915 resultados para photo period
Photodegradation of the pharmaceuticals amoxicillin (AMX), bezafibrate (BZF) and paracetamol (PCT) in aqueous solutions via the photo-Fenton process was investigated under black-light and solar irradiation. The influences of iron source, initial H2O2 concentration and matrix (distilled water and sewage treatment plant effluent) on degradation efficiency were discussed in detail. The results showed that (i) the degradation of the drugs was favored in the presence of potassium ferrioxalate (FeOx) in comparison to Fe(NO3)(3): (ii) the increase of the H2O2 concentration improved the efficiency of AMX and BZF oxidation; however, the same was not observed for PCT: (iii) the influence of the matrix was observed for the degradation of BZF and PCT: (iv) under solar irradiation, the oxidation of the BZF and PCT is faster than under black-light irradiation. All these pharmaceuticals can be efficiently degraded employing the process evaluated. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The recovery of the pharmaceuticals bezafibrate and tetracycline from water was evaluated, using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with the aim of applying this technique to interrupt the pharmaceuticals' photodegradation by photo-Fenton process for further analysis. Sep-Pack C-18, Strata X, and Oasis HLB cartridges were evaluated. Oasis HLB showed the most satisfactory recovery and repeatability results: 98% (CV - 1%) for bezafibrate (20.0 mg L-1) and 76% (CV = 1%) for tetracycline (25.0 mg L-1). There was not a significant decrease in recovery at lower concentrations of the pharmaceuticals, and neither when present in Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) effluent matrix.
In the present work the use of a coupled process, soil washing and photo-Fenton oxidation, was investigated for remediation of a soil contaminated with p.p'-DDT (DDT) and p.p'-DDE (DDE), and a soil artificially contaminated with diesel. In the soil washing experiments,Triton X-100(TX-100) aqueous solutions were used at different concentrations to obtain wastewaters with different compositions. Removal efficiencies of 66% (DDT). 80% (DDE) and 100% (diesel) were achieved for three sequential washings using a TX-100 solution strength equivalent to 12 times the effective critical micelle concentration of the surfactant (12 CMC(eff)). The wastewater obtained was then treated using a solar photo-Fenton process. After 6 h irradiation, 99, 95 and 100% degradation efficiencies were achieved for DDT, DDE and diesel, respectively. In all experiments, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon decreased by at least 95%, indicating that residual concentration of contaminants and/or TX-100 in the wastewater was very low. The co-extraction of metals was also evaluated. Among the metals analyzed (Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu. Cd, Mn and Co), only Cr and Mn were detected in the wastewater at concentrations above the maximum value permitted by current Brazilian legislation. The effective removal of contaminants from soil by the TX-100 washing process, together with the high degradation efficiency of the solar photo-Fenton process, suggests that this procedure could be a useful option for soil remediation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
First, the effect of ferrioxalate or iron nitrate on the photo-Fenton degradation efficiency of the pharmaceuticals lincomycin (LCM) and diazepam (DZP) was evaluated. The degradation of both pharmaceuticals was improved in the presence of ferrioxalate in relation to Fe(NO(3)), either under black-light or solar irradiation. The degradation of the pharmaceuticals was then evaluated when present in an effluent from sewage treatment plant (STP) under black-light irradiation. Pharmaceuticals oxidation was not influenced by the matrix, since very similar results were obtained when compared to the experiments carried out in distilled water. However, DOC removal was slightly affected by the matrix, due probably to the generation of recalcitrant intermediates during effluent photodegradation and to the high content of inorganic carbon of STP effluent. Even so, high DOC removal percentages were achieved, 65% for lincomycin and 80% for diazepam after 60 min irradiation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo é parte do monitoramento limnológico empreendido pela Companhia Energética do Estado de São Paulo (CESP) durante o processo de enchimento do reservatório de Porto Primavera (Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta). Este reservatório, localizado no alto rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso, é o quarto maior do país. A primeira etapa de enchimento do lago começou em dezembro de 1998 e a segunda em março de 2001. Amostras para a análise da comunidade bentônica e das características sedimentológicas foram coletadas trimestralmente entre agosto de 1999 e novembro de 2001 e também em agosto de 2002 (11 campanhas). As coletas foram feitas em 13 estações de amostragem distribuídas no reservatório e em uma localizada a jusante da barragem. 