967 resultados para placental histopathology
Dentro del marco del aborto involuntario recurrente (AIR), se han propuesto causas autoinmunes y alogénicas, e implementación de terapias como la inmunización activa con leucocitos alogénicos de la pareja o de donantes. La evidencia disponible en cuanto a la efectividad de estos tratamientos es contradictoria, por lo que se desea realizar una revisión sistemática para evaluar la efectividad de la inmunización activa con leucocitos alogénicos de la pareja o de donantes para esta condición. Se realizó un estudio tipo revisión sistemática de la literatura, usando las siguientes bases de datos: Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library y Scielo. Se realizó una búsqueda a través del registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de los Estados Unidos (www.clinicaltrials.gov) y, una búsqueda manual a través de las referencias de los estudios seleccionados siguiendo la estrategia de bola de nieve. Se seleccionaron ensayos clínicos y estudios de cohorte analítica, en idioma inglés y español. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de la información por medio de un metaanálisis. El tratamiento inmunomodulador con linfocitos puede considerarse como una terapia efectiva para mantener la gestación y lograr recién nacido vivo según resultados estadísticos; sin embargo la calidad de los estudios incluidos es baja, por lo que no se aconseja para la práctica rutinaria. Se sugiere la realización de estudios con metodologías robustas y que apoyen los resultados presentados en esta investigación.
This article describes a case report of a feline cutaneous lymphangioma. Lymphangiomas (synonym: lymphangiomatosis) and lymphangiosarcomas are rare tumors, usually associated with skin, some are believed to be congenital in young animals associated with vascular abnormalities. In gross pathology description they are poorly defined, cavernous-spongy, soft and they may be identified along fascial planes, because of this it may be difficult to remove, so tumors tend to recur. In histopathology description we can see interconnecting channels lined by endothelium usually without erythrocytes, but these tumors do not have unique features.
O linfoma é um grupo heterogéneo de neoplasias que apresentam morfologia variável e apresentações clínicas diversas, exigindo diferentes abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas. O prognóstico difere bastante entre os canídeos afectados. A presente dissertação refere-se a um estudo retrospectivo (2008-2012), de 50 canídeos com linfoma, com o objectivo de comparar os resultados obtidos com a bibliografia publicada, determinando ainda o impacto do imunofenótipo (B ou T) na sobrevida de cães com linfoma. Foi registado o mesmo número de machos e fêmeas e as raças mais frequentes foram o Boxer, Rottweiller e Cocker Spaniel. O diagnóstico da doença foi realizado maioritariamente por histopatologia de linfonodo (56%), revelando 84% de linfomas da forma multicêntrica. Quando determinado, o imunofenótipo mais frequente foi o de células B (69%). A maioria dos canídeos estava em estadios avançados da doença (III-V) (98%) no momento do diagnóstico, revelando 54% dos casos sub-estadio "b" segundo a OMS. O tratamento quimioterápico mais utilizado foi o protocolo CHOP (n=26) seguido do COP (n=9). A toxicidade hematológica e gastrointestinal secundárias à quimioterapia estiveram em igual número (22% cada), não se observando efeitos adversos em 56% dos cães com linfoma. Por último, o tempo médio de sobrevivência registado foi de 393 dias. Não foi encontrada uma relação estatísticamente significativa entre as variáveis (raça, sub-estadio e sexo) e o imunofenótipo de linfoma, sendo os tempos médios de sobrevivência de linfomas T e B semelhantes, 388 e 463 dias, respectivamente. No nosso caso, as principais diferenças encontradas, relativamente à bibliografia publicada, foram uma quantidade elevada de pacientes em sub-estadio "b" e os tempos médios de sobrevivência semelhantes para os diferentes imunofenótipos.
