926 resultados para partnership annountment
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employment, retention, earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • streamlining services; • empowering individuals; • universal access; • increased accountability; • new roles for local boards; • state and local flexibility; • improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. The major purposes of Iowa’s Adult Literacy Program State Plan Extension for Program Year 2006 are: • provide a comprehensive blue print for implementation of Title II of the Act; • serve as a basis for both immediate and long-range planning and continuous, systematic evaluation of program effectiveness; • provide basis for common understanding among Iowa’s literacy partners, other interested entities and the U.S. Department of Education. The plan extension is designed to update Iowa’s Adult Literacy State Plan for Program Year 2006 in line with the guidelines provided by the United States Department of Education: Division of Adult Education and Literacy (USDE:DAEL).
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employability, retention, and earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • Streamlining services; • Empowering individuals; • Universal access; • Increased accountability; • New roles for local boards; • State and local flexibility; • Improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • Assist adults become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • Assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • Assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. Adult education is an important part of the workforce investment system. Title II restructures and improves programs previously authorized by the Adult Education Act. AEFLA focuses on strengthening program quality by requiring States to give priority in awarding funds to local programs that are based on a solid foundation of research, address the diverse needs of adult learners, and utilize other effective practices and strategies. To promote continuous program involvement and to ensure optimal return on the Federal investment, AEFLA also establishes a State performance accountability system. Under this system, the Secretary and each State must reach agreement on annual levels of performance for a number of “core indicators” specified in the law: • Demonstrated improvements in literacy skill levels in reading, writing, and speaking the English language, numeracy, problem solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills. • Placement in, retention in, or completion of postsecondary education, training, unsubsidized employment or career advancement. • Receipt of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Iowa’s community college based adult basic education program has implemented a series of proactive strategies in order to effectively and systematically meet the challenges posed by WIA. The Iowa TOPSpro Data Dictionary is a direct result of Iowa’s pro-active efforts in this educational arena.
Africana possui agora três estratégias regionais em várias fases de desenvolvimento: • Roteiro para a diminuição da mortalidade materno-infantil e dos recém-nascidos (2004) • Quadro da Sobrevivência Infantil (2005) • Plano de Acção de Maputo para a Saúde e Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (2006) Cada uma destas políticas-quadro permite que os governos nacionais as adaptem e as implementem de acordo com as necessidades e características do seu país, com o apoio de parceiros e ao abrigo dos princípios da Declaração de Paris sobre a eficácia das ajudas - “Um só plano, um só mecanismo de coordenação, um só mecanismo de monitorização e de avaliação”. 35 países já iniciaram o processo que os levará a um Roteiro nacional, processo que arrancou com a “MNCH Task Force” em 2004. Estas políticas-quadro representam um grande avanço, mas constituem apenas um primeiro passo na via que levará a salvar vidas pelo aumento das áreas de cobertura das intervenções essenciais. O tempo escasseia - só nos restam nove anos antes da meta de 2015 para se alcançarem os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). A África pode e deve acelerar a marcha dos acontecimentos. A publicação Oportunidades para os recém-nascidos em Africa ajuda a colmatar o fosso existente entre as políticas e as acções no que se refere à Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil (SMNI). O recém-nascido está no âmago dos cuidados continuados de saúde. Uma atenção sistemática prestada à melhoria e ao alargamento dos cuidados de saúde que lhe devem ser prestados no âmbito dos planos e dos programas nacionais será recompensada pela prestação de melhores serviços de SMNI. Esta publicação inclui os seguintes temas: A Secção I põe em destaque as mortes de recém-nascidos em África, o que é complementado pelos perfis apresentados na Secção V, que mostram qual é a situação fundamental da Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil em 46 países de África, incluindo os progressos já alcançados no sentido do 4º objectivo dos ODM, a cobertura dos cuidados continuados de saúde prestados, a avaliação da equidade e a análise do financiamento destinado à saúde, fornecendo dados para a tomada de decisões na área das políticas e dos programas de SMNI.
