954 resultados para sand dunes
Background: Visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil is caused by the protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and it is transmitted by sandfly of the genus Lutzomyia. Dogs are an important domestic reservoir, and control of the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) to humans includes the elimination of infected dogs. However, though dogs are considered to be an important element in the transmission cycle of Leishmania, the identification of infected dogs representing an immediate risk for transmission has not been properly evaluated. Since it is not possible to treat infected dogs, they are sacrificed when a diagnosis of VL is established, a measure that is difficult to accomplish in highly endemic areas. In such areas, parameters that allow for easy identification of reservoirs that represents an immediate risk for transmission is of great importance for the control of VL transmission. In this study we aimed to identify clinical parameters, reinforced by pathological parameters that characterize dogs with potential to transmit the parasite to the vector. Results: The major clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from an endemic area were onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. The transmission potential of these dogs was assessed by xenodiagnosis using Lutzomyia longipalpis. Six of nine symptomatic dogs were infective to Lutzomyia longipalpis while none of the five asymptomatic dogs were infective to the sandfly. Leishmania amastigotes were present in the skin of all clinically symptomatic dogs, but absent in asymptomatic dogs. Higher parasite loads were observed in the ear and ungueal region, and lower in abdomen. The inflammatory infiltrate was more intense in the ears and ungueal regions of both symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs. In clinically affected dogs in which few or none Leishmania amastigotes were observed, the inflammatory infiltrate was constituted mainly of lymphocytes and macrophages. When many parasites were present, the infiltrate was also comprised of lymphocytes and macrophages, as well as a larger quantity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). Conclusion: Dogs that represent an immediate risk for transmission of Leishmania in endemic areas present clinical manifestations that include onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. Lymphadenopathy in particular was a positive clinical hallmark since it was closely related to the positive xenodiagnosis.
Objective: To evaluate the potential of 980-nm gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) and 1064-nm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) lasers to reduce bacteria after irradiation of implant surfaces contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis and Porphyromonas gingivalis and on irradiated implant surface morphology. Background: Despite the frequency of implant success, some implant loss is related to peri-implantitis because of difficulty in eliminating the biofilm. Methods: Implants (3.75 x 13 mm) with machined surfaces, surfaces sand blasted with titanium oxide (TiO(2)), and sand-blasted and acid-etched surfaces were exposed to P. gingivalis and E. faecalis cultures and irradiated with 980-nm GaAlAs or 1064-nm Nd: YAG lasers. After laser treatments, the number of remaining colony-forming units and implant surface morphology were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: The Nd: YAG laser was able to promote a total contamination reduction on all implants irradiated. The results with the GaAlAs laser showed 100% bacteria reduction on the implants irradiated with 3 W. Irradiation with 2.5 W and 3 W achieved 100% of bacteria reduction on P. gingivalis-contaminated implants. Decontamination was not complete for the sand-blasted TiO(2) (78.6%) and acid-etched surfaces (49.4%) contaminated with E. faecalis and irradiated with 2.5 W. SEM showed no implant surface changes. Conclusion: The wavelengths used in this research provided bacteria reduction without damaging implant surfaces. New clinical research should be encouraged for the use of this technology in the treatment of peri-implantitis.
Sedimentary organic matter is a good tool for environmental evaluation where the sediments are deposited. We determined the elemental and C- and N-isotopic compositions of 211 sub-surface sediment samples from 13 cores (ranging from 18 to 46cm), collected in the Cananeia-Iguape estuarine-lagoonal system. The aim of this research is to evaluate the environmental variations of this tropical coastal micro-tidal system over the last decades, through SOM distribution. The studied parameters show differences between the cores located in the northern (sandy-silt sediments) and southern (sand and silty-sand) portions. The whole area presents a mixed organic matter origin signature (local mangrove plants: < -25.6 parts per thousand PDB/ phytoplancton delta(13)C values: -19.4 parts per thousand PDB). The northern cores, which submitted higher sedimentation deposition (1.46cm year(-1)), are more homogenous, presenting lower delta(13)C (< -25.2 parts per thousand PDB) and higher C/N values (in general >14), directly related to the terrestrial input from Ribeira de Iguape River (24,000 km(2) basin). The southern portion presents lower sedimentation rates (0.38cm year(-1)) and is associated to a small river basin (1,340 km(2)), presenting values Of delta(13)C: -25.0 to 23.0 parts per thousand PDB and of C/N ratio: 11 to 15. In general, the elemental contents in the 15 cores may be considered from low to medium (< 2.0% C - < 0.1% N), compared to similar environments. Although a greater marine influence is observed in the southern system portion, the majority of the cores present an elevated increase of continental deposition, most likely related to the strong silting process that the area has been subjected to since the 1850s, when an artificial channel was built linking, directly, the Ribeira River to the estuarine-lagoonal system.
