919 resultados para post graduate studies


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A hiperglicemia é a principal característica da diabetes mellitus (DM), uma das causas de morte que mais cresce em Portugal, e cujas complicações a longo prazo são mais debilitantes e mais sobrecarregam os sistemas de saúde. No entanto, os mecanismos subjacentes à resposta fisiológica de alguns tecidos à hiperglicemia não estão completamente esclarecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar de que forma o tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia afeta dois tecidos epiteliais, o endotélio e as glândulas salivares, que são frequentemente associados a complicações da DM, utilizando um modelo animal. Adicionalmente, procurou-se encontrar novos biomarcadores para avaliar a suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos, analisando as modificações pós-traducionais (PTMs) da família de proteínas mais representativa na saliva humana: proteínas ricas em prolina (PRPs). A disfunção vascular está na origem de várias complicações da diabetes. Neste sentido, observou-se uma progressiva disfunção endotelial com o aumento do tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia, que resulta do aumento de danos no endotélio e da diminuição da capacidade de mobilização de células progenitoras. Simultaneamente, o aumento observado na atividade da via de ativação do sistema de complemento mediada por lectinas (MBL), sugere um envolvimento do sistema de imunidade inata na patogénese da disfunção vascular. Outra complicação comum da DM é o desenvolvimento de doenças orais, nomeadamente as relacionadas com a redução da secreção salivar. Na análise às glândulas submandibulares, observou-se uma resposta inicial à hiperglicemia com fortes variações na expressão de proteínas, mas a longo prazo, estas variações foram atenuadas, sugerindo um mecanismo de adaptação à hiperglicemia crónica. Adicionalmente, as proteínas relacionadas com a secreção, como as anexinas, apresentaram-se sobre-expressas, enquanto as calicreinas e proteínas metabólicas estavam sub-expressas. Estas variações sugerem que, apesar de uma diminuição da capacidade de regeneração, as células tentam superar a perda de tecido por meio do aumento da secreção, embora sem êxito. O comprometimento funcional das glândulas salivares tem consequências na composição e funções da saliva. Analisando as PTMs das PRPs salivares humanas, observou-se um aumento da frequência de péptidos com ciclização de resíduos N-terminais de glutamina a piroglutamato, o que confere uma resistência à atividade proteolítica que, por sua vez, se encontra aumentada em diabéticos. Assim, a presença de péptidos com N-piroglutamato poderá ser um potencial biomarcador da suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos.


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Cell cycle and differentiation are two highly coordinated processes during organ development. Recent studies have demonstrated that core cell cycle regulators also play cell cycle-independent functions in post-mitotic neurons, and are essential for the maintenance of neuronal homeostasis. CDC25 phosphatases are well-established CDK activators and their activity is mainly associated to proliferating tissues. The expression and activity of mammalian CDC25s has been reported in adult brains. However, their physiological relevance and the potential substrates in a non-proliferative context have never been addressed. string (stg) encodes the Drosophila CDC25 homolog. Previous studies from our group showed that stg is expressed in photoreceptors (PRs) and in lamina neurons, which are two differentiated cell types that compose the fly visual system. The aims of this work are to uncover the function of stg and to identify its potential neuronal substrates, using the Drosophila visual system as a model. To gain insight into the function of stg in a non-dividing context we used the GAL4/UAS system to promote downregulation of stg in PR-neurons, through the use of an RNAi transgene. The defects caused by stg loss-of-function were evaluated in the developing eye imaginal disc by immunofluorescence, and during adult stages by scanning electron microscopy. This genetic approach was combined with a specific proteomic method, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), to identify the potential substrates in PR-cells. Our results showed that stg downregulation in PRs affects the well-patterned retina organization, inducing the loss of apical maintenance of PR-nuclei on the eye disc, and ommatidia disorganization. We also detected an abnormal accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins and a disruption of the axon structure. As a consequence, the projection of PR-axons into the lamina and medulla neuropils of the optic lobe was impaired. Upon stg downregulation, we also detected that PR-cells accumulate Cyclin B. Although the rough eye phenotype observed upon stg downregulation suggests neurodegeneration, we did not detect neuronal death during larval stages, suggesting that it likely occurs during pupal stages or during adulthood. By 2D-DIGE, we identified seven proteins which were differentially expressed upon stg downregulation, and are potential neuronal substrates of Stg. Altogether, our observations suggest that Stg phosphatase plays an essential role in the Drosophila visual system neurons, regulating several cell components and processes in order to ensure their homeostasis.


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Drawing on post-marxist discourse theory inspired by the writings of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, this article puts the case for a literature on communism situated at the crossroads of critical theory, cultural studies and historiography. Specific illustration is provided by the author's own research on British communism and the Spanish Civil War. However, the scope of the article is much broader and it is intended as a contribution to the theoretical discussion of future possibilities for communist history-writing. The article concludes that discourse should be regarded neither as a flat surface of tightly knit signifiers nor as an impenetrable monolith of meaning systems. Rather, it should be seen as an inherently dynamic phenomenon, with its own condensations and dispersions along the historical continuum. In this lies its significance for historians of communism.


