822 resultados para proactive policing
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Following inspections in 2013 of all police forces, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary found that one-third of forces could not provide data on repeat victims of domestic abuse (DA) and concluded that in general there were ambiguities around the term ‘repeat victim’ and that there was a need for consistent and comparable statistics on DA. Using an analysis of police-recorded DA data from two forces, an argument is made for including both offences and non-crime incidents when identifying repeat victims of DA. Furthermore, for statistical purposes the counting period for repeat victimizations should be taken as a rolling 12 months from first recorded victimization. Examples are given of summary statistics that can be derived from these data down to Community Safety Partnership level. To reinforce the need to include both offences and incidents in analyses, repeat victim chronologies from policerecorded data are also used to briefly examine cases of escalation to homicide as an example of how they can offer new insights and greater scope for evaluating risk and effectiveness of interventions.
Au cours des dernières décennies, la région de l’Arctique s’est vue propulsée au cœur de nombreuses analyses et controverses scientifiques, médiatiques et politiques. Avec la fonte des glaces, de nouvelles perspectives économiques et maritimes voient le jour, principalement en matière de navigation et d’exploitation des ressources naturelles, amenant les États riverains, ainsi que de nombreux autres pays du globe, à en faire une priorité en matière de politique internationale. L’intérêt de la communauté internationale s’est concrétisé principalement à partir des années 1990 – notamment avec la création du Conseil de l’Arctique en 1996 dont font partie la Russie, le Canada, les États-Unis, l’Islande, la Norvège, ainsi que certains États européens tels que la Suède, la Finlande et le Danemark. Cependant, l’Union européenne n’a manifesté une position plus proactive qu’à partir de 2008. En quelques années, Bruxelles s’est énormément mobilisée pour s’informer davantage sur la région et on a vu croître de manière considérable le nombre de rencontres, de conférences, de partages des connaissances sur les sujets arctiques. La publication d’une première communication de la Commission européenne sur la région arctique officialisa cette position plus déterminée de l’Union envers les enjeux arctiques. Cette recherche vise à étudier l’évolution et l’élaboration d’une politique européenne arctique, ainsi que les raisons et intérêts qui sous-tendent celle-ci. Il sera également question de se pencher sur les principaux obstacles rencontrés par l’Union dans ce processus et analyser les relations qu’elle entretient avec les différents États arctiques. Enfin, une mise au point de la situation actuelle sera faite afin de comprendre les divers défis et opportunités qu’elle peut rencontrer dans ce nouveau rôle d’acteur arctique.
Depuis trente ans, des efforts ont été menés dans le domaine de l’ingénierie des matériaux afin de concevoir des appareils médicaux pouvant être en contact avec les tissus humains. Néanmoins l’interaction entre la surface du matériau et l’environnement physiologique entraine la plupart du temps des complications. Le laboratoire d’ingénierie des surfaces est spécialisé dans l’élaboration de surfaces biomimétiques capables d’interagir de manière proactive avec leur environnement. Pour des applications cardiovasculaires, une des stratégies consiste à utiliser des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire, comme la fibronectine, connue pour la promotion de l’adhésion des cellules endothéliales. Dans ce contexte, parce que la bioactivité de la fibronectine est fortement liée à sa conformation, l’objectif est de comparer différentes stratégies d’immobilisation en caractérisant la quantité de fibronectine immobilisée ainsi que son activité biologique. Les précédentes études menées au laboratoire ont souligné le fait que la fibronectine immobilisée par les cystéines présente une meilleur bioactivité que lorsque celle-ci est immobilisée par les groupements lysines qu’elle contient. L’actuel projet porte sur l’étude de l’influence de l’utilisation d’un bras d’ancrage hydrophile ou hydrophobe entre la protéine et la surface sur la bioactivité de la protéine. Les résultats ont d’une part montré l’efficacité des bras d’ancrage dans l’immobilisation de la fibronectine et d’autre part les limites de leur utilisation pour une étude comparative portant sur la quantification et la bioactivité de la protéine.