The present work integrates sedimentary facies, (14)C dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N with geologic and geomorphologic data available from literature. The aim was to characterize the depositional settings of a late Quaternary estuary in northeastern Marajo Island and analyze its evolution within the context of relative sea level fluctuations. The data derive from four continuous cores along a proximal-to-distal transect of a paleoestuary, previously recognized using remote sensing information. Fifteen sediment samples recorded ages ranging from 42,580 +/- 1430 to 3184 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P. Fades analysis indicated fine- to coarse-grained sands with parallel lamination or cross stratification, massive or laminated muds and heterolithic deposits. delta(13)C (-28.1 parts per thousand to -19.7 parts per thousand, mean = -23.0 parts per thousand), delta(15)N (+ 14.8 parts per thousand to + 4.7 parts per thousand, mean = + 9.2 parts per thousand) and C/N (14.5 to 1.5, mean = 7.9) indicate mostly marine and freshwater phytoplankton sources for the organic matter. The results confirm a large late Quaternary paleoestuary in northeastern Marajo Island. The distribution of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N, together with fades associations, led to identify depositional settings related to fluvial channel, floodplain, tidal channel/tidal flat, central basin, tidal delta, and tidal inlet/sand barrier. These deposits are consistent with a wave-dominated estuary. Variations in stratigraphy and geochemistry are controlled by changes in relative sea level, revealing a main transgression from an undetermined time around 42,000 (14)C yr B.P. and 29,340 (+/- 200) (14)C yr B.P., which is synchronous to the overall drop in sea level after the last interglacial. Following this period, and probably until 9110 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P., i.e., during a time interval encompassing two glacial episodes including the Last Glacial and the Younger Dryas, there was a pronounced drop in sea level, recorded by the development of a major erosional discontinuity due to valley re-incision. Sea level rose again until 5464 +/- 40 (14)C yr B.P, just before the main worldwide mid-Holocene transgressive peak. Mid to late Holocene coastal progradation ended the Marajo paleoestuarine history, and promoted the establishment of continental conditions throughout the island. The divergence comparing the Marajo sea level behavior with the eustatic curve allows hypothesizing that post-rifting tectonics along the Brazilian Equatorial margin influenced the sedimentary evolution of the studied paleoestuary. Considering that sedimentary facies in estuarine settings are highly variable both laterally and vertically, the present integration of facies with isotope and elemental analyses was crucial to provide a more precise interpretation of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene Marajo paleoestuary, and analyze its sea level history within the eustatic and tectonic context. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In developing countries such as Brazil, the wastes generated in the decanters and filters of water treatment plants are discharged directly into the same rivers and streams that supply water for treatment. Another environmental problem is the unregulated discard of wood wastes. The lumber and wood products industry generates large quantities of this waste, from logging to the manufacture of the end product. Brazil has few biomass plants and therefore only a minor part of these wastes are reused. This paper presents the results of the first study involving a novel scientific and technological approach to evaluate the possibility of combining these two types of wastes in the production of a light-weight composite for concrete. The concrete produced with cement:sand:composite:water mass ratios of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 displayed an axial compressive strength of 11.1 MPa, a compressive and diametral tensile strength of 1.2 MPa, water absorption of 8.8%, and a specific mass of 1.847 kg/m(3). The mechanical properties obtained with this concrete render it suitable for application in non-structural elements. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential application of a lightweight concrete produced with lightweight coarse aggregate made of the water treatment sludge and sawdust (lightweight composite), by determining the thermal properties and possible environmental impact of future residue of this concrete. Two types of concrete were prepared: concrete produced with the lightweight composite dosed with cement/sand/composite/water in a mass ratio of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 and conventional concrete dosed with cement/sand/crushed stone/water in a mass ratio of 1:4.8:5.8:0.8. The thermal properties were determined by the hot wire parallel technique. The possible environmental impact was measured using the procedures and guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a 23% lower thermal conductivity than the conventional concrete. