991 resultados para post-incisional pain


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The occasion of this report on Teacher Education is timely. The teaching profession is now confronted with major challenges. Schooling has changed very radically in the recent past. Other review exercises of the education system have taken place and it is a time when a new legislative framework, better accommodated to the diversity of the range of duties and responsibilities of the teacher and school, is emerging. It is anticipated that the Report will stimulate debate, secure a new platform for development and provide for a framework for teacher education models which is better disposed towards the well being of the profession and the service to society it wishes to provide.


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BACKGROUND: Mutations in the SCN9A gene cause chronic pain and pain insensitivity syndromes. We aimed to study clinical, genetic, and electrophysiological features of paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD) caused by a novel SCN9A mutation. METHODS: Description of a 4-generation family suffering from PEPD with clinical, genetic and electrophysiological studies including patch clamp experiments assessing response to drug and temperature. RESULTS: The family was clinically comparable to those reported previously with the exception of a favorable effect of cold exposure and a lack of drug efficacy including with carbamazepine, a proposed treatment for PEPD. A novel p.L1612P mutation in the Nav1.7 voltage-gated sodium channel was found in the four affected family members tested. Electrophysiologically the mutation substantially depolarized the steady-state inactivation curve (V1/2 from -61.8 ± 4.5 mV to -30.9 ± 2.2 mV, n = 4 and 7, P < 0.001), significantly increased ramp current (from 1.8% to 3.4%, n = 10 and 12) and shortened recovery from inactivation (from 7.2 ± 5.6 ms to 2.2 ± 1.5 ms, n = 11 and 10). However, there was no persistent current. Cold exposure reduced peak current and prolonged recovery from inactivation in wild-type and mutated channels. Amitriptyline only slightly corrected the steady-state inactivation shift of the mutated channel, which is consistent with the lack of clinical benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The novel p.L1612P Nav1.7 mutation expands the PEPD spectrum with a unique combination of clinical symptoms and electrophysiological properties. Symptoms are partially responsive to temperature but not to drug therapy. In vitro trials of sodium channel blockers or temperature dependence might help predict treatment efficacy in PEPD.


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Brain perfusion can be assessed by CT and MR. For CT, two major techniques are used. First, Xenon CT is an equilibrium technique based on a freely diffusible tracer. First pass of iodinated contrast injected intravenously is a second method, more widely available. Both methods are proven to be robust and quantitative, thanks to the linear relationship between contrast concentration and x-ray attenuation. For the CT methods, concern regarding x-ray doses delivered to the patients need to be addressed. MR is also able to assess brain perfusion using the first pass of gadolinium based contrast agent injected intravenously. This method has to be considered as a semi-quantitative because of the non linear relationship between contrast concentration and MR signal changes. Arterial spin labeling is another MR method assessing brain perfusion without injection of contrast. In such case, the blood flow in the carotids is magnetically labelled by an external radiofrequency pulse and observed during its first pass through the brain. Each of this various CT and MR techniques have advantages and limits that will be illustrated and summarized.Learning Objectives:1. To understand and compare the different techniques for brain perfusion imaging.2. To learn about the methods of acquisition and post-processing of brain perfusion by first pass of contrast agent for CT and MR.3. To learn about non contrast MR methods (arterial spin labelling).


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Objectives: Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) patients experience pain, functional disability, and reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL) despite anatomically successful surgery. Examining sub-dimensions of health outcomes measures provides insight into patient well-being. Materials and Methods: The international multicenter PROCESS trial collected detailed HRQoL (EuroQol-5D; Short-Form 36) and function (Oswestry Disability Index) information on 100 FBSS patients. Results: At baseline, patients reported moderate-to-severe leg and back pain adversely affecting all dimensions of function and HRQoL. Compared with conventional medical management alone, patients also receiving spinal cord stimulation (SCS) reported superior pain relief, function, and HRQoL at six months on overall and most sub-component scores. The majority of these improvements with SCS were sustained at 24 months. Nonetheless, 36-40% of patients experienced ongoing marked disability (standing, lifting) and HRQoL problems (pain/discomfort). Conclusions: Longer-term patient management and research must focus on these refractory FBSS patients with persisting poor function and HRQoL outcomes.


