985 resultados para remazol brilliant orange 3R


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Effect of Citrus floral extracts on the foraging behavior of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Dalla Torre). Stingless bees have an important role as pollinators of many wild and cultivated plant species in tropical regions. Little is known, however, about the interaction between floral fragrances and the foraging behavior of meliponine species. Thus we investigated the chemical composition of the extracts of citric (lemon and orange) flowers and their effects on the foraging behavior of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona pectoralis. We found that each type of flower has its own specific blend of major compounds: limonene (62.9%) for lemon flowers, and farnesol (26.5%), (E)-nerolidol (20.8%), and linalool (12.7%) for orange flowers. In the foraging experiments the S. pectoralis workers were able to use the flower extracts to orient to the food source, overlooking plates baited with hexane only. However, orange flower extracts were seemingly more attractive to these worker bees, maybe because of the particular blend present in it. Our results reveal that these fragrances are very attractive to S. pectoralis, so we can infer that within citric orchards they could be important visitors in the study area; however habitat destruction, overuse of pesticides and the competitive override by managed honeybees might have put at risk their populations and thus the ecological services they provide to us.


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Aquest estudi pretén mostrar com una cort perifèrica dins de la monarquia espanyola com la dels Centelles, comtes d’Oliva, tot imitant fil per randa la dels Este de Ferrara i la seva brillant presència en la Itàlia renaixentista mitjançant el mecenatge de Boiardo i d’Ariosto, va importar aquells esquemes i es va envoltar d’un grup d’escriptors que van constituir el nucli inicial de la recepció, difusió i continuació castellana de l’èpica d’Ariosto a la península Ibèrica. Gairebé es podria afirmar que la propagació en castellà de l’Orlando furioso a la península Ibèrica estava monopolitzada en gran part pel clan dels Centelles. Un cercle en el qual localitzem, segons tots els indicis, el traductor de Gli asolani de Bembo al castellà: Lluís Santàngel


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Microrganismos foram isolados de areia fenólica resultante de atividades metalúrgicas, utilizando meio mínimo para fungos e pentaclorofenol (PCF) como única fonte de carbono. Após quatro repiques sucessivos em intervalos de 15 dias de incubação, as culturas foram plaqueadas em meio de Martin. Três gêneros de fungos foram isolados e identificados como Acremonium sp., Paecilomyces sp. e Penicillium sp. Estes foram testados para degradar os corantes índigo e RBBR (Azul Brilhante de Remazol - R) e o organoclorado PCF. A descoloração do índigo foi de 99%, para Paecilomyces e Penicillium, e de 74%, para Acremonium, e a de RBBR foi de 16%, para Penicillium; 14%, para Acremonium, e 5%, para Paecilomyces. Usando azul de bromotimol como indicador de degradação de PCF, foram obtidos 24% de descoloração para Acremonium; 22%, para Penicillium, e 17%, para Paecilomyces Utilizando cromatografia gasosa, detectou-se degradação de PCF de 69%, para Penicillium; 65%, para Paecilomyces, e 40% para Acremonium, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que foi possível isolar microrganismos de uma areia de fundição, altamente contaminada com fenóis, e os fungos isolados foram capazes de degradar PCF e outros xenobióticos testados.


