974 resultados para pressure sensor


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The variation of resistivity of the lithium fast-ion conductor Li3+y Ge1−yO4 (y = 0.25, 0.6, 0.72) has been studied with hydrostatic pressure up to 70 kbar and compared with that of Li16−2x Znx (GeO4)4(x = 1, 2). Both types showed pronounced resistivity maxima between 20–30 kbar and marked decrease thereafter. Measurements as a function of temperature between 120–300 K permitted the determination of activation energies and prefactors that also showed corresponding maxima. The activation volumes (ΔV) of the first type of compound varied between 4.34 to −4.90 cm3/mol at 300 K and decreased monotonically with increasing temperature. For the second type ΔV was much smaller, varied with pressure between 0.58 and −0.24 cm3/mol, and went through a maximum with increasing temperature. High-pressure studies were also conducted on aged samples, and the results are discussed in conjunction with results of impedance measurements and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. The principal effect of pressure appears to be variations of the sum of interatomic potentials and hence barrier height, which also causes significant changes in entropy.


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We report the characterization of carbonaceous aluminium oxide, Al2O3:C, films grown on Si(100) by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The focus is on the study of the effects of carbon on the dielectric properties of aluminium oxide in a qualitative manner. The carbon present in the aluminium oxide film derives from aluminium acetylacetonate used as the source of aluminium. As-grown films comprise nanometer-sized grains of alumina (∼ 20–50 nm) in an amorphous carbonaceous matrix, as examined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The films are shiny; they are smooth as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An attempt has been made to explore the defects (viz., oxide charge density) in the aluminium oxide films using room temperature high frequency capacitance – voltage (C-V) and current–voltage (I-V) measurements. The hysteresis and stretch-out in the high frequency C-V plots is indicative of charge trapping. The role of heteroatoms, as characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in the transport of charge in Al2O3:C films is discussed.


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A constant-pressure axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer along a circular cylinder of radius a is studied at large values of the frictional Reynolds number a+ (based upon a) with the boundary-layer thickness δ of order a. Using the equations of mean motion and the method of matched asymptotic expansions, it is shown that the flow can be described by the same two limit processes (inner and outer) as are used in two-dimensional flow. The condition that the two expansions match requires the existence, at the lowest order, of a log region in the usual two-dimensional co-ordinates (u+, y+). Examination of available experimental data shows that substantial log regions do in fact exist but that the intercept is possibly not a universal constant. Similarly, the solution in the outer layer leads to a defect law of the same form as in two-dimensional flow; experiment shows that the intercept in the defect law depends on δ/a. It is concluded that, except in those extreme situations where a+ is small (in which case the boundary layer may not anyway be in a fully developed turbulent state), the simplest analysis of axisymmetric flow will be to use the two-dimensional laws with parameters that now depend on a+ or δ/a as appropriate.


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The growth of strongly oriented or epitaxial thin films of metal oxides generally requires relatively high growth temperatures or infusion of energy to the growth surface through means such as ion bombardment. We have grown high quality epitaxial thin films of Co3O4 on different substrates at a temperature as low as 450°C by low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using cobalt(II) acetylacetonate as the precursor. With oxygen as the reactant gas, polycrystalline Co3O4 films are formed on glass and Si(100) in the temperature range 350-550°C. Under similar conditions of growth, highly oriented films of Co3O4 are formed on SrTiO3(100) and LaAlO3(100). The film on LaAlO3(100) grown at 450°C show a rocking curve FWHM of 1.61°, which reduces to 1.32° when it is annealed in oxygen at 725°C. The film on SrTiO3(100) has a FWHM of 0.330 (as deposited) and 0.29° (after annealing at 725°C). The ø-scan analysis shows cube-on-cube epitaxy on both these substrates. The quality of epitaxy on SrTiO3(100) is comparable to the best of the pervoskite-based oxide thin films grown at significantly higher temperatures.


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Homogeneous composite thin films of Fe2O3-carbon nanotube were synthesized in a novel, single-step process by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using ferric acetyl acetonate as precursor. The deposition of composite takes place in a narrow range of CVD conditions, beyond which the deposition either multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) only or hematite (α-Fe2O3) only takes place. The composite film formed on stainless steel substrates were tested for their supercapacitive properties in various aqueous electrolytes.


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ZrO2–Al2O3 powders were synthesized by spray pyrolysis. These powders were sintered at 1 GPa in the temperature range of 700–1100 °C. The microstructural evolution and densification are reported in this paper. The application of 1 Gpa pressure lowers the crystallization temperature from ∼850 to <700 °C. Similarly, the transformation temperature under 1 GPa pressure for γ → α–Al2O3 reduces from ∼1100 to 700–800 °C range, and that for t → m ZrO2 reduces from ∼1050 to 700–800 °C range. It was possible to obtain highly dense nanocrystalline ZrO2–Al2O3 composite at temperatures as low as 700 °C. The effect of high pressure on nucleation and transformation of phases is discussed.