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Dans la thérapie de l'état de stress post-traumatique chronique (PTSD), l'Exposition Prolongée (PE) à des stimuli associes à une expérience d'origine traumatique est considérée comme une méthode de traitement de pointe. Notre étude de cas, basée sur l'utilisation du manuel de Foa et Rothbaum (1998), concerne Caroline, une patiente adulte victime d'abus sexuels dans l'enfance, traitée en 40 séances, sur une durée d'une année. En complément, nous avons la technique de l'«Analyse des Plans» de Caspar (1995, 2007) pour la formulation de cas individualisée et la planification du traitement, selon le concept de Caspar de la Relation Thérapeutique Orientée sur les Motifs (MOTR). Le traitement a été très efficace, comme l'attestent les mesures quantitatives standardisées, les changements dans les schémas de comportements, ainsi que son compte rendu subjectif. Une analyse du processus thérapeutique illustre l'importance d'une combinaison de procédures basées sur un manuel avec des formulations et interventions de cas individuels. Le cas est discute dans le contexte de l'amélioration du traitement cognitivo-comportemental du PTSD.


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Anterior spinal infection (prevertebral abscess and/or discitis) after posterior instrumentation for vertebral fractures is a challenging complication, since a new implant may become necessary anteriorly, in a septic environment. Generally accepted management guidelines are yet to be established. The authors present a case of posterior instrumentation for fractures of T12 and L1, complicated after 9 months with an anterior infection (prevertebral abscess and discitis) with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli (E. coli). This case is unique in that the multi-resistant organism was isolated only after the second stage of infection treatment, which consisted of anterior débridement and anterior implantation of titanium cages and rods. In this particular case, infection was controlled despite implantation of multiple cages, screws and rods, and fusion was achieved, by means of intravenous antibiotic treatment for 12 months. At the latest follow-up, 24 months post surgery, there was no evidence of infection. This problem case may be helpful for surgeons confronted with spinal deformities secondary to infections with multi-resistant organisms.


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Les syndromes neuropathiques sont caractérisés par une douleur d'intensité élevée, de longue durée et résistante aux analgésiques classiques. De fait, il existe un risque important de répercussions sur la vie et le bien-être des patients. A travers une vignette clinique, cet article abordera le diagnostic, le traitement spécifique et l'impact de la douleur neuropathique sur la qualité de vie et les conséquences psychologiques associées, comme la dépression et l'anxiété. Nous présenterons des outils validés qui permettent d'objectiver la composante neuropathique aux douleurs et les comorbidités psychiatriques associées. Cette évaluation globale favorise un meilleur dialogue avec les patients ainsi que l'élaboration de stratégies thérapeutiques, notamment par le biais d'antidépresseurs, dont l'efficacité sera discutée en fin d'article. Neuropathic pain syndromes are characterized by intense and long lasting pain that is resistant to usual analgesics. Patients are therefore at high risk of decreased quality of life and impaired well-being. Using a case report, we will consider in this article the diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain as well as its impact on the quality of life including psychological consequences such as depression and anxiety. We will present simple and reliable scales that can help the general practitioner evaluate the neuropathic component of the pain syndrome and its related psychiatric co-morbidities. This comprehensive approach to pain management should facilitate communication with the patient and help the practitioner select the most appropriate therapeutic strategy, notably the prescription of antidepressants, the efficacy of which we will discuss at the end of the article.


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Base de dades per gestionar incidències post venda de productes electrodomèstics. Inclou anàlisi, disseny i creació de la base de dades i del magatzem de Dades.


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Purpose: To identify patterns of initially pain freedom response in patients with classical trigeminal neuralgia (CTN) with Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) and to compare their associated hypoesthesia and recurrence rates. Methods: In this study we analysed only 497 patients treated between July 1992 and November 2010, with a follow-up longer than 1 year, after excluding megadolichobasilar artery and multiple sclerosis related trigeminal neuralgia, as well as the second GKS treatments so as to have only cases with CTN and single radiosurgical treatment. GKS using a Gamma Knife (model B or C or Perfexion) was performed, based on both MRI and computer tomography (CT) targeting. A single 4-mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.8 mm (range 4.5-14) anteriorly to the emergence of the nerve. A median maximum dose of 85 Gy (range 70-90) was delivered. After empiric methods but also by using a chart with clear cut-off periods of pain free distribution, we were able to divide the initially pain free patients into 3 separate groups: within the first 48 hours, after 48 hours till 30 days and after 30 days, respectively. Results: The median follow- up period was 43.75 months (range 12-174.41). Four hundred and fifty-four patients (91.75%) were initially pain free in a median time of 10 days (range 1-459): 169 (37.2%) became pain free within the first 48 hours (pf<=48 h), compared to 194 (42.8%) between the 3-rd day and the day 30 (pf (>48 h, <=30 d)), inclusively and 91 (20%) patients after 30 days (pf>30d). Differences in terms of postoperative hypoesthesia were found with a p value of 0.014 as follows: the group pf<=48 h had 18 (13.7%) compared to pf (>48 h, <=30 d) with 30 (19%) and pf>30d with 22 (30.5%) patients developing a postoperative GKS hypoesthesia. One hundred and fifty seven (34.4%) patients initially pain free experienced a recurrence with a median delay of 24 months (range 0.62-150.06). There were no statistically significant differences between the three groups concerning recurrence (p value of 0.515). Conclusions: An important number of patients (169 cases, 37.2%) became pain free in the first 48 hours. Hypoesthesia rate was higher within the group becoming pain free after 30 days with a statistically significant difference between the three populations (p= 0.014). Further analysis will eventually help to elucidate the differences observed among groups.