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Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofísica), Université de Toulouse, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2013


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014


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There is a growing literature on the symbolic and cultural meanings of tourism and the ways in which cities are increasingly competing for tourists through the promotion of cultural assets and different forms of spectacle in the `tourist bubble'. To date, research on the role and impact of tourism in cities has largely been confined to those in Western, post-industrial economies. This paper examines the growth of cultural tourism in the central area of Havana, Cuba, and explores the range of unique, devolved, state-owned enterprises that are attempting to use tourism as a funding mechanism to achieve improvements in the social and cultural fabric of the city for the benefit of residents. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of this example for our understanding of how the pressures for restructuring and commodification can be moderated at the city level. Copyright 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.


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The aim of this paper is to reflect on how conceptions of networked learning have changed, particularly in relation to educational practices and uses of technology, that can nurture new ideas of networked learning to sustain multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. Our work is framed using two theoretical frameworks: Giddens's (1984) structuration theory and Callon & Latour's (1981) Actor Network Theory as critiqued by Fox (2005) in relation to networked learning. We use these frameworks to analyse and critique ideas of networked learning embodied in both cases. We investigate three questions: (a) the role of individual agency in the development of networked learning; (b) the impact of technological developments on approaches to supporting students within institutional infrastructures; and (c) designing networked learning to incorporate Web 2.0 practices that sustain multiple communities and foster engagement with knowledge in new ways. We use an interpretivist approach by drawing on experiential knowledge of the Masters programme in Networked Collaborative Learning and the decision making process of designing the virtual graduate schools. At this early stage, we have limited empirical data related to the student experience of networked learning in current and earlier projects. Our findings indicate that the use of two different theoretical frameworks provided an essential tool in illuminating, situating and informing the process of designing networked learning that involves supporting multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. These theoretical frameworks have also helped us to analyze our existing projects as case studies and to problematize and begin to understand the challenges we face in facilitating the participation of research students in networked learning communities of practice and the barriers to that participation. We have also found that this process of theorizing has given us a way of reconceptualizing communities of practice within research settings that have the potential to lead to new ideas of networked learning.


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The renewed interest in analytical psychology by academics working in the humanities has led to the emergence of a post-Jungian field of cultural criticism, at the theoretical core of which stands Jung's theory of symbolism. This article examines the centrality of symbolism to both Freud and Jung's psychology and explains how the differing concepts of the symbol lead to their divergent theories of interpretation in psychology and art criticism. Acknowledging the advantages of Jung's more expansive account of the symbol, it argues that Walter Benjamin's critical engagement with Jung nonetheless provides a useful correction to the problematic conservatism inherent to his concept of the symbol and its contemporary application.


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The construction industry wants graduate employees skilled in relationship building and information technology and communications (ITC). Much of the relationship building at universities has evolved through technology. Government and the ITC industry fund lobby groups to influence both educational establishments and Government to incorporate more ITC in education _ and ultimately into the construction industry. This influencing ignores the technoskeptics’ concerns about student disengagement through excessive online distractions. Construction studies students (n=64) and lecturers (n=16) at a construction university were surveyed to discover the impact of the use and applications of ITC. Contrary to Government and industry technopositivism, construction students and lecturers preferred hard copy documents to online feedback for assignments and marking, more human interface and less technological substitution and to be on campus for lectures and face-to-face meetings rather than viewing on-screen. ITC also distracted users from tasks which, in the case of students, prevented the development of the concentration and deep thinking which a university education should deliver. The research findings are contrary to the promotions of Government, ITC industry and ITC departments and have implications for construction employers where a renewed focus on human communication should mean less stress, fewer delays and cost overruns.


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INTRODUCTION The popular Hong Kong comedy, The Greatest Lover, re-incarnates one of the most popular western musicals, My Fair Lady. OBJECTIVES 1. To find out in what major ways My Fair Lady was rewritten as the Hong Kong Cantonese movie, Gungzi Docing (The Greatest Lover). 2. To find out the socio-political, socio-linguistic, and gender ideology behind the rewriting. METHODOLOGY 1. To note the similarity of the themes for both works – a creator falling in love with his/her creation, and class prejudice and cross-class romance. 2. To note how the times of The Greatest Lover differ from that of My Fair Lady. 3. To note how the main characters in The Greatest Lover differ from My Fair Lady in terms of profession, gender, etc. 4. To note how the plot of The Greatest Lover differs from that of My Fair Lady. 5. To note how focus on language in The Greatest Lover compares with that in My Fair Lady. 6. To discuss the ideological implications of the differences noted above, e.g. women in Hong Kong today have much higher status than women in Victorian England; the conflict between local Hong Kong people and both legal and illegal immigrants from Mainland China is even more serious than that between the British upper middle class and the lower class during the Victorian period. 7. Andre Lefevere (1992) argues that translation and adaptation are rewriting informed and influenced by the rewriter’s ideology, among other things. 8. Both Aline Remael (1995) and Patrick Cattrysse (1992) think that film adaptation is a kind of translation. 9. Sirkkus Aaltonen (2000) argues that drama translation mirrors the ideologies of the target society. CONCLUSION 1. The Greatest Lover projects local cultural significance onto My Fair Lady by helping us to appreciate an important Western work of art through the Hong Kong Cantonese perspective. 2. Broader issues in translation and intercultural studies are also considered.


