800 resultados para polymer brush


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Polymer modified cements and mortars have become popular for use as patch repair materials. General evidence suggests that these materials offer considerable improvements compared to traditional mortars although the mechanisms for this are not fully understood. This work elucidates the factors which govern some properties and performance of different polymer systems. In view of the wide range of commercial systems available, investigations concentrated on the use of three of the most commonly available groups of polymers. These were: (1) Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), (2) Acrylics and, (3) Ethylene Vinyl Acetates (EVA). The later two were in the form of both emulsions and redispersible powders. Experiments concentrated on: (1) Rheological behaviour of polymer modified cement pastes; (2) Workability of polymer modified mortars; (3) Influence of curing conditions on the pore size distribution and diffusion of chloride ions; (4) Bond strength of polymer modified cement and mortar patches; and (5) Microscopic examination and semi-quantitative analyses of the bulk and interfacial microstructures. The following main conclusions were reached: (1) The addition of polymer emulsions have a considerable influence on the workability of fresh cement pastes, the extent of this depending on the type of system used. (2) The rheological parameters of fresh polymer modified mortars can be established using a two-point workability test which may be used when comparing the properties of different systems at constant workability. (3) Curing conditions affect the properties of polymer modified systems and a wet/dry curing regime was essential for good adhesion of these materials to mortar substrates. (4) In contrast, the wet/dry curing regime resulted in a curing affected zone at the surface of patch materials. This can result in a much coarser pore structure and enhanced diffusion of e.g. chloride ions. (5) The microstructure of polymer modified systems was very different compared with the unmodified cement/mortar and varied depending on curing conditions.


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The development of cobalt molybdenum and cobalt tungsten brush plating electrolytes is described. Their optimum compositions and operating conditions for commercial applications have been determined. The effects of composition, pH, applied voltage, stylus speed and pressure upon deposit composition and efficiency have been investigated. Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy have been employed to study the cobalt alloy deposits produced. Evaluation of the wear resistant properties of the cobalt alloys developed in this work was carried out in the laboratory using a pin and disc technique and a simulated hot forging test, and by industrial trials involving the "on site" plating of hot forging dies and cold pressing tools. It was concluded that the electrolytes developed in tl1is work enabled cobalt alloys containing 6% Mo or 8% W to be deposited at 17-20V. Brush plated cobalt deposits possessed a mixed CPU and FCC crystallographic structure at room temperature. The application of 13µm of either of the cobalt alloys resulted in improved wear performance in both pin and disc and simulated hot forging tests. The results of the industrial trials indicated that by the use of these alloys, the life of hot forging dies may be increased by 20-100%. A commercial forging organisation is using electrolytes developed in this work to coat dies prior to forging nimonic alloys. Reductions in forging temperature and improved forging qualities have been reported. Cold pressing tools coated with the alloys showed a reduced tendency to "pick-up" and scoring of the pressed panels. Reports of a reduced need for lubrication of panels before pressing have also been received.


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variety of hindered phenol and hindered piperidine antioxidants containing vinyl or vinylidine functional groups have been synthesised and some of these were successfully bound to Polypropylene backbone during processing operations in presence of a radical generator. Up to 20% concentrates were prepared using this technique. Commercially acceptable concentrates (MASTERBATCHES) can only be prepared with antioxidants that are only weakly chain breaking such as hindered piperidines. One of the antioxidants, AATP was found to polymrise as well as bind to Polypropylene. Bound antioxidants were found to be resistant to such channels of physical loss as solvent extraction. Temperature and concentration of the additive and radical generator were found to be important parameters in the preparation of the concentrates. The stabilising efficiences of the diluted bound antioxidants alone, and in combination (synergistic) with other antioxidants have been evaluated. Results of both thermal and photo-oxidative stabilities of the bound samples in Polypropylene show that the restriction on free mobility of the bound antioxidants in the polymer has virtually no effect on its stabilising efficiency. Bound AATP was found to generate nitroxyl radicals during the course of its stabilising activities, and in combination with a small amount of Irganox 1076, it was shown to be highly synergistic thermally. A mechanism of catalytic phenol regeneration by the resultant piperidine hydroxylamine was proposed. Although the mechanical properties of the masterbatches were affected by the transformation, this was not found to be carried over to the diluted samples. This work has shown that bound concentrates can be effectively prepared in saturated polymers for subsequent dilution to normal concentrates used in commercial stabilisation.