Esta investigação visa tomar como ponto de partida a diversidade de línguas faladas em Espanha e que coabitam em muitas das comunidades autónomas (Siguán, 2001) contribuindo, desta forma, para a riqueza em termos linguísticos e culturais da Península Ibérica em geral e de Espanha em particular. Com este projeto é nossa intenção contribuir para a implementação de práticas educativas que promovam, na sala de aula de espanhol como língua estrangeira no ensino secundário português, a (re)construção das representações dos alunos face às línguas românicas faladas em Espanha como línguas oficiais, através do desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue (Alarcão, Andrade, Araújo e Sá, Melo-Pfeifer, & Santos, 2010). Neste estudo pretendemos, através de uma metodologia de índole qualitativa, analisar as representações dos alunos de espanhol iniciação do ensino secundário em Portugal face às línguas oficiais faladas em Espanha e à sua competência plurilingue, recorrendo a inquéritos por questionário. Visa-se, para além disso, evidenciar uma mostra de possíveis práticas didático-pedagógicas e materiais que possibilitem um trabalho sistemático e pró-ativo no âmbito da (re)construção das representações sobre as línguas oficiais faladas em Espanha, que promovam o desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue dos alunos e que sejam potenciadoras de cidadãos conscientes do mundo que os rodeia (Gadotti, 2003). Para tal, serão criados e implementados materiais físicos e digitais com alunos do 10.º e 11.º ano de escolaridade, a frequentar a disciplina de espanhol iniciação, num agrupamento de escolas da região de Aveiro. Os resultados mostram que práticas e materiais desta natureza podem favorecer a (re)construção das representações dos alunos, fomentando o desenvolvimento da sua competência plurilingue.
Dr Mark Roycroft, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of East London, provides the first of two articles containing insights from his forthcoming book on "The role of PCCs". This accepted manuscript was published as two articles for Policing Insight, "What do PCCs and chief constables REALLY think of each other?" (07.03.16) and "What do PCCs REALLY think about Panels, HMIC and the IPCC?" (10.03.6).
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida kommunikationen mellan medarbetare på en psykiatrisk intensivvårdsavdelning kan fungera som ett förebyggande verktyg för medarbetarnas upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju medarbetare på en psykiatriska intensivvårdsavdelning. Empirin har tolkats genom en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultatet av studien visar att den interna kommunikationen mellan medarbetarna har en stor inverkan för den upplevda arbetsmiljön. På grund av den studerade avdelningens stundtals påfrestande och stressiga arbetssituation var de faktorer som påtalades som viktigast för att må bra på arbetet sammanhållning, förtroende, öppen kommunikation och humor. Dessa framkommer genom studien vara kommunikativa verktyg som går att arbeta förebyggande för att främja välmående på arbetsplatsen.
Future pervasive environments will take into consideration not only individual user’s interest, but also social relationships. In this way, pervasive communities can lead the user to participate beyond traditional pervasive spaces, enabling the cooperation among groups and taking into account not only individual interests, but also the collective and social context. Social applications in CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) field represent new challenges and possibilities in terms of use of social context information for adaptability in pervasive environments. In particular, the research describes the approach in the design and development of a context.aware framework for collaborative applications (CAFCA), utilizing user’s context social information for proactive adaptations in pervasive environments. In order to validate the proposed framework an evaluation was conducted with a group of users based on enterprise scenario. The analysis enabled to verify the impact of the framework in terms of functionality and efficiency in real-world conditions. The main contribution of this thesis was to provide a context-aware framework to support collaborative applications in pervasive environments. The research focused on providing an innovative socio-technical approach to exploit collaboration in pervasive communities. Finally, the main results reside in social matching capabilities for session formation, communication and coordinations of groupware for collaborative activities.
