994 resultados para raggi X, semiconduttori organici
Linear Thomson scattering by a relativistic electron of a short pulse laser has been investigated by computer simulation. Under a laser field with a pulse of 33.3-fs full-width at half-maximum, and the initial energy of an electron of gamma(0) = 10, the motion of the electron is relativistic and generates an ultrashort radiation of 76-as with a photon wave length of 2.5-nm in the backward scattering. The radiation under a high relativistic energy electron has better characteristic than under a low relativistic energy electron in terms of the pulse width and the angular distribution. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.
Nonlinear X-wave formation at different pulse powers in water is simulated using the standard model of nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). It is shown that in near field X-shape originally emerges from the interplay between radial diffraction and optical Kerr effect. At relatively low power group-velocity dispersion (GVD) arrests the collapse and leads to pulse splitting on axis. With high enough power, multi-photon ionization (NIPI) and multi-photon absorption (MPA) play great importance in arresting the collapse. The tailing part of pulse is first defocused by MPI and then refocuses. Pulse splitting on axis is a manifestation of this process. Double X-wave forms when the split sub-pulses are self-focusing. In the far field, the character of the central X structure of conical emission (CE) is directly related to the single or double X-shape in the near field. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A fim de se encontrar as evidências sobre a ocorrência de catarata em pacientes submetidos a PUVA terapia, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura publicada, utilizando-se as bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane Library, Excerpta Medica e o programa MICROMEDEX. Foram elaboradas estratégias de busca para cada base de dados. Após aplicação dos critérios de seleção definidos, incluíram-se 30 artigos que representavam 21 estudos que abordavam o tema. Os dados de cada estudo foram recolhidos a partir de um formulário de coleta criado para este fim. A avaliação da qualidade dos estudos se deu por classificação das evidências em categorias e posterior relação destas categorias com a força de recomendação das evidências para a prática clínica, de acordo com critérios previamente publicados. Ainda, elaborou-se um esquema de classificação de qualidade específico para os estudos incluídos. Realizou-se análise estatística dos dados apresentados através de análise de sobrevida, utilizando-se o modelo de Cox de hazards proporcionais. As evidências publicadas das bases de dados, capturadas pelas estratégias de busca e selecionadas pelos critérios de inclusão e exclusão não são suficientes para se afirmar se a catarata pode ou não ser uma reação adversa a PUVA terapia. Não foi possível, também, encontrar um modelo matemático que pudesse indicar relação entre as variáveis explicativas e a função de hazards.
Com a introdução do flúor como o principal agente anticariogênico e, talvez, um aumento do flúor na nossa cadeia alimentar, a fluorose dentária tornou-se um problema mundial. Os mecanismos que conduzem à formação do esmalte fluorótico são desconhecidos, mas devem envolver modificações nas reações físico-químicas básicas de desmineralização e remineralização do esmalte dentário. O aumento daquantidade de flúor no cristal apatita resulta no aumento dos parâmetros de rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o esmalte dentário humano saudável e fluorótico usando difração de raios X com luz síncrotron. Todos os perfis de espalhamento foram medidos na linha de difração de raios X (XRD1) do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas SP. Os experimentos foram realizados usando amostras em pó e em lâminas polidas. As amostras em pó foram analisadas a fim de obter a caracterização do esmalte dentário saudável. As lâminas foram analisadas em áreas do esmalte específicas identificadas como fluoróticas. Todos os perfis foram comparados com amostras de esmalte de controle e também com a literatura. A evidente similaridade entre os perfis de difração mostraram a analogia entre as estruturas do esmalte dentário e a hidroxiapatita padrão. Fica evidente que os perfis de difração do esmalte dentário das amostras em lâmina são diferentes daqueles obtidos para o esmalte em pó. As diferenças encontradas incluem variação na cristalinidade e orientação preferencial. Os valores encontrados para as distâncias interplanares para o esmalte de controle e fluorótico das amostras em lâmina não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato que a hidroxiapatita e a fluoropatita formam cristais com a mesma estrutura hexagonal, mesmo grupo de simetria e têm parâmetros de rede muito próximos, os quais a habilidade do sistema não foi suficiente para resolver. Finalmente, este trabalho mostra que a difração de raios X usando radiação síncrotron é uma técnica poderosa para o estudo da cristalografia e microestrutura do esmalte dentário e, ainda, pode ser igualmente aplicada no estudo de outros tecidos biológicos duros e de biomateriais sintéticos.