128 táxons de invertebrados foram encontrados, sendo Mollusca, Annelida, Insecta e Nematoda os grupos dominantes durante praticamente todos os meses analisados. A classe Insecta foi a melhor representada, com 9 diferentes ordens, dentro das quais os Diptera contribuíram com a ocorrência de 63 táxons. A espécie exótica de bivalve Corbicula fluminea foi registrada em todas as estações de amostragem mostrando sua grande capacidade para colonizar novos habitats em regiões neotropicais. Variações consideráveis na densidade da fauna foram observadas para os diferentes períodos e locais analisados. A densidade máxima (média de 7812 ind.m-2) foi registrada no centro do reservatório enquanto que as densidades mínimas foram registradas na zona lacustre próxima à barragem (média de 9 ind.m-2). A maior riqueza de espécies por local/período (24 táxons) foi encontrada no trecho superior do reservatório (trecho fluvial). A diversidade máxima foi observada nas zonas superior e central do reservatório, com valores de 3.82 e 3.86 (bits.ind-1) no início (agosto/1999) e final (agosto/2002) do processo de enchimento, respectivamente. Não foi encontrado um padrão de distribuição dos grupos faunísticos que pudesse estar associado com a textura granulométrica dos diferentes locais amostrados. Por outro lado, constatou-se a diminuição, ou mesmo a não ocorrência de organismos, nas estações com elevada concentração de matéria orgânica (>40%) em baixo estado de degradação (grandes detritos vegetais). Tal fato pode estar relacionado com a falta de depósitos de sedimentos, dificultando a fixação de organismos da fauna bentônica, bem como com condições químicas mais redutoras em função da intensidade dos processos de decomposição da fitomassa inundada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Observations of the developmental biology of Loxosceles gaucho Gertsch, 1967, the brown spider of southeastern Brazil are scarce. The present study reports the method of individualized rearing of 18 populations of L. gaucho, kept in laboratory under varied diet conditions, and characterizes their nympho-imaginal period as well as factors related to their reproduction. Females built the first egg sac about 20 days after copulation and nymphs hatched 40 days after the laying date. Average offspring was 61.3 spiderlings and females usually built three to four successive egg sacs in a period of five to seven months. First nymphs initiated their predatory activity between the 5th and 8th days after hatching and the majority reached adulthood within six moults (range of five to eight) in approximately 15 to 17 months (male) and 15.5 to 18 months (female). The average sex ratio equaled 1.0:1.7 (male:female). The wide individual variability of this species intermoult intervals is herewith expressed by the intermoult rate, which was fairly uniform for both intra and interpopulations and gives a relevant aspect for a general idea of the life cycles of spiders.
Relationships of several reproductve traits and milk yield were studied in 716 Gyr cows at Sant'Ana da Serra farm, Mococa, State of São Paulo, a humid tropical climate region. Mean age at first calving was 49.8 +/- 0.4 months, with a coeficient of cariation (C. V.) of 20.8%. Only year of parturition significantly affected age at first calving (P < 0.01). Heritability, estimated from paternal half-sib correlations, was 0.91 +/- 0.20, a value considered unrealistically high. Overall mean gestation length was 287.7 +/- 0.5 days (C. V. = 3.3%) for 419 observations, with month and year of parturition having significant effects. Heritability estimate was 0.30 +/- 0.14. Overall mean dry period for 1.276 observations was 238 +/- 3 days (C. V. = 48%); repeatability estimate was 0.19 +/- 0.06. Estimated annual genetic trend for dry period was -0.6 days, phenotypic trend was 11.5 days, and environmental trend, 12.1 days. Month and year of parturition and cow age had no significant effect on dry period. Highest milk yield was obtained at fourth lactation. The gross correlation between milk yield and gestation period was 0.11, and between previous dry period and subsequent milk yield, 0.16. Normal gestations of 285 to 290 days were associated with higher milk yields. Milk yield increased as dry period advanced from 30 to 390 days, and declined as dry period continued beyond 390 days. Delays in first mating and a more extensive dry period decreased reproductive efficiency in the herd studied.