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a set of thermal properties suitable for the application of this concrete in non-structural sealing elements. The concentration of aluminum in the solubilized extract of the concrete produced with the lightweight composite was much lower than the concentration of aluminum in the water treatment sludge, confirming the possible reduction of environmental impact of this composite for use in concrete. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mortar is the material responsible for the distribution of stresses in masonry structures. The knowledge about the fresh and hardened properties of mortar is fundamental to ensure a good performance of masonry walls. Water/cement ratio and aggregates grading are among several variables that influence physical and mechanical behaviour of mortars. An experimental program is presented in order to evaluate the influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Eighteen compositions of mortar are prepared using three relations cement:lime:sand, two types of sand and three water/cement ratios. Specimens are analyzed through flow table test, compressive and flexural strength tests. Results indicate that the increase of water/cement ratio reduces the values of hardened properties and increases the workability. Besides, sands grading has no influence in compressive strength. On the other hand, significant differences in deformation capacity of mortars were verified with the variation of the type of sand. Finally, some correlations are presented among hardened properties and the compressive strength. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Four anaerobic fluidized bed reactors filled with activated carbon (R1), expanded clay (R2), glass beads (R3) and sand (R4) were tested for anaerobic degradation of LAS. All reactors were inoculated with sludge from a UASB reactor treating swine wastewater and were fed with a synthetic substrate supplemented with approximately 20 mg l(-1) of LAS, on average. To 560 mg l(-1) COD influent, the maximum COD and LAS removal efficiencies were mean values of 97 +/- 2% and 99 +/- 2%, respectively, to all reactors demonstrating the potential applicability of this reactor configuration for treating LAS. The reactors were kept at 30 degrees C and operated with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 18 h. The use of glass beads and sand appear attractive because they favor the development of biofilms capable of supporting LAS degradation. Subsequent 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of samples from reactors R3 and R4 revealed that these reactors gave rise to broad microbial diversity, with microorganisms belonging to the phyla Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, indicating the role of microbial consortia in degrading the surfactant LAS. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work, intermetallic alloys Fe-Si and Fe-Al (Fe(3)Si-C-Cr and Fe(3)Al-C), produced by induction melting, were evaluated regarding their oxidation and abrasive resistance. The tests performed were quasi-isothermal oxidation, cyclic oxidation, and dry sand/rubber wheel abrasion. As reference, the ASTM A297-HH grade stainless steel was tested in the same conditions. In the oxidation tests, the Fe-Al based alloy presented the lowest oxidation rate, and the Fe-Si based alloy achieved the best results in the abrasion test, showing better performance than the HH type stainless steel.
The high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray process produces highly wear and/or corrosion resistant coatings. Tungsten carbide with a metallic binder is often used for this purpose. In this work, tungsten carbide coatings containing cobalt or nickel binder were produced by HVOF and characterised by optical and electron microscopy, hardness and a dry sand/rubber wheel abrasion test. The HVOF process produced dense coatings with low porosity levels and high hardness. The wear resistance of the specimens, which were surface treated, increased as the roughness percentage decreased. Tungsten carbide nickel based coating yielded the best wear resistance in the as sprayed condition. However, the wear rate and wear of the two coatings converged to the same values as the number of revolutions increased. Wear behaviour in the ground condition was similar, although the tungsten carbide cobalt based coating yielded better performance with increasing distance travelled during the wear test.