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Cellular metabolism is emerging as a potential fate determinant in cancer and stem cell biology, constituting a crucial regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool [1-4]. The extremely low oxygen tension in the HSC microenvironment of the adult bone marrow forces HSCs into a low metabolic profile that is thought to enable their maintenance by protecting them from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although HSC quiescence has for long been associated with low mitochondrial activity, as testified by the low rhodamine stain that marks primitive HSCs, we hypothesized that mitochondrial activation could be an HSC fate determinant in its own right. We thus set to investigate the implications of pharmacologically modulating mitochondrial activity during bone marrow transplantation, and have found that forcing mitochondrial activation in the post-transplant period dramatically increases survival. Specifically, we examined the mitochondrial content and activation profile of each murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor compartment. Long-term-HSCs (LT-HSC, Lin-cKit+Sca1+ (LKS) CD150+CD34-), short-term-HSCs (ST-HSC, LKS+150+34+), multipotent progenitors (MPPs, LKS+150-) and committed progenitors (PROG, Lin-cKit+Sca1-) display distinct mitochondrial profiles, with both mitochondrial content and activity increasing with differentiation. Indeed, we found that overall function of the hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell compartment can be resolved by mitochondrial activity alone, as illustrated by the fact that low mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM low) can provide efficient long-term engraftment, while high mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM high) cannot engraft in lethally irradiated mice. Moreover, low mitochondrial activity can equally predict efficiency of engraftment within the LT-HSC and ST-HSC compartments, opening the field to a novel method of discriminating a population of transitioning ST-HSCs that retain long-term engraftment capacity. Based on previous experience that a high-fat bone marrow microenvironment depletes short-term hematopoietic progenitors while conserving their long-term counterparts [5], we set to measure HSC mitochondrial activation in high-fat diet fed mice, known to decrease metabolic rate on a per cell basis through excess insulin/IGF-1 production. Congruently, we found lower mitochondrial activation as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR analysis as well as a depletion of the short-term progenitor compartment in high fat versus control chow diet fed mice. We then tested the effects of a mitochondrial activator known to counteract the negative effects of high fat diet. We first analyzed the in vitro effect on HSC cell cycle kinetics, where no significant change in proliferation or division time was found. However, HSCs responded to the mitochondrial activator by increasing asynchrony, a behavior that is thought to directly correlate with asymmetric division [6]. As opposed to high-fat diet fed mice, mice fed with the mitochondrial activator showed an increase in ST-HSCs, while all the other hematopoietic compartments were comparable to mice fed on control diet. Given the dependency on short-term progenitors to rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis following bone marrow transplantation, we tested the effect of pharmacological mitochondrial activation on the recovery of mice transplanted with a limiting HSC dose. Survival 3 weeks post-transplant was 80% in the treated group compared to 0% in the control group, as predicted by faster recovery of platelet and neutrophil counts. In conclusion, we have found that mitochondrial activation regulates the long-term to short-term HSC transition, unraveling mitochondrial modulation as a valuable drug target for post-transplant therapy. Identification of molecular pathways accountable for the metabolically mediated fate switch is currently ongoing.


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Arthropod-borne diseases caused by a variety of microorganisms such as dengue virus and malaria parasites afflict billions of people worldwide imposing major economic and social burdens. Despite many efforts, vaccines against diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, with the exception of yellow fever, are not available. Control of such infectious pathogens is mainly performed by vector management and treatment of affected individuals with drugs. However, the numbers of insecticide-resistant insects and drug-resistant parasites are increasing. Therefore, inspired in recent years by a lot of new data produced by genomics and post-genomics research, several scientific groups have been working on different strategies to control infectious arthropod-borne diseases. This review focuses on recent advances and perspectives towards construction of transgenic mosquitoes refractory to malaria parasites and dengue virus transmission.