I. HgSe is deposited on various semiconductors, forming a semimetal/semiconductor "Schottky barrier" structure. Polycrystalline, evaporated HgSe produces larger Schottky barrier heights on n-type semiconductors than does Au, the most electronegative of the elemental metals. The barrier heights are about 0.5 eV greater than those of Au on ionic semiconductors such as ZnS, and 0.1 to 0.2 eV greater for more covalently bonded semiconductors. A novel structure,which is both a lattice matched heterostructure and a Schottky barrier, is fabricated by epitaxial growth of HgSe on CdSe using hydrogen transport CVD. The Schottky barrier height for this structure is 0.73 ± 0.02 eV, as measured by the photoresponse method. This uncertainty is unusually small; and the magnitude is greater by about a quarter volt than is achievable with Au, in qualitative agreement with ionization potential arguments.
II . The Schottky barrier height of Au on chemically etched n-Ga1-x AlxAs was measured as a function of x. As x increases, the barrier height rises to a value of about 1.2 eV at x ≈ 0.45 , then decreases to about 1.0 eV as x approaches 0.83. The barrier height deviates in a linear way from the value predicted by the "common anion" rule as the AlAs mole fraction increases. This behavior is related to chemical reactivity of the Ga1-x AlxAs surface.
To obtain accurate information from a structural tool it is necessary to have an understanding of the physical principles which govern the interaction between the probe and the sample under investigation. In this thesis a detailed study of the physical basis for Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is presented. A single scattering formalism of EXAFS is introduced which allows a rigorous treatment of the central atom potential. A final state interaction formalism of EXAFS is also discussed. Multiple scattering processes are shown to be significant for systems of certain geometries. The standard single scattering EXAFS analysis produces erroneous results if the data contain a large multiple scattering contribution. The effect of thermal vibrations on such multiple scattering paths is also discussed. From symmetry considerations it is shown that only certain normal modes contribute to the Debye-Waller factor for a particular scattering path. Furthermore, changes in the scattering angles induced by thermal vibrations produces additional EXAFS components called modification factors. These factors are shown to be small for most systems.
A study of the physical basis for the determination of structural information from EXAFS data is also presented. An objective method of determining the background absorption and the threshold energy is discussed and involves Gaussian functions. In addition, a scheme to determine the nature of the scattering atom in EXAFS experiments is introduced. This scheme is based on the fact that the phase intercept is a measure of the type of scattering atom. A method to determine bond distances is also discussed and does not require the use of model compounds or calculated phase shifts. The physical basis for this method is the absence of a linear term in the scattering phases. Therefore, it is possible to separate these phases from the linear term containing the distance information in the total phase.
X-ray phase imaging with illumination by a partially coherent source with a setup similar to in-line holography is considered. Using the optical transform function, we consider the effects of partial coherence on this x-ray phase imaging for a weak phase object. The optimal contrast and the resolution of phase imaging are analyzed. As the coherence decreases, the imaging contrast and the optimal contrast frequency decrease, and the resolution degrades. It is shown that this contrast-enhanced phase-imaging method can be regarded as a linear bandpass filter and that the bandwidth and the image contrast are changeable. The frequency property of the imaging system can be improved if an incoherent x-ray source with the proper shape is used. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
The theoretical model of direct diffraction phase-contrast imaging with partially coherent x-ray source is expressed by an operator of multiple integral. It is presented that the integral operator is linear. The problem of its phase retrieval is described by solving an operator equation of multiple integral. It is demonstrated that the solution of the phase retrieval is unstable. The numerical simulation is performed and the result validates that the solution of the phase retrieval is unstable.