Introdução: Os sarcomas associados aos locais de inoculação têm vindo a ganhar destaque na clinica veterinária devido à sua frequência e dificuldade de tratamento. A obtenção de fatores de prognóstico é uma ferramenta essencial para determinar a terapêutica mais apropriada e auxiliar na determinação da sobrevida nos diferentes casos. Objetivo: Estudar uma população de 26 gatos diagnosticados com sarcomas associados aos locais de inoculação, que foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Material e Métodos: É um estudo retrospetivo de casos que ocorreram entre o ano 2005 e 2011, onde treze casos procedem do Hospital Veterinário do Porto, e treze casos correspondem a clínicas localizadas na zona de Lisboa, Amadora e Margem Sul. Foram avaliados fatores como idade, sexo, raça, localização, índice mitótico, presença de tecido necrosado, margens cirúrgicas, estadiamento pré-cirúrgico com tomografia computadorizada, tempo de recidiva local e sobrevida global. Resultados: Tendo em conta a nossa baixa amostra nenhum dos resultados foi totalmente conclusivo, foi obtida uma sobrevida global dos animais operados de 1120 dias. Discussão/Conclusão: Apesar dos resultados não serem conclusivos, o estudo reforça a importância da avaliação pré-cirúrgica para poder implementar uma terapêutica que garanta a maior sobrevida possível. É necessário um estudo mais controlado dos diferentes fatores e com uma amostra mais significativa para a obtenção de resultados mais conclusivos.
A análise histopatológica de tecido ósseo exige uma etapa de descalcificação. O método usual consiste na imersão das amostras em ácidos, mas para além de provocarem danos tecidulares, o processo é prolongado. A utilização de micro-ondas acelera a descalcificação, mas não deve comprometer a imagem microscópica. Objetivo: Diminuir a duração da descalcificação, mantendo a qualidade da imagem microscópica. Metodologia: Foram testadas amostras de osso compacto e esponjoso. Realizou-se a descalcificação pelo método convencional e pelo método em micro-ondas, através da adaptação de um protocolo conhecido. Utilizou-se ácido nítrico a 5% e 10%. Resultados: Nos fragmentos de maiores dimensões, após 4 horas com ácido nítrico a 10% em micro-ondas, não se conseguiu uma descalcificação completa, apesar da imagem histológica ser razoável. Nos fragmentos de osso esponjoso, verificou-se uma redução de cerca de 25 horas relativamente ao método convencional. Nas biópsias, houve uma redução de aproximadamente 10 horas, utilizando ácido nítrico a 5%. Com ácido nítrico a 10% houve destruição tecidular. Nos casos em que se obteve uma descalcificação completa, a imagem microscópica apresenta fraca qualidade. Conclusão: A utilização de micro-ondas com ácido nítrico a 5%/10%, aplicando o protocolo deste estudo, reduz a duração da descalcificação, mas compromete a imagem microscópica.
Os tumores odontogénicos são neoplasias derivadas da ectoderme ou dos componentes mesenquimais do periodonto. As lesões possuem características clínicas similares aos tumores odontogénicos, sendo a diferenciação histopatológica essencial para o diagnóstico. Existe controvérsia em relação aos nomes, as características clínicas e histopatológicas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos cirurgiões removem-nos sem exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso de fibroma periférico odontogénico (FPO) em um cão castrado, sem raça definida, 11 anos de idade. O paciente apresentava uma massa ao redor do segundo, terceiro e quarto dente pré-molar da maxila direita. Foi realizado o hemograma, bioquímica sérica, exame de urina e a biópsia da massa enviada para a histopatologia, sendo o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico de fibroma periférico odontogénico. O tratamento foi cirúrgico, utilizando o bisturi elétrico. O presente relato de caso permitiu concluir que o exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico é importante para o diagnóstico do tumor e a exérese total da massa tumoral é o tratamento de eleição.
Skeletal muscle constitutes a highly adaptable and malleable tissue that responds to environmental and physiological challenges by changing its phenotype in terms of size and composition, outcomes that are brought about by changes in gene expression, biochemical and metabolic properties. Both the short- and long-term effects of nutritional alterations on skeletal muscle homeostasis have been defined as the object of intensive research over the last thirty years. This review focuses predominantly on assimilating our understanding of the changes in muscle fibre phenotype and functional properties induced by either food restriction or alternatively existing on a high fat diet. Firstly, food restriction has been shown in a number of studies to decrease the myofibre cross sectional area and consistently, it has been found that glycolytic type IIB fibres are more prone to atrophy than oxidative fibres. Secondly, in rodents, a high fat diet has been shown to induce an oxidative profile in skeletal muscle, although obese humans usually show higher numbers of glycolytic type IIB fibres. Moreover, attention is paid to the effect of prenatal maternal food restriction on muscle development of the offspring in various species. A key point related to these experiments is the timing of food restriction for the mother. Furthermore, we explore extensively the seemingly species-specific response to maternal malnutrition. Finally, key signalling molecules that play a pivotal role in energy metabolism, fibre type transitions and muscle hypertrophy are discussed in detail.
