877 resultados para software management infrastructure
Software must be constantly adapted to changing requirements. The time scale, abstraction level and granularity of adaptations may vary from short-term, fine-grained adaptation to long-term, coarse-grained evolution. Fine-grained, dynamic and context-dependent adaptations can be particularly difficult to realize in long-lived, large-scale software systems. We argue that, in order to effectively and efficiently deploy such changes, adaptive applications must be built on an infrastructure that is not just model-driven, but is both model-centric and context-aware. Specifically, this means that high-level, causally-connected models of the application and the software infrastructure itself should be available at run-time, and that changes may need to be scoped to the run-time execution context. We first review the dimensions of software adaptation and evolution, and then we show how model-centric design can address the adaptation needs of a variety of applications that span these dimensions. We demonstrate through concrete examples how model-centric and context-aware designs work at the level of application interface, programming language and runtime. We then propose a research agenda for a model-centric development environment that supports dynamic software adaptation and evolution.
The increasing amount of data available about software systems poses new challenges for re- and reverse engineering research, as the proposed approaches need to scale. In this context, concerns about meta-modeling and analysis techniques need to be augmented by technical concerns about how to reuse and how to build upon the efforts of previous research. Moose is an extensive infrastructure for reverse engineering evolved for over 10 years that promotes the reuse of engineering efforts in research. Moose accommodates various types of data modeled in the FAMIX family of meta-models. The goal of this half-day workshop is to strengthen the community of researchers and practitioners who are working in re- and reverse engineering, by providing a forum for building future research starting from Moose and FAMIX as shared infrastructure.
The increasing amount of data available about software systems poses new challenges for re- and reverse engineering research, as the proposed approaches need to scale. In this context, concerns about meta-modeling and analysis techniques need to be augmented by technical concerns about how to reuse and how to build upon the efforts of previous research. MOOSE is an extensive infrastructure for reverse engineering evolved for over 10 years that promotes the reuse of engineering efforts in research. MOOSE accommodates various types of data modeled in the FAMIX family of meta-models. The goal of this half-day workshop is to strengthen the community of researchers and practitioners who are working in re- and reverse engineering, by providing a forum for building future research starting from MOOSE and FAMIX as shared infrastructure.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by blood glucose levels out of normal range due to inability of insulin production. This dysfunction leads to many short- and long-term complications. In this paper, a system for tele-monitoring and tele-management of Type 1 diabetes patients is proposed, aiming at reducing the risk of diabetes complications and improving quality of life. The system integrates Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), mobile infrastructure, and Internet technology along with commercially available and novel glucose measurement devices, advanced modeling techniques, and tools for the intelligent processing of the available diabetes patients information. The integration of the above technologies enables intensive monitoring of blood glucose levels, treatment optimisation, continuous medical care, and improvement of quality of life for Type 1 diabetes patients, without restrictions in everyday life activities.
The use of XML for representation of eLearning-content and for automatic generation of different kinds of teaching media from this material is with all its advantages nowadays stateof-the-art. In the last years there have been numerous projects that leveraged XML-based production environments. At the end of the financial advancement the created materials have to be maintained with limited (human) resources. In the majority of cases this is only possible, if the authors care for their teaching material without extensive IT-support. From our point of view there has so far been a lack of intuitive usable XML editors. The prototype of such an XML editor “aXess” is introduced with the intention to encourage a broad discussion about the required features to manage the content of eLearning-materials.
In addition to multi-national Grid infrastructures, several countries operate their own national Grid infrastructures to support science and industry within national borders. These infrastructures have the benefit of better satisfying the needs of local, regional and national user communities. Although Switzerland has strong research groups in several fields of distributed computing, only recently a national Grid effort was kick-started to integrate a truly heterogeneous set of resource providers, middleware pools, and users. In the following. article we discuss our efforts to start Grid activities at a national scale to combine several scientific communities and geographical domains. We make a strong case for the need of standards that have to be built on top of existing software systems in order to provide support for a heterogeneous Grid infrastruc
Aufbau einer föderativen Dienstlandschaft in der Ruhr-Region auf Basis von SAML mit dem Ziel eine organisationsübergreifende Nutzung von webbasierten IT-Diensten zu ermöglichen
Die Dissertationsschrift widmet sich der Erforschung des Online-Lernens mittels Weblogs unter Anwendung der E-Portfolio Methode als einer seit mehreren Jahren verstärkt aufkommenden Lern- und Präsentationsform im Bildungskontext. Über mehrere Lehrveranstaltungen des Studiengangs "Angewandte Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft" an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau hinweg wurden drei Fallstudien gebildet. Innerhalb dieser wurde das Führen von eigenen E-Portfolio Blogs durch Studierende über einen Zeitraum von etwa drei Jahren evaluiert. Als Evaluationsziel wurde anhand spezifischer Fragestellungen ermittelt, wie das damit einhergehende selbstgesteuert-konnektive Lernen zu entsprechendem Erfolg führen kann. Hierbei wurde insbesondere die Teildimension Medienkompetenz im Spannungsfeld von Lernaktivität, Wissenserwerb und Informations-/Wissensmanagement betrachtet sowie weitere intervenierende Variablen, wie zum Beispiel Aufwand oder Akzeptanz, berücksichtigt. Inhaltlich wurden zunächst begriffliche Grundlagen dargestellt, die Nutzung von E-Portfolios in Theorie und Praxis beschrieben, Medienkompetenz-Ansätze detailliert aufgezeigt sowie in den Kontext von E-Portfolios gebracht und schließlich eine umfangreiche Analyse des Forschungsstandes aufbereitet. Diese gingen mit Erkenntnissen aus einer qualitativen Vorstudie in Form von fünf leitfadengestützten Experteninterviews einher. Die darauf aufbauende Hauptstudie widmete sich anschließend der Erhebung und Auswertung quantitativer Daten anhand von Online-Befragungen mit den Studierenden zu fünf Zeitpunkten aus intra- und interindividueller Perspektive. Als markanteste empirische Erkenntnis der Arbeit kann festgehalten werden, dass es durch das selbstgesteuert-konnektive Lernen mit E-Portfolio Blogs zu einer nachhaltigen Förderung der Medienkompetenz kommt, die sich auch in signifikanten Zusammenhängen mit den anderen Teildimensionen und intervenierenden Variablen widerspiegelt. Darüber hinaus bieten sich aber auch Potenziale für eine steigende Lernaktivität, einen ansteigenden Wissenserwerb und ein verbessertes Informations-/Wissensmanagement, die es aber noch weiterführend zu erforschen gilt. Demgegenüber können allerdings der entstehende und kontinuierlich hohe Aufwand sowie die erforderliche (Eigen-) Motivation als entscheidende Herausforderungen dieser Lernmethode identifiziert werden.