908 resultados para service development process


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In view of the risks involved in relying on a professional career in football as a way of making a future living, most players on Swiss National Youth Football Teams pursue some form of vocational training at the same time. This paper investigates the question under what conditions a successful football career is possible when faced with such a dual burden. In order to examine the development process as holistically as possible, a person-oriented approach was chosen. 159 former Swiss National Youth Team players were retrospectively interviewed about their careers, and the data were analysed using the LICUR method (Bergman, Magnusson, & El-Khouri, 2003). This involves identifying certain patterns in the relevant variables of sports career, vocational career and family support, and then comparing these with the performance at the age of peak performance. Through this, it was possible to identify promising patterns of development. It turns out that the critical transition, at the age of about 15–16 years, is characterised overall by stability. The most successful patterns display above-average family support accompanied by above-average professional talent promotion in the clubs. In this constellation, the football players who are later successful pursue vocational training courses leading to low levels of educational qualification.


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A new Swiss federal licencing examination for human medicine (FLE) was developed and released in 2011. This paper describes the process from concept design to the first results obtained on implementation of the new examination. The development process was based on the Federal Act on University Medical Professions and involved all national stakeholders in this venture. During this process questions relating to the assessment aims, the assessment formats, the assessment dimensions, the examination content and necessary trade-offs were clarified. The aims were to create a feasible, fair, valid and psychometrically sound examination in accordance with international standards, thereby indicating the expected knowledge and skills level at the end of undergraduate medical education. Finally, a centrally managed and locally administered examination comprising a written multiple-choice element and a practical “clinical skills” test in the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) format was developed. The first two administrations of the new FLE show that the examination concept could be implemented as intended. The anticipated psychometric indices were achieved and the results support the validity of the examination. Possible changes to the format or content in the future are discussed.


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Gene silencing due to epigenetic mechanisms shows evidence of significant contributions to cancer development. We hypothesis that the genetic architecture based on retrotransposon elements surrounding the transcription start site, plays an important role in the suppression and promotion of DNA methylation. In our investigation we found a high rate of SINE and LINEs retrotransposon elements near the transcription start site of unmethylated genes when compared to methylated genes. The presence of these elements were positively associated with promoter methylation, contrary to logical expectations, due to the malicious effects of retrotransposon elements which insert themselves randomly into the genome causing possible loss of gene function. In our genome wide analysis of human genes, results suggested that 22% of the genes in cancer were predicted to be methylation-prone; in cancer these genes are generally down-regulated and function in the development process. In summary, our investigation validated our hypothesis and showed that these widespread genomic elements in cancer are highly associated with promoter DNA methylation and may further participate in influencing epigenetic regulation.


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OBJECTIVE This study aimed to develop a pathway to bring together current UK legislation, good clinical practice and appropriate management strategies that could be applied across a range of healthcare settings. METHODS The pathway was constructed by a multidisciplinary clinical team based in a busy Memory Assessment Service. A process of successive iteration was used to develop the pathway, with input and refinement provided via survey and small group meetings with individuals from a wide range of regional clinical networks and diverse clinical backgrounds as well as discussion with mobility centres and Forum of Mobility Centres, UK. RESULTS We present a succinct clinical pathway for patients with dementia, which provides a decision-making framework for how health professionals across a range of disciplines deal with patients with dementia who drive. CONCLUSIONS By integrating the latest guidance from diverse roles within older people's health services and key experts in the field, the resulting pathway reflects up-to-date policy and encompasses differing perspectives and good practice. It is potentially a generalisable pathway that can be easily adaptable for use internationally, by replacing UK legislation for local regulations. A limitation of this pathway is that it does not address the concern of mild cognitive impairment and how this condition relates to driving safety. © 2014 The Authors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in academia and managerial practice, empirical studies on its contribution to the branding literature are still limited. The authors therefore conceptually and empirically examine the emergence and outcomes of perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A prior multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 17-item PBA scale to measure its four dimensions of credibility, integrity, symbolism, and longevity. Brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby the latter’s influence is moderated by consumers’ level of marketing skepticism. Further, PBA increases emotional brand attachment. This relationship is particularly strong for consumers with a high level of self-authenticity. In addition, PBA effects are stronger in a North American market context compared to a European context.


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This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of perceived brand authenticity (PBA) and sheds light on PBA’s (1) measurement, (2) drivers, (3) consequences, as well as (4) an underlying process of its effects and (5) boundary conditions. A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale to measure its four dimensions of credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. PBA is influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby the latter’s influence is moderated by consumers’ level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.


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Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in consumer behavior research and managerial practice, literature on its measurement and contribution to branding theory is still limited. This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of brand authenticity and reports the development and validation of a scale measuring consumers' perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale measuring four dimensions: credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. This scale is reliable across different brands and cultural contexts. We find that brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby some of the latters' influence is moderated by consumers' level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA increases emotional brand attachment and word-of-mouth, and that it drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.


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Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in consumer behavior research and managerial practice, literature on its measurement and contribution to branding theory is still limited. This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of brand authenticity and reports the development and validation of a scale measuring consumers' perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale measuring four dimensions: credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. This scale is reliable across different brands and cultural contexts. We find that brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby some of the latters' influence is moderated by consumers' level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA increases emotional brand attachment and word-of-mouth, and that it drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.


