987 resultados para proteína de escape
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito do desmame precoce sobre a composição corporal e sobre parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional de camundongos. O grupo experimental consistiu de camundongos Swiss Webster, machos, desmamados precocemente (14º dia de vida) e alimentados com ração apropriada para roedores em crescimento até o 21º dia pós-natal (grupo DESM). O grupo controle consistiu de camundongos amamentados até o 21º dia pós-natal (grupo CON). Todos os animais foram sacrificados no 21º dia de vida. O grupo DESM apresentou redução da concentração e conteúdo hepático e muscular de proteínas, da concentração cerebral de proteínas, da concentração e conteúdo cerebral de DNA e da razão proteína/RNA hepática e muscular (p<0,05). Quanto à composição corporal, o grupo DESM apresentou maior conteúdo de umidade, maior percentual de umidade e lipídios e menor conteúdo e percentual de cinzas e proteína na carcaça (p<0,05). Os resultados indicam que o desmame precoce acarreta em prejuízo à composição corporal e a parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional, o que pode estar relacionado ao retardo do processo de maturação química. Os dados do presente estudo podem contribuir para o entendimento da influência da alimentação com fórmulas infantis sobre a composição corporal e sobre o estado nutricional.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a necessidade energética estimada, o valor energético e a adequação de macronutrientes da alimentação dos idosos de Fortaleza. Este estudo é epidemiológico, transversal, com coleta de dados primários. As variáveis de estudo foram: necessidade energética estimada, valor energético da alimentação e adequação dos macronutrientes da alimentação. O inquérito alimentar utilizado para obtenção do valor energético da alimentação (VEA) foi o recordatório de 24 horas (R24). O cálculo da necessidade energética estimada (NEE) da população foi realizado a partir das equações propostas pelo Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2002). A adequação dos macronutrientes da alimentação foi verificada a partir dos valores propostos nos intervalos da distribuição aceitável de macronutrientes (IOM, 2002). Foi avaliada a alimentação de 458 idosos (153 homens e 305 mulheres). A média etária dos idosos foi 70,9 anos (DP= 7,9 anos). O valor energético médio da alimentação dos homens foi superior ao das mulheres. O valor energético médio da alimentação dos idosos foi inferior ao valor médio da necessidade energética estimada, tanto dos homens como das mulheres (p=0,000). Quanto à proporção de proteína da alimentação, a maioria dos idosos (91,7 por cento), apresentou valores adequados. A proporção de carboidratos da alimentação, também se mostrou adequada na maioria das dietas (59,8 por cento). O consumo de alimentação com adequada proporção de lipídio foi verificado em 53,9 por cento dos idosos. Sendo assim, conclui-se que os idosos de Fortaleza apresentam alimentação com valor energético insuficiente em relação à necessidade energética estimada para os mesmos
Resumo: OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos dietéticos das refeições oferecidas por empresas inscritas no Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT) na Cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em relação às recomendações nutricionais do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira do Ministério da Saúde. MÉTODOS:Foram investigadas 72 empresas, caracterizadas conforme setor (indústria, serviços ou comércio), porte (micro, pequenas, médias ou grandes), modalidade do PAT (autogestão, gestão terceirizada do tipo refeição transportada ou gestão terceirizada do tipo preparo e distribuição de refeição na empresa) e supervisão de nutricionista (sim ou não). A quantidade per capita dos alimentos foi determinada nos cardápios de 3 dias de almoço, jantar e ceia. O valor nutricional das refeições foi definido com base nas variáveis energia, carboidrato, proteína, gorduras totais, gordura poliinsaturada, gordura saturada, gordura trans, açúcares livres, colesterol e frutas e hortaliças. RESULTADOS:A maioria dos cardápios teve baixa oferta de frutas e hortaliças (63,9%) e gordura poliinsaturada (83,3%) e excesso de gorduras totais (47,2%) e colesterol (62,5%). O agrupamento 2, composto principalmente por empresas de médio e grande porte do setor industrial e de serviços, com gestão terceirizada e supervisão de nutricionista, teve, em média, refeições com maior valor energético (P < 0,001), maior porcentagem de gorduras poliinsaturadas (P < 0,001), maior quantidade de colesterol (P = 0,015) e maior quantidade de frutas e hortaliças (P < 0,001) do que o agrupamento 1, composto por micro e pequenas empresas do setor de comércio, tendo autogestão como modalidade e sem supervisão de nutricionista. Quanto à adequação dos cardápios oferecidos às metas do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, as refeições do agrupamento 2 foram mais adequadas em relação à oferta de frutas e hortaliças (P < 0,001). ) Em contrapartida, o agrupamento 1 apresentou maior adequação da quantidade de colesterol (P = 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: É necessária uma ação mais direcionada aos gestores de empresas e aos responsáveis pelas unidades de alimentação e nutrição, principalmente no grupo de empresas que não tem a supervisão de nutricionista