uma oportunidade para impulsionar o desenvolvimento e o crescimento económico, contribuir para salvar milhões de vidas e evitar incapacidades ao longo da vida, aproximando os países da consecução dos objectivos das estratégias nacionais de redução da pobreza e dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). Para promover um maior e melhor investimento na saúde, a Harmonização da Saúde na África concebeu o Cenário de Investimento para a África com estas finalidades: 1) ajudar os dirigentes africanos e os seus parceiros regionais e globais a centrar as atenções e os recursos num investimento profícuo em saúde; 2) dar aos Ministérios da Saúde bases factuais para convencer os Ministérios das Finanças, os parlamentos nacionais e outros intervenientes chave de que investir na saúde faz sentido do ponto de vista económico e de que terá um retorno considerável; 3) obter mais valor pelo dinheiro investido, demonstrando como a eficácia com que os recursos novos ou já existentes são injectados no sistema de saúde pode ser potenciada graças a um processo de definição de prioridades, com base nas tendências demográficas e no fardo da doença; e 4) mobilizar as lideranças, a nível nacional, regional e global, para que apoiem os sistemas nacionais de saúde da África, nos seus esforços para aumentar o ritmo e a sustentabilidade na procura de melhor saúde e maior desenvolvimento económico para as populações africanas.
Objective To analyze the possibilities and limits of competency-based training in nursing. Method An integrative review of the literature on the subject was carried out, and an analysis was made of the results of a survey evaluating a nursing course based on areas of competency. A dialog was then established between the review and the results of the research. Results On the question of which theoretical type of competency the articles from the literature relate to, there is a predominance of the constructivist perspective, followed by the functionalist approach and the dialog-based approach. In the dialog between the literature and the research, limits and possibilities were observed in the development of a training by areas of competency. Conclusion The dialog-based approach to competency is the proposition that most approximates to the profile defined by the National Curriculum Guidelines for training in nursing, and this was also identified in the evaluation survey that was studied. However, it is found that there are aspects on better work is needed, such as: partnership between school and the workplace, the role of the teacher, the role of the student, and the process of evaluation.
Os efeitos da globalização da economia, a graduação de Cabo Verde à categoria de país de desenvolvimento médio, a entrada para a OMC, a parceria especial com a União Europeia, são acontecimentos verificados num passado próximo que vieram trazer novas exigências ao país em diversos domínios. A preparação das contas e o relato da informação pode ser considerada uma delas. De facto, o normativo contabilístico existente até então, assente num Plano Oficial de Contabilidade (PNC) aprovado por diploma legislativo datada de 1984 já não respondia a todas as necessidades de informação nos domínios da contabilidade, fiscalidade e financeira. O trabalho assenta sobretudo na adopção do SNCRF – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro. O objectivo é analisar o processo de adopção pela primeira vez deste sistema e os impactos que esta adopção teve na posição financeira nas empresas. Foi feito um estudo de caso para ilustrar este processo. Descrevemos como foi adoptado o SNCRF, fizemos uma apreciação a essa adopção e sugerimos melhoria que deveria ser introduzidas para que os resultados do processo incorporassem a quase totalidade dos procedimentos instituídos nos diversos documentos normativos e legais. Ao trabalho foi dado uma dimensão prática consubstanciada num estudo de caso que serviu para ilustrar o processo de transição. O estudo foi abordado numa perspectiva apreciativa tendo sido inventariadas as situações que deveriam ser salvaguardas (de acordo com o novo normativo e imperativos legais) no processo de transição / conversão e que não foram feitas. Demonstrou-se ainda (através da análise da posição financeira da entidade), que o processo de adopção implicou algumas alterações na estrutura financeira e no valor do capital próprio. A conclusão que se chegou indica que o processo não terá sido tão linear como se desejaria apesar de em, substancia, os principais requisitos terem sido cumpridos. The effects of globalization of its economy, the upgrading of Cape Verde to the category of medium development country, the entry to WTO, the special partnership with European Union, are recent events that brought new demands to the country in several areas. . Preparation of the accounts and information report are included in these new requirements. In fact, the accounting standards till then in force, based on an Official Chart of Accounts (PNC) in force after a law of 1984, didn’t meet the requirements on accounting, fiscal and financial information. This work is basically on the adoption of the new SNCRF – System of Accounting Standardization and Financial Reporting. Our aim is to review the initial adoption process of such system and the impacts this adoption has caused to the financial position of enterprises. A case study is included to illustrate this process. We describe how the SNCRF was adopted; we made an analysis of this adoption and suggested improvements to be introduced in such way that the results of the process include most of the procedures established by law. A practical dimension was attached to this work, through a case study illustrating the transition process. The study adopted an analytical approach, listing the situations that should have been (according to the new standards and legal prescriptions) but were not prevented during the transition / conversion process. The study shows (by the analysis of the financial statements of the studied entity) that the adoption process implied some changes to the financial structure and to the owners’ equity value). One arrives to the conclusion that the process was not as linear as one would expect, although essentially the main requirements were accomplished.