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Contient : Lettres de Marca à François Bosquet (1er janvier 1654-28 avril 1662) ; en majeure partie autographes, rangées par ordre chronologique ; Lettre de Bosquet à Mazarin, 1er décembre 1643, — de Cl. de Rébé, archevêque de Narbonne, au même, du 17 novembre 1643 (copies de la main de Baluze) ; Lettres de Bosquet à Marca, en majeure partie autographes, rangées par ordre chronologique (13 mars 1640-30 juin 1654), parmi lesquelles (f. 90) deux lettres de Marca à Bosquet (14 mars et 28 avril 1662) ; Pièces concernant la famille de P. de Marca et sa biographie, parmi lesquelles on remarque : ; Deux lettres adressées à Marca par Marguerite d'Espenan (15 janvier 1660 et 13 décembre 1659 ; originaux.) ; Contrats de mariage de Jérome de Marca (12 février 1341-1342 n. st.) et de son fils Pierre (7 juin 1398) ; copies de la main de Baluze ; Notice sommaire sur Marca, par le même ; Note sur la famille de Marca, depuis 1118, et sur la vie de P. de Marca jusqu'en 1652 ; Généalogies des maisons de Lavedan et de Marca, de la main de P. de Marca ; Mémoires sur les maisons de la Marque en Gascogne et de Rivière en Bigorre ; placards imprimés, extraits du Dictionnaire de Moreri, éd. Vaultier (2 exemplaires) ; Donation d'une somme de 2.000 écus faite par Henri III à Arnauld d'Ossat, 18 juillet 1586 (original) ; Lettres écrites par M. d'Ossat à Thomas de Marca (10 mai 1559-mai 1562) ; Lettre du même à M. de Castille, receveur du clergé, 18 mai 1587 (original) ; Procurations données par le même pour la perception des 2.000 écus à lui attribués (11 février 1588-19 mai 1587) ; originaux, dont le second est accompagné d'un sceau de cire rouge sur cordelettes ; Notice sur la vie de Marca depuis 1652 [cf. supra, f. 117] ; Note sur les dates principales de la vie de Marca (en espagnol) ; Copie des certificats de tonsure, etc. de Marca (1608) ; Billet de La Reynie, 8 janvier 1703 (original) ; Nomination de Marca comme conseiller d'Etat, 15 novembre 1658 ; Note sur la nomination du même à l'évêché de Conserans ; Mémoire sur la censure faite à Rome du De concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii (imprimé de 2 pages in-fol. ; 2 exemplaires) ; Note sur les affaires d'Espagne ; « Commission à MM. les archevesque de Toulouse et evesque d'Orange pour convenir avec les commissaires du roy d'Espagne des limites des deux royaumes du costé de Catalogne. » ; Notes de Baluze sur le projet d'une nouvelle édition du De concordia, et mémoires envoyés par lui sur ce sujet à Le Tellier (21 juin et 18 décembre 1663) ; Arrêt du Conseil d'état condamnant les Lettres de l'autheur des reigles très importantes au sieur de Marca (imprimé de 7 pages in-4° ; Paris, 1659) ; Bref de N. S. P. le pape Alexandre VII escrit à Monseigneur de Marca, du 5 juin 1662 (imprimé de 4 pages in-4° ; Paris, 1662) ; Mémoire pour servir au jugement de l'instance générale de la régale (imprimé de 14 pages in-4° ; s. l. n. d.) ; Mémoire sur la censure du De concordia ; Profession de foi de Marca, renonçant aux opinions contraires à la doctrine de l'Église romaine émises dans le De concordia ; Note sur les derniers moments de Marca ; Note relative à l'affaire du De concordia ; imprimé, 2 p. in-4°, s. l. n. d ; Petrus de Marca lectori ; Barcelone, 14 août 1646 ; imprimé de 4 pages in-4° (3 exemplaires)


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The increased availability of soil water is important for the management of non-irrigated orange orchards. The objective of this study was to evaluate the availability of soil water in a Haplorthox (Rhodic Ferralsol) under different tillage systems used for orchard plantation, mulch management and rootstocks in a "Pêra" orange orchard in northwest Paraná, Brazil. An experiment in a split-split-plot design was established in 2002, in an area cultivated with Brachiaria brizantha grass in which three tillage systems (no tillage, conventional tillage and strip-tillage) were used for orchard plantation. This grass was mowed twice a year between the rows, representing two mulch managements in the split plots (no mulching and mulching in the plant rows). The split-split-plots were represented by two rootstocks ("Rangpur" lime and "Cleopatra" mandarin). The soil water content in the plant rows was evaluated in the 0-20 cm layer in 2007 and at 0-20 and 20-40 cm in 2008-2009. The effect of soil tillage systems prior to implantation of orange orchards on soil water availability was less pronounced than mulching and the rootstocks. The soil water availability was lower when "Pêra" orange trees were grafted on "Cleopatra" mandarin than on "Rangpur" lime rootstocks. Mulching had a positive influence on soil water availability in the sandy surface layer (0-20 cm) and sandy clay loam subsurface (20-40 cm) of the soil in the spring. The production of B. brizantha between the rows and residue disposal in the plant rows as mulch increased water availability to the "Pêra" orange trees.