This paper aims to conceptualise trafficking in human beings (THB) as an organised crime by drawing on the rational choice theory. Utilising crime scripting principles, it proposes trafficking schematics to capture and visualise THB in its entirety. Stemming from its transnational nature and varying conceptualisations, combatting THB faces challenges, such as the lack of harmonisation of policy instruments and differing stakeholder agendas. To mitigate these challenges, this paper proposes trafficking schematics. Their core lies in the modelling of THB constituent elements, including stages and their sequence, key actors and relationships, and financial modus operandi. Trafficking schematics may therefore contribute to addressing THB in a holistic, dynamic and integrated way, by enriching stakeholders’ understanding of the phenomenon and facilitating collaboration to address it. The paper contributes to theory and practice by drawing up a model of the procedural, human, logistical and environmental elements of THB that may be viewed as an instrument of public value creation.
In the last decade, the clinical reasoning in physical therapy has been to develop systems for physiotherapists to make clinical decisions rapidly, effectively and efficiently, in response to the increasingly complex needs of health and rehabilitation units. Some studies show the importance of walking aids during rehabilitation from some diseases, and after surgery for arthroplasty in the elderly population, and in elderly patients with balance disorders, muscle weakness or in people with diabetes mellitus. Walkers are important devices that aid the rehabilitation process. The use of a walker is recommended for gait changes and imbalance due to various factors, such as surgery of the lower limbs or neurodegenerative changes, especially in the early recovery period.
As escolas portuguesas do ensino não superior estão dotadas com infraestruturas e equipamentos que permitem trazer o mundo para dentro da sala de aula, tornando o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem mais rico e motivador para os alunos. A adoção institucional de uma plataforma que segue os princípios da web social, o SAPO Campus (SC), definida pela abertura, partilha, integração, inovação e personalização, pode ser catalisadora de processos de mudança e inovação. O presente estudo teve como finalidade acompanhar o processo de adoção do SC em cinco escolas, bem como analisar o impacto no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e a forma como os alunos e professores se relacionam com esta tecnologia. As escolas envolvidas foram divididas em dois grupos: o primeiro grupo, constituído por três escolas onde o acompanhamento teve uma natureza mais interventiva e presente, enquanto que no segundo grupo, composto por duas escolas, foram apenas observadas as dinâmicas que se desenvolveram no processo de adoção e utilização do SC. No presente estudo, que se assume como um estudo longitudinal de multicasos, foram aplicadas técnicas de tratamento de dados como a estatística descritiva, a análise de conteúdo e a Social Network Analysis (SNA), com o objetivo de, através de uma triangulação permanente, proceder a uma análise dos impactos observados pela utilização do SC. Estes impactos podem ser situados em três níveis diferentes: relativos à instituição, aos professores e aos alunos. Ao nível da adoção institucional de uma tecnologia, verificou-se que essa adoção passa uma mensagem a toda a organização e que, no caso do SC, apela à participação coletiva num ambiente aberto onde as hierarquias se dissipam. Verificou-se ainda que deve implicar o envolvimento dos alunos em atividades significativas e a adoção de estratégias dinâmicas, preferencialmente integradas num projeto mobilizador. A adoção do SC foi ainda catalisadora de dinâmicas que provocaram mudanças nos padrões de consumo e de produção de conteúdos bem como de uma atitude diferente perante o papel da web social no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. As conclusões apontam ainda no sentido da identificação de um conjunto de fatores, observados no estudo, que tiveram impacto no processo de adoção como o papel das lideranças, a importância da formação de professores, a cultura das escolas, a integração num projeto pedagógico e, a um nível mais primário, as questões do acesso à tecnologia. Algumas comunidades construídas à volta do SAPO Campus, envolvendo professores, alunos e a comunidade, evoluíram no sentido da autossustentação, num percurso de reflexão sobre as práticas pedagógicas e partilha de experiências.
