916 resultados para relative growth rates


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Fish population studies in the River Ure have continued for their sixth successive year in order to examine and evaluate the effects of low flows and drought conditions particularly in relation to the Time Limited Licence abstraction at Kilgram Bridge, currently granted to Yorkshire Water Services. This monitoring report looks at the different fish populations and growth rates in the main river and tributaries, comparing the results to previous years. The report also looks at the general findings from angling, the medium term drought impacts, the abstraction impacts, and recommendations for investigations for 2002.


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We evaluated measures of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and Fulton’s condition factor (K) as potential nonlethal indices for detecting short-term changes in nutritional condition of postsmolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish reared in the laboratory for 27 days were fed, fasted, or fasted and then refed. Growth rates and proximate body composition (protein, fat, water) were measured in each fish to evaluate nutritional status and condition. Growth rates of fish responded rapidly to the absence or reintroduction of food, whereas body composition (% wet weight) remained relatively stable owing to isometric growth in fed fish and little loss of body constituents in fasted fish, resulting in nonsignificant differences in body composition among feeding treatments. The utility of BIA and Fulton’s K as condition indices requires differences in body composition. In our study, BIA measures were not significantly different among the three feeding treatments, and only on the final day of sampling was K of fasted vs. fed fish significantly different. BIA measures were correlated with body composition content; however, wet weight was a better predictor of body composition on both a content and concentration (% wet weight) basis. Because fish were growing isometrically, neither BIA nor K was well correlated with growth rate. For immature fish, where growth rate, rather than energy reserves, is a more important indicator of fish condition, a nonlethal index that reflects shortterm changes in growth rate or the potential for growth would be more suitable as a condition index than either BIA measures or Fulton�


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We evaluated habitat quality for juvenile California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) in a Pacific Coast estuary lacking in strong salinity gradients by examining density, recent otolith growth rates, and gut fullness levels of wild-caught and caged juveniles for one year. Juveniles <200 mm standard length were caught consistently in the inner, central, and outer sections of the estuary. The density of juveniles was two times higher in the inner estuary during most of the year, consistent with active habitat selection by part of the population. A generalized linear model indicated temperature, sampling time, and the interaction between salinity and temperature were significantly related to density. However, the model explained only 21% of the variance. Gut fullness levels of wild-caught juveniles were highest during the summer, but recent otolith growth rates were not related to temperature. The proportion of individuals feeding successfully indicated that seasonal differences in food availability are more important than spatial variation in prey abundance in driving feeding success. Feeding success of caged fishes was limited, precluding the use of growth rates as indicators of local habitat quality. However, marginal increment widths were reliable indicators of somatic growth at low growth rates over two-week periods. The relatively high growth rates and abundance of small wild-caught juveniles found throughout the estuary indicates that the entire estuary system has the potential for serving as nursery habitat.


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Fish production on Malawian smallholdings is generally limited by the quantity and quality of inputs to the pond (Brummett and Noble 1995). The timing of labor availability and other farm activities limit the amount farmers put into their ponds resulting in lower growth rates and yields. There is potential for improving production and yields through modifications of production schedules to accommodate other farming activities. Limited material and labor inputs among farming system enterprises can be better allocated by considering seasonal availability of inputs and adapting the pond and fish farming technology to the farming system. This case from Malawi demonstrates that aquaculture technology that neglects the annual cycle of events and constraints on the farm will not be easily integrated into the farming system. Focusing on technology that maximizes fish production rather than facilitation of adoption and integration has been a feature of the majority of African smallholder agriculture/aquaculture projects. Farming Systems Research (FSR) must identify niches and opportunities for system improvement for it to be worth supporting as a development intervention.


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Some results of a line of research explored by the author in recent years, and concerning the small-scale fisheries of Mexico are discussed. Clarity of goals for fisheries management is stressed as a departure point before taking any step towards model building. Age-structured simulation models require input data and parameters such as growth rates, natural mortality, age at first capture and maturity, longevity, the longest possible catch records series, and estimates of numbers caught per age group. The link between each cohort and the following can then be established by means of the Ricker stock recruitment or the Beverton-Holt models. Simulation experiments can then be carried out by changing fishing mortality. Whenever data on profits and costs and catch are available, these can also be analyzed. The use of simulation models is examined with emphasis on the benefits derived from their use for fisheries management.