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Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognised anxiety may lead to exam repetition, image artifacts and hinder the scan performance. Reducing patient anxiety at the onset is probably the most useful means of minimizing artifactual FDG uptake, both fat brown and skeletal muscle uptake, as well patient movement and claustrophobia. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of information giving on the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo a PET/CT and whether the patient experience is enhanced with the creation of a guideline. Methodology: Two hundred and thirty two patients were given two questionnaires before and after the procedure to determine their prior knowledge, concerns, expectations and experiences about the study. Verbal information was given by one of the technologists after the completion of the first questionnaire. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself, and fear of the results. The patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of a disease. No significant differences were found between the anxiety levels pre procedural and post procedural. Findings with regard to satisfaction show us that the amount of information given before the procedure does not change the anxiety levels and therefore, does not influence patient satisfaction. Conclusions: The performance of a PET/CT scan is an important and statistically generator of anxiety. PET/CT patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. The creation of a guideline may reduce the stress of not knowing what will happen, the anxiety created and may increase their satisfaction in the experience of having a PET/CT scan.


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Post-MAPS is a web platform that collects gastroenterological exam data from several european hospital centers, to be used in future clinical studies and was developed in partnership with experts from the gastroenterological area and information technology (IT) technicians. However, although functional, this platform has some issues that are crucial for its functioning, and can render user interaction unpleasant and exhaustive. Accordingly, we proposed the development of a new web platform, in which we aimed for an improvement in terms of usability, data uni cation and interoperability. Therefore, it was necessary to identify and study different ways of acquiring clinical data and review some of the existing clinical databases in order to understand how they work and what type of data they store, as well as their impact and contribution to clinical knowledge. Closely linked to the data model is the ability to share data with other systems, so, we also studied the concept of interoperability and analyzed some of the most widely used international standards, such as DICOM, HL7 and openEHR. As one of the primary objectives of this project was to achieve a better level of usability, practices related to Human Computer-Interaction, such as requirement analysis, creation of conceptual models, prototyping, and evaluation were also studied. Before we began the development, we conducted an analysis of the previous platform, from a functional point of view, which allowed us to gather not only a list of architectural and interface issues, but also a list of improvement opportunities. It was also performed a small preliminary study in order to evaluate the platform's usability, where we were able to realize that perceived usability is different between users, and that, in some aspects, varies according to their location, age and years of experience. Based on the information gathered during the platform's analysis and in the conclusions of the preliminary study, a new platform was developed, prepared for all potential users, from the inexperienced to the most comfortable with technology. It presents major improvements in terms of usability, also providing several new features that simplify the users' work, improving their interaction with the system, making their experience more enjoyable.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of adolescent pregnancy in the future contraceptive choices. A secondary aim is to verify whether these choices differ from those made after an abortion. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING:Adolescent Unit of a tertiary care center. PARTICIPANTS:212 pregnant teenagers. INTERVENTIONS: Medical records review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Intended pregnancy rate and contraceptive methods used before and after pregnancy. For contraceptive choices after pregnancy we considered: Group 1 - teenagers who continued their pregnancy to delivery (n = 106) and Group 2 - the same number of adolescents who chose to terminate their pregnancy. RESULTS: The intended pregnancy rate was 14.2%. Prior to a pregnancy continued to delivery, the most widely used contraceptive method was the male condom (50.9%), followed by oral combined contraceptives (28.3%); 18.9% of adolescents were not using any contraceptive method. After pregnancy, contraceptive implant was chosen by 70.8% of subjects (P < .001) and the oral combined contraceptives remained the second most frequent option (17.9%, P = .058). Comparing these results with Group 2, we found that the outcome of the pregnancy was the main factor in the choices that were made. Thus, after a pregnancy continued to delivery, adolescents prefer the use of LARC [78.4% vs 40.5%, OR: 5,958 - 95% (2.914-12.181), P < .001)], especially contraceptive implants [70.8% vs 38.7%, OR: 4.371 - 95% (2.224-8.591), P < .001], to oral combined contraceptives [17.9% vs 57.5%, OR: 0.118 - 95% CI (0.054-0.258), P < .001]. CONCLUSION:Adolescent pregnancy and its outcome constitute a factor of change in future contraceptive choice.


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INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.