The main thesis of this article is that the increasing recourse to the use of unmanned aerial systems in asymmetric warfare and the beginning routinization of U.S. drone operations represent part of an evolutionary change in the spatial ordering of global politics -- Using a heuristic framework based on actor-network theory, it is argued that practices of panoptic observation and selective airstrikes, being in need of legal justification, contribute to a reterritorialization of asymmetric conflicts -- Under a new normative spatial regime, a legal condition of state immaturity is constructed, which establishes a zone of conditional sovereignty subject to transnational aerial policing -- At the same time, this process is neither a deterministic result of the new technology nor a deliberate effect of policies to which drones are merely neutral instruments -- Rather, military technology and political decisions both form part of a long chain of action which has evolved under the specific circumstances of recent military interventions
In recent years, the EU and its member states have experienced a number of changes, as well as challenges, in the areas of politics, economics, security and law. As these areas are interconnected, changes and challenges to any of them have implications for the others, as well as implications for the populations and institutions of the EU or those coming into contact with its international power and influence. This edited collection focuses primarily on security and law, particularly the EU’s internal security strategy. The EU’s Internal Security Strategy, adopted by the Spanish presidency early in 2010, followed the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, building on previous developments within the EU in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice (AFSJ) policy. The focus of the EU Internal Security Strategy is to prevent and combat “serious and organised crime, terrorism and cybercrime, in strengthening the management of our external borders and in building resilience to natural and man-made disasters”. The Internal Security strategy intersects and overlaps with the European Union’s Counter-terrorism strategy, the Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA, and the EU’s Security Strategy. The role of and interaction between these strategies, their supplementing documents, and their implications for crime, victims, the law, political relations, democracy and human rights, form the backdrop against which the chapters in this collection are written. Building on original research by its contributors, this collection comprises work by authors from a wide variety of academic and professional areas and perspectives, as well as different countries, on a variety of areas and issues related to or raised by the EU’s Internal Security Strategy, from intelligence-led policing to human trafficking and port security. This book examines, from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including law, geography, politics and practice, both this further refinement of existing internal provisions on cross-border crime, and the increasing external relations of the EU in the AFSJ.
Introdução: A notificação de eventos tornou-se um importante instrumento para a melhoria da qualidade no sistema de saúde. Partilhar a ocorrência de eventos na área dos cuidados de saúde é fundamental para a implementação de mecanismos de prevenção que aumentem a segurança do doente. Objetivo: Conhecer a adesão dos enfermeiros à notificação de eventos nos serviços de internamento e unidades de cuidados intensivos de um hospital central. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Resultados: Relativamente aos eventos em que o dano é trágico, a grande maioria das vezes são notificados. Em relação à queda, todos os profissionais com quem ocorreu este evento, notificaram. Os enfermeiros apontam como principais barreiras à notificação de eventos: o esquecimento decorrente do excesso de trabalho; a evolução do evento tornar desnecessária a notificação e a aplicação informática para notificação ser complicada, não ser intuitiva. Conclusões: Após a recolha de dados verificamos, que quando ocorrem eventos, os enfermeiros notificam-nos poucas vezes. Os resultados obtidos apontam algumas orientações para a melhoria da cultura de segurança na instituição, ressalvando-se a necessidade de formação na área da segurança e da notificação antes de o evento acontecer.
The resource-based view identifies a number of factors that may influence employees’ informal learning. In a cross-sectional survey of 113 German employees in the energy sector, we examined a number of potential predictors of informal learning and a more positive informal learning attitude. The results showed that proactive help-seeking and professional self-efficacy were positive predictors of informal learning. Employees who were older, who enjoyed learning, sought help and were self-efficacious learners had a more positive attitude towards formal learning. Employees who had a more positive attitude about informal learning rated organisational learning provisions as less important, potentially due to being proactive help-seekers. Managers rated organisational learning resources as less important than non-managerial employees. However, managers also reported higher professional self-efficacy. These circumstances may also influence their decision-making regarding the need to provide learning resources to others in the workplace.