922 resultados para service provider dependence


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The aim of this intervention is to educate, inform and empower patients to safely lose and manage their weight. It strives for Patients to lose an agreed amount of weight, with the help and support of the MoreLife team.


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Tier 3 weight management service for clients with BMI>40, or >30 plus co-morbidities. The service aims for 5% weight loss in 6 months, and to increase fruit and vegetable intake and activity levels. It also aims to set up hub and spoke model with 3 satellite sites to deliver local services in a rural area, and to develop a North Norfolk Obesity Pathway and to make only appropriate bariatric surgery referrals as per East of England guidelines.


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The aims of this intervention are: - To prevent or defer patients from requiring surgical interventions. - To ready patients for surgical procedures (indirectly related to weight status), such as orthapaedic ops etc. - To educate, inform and empower patients to safely lose and manage their weight - To improve the patient's clinical risk and quality of life.


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The aim of the intervention is to offer tailored advice, motivation, and practical support to individuals who want to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The objectives are to support clients in setting goals and planning behaviour change


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The aim of this intervention is to increase the accessibility of appropriate evidence based support to people who are clinically obese to enable them to make lifestyle changes that will lead to weight loss. Objectives1. Identify patients whose lifestyle put them at risk of obesity and poor health outcomes and provide them with advice and support along with signposting to specific services and activities. 2. Identify patients who are overweight or obese and offer them a structured multi-component programme of support for them to loose weight. 3. Through the use of software collect data to monitor outcomes at individual and practice levels.


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The aim of this intervention is to offer support to overweight and obese patients, particularly those with co-morbidities to make changes to lifestyle in food habits and physical activity.


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The aims and objectives of this intervention are: Multidisciplinary approach to help: 1. Weight loss 2. Improve exercise tolerance 3. Quality of life 4. Adverse weight related medical conditi


