893 resultados para non-conscious cognitive processing (NCCP) time.


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Time period analysis was used in an international sample of clients ( N = 106) to demonstrate that cognitive - behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic disorder is associated with specific changes in both negative and positive cognitions during the treatment period. In the first 6 weeks of the treatment phase, working alliance failed to predict changes in panic severity, whereas changes in panic self-efficacy and catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations predicted rapid symptom relief. In the last 6 weeks of treatment, higher doses of CBT were associated with further changes in positive and negative cognitions. The findings can be interpreted as suggesting that the role of the working alliance in CBT for panic disorder is to facilitate cognitive change.


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Background: This study extended that of Kwon and Oei [Kwon, S.M., Oei, T.P.S., 2003. Cognitive change processes in a group cognitive behavior therapy of depression. J. Behav. Ther. Exp. Psychiatry, 3, 73-85], which outlined a number of testable models based on Beck's cognitive theory of depression. Specifically, the current study tested the following four competing models: the causal, consequential, fully and partially interactive cognitive models in patients with major depressive disorder. Methods: A total of 168 clinically depressed outpatients were recruited into a 12-week group cognitive behaviour therapy program. Data was collected at three time points: baseline, mid- and at termination of therapy using the ATQ DAS and BD1. The data were analysed with Amos 4.01 (Arbuckle, J.L., 1999. Amos 4.1. Smallwaters, Chicago.) structural equation modelling. Results: Results indicated that dysfunctional attitudes, negative automatic thoughts and symptoms of depression reduced significantly during treatment. Both the causal and consequential models equally provided an adequate fit to the data. The fully interactive model provided the best fit. However, after removing non-significant pathways, it was found that reduced depressive symptom contributed to reduced depressogenic automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes, not the reverse. Conclusion: These findings did not fully support Beck's cognitive theory of depression that cognitions are primary in the reduction of depressed mood. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A fundamental question about the perception of time is whether the neural mechanisms underlying temporal judgements are universal and centralized in the brain or modality specific and distributed []. Time perception has traditionally been thought to be entirely dissociated from spatial vision. Here we show that the apparent duration of a dynamic stimulus can be manipulated in a local region of visual space by adapting to oscillatory motion or flicker. This implicates spatially localized temporal mechanisms in duration perception. We do not see concomitant changes in the time of onset or offset of the test patterns, demonstrating a direct local effect on duration perception rather than an indirect effect on the time course of neural processing. The effects of adaptation on duration perception can also be dissociated from motion or flicker perception per se. Although 20 Hz adaptation reduces both the apparent temporal frequency and duration of a 10 Hz test stimulus, 5 Hz adaptation increases apparent temporal frequency but has little effect on duration perception. We conclude that there is a peripheral, spatially localized, essentially visual component involved in sensing the duration of visual events.


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In this paper, we propose features extracted from the heart rate variability (HRV) based on the first and second conditional moments of time-frequency distribution (TFD) as an additional guide for seizure detection in newborn. The features of HRV in the low frequency band (LF: 0-0.07 Hz), mid frequency band (MF: 0.07-0.15 Hz), and high frequency band (HF: 0.15-0.6 Hz) have been obtained by means of the time-frequency analysis using the modified-B distribution (MBD). Results of ongoing time-frequency research are presented. Based on our preliminary results, the first conditional moment of HRV which is also known as the mean/central frequency in the LF band and the second conditional moment of HRV which is also known as the variance/instantaneous bandwidth (IB) in the HF band can be used as a good feature to discriminate the newborn seizure from the non-seizure


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This research deals with the production of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from agro-industrial residues, with specific focus on development of continuous cross flow enzyme membrane reactor. Pectic oligosaccharides have recently gained attention due to their prebiotic activity. Lack of information on the continuous production of POS from agro-industrial residues formed the basis for the present study. Four residues i.e sugar beet pulp, onion hulls, pressed pumpkin cake and berry pomace were taken to study their pectin content. Based on the presence of higher galacturonic acid and arabinose (both homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan) in sugar beet pulp and galacturonic acid (only homogalacturonan) in onion hulls, further optimization of different extraction methods of pectin (causing minimum damage to pectic chain) from these residues were done. The most suitable extractant for sugar beet pulp and onion hulls were nitric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate respectively. Further the experiments on the continuous production of POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor was initiated. Several optimization experiments indicated the optimum enzyme (Viscozyme) as well as feed concentration (25 g/L) to be used for producing POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor. The results highlighted that steady state POS production with volumetric and specific productivity of 22g/L/h and 11 g/gE/h respectively could be achieved by continuous cross flow filtration of sugar beet pulp pectic extract over 10 kDa membrane at residence time of 20 min. The POS yield of about 80% could be achieved using above conditions. Also, in this thesis preliminary experiments on the production and characterization of POS from onion hulls were conducted. The results revelaed that the most suitable enzyme for POS production from onion hulls is endo-polygalacturonase M2. The POS produced from onion hulls were present in the form of DP1 -DP10 in substituted as well as unsubstituted forms. This study clearly demonstrates that continuous production of POS from pectin rich sources can be achieved by using cross flow continuous enzyme membrane reactor.


