0.6), bioavailable testosterone (BT), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and the ratio of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) to growth hormone (GH) showed a stepwise pattern of age-related changes most closely resembling those of the age steps themselves. Of these, BT correlated best with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures. Because DHEAS correlated well with BT and considerably less well than BT with the cognitive and physical measures, it seems likely that BT and/or substances to which BT gives rise in tissues play a more direct role in whatever processes are rate-limiting in the functions measured and that DHEAS relates more indirectly to these functions. The high correlation of IGF-1/GH with age, its relatively low correlation with BT, and the patterns of correlations of IGF-1/GH and BT with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures suggest that the GH–IGF-1 axis and BT play independent roles in affecting these functions. Serial determinations made after oral ingestion of pregnenolone and data from the literature suggest there is interdependence of steroid metabolic systems with those operational in control of interrelations in the GH–IGF-1 axis. Longitudinal concurrent measurements of serum levels of BT, DHEAS, and IGF-1/GH together with detailed studies of their correlations with age-correlated functional measures may be useful in detecting early age-related dysregulations and may be helpful in devising ameliorative approaches.


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In human beings of both sexes, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) circulating in blood is mostly an adrenally secreted steroid whose serum concentration (in the micromolar range and 30–50% higher in men than in women) decreases with age, toward ≈20–10% of its value in young adults during the 8th and 9th decades. The mechanism of action of DHEA and DHEAS is poorly known and may include partial transformation into sex steroids, increase of bioavailable insulin-like growth factor I, and effects on neurotransmitter receptors. Whether there is a cause-to-effect relationship between the decreasing levels of DHEAS with age and physiological and pathological manifestations of aging is still undecided, but this is of obvious theoretical and practical interest in view of the easy restoration by DHEA administration. Here we report on 622 subjects over 65 years of age, studied for the 4 years since DHEAS baseline values had been obtained, in the frame of the PAQUID program, analyzing the functional, psychological, and mental status of a community-based population in the south-west of France. We confirm the continuing decrease of DHEAS serum concentration with age, more in men than in women, even if men retain higher levels. Significantly lower values of baseline DHEAS were recorded in women in cases of functional limitation (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), confinement, dyspnea, depressive symptomatology, poor subjective perception of health and life satisfaction, and usage of various medications. In men, there was a trend for the same correlations, even though not statistically significant in most categories. No differences in DHEAS levels were found in cases of incident dementia in the following 4 years. In men (but not in women), lower DHEAS was significantly associated with increased short-term mortality at 2 and 4 years after baseline measurement. These results, statistically established by taking into account corrections for age, sex, and health indicators, suggest the need for further careful trials of the administration of replacement doses of DHEA in aging humans. Indeed, the first noted results of such “treatment” are consistent with correlations observed here between functional and psychological status and endogenous steroid serum concentrations.


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Estrogens are thought to regulate female reproductive functions by altering gene transcription in target organs primarily via the nuclear estrogen receptor-α (ER-α). By using ER-α “knock-out” (ERKO) mice, we demonstrate herein that a catecholestrogen, 4-hydroxyestradiol-17β (4-OH-E2), and an environmental estrogen, chlordecone (kepone), up-regulate the uterine expression of an estrogen-responsive gene, lactoferrin (LF), independent of ER-α. A primary estrogen, estradiol-17β (E2), did not induce this LF response. An estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI-182,780, or E2 failed to inhibit uterine LF gene expression induced by 4-OH-E2 or kepone in ERKO mice, which suggests that this estrogen signaling pathway is independent of both ER-α and the recently cloned ER-β. 4-OH-E2, but not E2, also stimulated increases in uterine water imbibition and macromolecule uptake in ovariectomized ERKO mice. The results strongly imply the presence of a distinct estrogen-signaling pathway in the mouse uterus that mediates the effects of both physiological and environmental estrogens. This estrogen response pathway will have profound implications for our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of female sex steroid hormone actions in target organs.