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The Fáiltiú service provides information and advice on rights, entitlements and options to homeless people, or those at risk of homelessness. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess the information needs of users of the service, how effectively they were being met, and how they could be improved. Two focus groups of staff members and service users gave their views on the design and implementation of the research at the outset of the project. A screening questionnaire identified 78 people who used the Fáiltiú service in a specified time period, of whom 40 participated in the evaluation by giving their views on the service. The study reviewed the literature on homelessness, attempted to define the term, and examined the characteristics of homeless people and relevant Irish social policy. The conclusions reached were: users of the Fáiltiú service are marginalized in a number of ways and share characteristics related to poverty and social exclusion, such as poor educational qualifications, high levels of unemployment and experience of prison; their needs are multi-dimensional and include accommodation, financial, social and medical support, and access to employment and training services: the service needs to respond to these needs in a holistic way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This study described the demographic and medical characteristics of a population of patients with HIV/AIDS attending the department of Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) at a major Dublin hospital. The study population's utilisation of statutory and voluntary medical and social services at primary care level, satisfaction with services received and perceived need for services examined. The information obtained was used to make recommendations concerning the provision of care to patients with HIV/AIDS. The study was carried out between February and November 1994. Data was collected from a consecutive sample of eighty inpatients using n interviewer-administered questionnaire which contained both closed and open questions. The first forty patients interviewed were reviewed six months following the initial interview to document changes in physical condition and uptake of medical services over that time period. Data for the second part of the study was obtained by review of the patients' medical case notes and interview with the individual hospital medical social worker assigned to each patient. Over ninety percent of respondents were from the Greater Dublin Area. Almost three quarters were intravenous drug users (IVDUs), and the majority of these patients came from south inner city Dublin. The methodology was biased towards sampling patients with advanced disease and 73% had CDC Stage 4 disease. Twenty percent required some assistance with the activities of daily living when first interviewed. Most were reliant on informal carers. Social and physical dependency increased substantially over the six month period of the follow-up study of forty patients. Financial difficulties were identified as a particular area of need. Only ten percent of those interviewed were in current employment and over 80% were dependent on statutory payments. There is a need for greater co-ordination between the providers of services to patients HIV/AIDS and an improved system of data collection regarding patients' uptake of services and unmet needs is required to assist in future service planning.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The key element of the HSE South’s Programme is to enhance and develop community mental health services in Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary, to enable the service user to remain in the community to the greatest extent possible. HSE South has prioritised the implementation of the change programme and has allocated more than €20m capital funding and over €1.75m revenue funding to support this comprehensive development programme. Speaking at the briefings Mr. Pat Healy, Regional Director of Operations, HSE South said, “When this plan is delivered, clients will have access to the highest standards of services in all three counties, which should significantly improve these clients’ treatment programmes and quality of life. The National Service Users Executive are supporting the change programme, which is of immense importance to HSE South. The programme heralds the enhancement and development of community mental health services, the closure of old long stay institutions, the separation of North and South Tipperary acute inpatient mental health services and development of appropriate acute inpatient services, for the extended catchment area, in line with the national strategy for mental health “A Vision for Change”. The programme also acts on recommendations of the Mental Health Commission.”This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This study aimed to establish a profile of users of the mental health service for homeless in Cork, comparing this group with those attending a General Adult Service. The homeless group were significantly more likely to be male (89% v 46%), unemployed (96% v 68%), unmarried (98% v 75%) and under 65 (94% v 83%). Diagnostically, there was a significantly higher prevalence of schizophrenia (50% v 34%); personality disorder (37% v 11%) and substance dependence (74% v 19%) in the homeless service users. They were more likely to have a history of deliberate self harm (54% v 21%) and violence (48% v 10%). Severe mental illness has a high prevalence in the homeless population, with particularly high levels of factors associated with suicide and homicide. Poor compliance and complexity of illness lead to a requirement for significant input from multidisciplinary mental health teams members.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This publication outlines a model of delivery for introductory level Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training in the Mental Health Service, HSE South (Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford). This model has proved useful in guiding the development of four introductory programmes during 2009 and 2010. As a result of this experience, we have amended and updated our programme delivery strategies. We see this process as organic and ever changing, thus these reflections are a snap shot of our current thinking which we have no doubt will evolve as we proceed with future programmes. This booklet will act as a guide for our upcoming programmes in 2010 and 2011 and we believe it may also offer guidance to others who will be involved in the delivery of CBT training within the Irish Mental Health Service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Key Findings • Based on body mass index (BMI) measurements, 36% of Irish over 50s are obese and a further 43% are overweight. • Based on waist circumference measurements, 52% of Irish over 50s are ‘centrally obese’, i.e., with a ‘substantially increased’ waist circumference, while a further 25% have an ‘increased’ waist circumference. • Using BMI as an indicator of obesity, a higher proportion of men (38%) are obese than women (33%); however, using waist circumference as an indicator of obesity, a higher proportion of women (56%) have a ‘substantially increased’ waist circumference than men (48%). • The prevalence of obesity in Irish men over 50 is comparable with US men over 50 (while English rates are much lower).     .This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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[Table des matières] 1. Matériel et méthode. 1.1. Protocole princeps. 1.2. Protocole adapté. 1.3. Analyse des causes de délai. 2. Résultats : exhaustivité de la cueillette de données. 3. Discussion et conclusions. 4. Annexes : 1. Soins requis (PNR). 2. Formulaire de saisie. 3. Responsabilités des délais. 4. Distribution des critères. 5. Cause de délai.


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The paper presents the findings of a research study carried out in Ireland in 2006 (Murphy et al., 2007) which explored the meaning of dependence and independence for older people with a disability. The research adopted a grounded theory approach; purposive sampling was used initially with some relational sampling towards the latter interviews. The sample was comprised of 143 older people with one of six disabilities: stroke (n=20), arthritis (20), depression (20), sensory disability (20), a learning disability (24), and dementia (18). All participants lived at home, some participants required high levels of help in activities of living while others were mostly independent. An interview schedule was used to guide interviews, all of which were tape recorded and transcribed. Data was collected on levels of dependence and independence using the Katz scale. Participants recorded high levels of independence in relation to transferring (93%), toileting (92%), dressing (87%), continence (87%) and feeding (98%). The main area of dependence where participants required assistance from others was with bathing (77%). The constant comparative technique was used to analyze qualitative data. The findings of the study would suggest that participants personal definition of their independence or dependence shifted relative to others and/or improvement or worsening of their capacity People were aware of the difference between independence and dependence, but these two concepts were not always perceived as opposites. It was possible to be independent and dependent at the same time. People valued being able to do things for themselves, accepted help when necessary but wanted to reciprocate when possible. Participants used varied coping strategies to regain and retain control of their lives. Strategies to promote older peoples independence and self esteem will be explored in this paper.