A osteoporose é um problema de saúde global, caracterizada por baixa massa óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, com consequente aumento da fragilidade óssea e suscetibilidade a fraturas. A nutrição desempenha um papel fundamental na redução do risco de osteoporose por seu efeito sobre todos os fatores relacionados à fragilidade óssea, principalmente no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da massa óssea. Uma adequada ingestão de cálcio, vitamina D e proteína leva à redução da remodelação óssea, à maior retenção de cálcio, à redução da perda óssea relacionada à idade e à redução do risco de fraturas. Evidências recentes indicam que uma alimentação saudável, incluindo a ingestão de produtos lácteos (principalmente os desnatados), frutas e verduras, e uma quantidade adequada de carnes, peixes e aves, está relacionada positivamente com a saúde óssea. Além disso, a suplementação de vitaminas e minerais deve ser monitorada de perto, por profissionais de saúde, uma vez que pode ter efeitos adversos e ser insuficiente para assegurar uma eficaz proteção à saúde óssea
Emulsões estabilizadas por 'beta'-caseína e sódio caseinato tiveram suas propriedades reológicas investigadas em função da natureza da fase oleosa, da força iônica e do pH. Fases oleosas de características estruturais distintas, a saber, decano e óleos vegetais de alto teor triglicerídico, foram ensaiadas. A emulsificação dos sistemas contendo decano foi significativamente mais efetiva do que aquela das amostras contendo triglicérides. Efeitos de pH e força iônica mostraram-se relativamente pouco importantes sobre a capacidade emulsificante da proteína. As propriedades reológicas foram marcadamente distintas em cada caso, com estruturas de caráter sólido (G' G") sendo produzidas com decano, diferentemente do que foi observado para amostras contendo triglicérides, nas quais a viscoelasticidade não foi nem mesmo aparente. A relevância de aspectos espaciais da estrutura da fase oleosa no desenvolvimento do caráter viscoelástico é discutida. Propõe-se que os fatores responsáveis pelo comportamento distinto observado residam possivelmente na interface gotícula/meio dispersante, inacessível por microscopia óptica, e guardam pouca relação com tamanho ou forma da gotícula.
Consider N sites randomly and uniformly distributed in a d-dimensional hypercube. A walker explores this disordered medium going to the nearest site, which has not been visited in the last mu (memory) steps. The walker trajectory is composed of a transient part and a periodic part (cycle). For one-dimensional systems, travelers can or cannot explore all available space, giving rise to a crossover between localized and extended regimes at the critical memory mu(1) = log(2) N. The deterministic rule can be softened to consider more realistic situations with the inclusion of a stochastic parameter T (temperature). In this case, the walker movement is driven by a probability density function parameterized by T and a cost function. The cost function increases as the distance between two sites and favors hops to closer sites. As the temperature increases, the walker can escape from cycles that are reminiscent of the deterministic nature and extend the exploration. Here, we report an analytical model and numerical studies of the influence of the temperature and the critical memory in the exploration of one-dimensional disordered systems.
Background: Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is the main etiological factor for cervical cancer. Different studies show that in women infected with HPV there is a positive correlation between lesion grade and number of infiltrating macrophages, as well as with IL-10 higher expression. Using a HPV16 associated tumor model in mice, TC-1, our laboratory has demonstrated that tumor infiltrating macrophages are M2-like, induce T cell regulatory phenotype and play an important role in tumor growth. M2 macrophages secrete several cytokines, among them IL-10, which has been shown to play a role in T cell suppression by tumor macrophages in other tumor models. In this work, we sought to establish if IL-10 is part of the mechanism by which HPV tumor associated macrophages induce T cell regulatory phenotype, inhibiting anti-tumor activity and facilitating tumor growth. Results: TC-1 tumor cells do not express or respond to IL-10, but recruit leukocytes which, within the tumor environment, produce this cytokine. Using IL-10 deficient mice or blocking IL-10 signaling with neutralizing antibodies, we observed a significant reduction in tumor growth, an increase in tumor infiltration by HPV16 E7 specific CD8 lymphocytes, including a population positive for Granzyme B and Perforin expression, and a decrease in the percentage of HPV specific regulatory T cells in the lymph nodes. Conclusions: Our data shows that in the HPV16 TC-1 tumor mouse model, IL-10 produced by tumor macrophages induce regulatory phenotype on T cells, an immune escape mechanism that facilitates tumor growth. Our results point to a possible mechanism behind the epidemiologic data that correlates higher IL-10 expression with risk of cervical cancer development in HPV infected women.