Collapsible soils are usually nonsaturated, low density, and metastable-structured soils that are known to exhibit a volume reduction following an episode of moisture increase or suction reduction. This paper describes the collapsible behavior of clayey sand based on controlled soil suction tests carried out on undisturbed samples from the city of Pereira Barreto, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Foundation settlements due to soil collapse are common in this region and occurred during the filling of the reservoir of the Tres Irmaos Dam, which induced the elevation of the groundwater table in different parts of Pereira Barreto. This paper shows that collapse strains depend on the stress and soil suction acting in the sample and that saturation is not necessary for a collapse to occur. The influence of soil suction, gradual wetting, and the wetting and drying cycle on the collapsible behavior of the soil is also shown and discussed.
This paper presents results of an experimental investigation carried out to determine the effects of the surface roughness of different materials on nucleate boiling heat transfer of refrigerants R-134a and R-123. Experiments have been performed over cylindrical surfaces of copper, brass and stainless steel. Surfaces have been treated by different methods in order to obtain an average roughness, Ra, varying from 0.03 mu m to 10.5 mu m. Boiling curves at different reduced pressures have been raised as part of the investigation. The obtained results have shown significant effects of the surface material, with brass being the best performing and stainless steel the worst. Polished surfaces seem to present slightly better performance than the sand paper roughened. Boiling on very rough surfaces presents a peculiar behavior characterized by good thermal performance at low heat fluxes, the performance deteriorating at high heat fluxes with respect to smoother surfaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents. about 50% of the total Brazilian municipal solid waste: thus, recycling represents huge benefits both in environmental and economic perspectives. Herein, the chemical characterization results of three samples from two different recycling plants from the State of Sao Paulo is prevented. The results demonstrated that the visual classification into grey and red is not related to the chemical composition but mostly to the grain size fraction. The chemical composition of the CDW varies according to the content of cement paste, natural aggregates (quartz sand or granite), red ceramic and clay. Furthermore, the production of recycled concrete aggregates requires two crushing stages to meet the technical standards. The sand fraction (below 4.8 mm) presents high grades of SiO(2), which indicates the liberation of cement paste to fines (< 0.15 mm). The fines have a great potential to be used in the cement industry.
The effects of different tempering temperatures (300-600 degrees C) on abrasive wear resistance of mottled cast iron were studied. Abrasive wear tests were carried out using the rubber-wheel test on quartz sand and the pin test on Al(2)O(3) abrasive cloths. The retained austenite content of the matrix was determined by X-ray diffraction. The wear surface of the specimens was examined by scanning electron microscopy for identifying the wear micromechanism. Bulk hardness and matrix hardness before and after the tests were measured. The results showed that in the two-body (pin-on-disc test) system, the main wear mechanism was microcutting and high matrix hardening was presented. The wear rates presented higher correlation with the retained austenite than with the bulk and matrix hardness. In the three-body system (sand-rubber wheel), the wear surfaces presented indentations due to abrasive rolling. The wear rates had better correlation with both the bulk and matrix hardness (before and after the wear test) than with the retained austenite content. There are two groups of results, high and low wear rates corresponding to each tribosystem, two-body abrasive wear and three-body abrasive wear, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The properties of recycled aggregate produced from mixed (masonry and concrete) construction and demolition (C&D) waste are highly variable, and this restricts the use of such aggregate in structural concrete production. The development of classification techniques capable of reducing this variability is instrumental for quality control purposes and the production of high quality C&D aggregate. This paper investigates how the classification of C&D mixed coarse aggregate according to porosity influences the mechanical performance of concrete. Concretes using a variety of C&D aggregate porosity classes and different water/cement ratios were produced and the mechanical properties measured. For concretes produced with constant volume fractions of water, cement, natural sand and coarse aggregate from recycled mixed C&D waste, the compressive strength and Young modulus are direct exponential functions of the aggregate porosity. Sink and float technique is a simple laboratory density separation tool that facilitates the separation of cement particles with lower porosity, a difficult task when done only by visual sorting. For this experiment, separation using a 2.2 kg/dmA(3) suspension produced recycled aggregate (porosity less than 17%) which yielded good performance in concrete production. Industrial gravity separators may lead to the production of high quality recycled aggregate from mixed C&D waste for structural concrete applications.