A dinâmica de desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde vem sendo uma constante, com ganhos significativos para o país, como atestam a recente adesão à Organização Mundial do Comércio, a graduação a País de Rendimento Médio e a Parceria Especial com a União Europeia. No dia 23 de Julho de 2008, Cabo Verde tornou-se no 153º Estado membro da Organização Mundial do Comércio, sendo que nesta conquista foi o primeiro país Africano e o terceiro País Menos Avançado a conseguir este importante marco via negocial. As vantagens advenientes desta adesão são muitas, sendo de destacar a maior confiança dos investidores no país ao propiciar-se a expansão do mercado e a realização de negócios num ambiente mais seguro e estável, e ainda a possibilidade de melhoria da qualidade de prestação de serviços, uma vez que tudo passou a ser norteado por padrões e regras do comércio internacional. Este trabalho foi elaborado com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória necessária à construção de um referencial teórico sobre o assunto em questão, tendo como base artigos, livros, revistas e consultas em websites. Finalizando, para avaliação, apresentamos uma componente prática com base num questionário aplicado ao tecido empresarial, com perguntas abertas e de múltipla escolha, onde os inquiridos puderam fazer a sua apreciação relativa ao processo de adesão, e às expectativas advenientes. Os resultados obtidos no final do trabalho mostraram de forma clara e inequívoca a necessidade de Cabo Verde se reorganizar, reforçar o sector privado e a competitividade das empresas, através de, designadamente: melhoria do ambiente fiscal das empresas, fomento e apoio às pequenas e médias empresas. Outrossim, há que dar seguimento as reformas no sector comercial, capacitando e formando quadros nacionais uma vez que estes desempenham um papel essencial no crescimento económico do país e permitem dar maior previsibilidade aos investidores, sendo este último um dos pilares decisivos no requisito do investimento externo. The dynamics of the development of Cape Verde is becoming a constant, with significant gains to the country, as attests the recent adhesion to the World Trade Organization, the graduation to Country of Medium Revenue, as well as the Special Partnership with the European Union. On July 23, 2008, Cape Verde became the 153rd State member of the World Trade Organization, and in this conquest it was the first African country and the third Less Advanced Country to get this mark through negotiable way. The advantages proceeding from this adhesion are many, highlighting the investors' largest trust in the country when propitiating the expansion of the market and the accomplishment of business in a safer and stable atmosphere, and still the possibility of improvement of the quality of installment of services, once everything started being guided by patterns and rules of the international trade. This work was elaborated based on bibliographical and exploratory researches necessary to the construction of the theoretical referential about the subject in question, based on articles, books, magazines and website researches. Concluding, for evaluation, we presented a practical component based on a questionnaire applied to the managerial stuff, with open and multiple choice questions, where the inquired could make his appreciation related to the adhesion process, and the proceeding expectations. The results obtained at the end of the work, showed in a clear way the need of Cape Verde to organize, to reinforce the private sector and the competitiveness of the companies, through, namely: the improvement of the fiscal atmosphere of the companies, fomentation and support of the small and medium companies. Meanwhile, it is important to continue the reforms in the commercial sector, qualifying and forming national staff once they play an essential part in the economic growth of the country and allow giving a larger previsibility to the investors, being this last one, one of the decisive pillars in the requirement of the external investment.
In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variability (daily, seasonal and inter-annual) of CO2 and O2 air-sea fluxes and their underlying processes, a dense network of observations is required. For this purpose, the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) provides a unique infrastructure. Information thus obtained also links biological productivity and atmospheric composition. To expand these capabilities, a novel “virtual mooring” approach for high resolution measurements, based on a modified NEMO profiling float, is pursued. This Profiling Float was equipped with O2 and pCO2 sensors for the first time, in order to collect daily depth profiles (0-200 m) in the vicinity of the ocean site. Data access and remote control is provided through Iridium satellite telemetry. Recalibrations and redeployments are carried out every 1-3 month. First, we present the new developed instrument and the innovative in situ and real-time approach behind. Second, we show the inter-disciplinary scientific objectives which will benefit from this approach as a result of the intensive partnership between IFM-GEOMAR and INDP during the last years.