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This paper compares and analyzes the performance of distributed cophasing techniques for uplink transmission over wireless sensor networks. We focus on a time-division duplexing approach, and exploit the channel reciprocity to reduce the channel feedback requirement. We consider periodic broadcast of known pilot symbols by the fusion center (FC), and maximum likelihood estimation of the channel by the sensor nodes for the subsequent uplink cophasing transmission. We assume carrier and phase synchronization across the participating nodes for analytical tractability. We study binary signaling over frequency-flat fading channels, and quantify the system performance such as the expected gains in the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the average probability of error at the FC, as a function of the number of sensor nodes and the pilot overhead. Our results show that a modest amount of accumulated pilot SNR is sufficient to realize a large fraction of the maximum possible beamforming gain. We also investigate the performance gains obtained by censoring transmission at the sensors based on the estimated channel state, and the benefits obtained by using maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and truncated channel inversion (TCI) at the sensors in addition to cophasing transmission. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical expressions and show the relative performance benefits offered by the various schemes.


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Sensor network nodes exhibit characteristics of both embedded systems and general-purpose systems.A sensor network operating system is a kind of embedded operating system, but unlike a typical embedded operating system, sensor network operatin g system may not be real time, and is constrained by memory and energy constraints. Most sensor network operating systems are based on event-driven approach. Event-driven approach is efficient in terms of time and space.Also this approach does not require a separate stack for each execution context. But using this model, it is difficult to implement long running tasks, like cryptographic operations. A thread based computation requires a separate stack for each execution context, and is less efficient in terms of time and space. In this paper, we propose a thread based execution model that uses only a fixed number of stacks. In this execution model, the number of stacks at each priority level are fixed. It minimizes the stack requirement for multi-threading environment and at the same time provides ease of programming. We give an implementation of this model in Contiki OS by separating thread implementation from protothread implementation completely. We have tested our OS by implementing a clock synchronization protocol using it.


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We study the coverage in sensor networks having two types of nodes, sensor and backbone nodes. Each sensor is capable of transmitting information over relatively small distances. The backbone nodes collect information from the sensors. This information is processed and communicated over an ad-hoc network formed by the backbone nodes,which are capable of transmitting over much larger distances. We consider two modes of deployment of sensors, one a Poisson-Poisson cluster model and the other a dependently-thinned Poisson point process. We deduce limit laws for functionals of vacancy in both models using properties of association for random measures.


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Wireless sensor networks can often be viewed in terms of a uniform deployment of a large number of nodes on a region in Euclidean space, e.g., the unit square. After deployment, the nodes self-organise into a mesh topology. In a dense, homogeneous deployment, a frequently used approximation is to take the hop distance between nodes to be proportional to the Euclidean distance between them. In this paper, we analyse the performance of this approximation. We show that nodes with a certain hop distance from a fixed anchor node lie within a certain annulus with probability approach- ing unity as the number of nodes n → ∞. We take a uniform, i.i.d. deployment of n nodes on a unit square, and consider the geometric graph on these nodes with radius r(n) = c q ln n n . We show that, for a given hop distance h of a node from a fixed anchor on the unit square,the Euclidean distance lies within [(1−ǫ)(h−1)r(n), hr(n)],for ǫ > 0, with probability approaching unity as n → ∞.This result shows that it is more likely to expect a node, with hop distance h from the anchor, to lie within this an- nulus centred at the anchor location, and of width roughly r(n), rather than close to a circle whose radius is exactly proportional to h. We show that if the radius r of the ge- ometric graph is fixed, the convergence of the probability is exponentially fast. Similar results hold for a randomised lattice deployment. We provide simulation results that il- lustrate the theory, and serve to show how large n needs to be for the asymptotics to be useful.


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We consider the problem of quickest detection of an intrusion using a sensor network, keeping only a minimal number of sensors active. By using a minimal number of sensor devices,we ensure that the energy expenditure for sensing, computation and communication is minimized (and the lifetime of the network is maximized). We model the intrusion detection (or change detection) problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). Based on the theory of MDP, we develop the following closed loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithms: 1) optimal control of Mk+1, the number of sensors in the wake state in time slot k + 1, 2) optimal control of qk+1, the probability of a sensor in the wake state in time slot k + 1, and an open loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithm which 3) computes q, the optimal probability of a sensor in the wake state (which does not vary with time),based on the sensor observations obtained until time slot k.Our results show that an optimum closed loop control onMk+1 significantly decreases the cost compared to keeping any number of sensors active all the time. Also, among the three algorithms described, we observe that the total cost is minimum for the optimum control on Mk+1 and is maximum for the optimum open loop control on q.


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An analog minimum-variance unbiased estimator(MVUE) over an asymmetric wireless sensor network is studied.Minimisation of variance is cast into a constrained non-convex optimisation problem. An explicit algorithm that solves the problem is provided. The solution is obtained by decomposing the original problem into a finite number of convex optimisation problems with explicit solutions. These solutions are then juxtaposed together by exploiting further structure in the objective function.


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In sensor networks, routing algorithms should be designed such that packet losses due to wireless links are reduced.In this paper, we present a ”potential”-based routing scheme to find routes with high packet delivery ratios. The basic idea is to define a scalar potential value at each node in the network and forward data to the neighbour with the highest potential.For a simple 2-relay network, we propose a potential function that takes into account wireless channel state. Markov-chain based analysis provides analytical expressions for packet delivery ratio. Considerable improvement can be observed compared to a channel-state-oblivious policy. This motivates us to define a channel-state-dependent potential function in a general network context. Simulations show that for a relatively slowly changing wireless network, our approach can provide up to 20% better performance than the commonly- used shortest-hop-count-based routing.