The focus of the present review is to assimilate current knowledge concerning the differing signalling transduction cascades that control muscle mass development and affect skeletal muscle phenotype following exercise or nutritional uptake. Effects of mechanical loading on protein synthesis are discussed. Muscle growth control is regulated by the interplay of growth promoting and growth suppressing factors, which act in concert. Much emphasis has been placed on understanding how increases in the rate of protein synthesis are induced in skeletal muscle during the adaptive process. One key point to emerge is that protein synthesis following resistance exercise or increased nutrient availability is mediated through changes in signal transduction involving the phosphorylation of mTOR and sequential activation of downstream targets. On the other hand, AMPK activation plays an important role in the inhibition of protein synthesis by suppressing the function of multiple translation regulators of the mTOR signalling pathway in response to cellular energy depletion and low metabolic conditions. The effects of exercise and/or nutritional uptake on the activation of signalling molecules that regulate protein synthesis are highlighted, providing a better understanding of the molecular changes in the cell.
Trade-offs have long been a major theme in life-history theory, but they have been hard to document. We introduce a new method that reveals patterns of divergent trade-offs after adjusting for the pervasive variation in rate of resource allocation to offspring as a function of body size and lifestyle. Results suggest that preweaning vulnerability to predation has been the major factor determining how female placental mammals allocate production between a few large and many small offspring within a litter and between a few large litters and many small ones within a reproductive season. Artiodactyls, perissodactyls, cetaceans, and pinnipeds, which give birth in the open on land or in the sea, produce a few large offspring, at infrequent intervals, because this increases their chances of escaping predation. Insectivores, fissiped carnivores, lagomorphs, and rodents, whose offspring are protected in burrows or nests, produce large litters of small newborns. Primates, bats, sloths, and anteaters, which carry their young from birth until weaning, produce litters of one or a few offspring because of the need to transport and care for them.
Context: Pregnant tissues express corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a peptide modulating fetal and placental ACTH and cortisol secretion. These actions are modulated by the locally expressed CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP). Objective: The objective of the study was to determine whether CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol concentrations change in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma in the presence of intraamniotic infection/inflammation (IAI) in women with spontaneous labor at term. Design: This was a cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was conducted at a tertiary referral center for obstetric care. Patients: Patients included women in active labor at term with (n = 39) and without (controls; n = 78) IAI. Main Outcome Measures: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma concentrations of CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol measured by RIA and immunoradiometric assays were measured. Results: In patients with IAI, amniotic fluid CRF (0.97 +/- 0.18 ng/ml) and CRF-BP (33.06 +/- 5.54 nmol/liter) concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001) higher than in controls (CRF: 0.32 +/- 0.04 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 14.69 +/- 2.79 ml). The umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001 for all) higher in women with IAI than in controls (CRF: 2.96 +/- 0.35 ng/ml vs. 0.38 +/- 0.18 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 152.12 +/- 5.94 nmol/liter vs. 106.9 +/- 5.97 nmol/liter). In contrast, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations did not differ between groups. Conclusions: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations are increased in women with spontaneous labor at term and IAI. CRF-BP may modulate CRF actions on ACTH and cortisol secretion, playing a pivotal role in limiting the inflammatory process and thus avoiding an overactivation of the fetal/placental hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis at birth.
This paper will document the early scientific observations that kindled my neuroendocrinological interest in pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening disease that affects both mother and baby. My interest in this subject started with the placental origin of melanotrophin activity, moving on, through corticotrophin-releasing factor and its binding protein, to a tachykinin modified specifically in the placenta by phosphocholine, a post-translational moiety normally used by parasites to avoid immune surveillance and rejection. This work may finally have led to an understanding of the identity of the elusive placental factor that, whilst attempting to compensate for the poor implantation of the placenta, causes the many symptoms seen in the mother during pre-eclampsia.