Large law firms seem to prefer hourly fees over contingent fees. Thispaper provides a moral hazard explanation for this pattern of behavior.Contingent legal fees align the interests of the attorney with those ofthe client, but not necessarily with those of the partnership. We showthat the choice of hourly fees is a solution to an agency problem withmultiple principals, where the interests of one principal (law firm)collide with the interests of the other principal (client).
Adversarial relationships have long dominated business relationships,but Supply Chain Management (SCM) entails a new perspective. SCM requiresa movement away from arms-length relationships toward partnership stylerelations. SCM involves integration, co-ordination and collaborationacross organisations and throughout the supply chain. It means that SCMrequires internal (intraorganisational) and external (interorganisational)integration. This paper analyses the relationship between internal andexternal integration processes, their effect on firms performance andtheir contribution to the achievement of a competitive advantage.Performance improvements are analysed through costs, stock out and leadtime reductions. And, the achievement of a better competitive positionis measured by comparing the firm s performance with its competitors performance. To analyse this, an empirical study has been conducted inthe Spanish grocery sector.
Aware of the importance of developing new alternatives to improve the performance of the companies, our purpose in this paper is to develop a medium term production planning model that deals with the concepts of Partnership and Reverse Logistics. Our model takes advantage of the synergies of integration, developing a model for global production planning that generates the optimal production and purchasing schedule for all the companies integrating a logistic chain. In a second part of the paper we incorporate products returns to the first model proposed, and analyze the implications they have over this model. We use some examples with different configurations of supply chains varying the number of production plants, distribution centers and recovery plants. To solve the model we have combined optimization and simulation procedures.
The Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is a state, federal, local, and private partnership that provides incentives to landowners who voluntarily establish wetlands for water quality improvement in the tile-drained regions of Iowa. The goal of the program is to reduce nitrogen loads and movement of other agricultural chemicals from croplands to streams and rivers. In addition to improving water quality, these wetlands will provide wildlife habitat and increase recreational opportunities.
Growing Iowa’s economy and sustaining vibrant healthy communities depends upon protecting the state’s environmental and natural resources. The Iowa Environmental Guide is designed to identify Iowa’s environmental compliance requirements and to provide expert resources to assist you with sustainable business solutions that protect the environment and enhance your bottom-line. The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) Business and Regulatory Assistance Team is a non-regulatory, confidential point of contact to assist your company or organization in identifying permitting requirements, finding expert resources, communicating with the appropriate agencies, and in establishing a productive partnership with Iowa state government.
Este artigo procura compreender a integração regional do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, na base do debate contemporâneo sobre a Nação. Resultado de cruzamento e convergência entre povos e culturas oriundos de dois espaços geográficos (África e Europa), a Nação cabo-verdiana afirma-se e consolida-se na margem dos debates perspetivados e delineados por diferentes gerações de intelectuais, políticos e académicos nacionais e estrangeiros. Estes procuram compreender e analisar a integração de Cabo Verde na Comunidade Económica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO), a aproximação às Regiões Ultraperiféricas (RUP) e a Parceria Especial com a União Europeia (UE). A análise expressa no presente artigo, além de distinguir a posição geográfica privilegiada do arquipélago, enfatiza também aspetos de ordem cultural, política, económica, comercial e de segurança, relevantes para a construção da Nação em Cabo Verde.
This Manual is designed to help targeted communities organize and train local steering groups and task force leaders. The Ongoing Covenant with Black Iowa (OCBI) model will engage and empower African Americans in various communities to work together in developing strategies that bridge local priorities to statewide goals. Trained Task Force Leaders play a critical role in establishing productive dialogue and planning that is essential to moving the OCBI forward in meeting its goals. They must ensure consistency within each Task Force as the OCBI is a multilevel partnership and collaboration among local communities, the Commission on the Status of African Americans and the Covenant with Black America. Task Force Leaders assist with constructive dialogue among local residents to engage and focus on the issues, and work collectively towards a solution. Patience in developing a strategy and trained Task Force Leaders are essential to the success of the OCBI. It is our hope that this Manual will serve as a guide to assist you in all aspects of building your local strategic plan.