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FKBP52 (HSP56, p59, HBI) is the 59-kDa immunosuppressant FK506-binding protein and has peptidyl prolyl isomerase as well as a chaperone-like activity in vitro. FKBP52 associates with the heat shock protein HSP90 and is included in the steroid hormone receptor complexes in vivo. FKBP52 possesses a well conserved phosphorylation site for casein kinase II (CK2) that was previously shown to be associated with HSP90. Here we examined whether FKBP52 is phosphorylated by CK2 both in vivo and in vitro. Recombinant rabbit FKBP52 was phosphorylated by purified CK2. We expressed and purified deletion mutants of FKBP52 to determine the site(s) phosphorylated by CK2. Thr-143 in the hinge I region was identified as the major phosphorylation site for CK2. A synthetic peptide corresponding to this region was phosphorylated by CK2, and the peptide competitively inhibited the phosphorylation of other substrates by CK2. The [32P]phosphate labeling of FKBP52-expressing cells revealed that the same site is also phosphorylated in vivo. FK506 binding to FKBP52 did not affect the phosphorylation by CK2 and, conversely, the FK506-binding activity of FKBP52 was not affected by the phosphorylation. Most importantly, CK2-phosphorylated FKBP52 did not bind to HSP90. These results indicate that CK2 phosphorylates FKBP52 both in vitro and in vivo and thus may regulate the protein composition of chaperone-containing complexes such as those of steroid receptors and certain protein kinases.


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The heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a cytosolic molecular chaperone that is highly abundant even at normal temperature. Specific functions for Hsp90 have been proposed based on the characterization of its interactions with certain transcription factors and kinases including Raf in vertebrates and flies. We therefore decided to address the role of Hsp90 for MAP kinase pathways in the budding yeast, an organism amenable to both genetic and biochemical analyses. We found that both basal and induced activities of the pheromone-signaling pathway depend on Hsp90. Signaling is defective in strains expressing low levels or point mutants of yeast Hsp90 (Hsp82), or human Hsp90β instead of the wild-type protein. Ste11, a yeast equivalent of Raf, forms complexes with wild-type Hsp90 and depends on Hsp90 function for accumulation. For budding yeast, Ste11 represents the first identified endogenous “substrate” of Hsp90. Moreover, Hsp90 functions in steroid receptor and pheromone signaling can be genetically separated as the Hsp82 point mutant T525I and the human Hsp90β are specifically defective for the former and the latter, respectively. These findings further corroborate the view that molecular chaperones must also be considered as transient or stable components of signal transduction pathways.


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The small G protein K-Ras2A is rapidly induced by aldosterone in A6 epithelia. In these Xenopus sodium reabsorbing cells, aldosterone rapidly activates preexisting epithelial Na+ channels (XENaC) via a transcriptionally mediated mechanism. In the Xenopus oocytes expression system, we tested whether the K-Ras2A pathway impacts on XENaC activity by expressing XENaC alone or together with XK-Ras2A rendered constitutively active (XK-Ras2AG12V). As a second control, XENaC-expressing oocytes were treated with progesterone, a sex steroid that induces maturation of the oocytes similarly to activated Ras. Progesterone or XK-Ras2AG12V led to oocyte maturation characterized by a decrease in surface area and endogenous Na+ pump function. In both conditions, the surface expression of exogenous XENaC′s was also decreased; however, in comparison with progesterone-treated oocytes, XK-ras2AG12V-coinjected oocytes expressed a fivefold higher XENaC-mediated macroscopic Na+ current that was as high as that of control oocytes. Thus, the Na+ current per surface-expressed XENaC was increased by XK-Ras2AG12V. The chemical driving force for Na+ influx was not changed, suggesting that XK-Ras2AG12V increased the mean activity of XENaCs at the oocyte surface. These observations raise the possibility that XK-Ras2A, which is the first regulatory protein known to be transcriptionally induced by aldosterone, could play a role in the control of XENaC function in aldosterone target cells.


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Coactivators previously implicated in ligand-dependent activation functions by thyroid hormone receptor (TR) include p300 and CREB-binding protein (CBP), the steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1)-related family of proteins, and the multicomponent TR-associated protein (TRAP) complex. Here we show that two positive cofactors (PC2 and PC4) derived from the upstream stimulatory activity (USA) cofactor fraction act synergistically to mediate thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent activation either by TR or by a TR-TRAP complex in an in vitro system reconstituted with purified factors and DNA templates. Significantly, the TRAP-mediated enhancement of activation by TR does not require the TATA box-binding protein-associated factors of TFIID. Furthermore, neither the pleiotropic coactivators CBP and p300 nor members of the SRC-1 family were detected in either the TR-TRAP complex or the other components of the in vitro assay system. These results show that activation by TR at the level of naked DNA templates is enhanced by cooperative functions of the TRAP coactivators and the general coactivators PC2 and PC4, and they further indicate a potential functional redundancy between TRAPs and TATA box-binding protein-associated factors in TFIID. In conjunction with earlier studies on other nuclear receptor-interacting cofactors, the present study also suggests a multistep pathway, involving distinct sets of cofactors, for activation of hormone responsive genes.