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Three diets were formulated using locally available feed ingredients in Malawi to test the effect of replacing animal protein (fish meal, meat and bone meal) with soybean meal (10:0, 5:5, 0:10% of diet) as the protein source on growth and feed conversion of Oreochromis karongae. There were no significant differences in growth rate (GR), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratios (FCR) among the three diets. It can be concluded that more expensive and limited animal protein sources can totally be replaced by cheaper soybean in order to get similar growth rates in O. karongae.


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From 1947 to 1973, the U.S.S.R. conducted a huge campaign of illegal whaling worldwide. We review Soviet catches of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Southern Ocean during this period, with an emphasis on the International Whaling Commission’s Antarctic Management Areas IV, V, and VI (the principal regions of illegal Soviet whaling on this species, south of Australia and western Oceania). Where possible, we summarize legal and illegal Soviet catches by year, Management Area, and factory fleet, and also include information on takes by other nations. Soviet humpback catches between 1947 and 1973 totaled 48,702 and break down as follows: 649 (Area I), 1,412 (Area II), 921 (Area III), 8,779 (Area IV), 22,569 (Area V), and 7,195 (Area VI), with 7,177 catches not currently assignable to area. In all, at least 72,542 humpback whales were killed by all operations (Soviet plus other nations) after World War II in Areas IV (27,201), V (38,146), and VI (7,195). More than one-third of these (25,474 whales, of which 25,192 came from Areas V and VI) were taken in just two seasons, 1959–60 and 1960–61. The impact of these takes, and of those from Area IV in the late 1950’s, is evident in the sometimes dramatic declines in catches at shore stations in Australia, New Zealand, and at Norfolk Island. When compared to recent estimates of abundance and initial population size, the large removals from Areas IV and V indicate that the populations in these regions remain well below pre-exploitation levels despite reported strong growth rates off eastern and western Australia. Populations in many areas of Oceania continue to be small, indicating that the catches from Area VI and eastern Area V had long-term impacts on recovery.


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The catches of three longliners, including two recently converted small artisanal vessels and one large leased foreign longliner, were compared to provide some indication of the feasibility of transferring new longline technology to small vessels in the northeastern Brazilian pelagic longline fishery. Comparisons of catches between the two recently converted vessels operating across the same spatial and temporal scales showed no significant differences for the main target species, providing evidence to suggest that adoption of the technology was rapid and straightforward. A comparison of relative catch rates between one of the recently converted small longliners and the leased longliner across the same temporal scale, but in different areas, showed that while there were significant differences detected for some species, contributing to a significant reduction in total CPUE, the relative abundance of commercially important species within the operational range of the smaller vessels was sufficient for economically viable catches. The results showed that the net financial profit from the artisanal longliner was almost 10 times greater than that derived from existing fishing methods. The inclusion of some artisanal vessels in this fishery may help address the social and economic problems currently faced by fi


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Os rios em todo o mundo estão ameaçados através da alteração do uso e cobertura do solo. Nesse contexto, o perifíton é sugerido como indicador biológico devido ao seu ciclo de vida curto, à comunidade autótrofa e à riqueza de espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar mudanças em parâmetros estruturais e funcionais da assembleia perifitica em relação aos diferentes tipos de cobertura do solo (pristino, perturbação intermediária e perturbado); em especial na limitação nutricional, crescimento e acúmulo, composição taxonômica e estequiometria da comunidade. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três rios (Santa Maria, Itaperiti, Anil) da bacia Guapi-Macacu, RJ, Brasil. A limitação nutricional foi acessada através de Substratos Difusores de Nutrientes alocados in situ; estes substratos consistem em potes com agar-agar, enriquecidos com nutrientes (N, P, N+P), ou não (controle), que difundem até o filtro, servindo de substrato para o crescimento perifítico. Ainda, o crescimento foi acessado através da colonização de azulejos, amostrados em datas diferentes; na última data, a amostragem também foi feita para a verificação da composição taxonômica e estequiométrica da assembleia. Os resultados mostraram que a comunidade perifítica é limitada primariamente por luz nos pontos pristinos; já nos pontos perturbados, há limitação por nitrogênio ou fósforo, dependendo do uso do solo predominante agricultura com maior aporte de nitrogênio, causando limitação por fósforo, e pecuária com maior aporte de fósforo, causando limitação por nitrogênio. Os trechos perturbados apresentaram maior biomassa perifítica em termos de clorofila a; além disso, também mostraram as maiores taxas de crescimento da comunidade. Também, houve mudanças na composição taxonômica da comunidade no gradiente de perturbação, com o aumento de gêneros tolerantes à poluição e diminuição de gêneros não tolerantes e da diversidade e a equitabilidade. A intensidade luminosa foi determinante na presença dos táxons, e a concentração de fosfato, nas suas abundâncias. Por fim, as razões estequiométricas - C:N, C:P and N:P - diminuíram em função da concentração de nutrientes na água, indicando o potencial de remoção de nutrientes em córregos poluídos. O presente trabalho foi inovador na área limnológica devido à abordagem estequiométrica em conjunto com o grande número de outras variáveis biológicas. Em tempo, a dificuldade de separação dos efeitos das variáveis ambientais neste estudo in situ faz com que seja sugerido o uso de experimentos controlados em mesocosmos posteriormente


