974 resultados para relief in the bottom


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Within the generally oligotroph Arctic marine environment river outlets are favoured by many planktonic and benthic organisms due to their high input of organic carbon. The retention of pelagic larvae within nursery grounds and/or the ability to return to their parental grounds prior to settlement is one important factor for the persistence of benthic communities in such river influenced areas. The southern Kara Sea is strongly controlled by high freshwater inputs from the Ob and Yenisei Rivers, which create a pronounced bi-layered pycnocline with a warm fresh/brackish water layer on top and a cold high saline marine layer below. The dispersal of five meroplanktonic species and settled juveniles (the brittle star Ophiocten sericeum, and the polychaetes Micronephtys minuta, Nereimyra aphroditoides, Phyllodoce groenlandica and Prionospio cirrifera) in relation to the adult distribution patterns was investigated. For all apart from P. cirrifera the highest densities of larvae were found in the upper brackish water layer. To assess size-at-settlement, the body sizes of larvae and newly settled juveniles were estimated and compared. Dispersal patterns ranged from virtually no adaption to river run-off as in the common, stenohaline O. sericeum and M. minuta (7 ind./m**3, 459 µm) to local retention as in N. aphroditoides (7 ind./m**3, 541 µm) and P. groenlandica (0.5 ind./m**3, 1121 µm) retained by horizontal eddies created by the outflow. Adults of P. cirrifera, which were exclusively restricted to the estuary of the Yenisei River, showed a well adapted reproductive behaviour to ensure a high retention potential of their progenies. The larvae (1.5 ind./m**3, 1513 µm) were only present in the lower water layers, most probably taking advantage of the prevailing near bottom counter current retaining them within their hatching areas.


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We have examined the spatial and seasonal distribution of Thaumarchaeota in the water column and sediment of the southern North Sea using the specific intact polar lipid (IPL) hexose, phosphohexose (HPH) crenarchaeol, as well as thaumarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene abundances and expression. In the water column, a higher abundance of Thaumarchaeota was observed in the winter season than in the summer, which is in agreement with previous studies, but this was not the case in the sediment where Thaumarchaeota were most abundant in spring and summer. This observation corresponds well with the idea that ammonia availability is a key factor in thaumarchaeotal niche determination. In the surface waters of the southern North Sea, we observed a spatial variability in HPH crenarchaeol, thaumarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene abundance and transcriptional activity that corresponded well with the different water masses present. In bottom waters, a clear differentiation based on water masses was not observed; instead, we suggest that observed differences in thaumarchaeotal abundance with depth may be related to resuspension from the sediment. This could be due to suspension of benthic Thaumarchaeota to the water column or due to delivery of e.g. resuspended sediment or ammonium to the water column, which could be utilized by pelagic Thaumarchaeota. This study has shown that the seasonality of Thaumarchaeota in water and sediment is different and highlights the importance of water masses, currents and sedimentary processes in determining the spatial abundance of Thaumarchaeota in the southern North Sea.


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In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.


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Corresponding millennial-scale climate changes have been reported from the North Atlantic region and from east Asia for the last glacial period on independent timescales only. To assess their degree of synchrony we suggest interpreting Greenland ice core dust parameters as proxies for the east Asian monsoon systems. This allows comparing North Atlantic and east Asian climate on the same timescale in high resolution ice core data without relative dating uncertainties. We find that during Dansgaard-Oeschger events North Atlantic region temperature and east Asian storminess were tightly coupled and changed synchronously within 5-10 years with no systematic lead or lag, thus providing instantaneous climatic feedback. The tight link between North Atlantic and east Asian glacial climate could have amplified changes in the northern polar cell to larger scales. We further find evidence for an early onset of a Younger Dryas-like event in continental Asia, which gives evidence for heterogeneous climate change within east Asia during the last deglaciation.