About 95% of HTLV-1 infected patients remain asymptomatic throughout life, and the risk factors associated with the development of related diseases, such as HAM/TSP and ATL, are not fully understood. The human leukocyte antigen-G molecule (HLA-G), a nonclassical HLA class I molecule encoded by MHC, is expressed in several pathological conditions, including viral infection, and is related to immunosuppressive effects that allow the virus-infected cells to escape the antiviral defense of the host. The 14-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism of exon 8 HLA-G gene influences the stability of the transcripts and could be related to HTLV-1-infected cell protection and to the increase of proviral load. The present study analyzed by conventional PCR the 14-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism of exon 8 HLA-G gene in 150 unrelated healthy subjects, 82 HTLV-1 infected patients with symptoms (33 ATL and 49 HAM), and 56 asymptomatic HTLV-1 infected patients (HAC). In addition, the proviral load was determined by quantitative real-time PCR in all infected groups and correlated with 14-bp insertion/deletion genotypes. The heterozygote genotype frequencies were significantly higher in HAM, in the symptomatic group, and in infected patients compared to control (p < 0.05). The proviral load was higher in the symptomatic group than the HAC group (p < 0.0005). The comparison of proviral load and genotypes showed that -14-bp/-14-bp genotype had a higher proviral load than +14-bp/-14-bp and +14-bp/+14-bp genotypes. Although HLA-G 14-bp polymorphism does not appear to be associated
Context. It was proposed earlier that the relativistic ejections observed in microquasars could be produced by violent magnetic reconnection episodes at the inner disk coronal region (de Gouveia Dal Pino & Lazarian 2005). Aims. Here we revisit this model, which employs a standard accretion disk description and fast magnetic reconnection theory, and discuss the role of magnetic reconnection and associated heating and particle acceleration in different jet/disk accretion systems, namely young stellar objects (YSOs), microquasars, and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Methods. In microquasars and AGNs, violent reconnection episodes between the magnetic field lines of the inner disk region and those that are anchored in the black hole are able to heat the coronal/disk gas and accelerate the plasma to relativistic velocities through a diffusive first-order Fermi-like process within the reconnection site that will produce intermittent relativistic ejections or plasmons. Results. The resulting power-law electron distribution is compatible with the synchrotron radio spectrum observed during the outbursts of these sources. A diagram of the magnetic energy rate released by violent reconnection as a function of the black hole (BH) mass spanning 10(9) orders of magnitude shows that the magnetic reconnection power is more than sufficient to explain the observed radio luminosities of the outbursts from microquasars to low luminous AGNs. In addition, the magnetic reconnection events cause the heating of the coronal gas, which can be conducted back to the disk to enhance its thermal soft X-ray emission as observed during outbursts in microquasars. The decay of the hard X-ray emission right after a radio flare could also be explained in this model due to the escape of relativistic electrons with the evolving jet outburst. In the case of YSOs a similar magnetic configuration can be reached that could possibly produce observed X-ray flares in some sources and provide the heating at the jet launching base, but only if violent magnetic reconnection events occur with episodic, very short-duration accretion rates which are similar to 100-1000 times larger than the typical average accretion rates expected for more evolved (T Tauri) YSOs.
Nontwist systems, common in the dynamical descriptions of fluids and plasmas, possess a shearless curve with a concomitant transport barrier that eliminates or reduces chaotic transport, even after its breakdown. In order to investigate the transport properties of nontwist systems, we analyze the barrier escape time and barrier transmissivity for the standard nontwist map, a paradigm of such systems. We interpret the sensitive dependence of these quantities upon map parameters by investigating chaotic orbit stickiness and the associated role played by the dominant crossing of stable and unstable manifolds. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3247349]
An experiment was conducted to observe triple- and quadruple-escape peaks, at a photon energy equal to 6.128 MeV, in the spectra recorded with a high-purity Ge detector working in coincidence with six bismuth germanate detectors. The peak intensities may be explained having recourse to only the bremsstrahlung cascade process of consecutive electron-positron pair creation; i.e., the contribution of simultaneous double pair formation (and other cascade effects) is much smaller. The experimental peak areas are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-tran sport code PENELOPE.