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This study was undertaken to determine the modulation of uterine function by chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) in a nonhuman primate. Infusion of recombinant human CG (hCG) between days 6 and 10 post ovulation initiated the endoreplication of the uterine surface epithelium to form distinct epithelial plaques. These plaque cells stained intensely for cytokeratin and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The stromal fibroblasts below the epithelial plaques stained positively for α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Expression of αSMA is associated with the initiation of decidualization in the baboon endometrium. Synthesis of the glandular secretory protein glycodelin, as assessed by Western blot analysis, was markedly up-regulated by hCG, and this increase was confirmed by immunocytochemistry, Northern blot analysis, and reverse transcriptase-PCR. To determine whether hCG directly modulated these uterine responses, we treated ovariectomized baboons sequentially with estradiol and progesterone to mimic the hormonal profile of the normal menstrual cycle. Infusion of hCG into the oviduct of steroid-hormone-treated ovariectomized baboons induced the expression of αSMA in the stromal cells and glycodelin in the glandular epithelium. The epithelial plaque reaction, however, was not readily evident. These studies demonstrate a physiological effect of CG on the uterine endometrium in vivo and suggest that the primate blastocyst signal, like the blastocyst signals of other species, modulates the uterine environment prior to implantation.


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Insulin negatively regulates expression of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) gene by means of an insulin-responsive element (IRE) that also contributes to glucocorticoid stimulation of this gene. We find that the Caenorhabditis elegans protein DAF-16 binds the IGFBP-1⋅IRE with specificity similar to that of the forkhead (FKH) factor(s) that act both to enhance glucocorticoid responsiveness and to mediate the negative effect of insulin at this site. In HepG2 cells, DAF-16 and its mammalian homologs, FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX, activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE; this effect is inhibited by the viral oncoprotein E1A, but not by mutants of E1A that fail to interact with the coactivator p300/CREB-binding protein (CBP). We show that DAF-16 and FKHR can interact with both the KIX and E1A/SRC interaction domains of p300/CBP, as well as the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). A C-terminal deletion mutant of DAF-16 that is nonfunctional in C. elegans fails to bind the KIX domain of CBP, fails to activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE, and inhibits activation of the IGFBP-1 promoter by glucocorticoids. Thus, the interaction of DAF-16 homologs with the KIX domain of CBP is essential to basal and glucocorticoid-stimulated transactivation. Although AFX interacts with the KIX domain of CBP, it does not interact with SRC and does not respond to glucocorticoids or insulin. Thus, we conclude that DAF-16 and FKHR act as accessory factors to the glucocorticoid response, by recruiting the p300/CBP/SRC coactivator complex to an FKH factor site in the IGFBP-1 promoter, which allows the cell to integrate the effects of glucocorticoids and insulin on genes that carry this site.


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The 2.8-Å crystal structure of the complex formed by estradiol and the human estrogen receptor-α ligand binding domain (hERαLBD) is described and compared with the recently reported structure of the progesterone complex of the human progesterone receptor ligand binding domain, as well as with similar structures of steroid/nuclear receptor LBDs solved elsewhere. The hormone-bound hERαLBD forms a distinctly different and probably more physiologically important dimer interface than its progesterone counterpart. A comparison of the specificity determinants of hormone binding reveals a common structural theme of mutually supported van der Waals and hydrogen-bonded interactions involving highly conserved residues. The previously suggested mechanism by which the estrogen receptor distinguishes estradiol’s unique 3-hydroxy group from the 3-keto function of most other steroids is now described in atomic detail. Mapping of mutagenesis results points to a coactivator-binding surface that includes the region around the “signature sequence” as well as helix 12, where the ligand-dependent conformation of the activation function 2 core is similar in all previously solved steroid/nuclear receptor LBDs. A peculiar crystal packing event displaces helix 12 in the hERαLBD reported here, suggesting a higher degree of dynamic variability than expected for this critical substructure.


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Dexamethasone and progesterone have been found to accelerate the time of initiation and enhance the rate of myelin synthesis in Schwann cell/neuronal cocultures. The expression of mRNA for cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone receptor were detected and markedly induced during peak myelin formation in the cocultures. The mRNA for the glucocorticoid receptor was detected, but was found to be constituitively expressed. In addition, the specific activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was measured and found to increase by 10-fold. The mRNA for cytochrome P450scc and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase also were found to be induced during the differentiation of O-2A precursor cells to oligodendrocytes. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor were found to have proliferative effects on Schwann cells, but they had no effect on the initiation or the rate of myelin formation. These results demonstrate that myelin-forming cells have inducible enzymes responsible for steroid biosynthesis and suggest a critical role for endogenous steroid hormones in signaling the initiation and enhancing the rate of myelin formation.