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Corais pétreos são formadores de recifes. Por secretarem carbonato de cálcio pela base de seus pólipos, esses corais zooxantelados formam um exoesqueleto, composto geralmente por cristais de aragonita. Os padrões de crescimento coralinos variam desde a escala sazonal a centenária e podem ser caracterizados pela medida da taxa de crescimento, a variabilidade dos isótopos estáveis de oxigênio e carbono e pelas razões elementares Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca, Cd/Ca, Ra/Ca (entre outras) em seu esqueleto. Em um contexto global, os recifes cumprem importante papel como sumidouros de carbono atmosférico. Diante das evidências de um oceano mais quente na era moderna, a temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) tem sido considerada um importante fator de controle da calcificação e crescimento coralino. Geralmente, a calcificação tende a aumentar com a elevação da TSM dentro de uma estreita faixa aceitável para o funcionamento pleno do metabolismo coralino. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma re-análise das taxas de crescimento de testemunhos de corais amostrados na costa brasileira (Salvador-Ba - Baía de Todos os Santos, Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos-Ba e Armação dos Búzios-RJ) empregando-se uma combinação de bandas de crescimento (alta e baixa densidades) auxiliado pelo método de luminescência e datação por radioisótopos de U e Th. As diferenças nas cronologias para os dois métodos variou de 1 ano para o caso de Abrolhos até 7,4 anos para Búzios (em seções específicas do testemunho). Foram analisadas variações de calcificação no esqueleto coralino e interpretadas à luz das razões Sr/Ca e U/Ca (ambos próxies da TSM), séries climáticas de AMO e PDO, e pH pelágico oceânico. Identificamos uma diminuição na taxa de calcificação do exoesqueleto no tempo estudado na amostra de Salvador de 0,4 g/cm2, e um aumento em Abrolhos de 0,4 g/cm2 e Búzios 0,3 g/cm2, exceto nos anos de 1950 ao final de 1980 e de 1910 ao final de 1930, respectivamente. Uma microtomografia de raio-X foi empregada para determinar micro-estruturas coralinas, sendo os parâmetros mais relevantes a microporosidade e a anisotropia. Para Abrolhos e Búzios, foi identificado um aumento na porosidade total do exoesqueleto, principalmente no começo de 1940 até o fim da década de 1980 e entre 1890 a 1930 respectivamente. Notou-se forte associação entre a redução do padrão de calcificação com o aumento da porosidade. Os testemunhos da espécie Siderastrea stellata coletados em Abrolhos e Búzios mostraram alta associação das razoes Sr/Ca e U/Ca com a taxa de calcificação, caracterizando uma resposta similar a de outros autores para a Grande Barreira na Austrália (DE'ATH et al., 2009) e para a região central do Mar Vermelho (CANTIN et al., 2010). Em relação as razões Ba/Ca, Salvador e Abrolhos evidenciaram variáveis que contribuíram para este aumento como a forçante de produção de petróleo e aumento populacional (economia), e TSM (oceano). Para Búzios, a TSM (oceano), produção de petróleo, aumento populacional e NDVI (economia). Após os anos de 1990, o impacto dos fatores econômicos, além das variáveis oceânicas respondem mais significativamente o aumento da razão Ba/Ca em todos os sítios quase que concomitantemente na costa brasileira.