We develop a combined hydro-kinetic approach which incorporates a hydrodynamical expansion of the systems formed in A + A collisions and their dynamical decoupling described by escape probabilities. The method corresponds to a generalized relaxation time (tau(rel)) approximation for the Boltzmann equation applied to inhomogeneous expanding systems; at small tau(rel) it also allows one to catch the viscous effects in hadronic component-hadron-resonance gas. We demonstrate how the approximation of sudden freeze-out can be obtained within this dynamical picture of continuous emission and find that hypersurfaces, corresponding to a sharp freeze-out limit, are momentum dependent. The pion m(T) spectra are computed in the developed hydro-kinetic model, and compared with those obtained from ideal hydrodynamics with the Cooper-Frye isothermal prescription. Our results indicate that there does not exist a universal freeze-out temperature for pions with different momenta, and support an earlier decoupling of higher p(T) particles. By performing numerical simulations for various initial conditions and equations of state we identify several characteristic features of the bulk QCD matter evolution preferred in view of the current analysis of heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies.
To investigate stress intensity and coping style in older people with mild Alzheimer`s disease. The potential risk assessment of a stress event and the devising of coping strategies are dependent on cognitive function. Although older individuals with Alzheimer`s disease present significant cognitive impairment, little is known about how these individuals experience stress events and select coping strategies in stress situations. Survey. A convenient sample of 30 cognitively healthy older people and 30 individuals with mild Alzheimer`s disease were given an assessment battery of stress indicators (Symptom Stress List, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), coping style (Jalowiec Coping Scale) and cognitive performance (mini-mental state exam) were applied in both groups. Statistical analysis of the data employed the Mann-Whitney test to compare medians of stress indicators and coping style, Fischer`s exact test to compare proportions when expected frequencies were lower than five, and Spearman`s correlation coefficient to verify correlation between coping style and cognitive performance. Both groups suffered from the same stress intensity (p = 0.254). Regarding coping styles, although differences were not statistically significant (p = 0.124), emotion-oriented coping was predominant in the patients with Alzheimer`s disease. However, those individuals displaying better cognitive performance in the Alzheimer`s disease group had selected coping strategies focused on problem solving (p = 0.0074). Despite a tendency for older people with Alzheimer`s disease to select escape strategies and emotional control, rather than attempting to resolve or lesser the consequences arising from a problem, coping ultimately depends on cognitive performance of the individual. The findings of this study provide information and data to assist planning of appropriate support care for individuals with Alzheimer`s disease who experience stress situations, based on their cognitive performance.
Rationale Serotonin in the dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) through the activation of 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2A) receptors inhibits escape, a defensive behavior associated with panic attacks. Long-term treatment with antipanic drugs that nonselectively or selectively blocks the reuptake of serotonin (e.g., imipramine and fluoxetine, respectively) enhances the inhibitory effect on escape caused by intra-DPAG injection of 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2A) receptor agonists. It has been proposed that these compounds exert their effect on panic by facilitating 5-HT-mediated neurotransmission in the DPAG. Objectives The objective of this study was to investigate whether facilitation of 5-HT neurotransmission in the DPAG is also observed after treatment with alprazolam, a pharmacologically distinct antipanic drug that acts primarily as a high potency benzodiazepine receptor agonist. Materials and methods Male Wistar rats, subchronically (3-6 days) or chronically (14-17 days) treated with alprazolam (2 and 4 mg/kg, i.p.) were intra-DPAG injected with (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin hydrobromide (8-OH-DPAT), (+/-)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl) piperazine dihydrochloride (DOI), and midazolam, respectively, 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2A/2C), and benzodiazepine receptor agonists. The intensity of electrical current that needed to be applied to the DPAG to evoke escape behavior was measured before and after the microinjection of these agonists. Results Intra-DPAG injection of the 5-HT agonists and midazolam increased the escape threshold in all groups of animals tested, indicating a panicolytic-like effect. The inhibitory effect of 8-OH-DPAT and DOI, but not midazolam, was significantly higher in animals receiving long-, but not short-term treatment with alprazolam. Conclusions Alprazolam as antidepressants compounds facilitates 5-HT(1A)- and 5-HT(2A)-receptor-mediated neurotransmission in the DPAG, implicating this effect in the mode of action of different classes of antipanic drugs.