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Ongoing zooplankton research at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory has established a time series of zooplankton species since 1988 at L4, a coastal station off Plymouth. Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50 m) to the surface and stored in 4% formalin. Much of the zooplankton analysis has been to the level of "major taxonomic groups" only, and a number of different analysts have participated over the years. The level of expertise has generally been consistent, but the user should be aware that levels of taxonomic discrimination may vary during the course of the dataset. The dominant calanoid copepods are generally well discriminated to species throughout. Calanus has not been routinely examined for species determination, the assumption being that the local population is entirely composed of Calanus helgolandicus. In certain years there has been a particular interest in Temora stylifera, Centropages cherchiae and other species reflected in the dataset. The lack of records in other previous years does not necessarily reflect species absence. We view it as essential for all users of L4 plankton data to establish and maintain contact with the nominated current data originators as well as fully consulting the metadata. While not impinging on free data access, this ensures that this large, species-rich but slightly complex species database is being used in the correct way, and any potential issues with the data are clarified. Furthermore, a proper dialogue with these local experts on the time series will enable where appropriate the most recent sampling timepoints to be used. The data can be downloaded from BODC or from doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.778092 as files for each year by searching for "L4 zooplankton". The most comprehensive dataset is the version downloadable directly from this page. The entire set of zooplankton samples is stored at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in buffered formalin, and may be available for further taxonomic analysis on request.


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It has been shown that in the Sevastopol Bay during the year primary production and chlorophyll "a" created by picoplankton (0.45-2.5 µm) consisted on the average 20-44% of total production. It was approximately a half of the level for oligotrophic waters of the ocean. Picoplankton of waters studied is represented by eucaryotes, cell diameter of which is, as a rule, about 2-3 µm. Contribution of the finest fraction of phytoplankton (0.43-0.85 µm) to primary production and con¬tent of chlorophyll "a" was insignificant (0-4%).


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Global cooling and the development of continental-scale Antarctic glaciation occurred in the late middle Eocene to early Oligocene (~38 to 28 million years ago), accompanied by deep-ocean reorganization attributed to gradual Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) development. Our benthic foraminiferal stable isotope comparisons show that a large d13C offset developed between mid-depth (~600 meters) and deep (>1000 meters) western North Atlantic waters in the early Oligocene, indicating the development of intermediate-depth d13C and O2 minima closely linked in the modern ocean to northward incursion of Antarctic Intermediate Water. At the same time, the ocean's coldest waters became restricted to south of the ACC, probably forming a bottom-ocean layer, as in the modern ocean. We show that the modern four-layer ocean structure (surface, intermediate, deep, and bottom waters) developed during the early Oligocene as a consequence of the ACC.


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Several studies have shown that submerged macrophytes provide a refuge for zooplankton against fish predation, whereas the role of emergent and floating-leaved species, which are often dominant in eutrophic turbid lakes, is far less investigated. Zooplankton density in open water and amongst emergent and floating-leaved vegetation was monitored in a small, eutrophic lake (Frederiksborg Slotsso) in Denmark during July-October 2006. Emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes harboured significantly higher densities of pelagic as well as plant-associated zooplankton species, compared to the open water, even during periods where the predation pressure was presumably high (during the recruitment of 0+ fish fry). Zooplankton abundance in open water and among vegetation exhibited low values in July and peaked in August. Bosmina and Ceriodaphnia dominated the zooplankton community in the littoral vegetated areas (up to 4,400 ind/l among Phragmites australis and 11,000 ind/l between Polygonum amphibium stands), whereas the dominant species in the pelagic were Daphnia (up to 67 ind/l) and Cyclops (41 ind/l). The zooplankton density pattern observed was probably a consequence of concomitant modifications in the predation pressure, refuge availability and concentration of cyanobacteria in the lake. It is suggested that emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes may play an important role in enhancing water clarity due to increased grazing pressure by zooplankton migrating into the plant stands. As a consequence, especially in turbid lakes, the ecological role of these functional types of vegetation, and not merely that of submerged macrophyte species, should be taken into consideration.


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Nutrition of 6 deep-sea ophiuroid species of the genus Amphiophiura in the Pacific and Indian Oceans has been studied. One species is a detritus-feeder while the others are carnivorous. All 6 are widespread in deep-sea eutrophic regions of both oceans. Carnivorous species are also necrophagous, feeding on dead fish, surface pteropods, and crustaceans. Fishes are consumed mainly in the Indian Ocean, pteropods in the Pacific. Thus, as shown by carnivorous Amphtophiura, the rain of dead surface pelagic organisms is one of the most important sources of food for a number of deep-sea bottom-dwelling invertebrates.