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With the southern New England lobster fishery in distress, lobster fishermen have focused more effort toward harvesting channeled whelk (Busycotypus canaliculatus). However, minimal research has been conducted on the life history and growth rates of channeled whelk. Melongenid whelks generally grow slowly and mature late in life, a characteristic that can make them vulnerable to overfishing as fishing pressure increases. We sampled channeled whelk from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2010 and in July 2011, studied their gonad development by histology, and aged them by examining opercula. Males had a slower growth rate and a lower maximum size than females. Male whelk reached 50% maturity (SM50) at 115.5 mm shell length (SL) and at the age of 6.9 years. Female whelk reached SM50 at 155.3 mm SL and at the age of 8.6 years. With a minimum size limit of 69.9 mm (2.75 in) in shell width, males entered the fishery at 7.5 years, a few months after SM50, but females entered the fishery at 6.3 years, approximately 2 years before SM50. Increased fishing pressure combined with slow growth rates and the inability to reproduce before being harvested can easily constrain the long-term viability of the channeled whelk fishery in Massachusetts.


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Demographic parameters were derived from sectioned otoliths of John’s Snapper (Lutjanus johnii) from 4 regions across 9° of latitude and 23° of longitude in northern Australia. Latitudinal variation in size and growth rates of this species greatly exceeded longitudinal variation. Populations of John’s Snapper farthest from the equator had the largest body sizes, in line with James’s rule, and the fastest growth rates, contrary to the temperature-size rule for ectotherms. A maximum age of 28.6 years, nearly 3 times previous estimates, was recorded and the largest individual was 990 mm in fork length. Females grew to a larger mean asymptotic fork length (L∞) than did males, a finding consistent with functional gonochorism. Otolith weight at age and gonad weight at length followed the same latitudinal trends seen in length at age. Length at maturity was ~72–87% of L∞ and varied by ~23% across the full latitudinal gradient, but age at first maturity was consistently in the range of 6–10 years, indicating that basic growth trajectories were similar across vastly different environments. We discuss both the need for complementary reproductive data in age-based studies and the insights gained from experiments where the concept of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance is applied to explain the mechanistic causes of James’s rule in tropical fish species.


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The invasive colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum has become widespread in New England waters, colonizing large areas of shell-gravel bottom on Georges Bank including commercial sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) grounds. Didemnum vexillum colonies are also fouling coastal shellfish aquaculture gear which increases maintenance costs and may affect shellfish growth rates. We hypothesized that D. vexillum will continue to spread and may affect shellfish larval settlement and survival. We conducted a laboratory experiment to assess interactions between larval bay scallops (Argopectin irradians irradians) and D. vexillum. We found that larval bay scallops avoid settling on D. vexillum colonies, possibly deterred by the low pH of the tunicate’s surface tissue. The results of this study suggest that widespread colonization of substrata by D. vexillum could affect scallop recruitment by reducing the area of quality habitats available for settlement. We propose that the bay scallop can serve as a surrogate for the sea scallop in estimating the negative impact D. vexillum could have on the recruitment of sea scallops on Georges Bank.


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The anchoveta Engraulis ringens is widely distributed along the eastern South Pacific (from 4° to 42°S; Serra et al., 1979) and it has also supported one of the largest fisheries of the world over the last four decades. However, there are few interpopulation comparisons for either the adult or the younger stages. Reproductive traits, such as fecundity or spawning season length, are known to vary with latitude for some fish species (Blaxter and Hunter, 1982; Conover, 1990; Fleming and Gross, 1990; Castro and Cowen, 1991), and latitudinal trends for some early life history traits, such as egg size and larval growth rates, have been reported for others clupeiforms and other fishes (Blaxter and Hempel, 1963; Ciechomski, 1973; Imai and Tanaka, 1987, Conover 1990, Houde 1989). However, there is no published information on potential latitudinal trends during the adult or the early life history of the anchoveta, even though this type of information may help in understanding recruitment variability, especially during recurring large scale events (such as El Niño or La Niña) that affect the entire species range.


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Numerous studies have applied skeletochronology to sea turtle species. Because many of the studies have lacked validation, the application of this technique to sea turtle age estimation has been called into question. To address this concern, we obtained humeri from 13 known-age Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and two loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles for the purposes of examining the growth marks and comparing growth mark counts to actual age. We found evidence for annual deposition of growth marks in both these species. Corroborative results were found in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles from a comparison of death date and amount of bone growth following the completion of the last growth mark (n=76). Formation of the lines of arrested growth in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles consistently occurred in the spring for animals that strand dead along the mid- and south U.S. Atlantic coast. For both Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, we also found a proportional allometry between bone growth (humerus dimensions) and somatic growth (straight carapace length), indicating that size-at-age and growth rates can be estimated from dimensions of early growth marks. These results validate skeletochronology as a method for estimating age in Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles from the southeast United States.