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Für Patienten an der Hämodialyse ist nach Versagen der klassischen arterio-venösen Fisteln oder Shunts ein direkter Gefässzugang mittels Katheter lebensnotwendig. Permanente zentralvenöse Katheter penetrieren die Hals- und Thoraxweichteile und die Haut ohne rigide Befestigung. Die Infektionsrate ist hoch und führt oft zur Explantation. Knochenverankerte Hörgeräte sind zur Behandlung bei Schalleitungsschwerhörigkeit etabliert. Das Implantat sitzt fest im Felsenbein und der Aufsatz penetriert die Haut. Schwere Infektionen, die eine Explantation nötig machen, sind sehr selten. Wir nehmen an, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die tiefe Komplikationsrate die starke Befestigung des Implantats am Knochen ist, wodurch die Hautbewegungen relativ zum Knochen minimiert werden. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit implantierten Hörsystemen haben wir einen perkutanen knochenverankerten Hämodialysezugang im Bereich des Felsenbeins als vorteilhafte Alternative zum herkömmlichen zentralvenösen Katheterzugang entwickelt. Dabei wurde die Felsenbeinanatomie und Knochendicke zur Lokalisierung des idealen Implantationsortes untersucht; die Schraubenstabilität im Knochen getestet; ein Titanimplantat inklusive Ventile und Katheter, sowie chirurgische Instrumente zur sicheren Implantation entwickelt. Der knochenverankerte Hämodialysezugang wurde auf Flussrate, Dichtigkeit und Reinigung getestet; die Platzierung des Katheters mittels Seldingertechnik in die V. jugularis interna über eine Halsinzision festgelegt. Die Resultate unserer Arbeit zeigen die technische Machbarkeit eines im Felsenbein verankerten neuartigen Hämodialysezuganges und bilden die Grundlage einer inzwischen bewilligten klinischen Pilotstudie.


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Las hormonas vegetales son capaces de controlar el desarrollo reproductivo, desde la diferenciación floral hasta los últimos estadios del desarrollo de los frutos. En particular, la etapa de fructificación y desarrollo depende del contenido endógeno de estas sustancias, y es posible manipular la iniciación del desarrollo del fruto por aplicación externa de hormonas. Previamente se evaluó el proceso de fructificación y desarrollo en el cultivo de tomate en invernadero en respuesta a la aplicación de b-NOA y AG3 en dosis fijas: se observó sensibilidad diferencial dependiendo del genotipo y tipo de regulador. El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer dosis y momento óptimo para la aplicación de b-NOA y AG3 como formas de mejorar la fructificación y el desarrollo de frutos partenocárpicos. Como factores se consideraron tipo de regulador -b-NOA y AG3- en dosis y momentos de aplicación variables. Empleando ovarios no polinizados como sistema experimental fue posible concluir que la aplicación de 40 ppm de b-NOA a 7 días post antesis ofrece las mayores ventajas desde el punto de vista del rendimiento y menor impacto fisiológico, sin alterar el período de desarrollo de los frutos.


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community


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Este artículo traza un breve panorama del proceso de desarrollo de la vitivinicultura capitalista en Mendoza y luego, utilizando diversas fuentes primarias y secundarias, determina la composición del mercado de trabajo vitivinícola y su evolución cuantitativa y cualitativa. La introducción de equipamiento técnico de avanzada obligó a la capacitación de la mano de obra con mejoras en los ingresos de los asalariados. Este mercado se complejizó con el tiempo y aparecieron múltiples jerarquías, desde el peón al enólogo o director técnico de las bodegas, pasando por los contratistas de viñas o los capataces. Muchos trabajadores ascendieron socialmente y se convirtieron en empresarios, en itinerarios que respondieron a diversas estrategias rastreables en las fuentes. Finalmente, las condiciones laborales que tuvieron los trabajadores muestran la precariedad en la que se desenvolvían y la indefensión en la que estaban inmersos por la ausencia de colectivos gremiales que asumieran la representación del trabajo frente al capital.


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Las villas y aldeas de Castilla recorrieron juntas un largo y difícil camino desde los siglos medievales, cuando se fueron conformando como cuerpos políticos, basados en servicios recíprocos que aspiraban a alcanzar el bien común del conjunto. La naturaleza jerárquicamente desigual de dicho cuerpo fue acentuándose y las cabezas jurisdiccionales llevaron a la práctica unas relaciones de dominio cada vez más acusado frente a las aldeas. En estas comunidades rurales, linajes en ascenso aspiraban, no obstante, a ampliar sus propias cotas de autogobierno. La armonía que debía presidir el cuerpo común de villas y aldeas fue desapareciendo, y la política regia de ventas de villazgos con fines hacendísticos, iniciada por Carlos V, respondió a una demanda de segregación que solucionaba al mismo tiempo las aspiraciones jurisdiccionales de las comunidades rurales y de sus nuevas oligarquías así como las necesidades de ingresos extraordinarios de la real hacienda


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Este artículo traza un breve panorama del proceso de desarrollo de la vitivinicultura capitalista en Mendoza y luego, utilizando diversas fuentes primarias y secundarias, determina la composición del mercado de trabajo vitivinícola y su evolución cuantitativa y cualitativa. La introducción de equipamiento técnico de avanzada obligó a la capacitación de la mano de obra con mejoras en los ingresos de los asalariados. Este mercado se complejizó con el tiempo y aparecieron múltiples jerarquías, desde el peón al enólogo o director técnico de las bodegas, pasando por los contratistas de viñas o los capataces. Muchos trabajadores ascendieron socialmente y se convirtieron en empresarios, en itinerarios que respondieron a diversas estrategias rastreables en las fuentes. Finalmente, las condiciones laborales que tuvieron los trabajadores muestran la precariedad en la que se desenvolvían y la indefensión en la que estaban inmersos por la ausencia de colectivos gremiales que asumieran la representación del trabajo frente al capital.