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The variety of soils in the State of Acre is wide and their chemical profiles are still not fully understood. The nature of the material of origin of these soils is indicated by the high aluminium (Al) content, commonly associated with high calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents. The study objective was to use different methods to quantify Al in soils from toposequences formed from material of a sedimentary nature originating from the Solimões Formation, in Acre, Brazil. Trenches were opened at three distinct points in the landscape: shoulder, backslope and footslope positions. Soil samples were collected for physical, chemical, mineralogical analyses. The Al content was quantified using different methods. High Al contents were found in most of these horizons, associated with high Ca and Mg levels, representing the predominant cations in the sum of exchangeable bases. The mineralogy indicates that the soils are still in a low weathering phase, with the presence of significant quantities of 2:1 minerals. Similar Al contents were determined by the methods of NaOH titration, xylenol orange spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. However, no consistent data were obtained by the pyrocatechol violet method. Extraction with KCl overestimated the exchangeable Al content due to its ability to extract the non-exchangeable Al present in the smectite interlayers. It was observed that high Al contents are related to the instability of the hydroxyl-Al smectite interlayers.


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Sequencing of pools of individuals (Pool-Seq) represents a reliable and cost-effective approach for estimating genome-wide SNP and transposable element insertion frequencies. However, Pool-Seq does not provide direct information on haplotypes so that, for example, obtaining inversion frequencies has not been possible until now. Here, we have developed a new set of diagnostic marker SNPs for seven cosmopolitan inversions in Drosophila melanogaster that can be used to infer inversion frequencies from Pool-Seq data. We applied our novel marker set to Pool-Seq data from an experimental evolution study and from North American and Australian latitudinal clines. In the experimental evolution data, we find evidence that positive selection has driven the frequencies of In(3R)C and In(3R)Mo to increase over time. In the clinal data, we confirm the existence of frequency clines for In(2L)t, In(3L)P and In(3R)Payne in both North America and Australia and detect a previously unknown latitudinal cline for In(3R)Mo in North America. The inversion markers developed here provide a versatile and robust tool for characterizing inversion frequencies and their dynamics in Pool-Seq data from diverse D. melanogaster populations.


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The addition of some fat co- and by-products to feeds is usual nowadays; however, the regulations of their use are not always clear and vary between countries. For instance, the use of recycled cooking oils is not allowed in the European Union, but they are used in other countries. However, oils recovered from industrial frying processes could show satisfactory quality for this purpose. Here we studied the effects of including oils recovered from the frying industry in rabbit and chicken feeds (at 30 and 60 g/kg, respectively) on the fatty acid (FA) and tocol (tocopherol + tocotrienol) compositon of meat, liver and plasma, and on their oxidative stability. Three dietary treatments (replicated eight times) were compared: fresh non-used oil (LOX); oil discarded from the frying industry, having a high content of secondary oxidation compounds (HOX); and an intermediate level (MOX) obtained by mixing 50 : 50 of LOX and HOX. The FA composition of oil diets and tissues was assessed by GC, their tocol content by HPLC, the thiobarbituric acid value was used to assess tissue oxidation status, and the ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange method was used to assess the susceptibility of tissues to oxidation. Our results indicate that FA composition of rabbit and chicken meat, liver and plasma was scarcely altered by the addition of recovered frying oils to feed. Differences were encountered in the FA composition between species, which might be attributed mainly to differences in the FA digestion, absorption and metabolism between species, and to some physiological dietary factors (i.e. coprophagy in rabbits that involves fermentation with FA structure modification). The α-tocopherol (αT) content of tissues was reduced in response to the lower αT content in the recovered frying oil. Differences in the content of other tocols were encountered between chickens and rabbits, which might be attributable to the different tocol composition of their feeds, as well as to species differences in the digestion and metabolism of tocols. Tissue oxidation and susceptibility to oxidation were in general low and were not greatly affected by the degree of oxidation of the oil added to the feeds. The relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acids/αT in these types of samples would explain the differences observed between species in the susceptibility of each tissue to oxidation. According to our results, oils recovered from the frying industry could be useful for feed uses.


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Primer volum del recull de les actes d'aquest III Congrès d'Història de la Medicina Catalana cel·lebrat a Lleida però va rebre aportacions desde tots els punts de la geografia catalana. No inclou la crònica, la relació d'activitats, la llista de participants, els í­ndexs ni els agraïments, presents totes aquestes parts al tercer volum.