It has recently been proposed that life-history evolution is subject to a fundamental size-dependent constraint. This constraint limits the rate at which biomass can be produced so that production per unit of body mass is inevitably slower in larger organisms than in smaller ones. Here we derive predictions for how changes in body size and production rates evolve in different lifestyles subject to this constraint. Predictions are tested by using data on the mass of neonate tissue produced per adult per year in 637 placental mammal species and are generally supported. Compared with terrestrial insectivores with generalized primitive traits, mammals that have evolved more specialized lifestyles have divergent massspecific production rates: (i) increased in groups that specialize on abundant and reliable foods: grazing and browsing herbivores (artiodactyls, lagomorphs, perissoclactyls, and folivorous rodents) and flesh-eating marine mammals (pinnipeds, cetaceans); and (ii) decreased in groups that have lifestyles with reduced death rates: bats, primates, arboreal, fossorial, and desert rodents, bears, elephants, and rhinos. Convergent evolution of groups with similar lifestyles is common, so patterns of productivity across mammalian taxa reflect both ecology and phylogeny. The overall result is that groups with different lifestyles have parallel but offset relationships between production rate and body size. These results shed light on the evolution of the fast-slow life-history continuum, suggesting that variation occurs along two axes corresponding to body size and lifestyle.
In the present study we measured maternal plasma concentrations of two placental neurohormones, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), in 58 at-risk pregnant women consecutively enrolled between 28 and 29 wk of pregnancy to evaluate whether their evaluation may predict third trimester-onset preeclampsia ( PE). The statistical significance was assessed by t test. The cut-off points for defining altered CRF and CRF-BP levels for prediction of PE were chosen by receiving operator characteristics curve analysis, and the probability of developing PE was calculated for several combinations of hormone testing results. CRF and CRF-BP levels were significantly ( both P < 0.0001) higher and lower, respectively, in the patients (n = 20) who later developed PE than in those who did not present PE at follow-up. CRF at the cut-off 425.95 pmol/liter achieved a sensitivity of 94.8% and a specificity of 96.9%, whereas CRF-BP at the cut-off 125.8 nmol/liter combined a sensitivity of 92.5% and a specificity of 82.5% as single markers for prediction of PE. The probability of PE was 34.5% in the whole study population, 93.75% when both CRF and CRF-BP levels were changed, and 0% if both hormone markers were unaltered. The measurement of CRF and CRF-BP levels may add significant prognostic information for predicting PE in at-risk pregnant women.
Oligofructose (OF), comprised of fructose oligomers with a terminal glucose unit, is a family Of oligosaccharides derived from the hydrolysis of inulin. Consumption of OF in animals and humans increases colonic bifidobacteria levels. The present study evaluates the safety of OF in both a 13 week rat feeding Study and Using in Vitro mutagenicity tests. Fecal bifidobacteria levels were also determined by in situ hybridization to assess a biological function of OF. Rats received either a control diet OF diets containing one of four doses of OF. Total, HDL, and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at several time points during the study in groups receiving OF compared to controls with the largest effects Occurring in the high dose male animals. Weight gain in the male high dose group was significantly lower at early time points compared to controls but]lot Significantly different at the end of study. As expected, cecal weights increased in a dose-related manner and fecal bifidobacteria levels also demonstrated a dose-related increase. There were no consistent differences in gross pathology or histopathology related to dietary OF. OF did not induce a positive response in the Ames test or chromosomal aberration test with CHO cells. These results demonstrate no adverse effects of OF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Nicotine has been implicated as a causative factor in the intrauterine growth retardation associated with smoking in pregnancy. A study was set up to ascertain the effect of nicotine on fetal growth and whether this could be related to the actions of this drug on maternal adipose tissue metabolism. 2. Sprague-Dawley rats were mated and assigned to control and nicotine groups, the latter receiving nicotine in the drinking-water throughout pregnancy. Animals were weighed at regular intervals and killed on day 20 of pregnancy. Rates of maternal adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis were measured. Fetal and placental weights were recorded and analysis of fetal body water, fat, protein and DNA carried out. 3. Weight gains of mothers in the nicotine group were less in the 1st and 2nd weeks of pregnancy, but similar to controls in the 3rd week. Fetal body-weights, DNA, protein and percentage water contents were similar in both groups. Mean fetal body fat (g/kg) was significantly higher in the nicotine group (96.2 (SE 5.1)) compared with controls (72.0 (SE 2.9)). Rates of maternal lipolysis were also higher in the nicotine group. 4. The cause of these differences and their effects on maternal and fetal well-being is discussed.