998 resultados para service packaging
This thesis studies techniques used for detection of distributed denial of service attacks which during last decade became one of the most serious network security threats. To evaluate different detection algorithms and further improve them we need to test their performance under conditions as close to real-life situations as possible. Currently the only feasible solution for large-scale tests is the simulated environment. The thesis describes implementation of recursive non-parametric CUSUM algorithm for detection of distributed denial of service attacks in ns-2 network simulator – a standard de-facto for network simulation.
This final thesis project was carried out in the Industrial Management department of University of Applied Sciences Stadia for Forum Virium Helsinki. The purpose of this study was to answer to the question of how companies can use online customer community of co-creation in service development and what is the value gained from it. The paper combines a range of recently published theoretical works and ongoing customer community case development. The study aims to provide new information and action approaches to new service developers that may increase the success of the community building process. The paper also outlines the benefits of the use of online customer community and offers practical suggestions for maximizing the value gained from the community in service development projects. The concepts and suggestions introduced in the study appear to have notable new possibilities to the service development process but they have to be further tested empirically. This paper describes the online consumer community of co-creation to an important organizational process of innovation management suggesting that it possesses a great value to business. Online customer communities offer a potential of improving the success of new services or products enabling early, penetrable market entry and creating sustainable competitive advantage.
Le taux de réadmission à 30 jours de la sortie de l'hôpital est un indicateur de la qualité de prise en charge hospitalière pouvant refléter des soins suboptimaux ou une coordination insuffisante avec les intervenants ambulatoires. Il existe un algorithme informatisé validé dénommé SQLape® qui, basé sur des données administratives suisses, les codes diagnostiques et les codes d'interventions, permet d'identifier rétrospectivement les réadmissions potentiellement évitables (REAPE), avec une haute sensibilité (96%) et spécificité (96%). Sont considérées REAPE, les réadmissions précoces (< 30 jours), non planifiées à la sortie du séjour index et dues à un diagnostic déjà actif lors du précédent séjour ou dues à une complication d'un traitement. Le but de notre étude a été d'analyser rétrospectivement tous les séjours des patients admis dans le service de Médecine Interne du CHUV entre le 1 janvier 2009 et le 31 décembre 2011, afin de quantifier la proportion de REAPE, puis d'identifier des facteurs de risques afin d'en dériver un modèle prédictif. Nous avons analysé 11'074 séjours. L'âge moyen était de 72 +/- 16,8 ans et 50,3 % étaient des femmes. Nous avons comptabilisé 8,4 % décès durant les séjours et 14,2 % réadmissions à 30 jours de la sortie, dont la moitié (7,0 %) considérées potentiellement évitables selon SQLape®. Les facteurs de risques de REAPE que nous avons mis en évidence étaient les suivants : au moins une hospitalisation antérieure à l'admission index, un score de comorbidité de Charlson > 1, la présence d'un cancer actif, une hyponatrémie, une durée de séjour > 11 jours ou encore la prescription d'au moins 15 médicaments différents durant le séjour. Ces variables ont été utilisées pour en dériver un modèle prédictif de REAPE de bonne qualité (aire sous la courbe ROC de 0,70), plus performant pour notre population qu'un autre modèle prédictif développé et validé au Canada, dénommé score de LACE. Dans une perspective d'amélioration de la qualité des soins et d'une réduction des coûts, la capacité à identifier précocement les patients à risque élevé de REAPE permettrait d'implémenter rapidement des mesures préventives ciblées (par exemple un plan de sortie détaillé impliquant le patient, son entourage et son médecin traitant) en plus des mesures préventives générales (par exemple la réconciliation médicamenteuse)
Brown packaging linerboard, made entirely from recovered pulp, was subjected to deinking flotation for evaluating the possible improvements in its chemical, optical and mechanical properties. The increase in the rate of recovered paper utilisation, along with the tendency towards lower basis weights, in the packaging paper production, has created a growing need for the utilisation of secondary fibers of improved quality. To attain better quality fibers, flotation deinking of brown grades is being considered, along with the addition of primary fibers to recovered paper furnish. Numerous conducted studies, in which the flotation technology was used in the treatment of brown grades, support this idea. Most of them show that the quality of fibers is improved after flotation deinking, resulting in higher mechanical properties of the deinked handsheets and in lower amounts of chemical contaminants. As to food and human health safety, packaging paper has to meet specific requirements, to be classified as suitable for its direct contact with foods. Recycled paper and board may contain many potential contaminants, which, especially in the case of direct food contact, may migrate from packaging materials into foodstuffs. In this work, the linerboard sample selected for deinking was made from recycled fibers not submitted previously to chemical deinking flotation. Therefore, the original sample contained many noncellulosic components, as well as the residues of printing inks. The studied linerboardsample was a type of packaging paper used for contact with food products that are usually peeled before use, e.g. fruits and vegetables. The decrease in the amount of chemical contaminants, after conducting deinking flotation, was evaluated, along with the changes in the mechanical and optical properties of the deinked handsheets. Food contact analysis was done on both the original paper samples and the filter pads and handsheets made before and after deinking flotation. Food contact analysis consisted of migration tests of brightening agents, colorants, PCPs, formaldehydes and metals. Microbiological tests were also performed to determine the possible transfer of antimicrobial constituents
Le Conseil administratif de la Ville de Genève a mandaté l'IDHEAP en tant qu'expert indépendant pour évaluer le secteur communautaire, une unité administrative rattachée au Service social. En prenant en considération les enjeux socio-sanitaires auxquels la Ville de Genève est confrontée, le concept d'étude proposé par l'Unité de politiques locales et d'évaluation de l'IDHEAP vise à établir un bilan de l'action du secteur communautaire, à déterminer la pertinence de cette action, son efficacité et son efficience, à tracer des perspectives en tenant compte notamment des prestations fournies par d'autres acteurs présents dans les domaines de la cohésion sociale et de la prévention socio-sanitaire, ainsi qu'à proposer des recommandations.
The goal of the study was to find a proper frame to understand business models and study business models of the chosen companies in packaging machinery manufacturing. Good practices and tips are searched from business models which have helped companies to success. Packaging industry’s future is also examined in front of different kinds of changes and the influence which they have on machinery manufacturer’s business models. In the theory part business models’ history and the best frame suitable for this study are presented. The chosen case companies have been discussed according to the frame, and they have been compared to each other to point out the differences. The good practices noticed in companies and according to information from other sources, new business model has been constructed including things that should be noticed while constructing a new business model. The information sources of this study where interviews, annual reports, companies presentations and web pages. The type of study was an interpretative case study.