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This work has, as its objective, the development of non-invasive and low-cost systems for monitoring and automatic diagnosing specific neonatal diseases by means of the analysis of suitable video signals. We focus on monitoring infants potentially at risk of diseases characterized by the presence or absence of rhythmic movements of one or more body parts. Seizures and respiratory diseases are specifically considered, but the approach is general. Seizures are defined as sudden neurological and behavioural alterations. They are age-dependent phenomena and the most common sign of central nervous system dysfunction. Neonatal seizures have onset within the 28th day of life in newborns at term and within the 44th week of conceptional age in preterm infants. Their main causes are hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, intracranial haemorrhage, and sepsis. Studies indicate an incidence rate of neonatal seizures of 0.2% live births, 1.1% for preterm neonates, and 1.3% for infants weighing less than 2500 g at birth. Neonatal seizures can be classified into four main categories: clonic, tonic, myoclonic, and subtle. Seizures in newborns have to be promptly and accurately recognized in order to establish timely treatments that could avoid an increase of the underlying brain damage. Respiratory diseases related to the occurrence of apnoea episodes may be caused by cerebrovascular events. Among the wide range of causes of apnoea, besides seizures, a relevant one is Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) \cite{Healy}. With a reported prevalence of 1 in 200,000 live births, CCHS, formerly known as Ondine's curse, is a rare life-threatening disorder characterized by a failure of the automatic control of breathing, caused by mutations in a gene classified as PHOX2B. CCHS manifests itself, in the neonatal period, with episodes of cyanosis or apnoea, especially during quiet sleep. The reported mortality rates range from 8% to 38% of newborn with genetically confirmed CCHS. Nowadays, CCHS is considered a disorder of autonomic regulation, with related risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Currently, the standard method of diagnosis, for both diseases, is based on polysomnography, a set of sensors such as ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) sensors, ElectroMyoGraphy (EMG) sensors, ElectroCardioGraphy (ECG) sensors, elastic belt sensors, pulse-oximeter and nasal flow-meters. This monitoring system is very expensive, time-consuming, moderately invasive and requires particularly skilled medical personnel, not always available in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Therefore, automatic, real-time and non-invasive monitoring equipments able to reliably recognize these diseases would be of significant value in the NICU. A very appealing monitoring tool to automatically detect neonatal seizures or breathing disorders may be based on acquiring, through a network of sensors, e.g., a set of video cameras, the movements of the newborn's body (e.g., limbs, chest) and properly processing the relevant signals. An automatic multi-sensor system could be used to permanently monitor every patient in the NICU or specific patients at home. Furthermore, a wire-free technique may be more user-friendly and highly desirable when used with infants, in particular with newborns. This work has focused on a reliable method to estimate the periodicity in pathological movements based on the use of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) criterion. In particular, average differential luminance signals from multiple Red, Green and Blue (RGB) cameras or depth-sensor devices are extracted and the presence or absence of a significant periodicity is analysed in order to detect possible pathological conditions. The efficacy of this monitoring system has been measured on the basis of video recordings provided by the Department of Neurosciences of the University of Parma. Concerning clonic seizures, a kinematic analysis was performed to establish a relationship between neonatal seizures and human inborn pattern of quadrupedal locomotion. Moreover, we have decided to realize simulators able to replicate the symptomatic movements characteristic of the diseases under consideration. The reasons is, essentially, the opportunity to have, at any time, a 'subject' on which to test the continuously evolving detection algorithms. Finally, we have developed a smartphone App, called 'Smartphone based contactless epilepsy detector' (SmartCED), able to detect neonatal clonic seizures and warn the user about the occurrence in real-time.


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Alguma forma de atenção está continuamente presente na atividade consciente humana, trazendo implicações e interesses tanto de cunho clínico quanto para a Psicologia da Saúde. A atenção é entendida como um estado seletivo, intensivo e dirigido da percepção. Dentro do contexto esportivo a muito da atenção para ser explorada. O objetivo neste trabalho foi testar a atenção de goleiros de futebol de campo através de duas tarefas experimentais. Nossas hipóteses foram que prática esportiva, especificamente em goleiros, e em função do seu treinamento, melhora seu desempenho em tarefas dissociativas do contexto peculiar ao esporte. E ainda; havendo melhora no desempenho, se é devida a componente perceptivo de discriminação, ao alocamento temporal de atenção, ou à sustentação da mesma por períodos prolongados, isto é, uma maior capacidade de concentração ou menos fadigabilidade. Comparamos 27 goleiros de futebol de campo, com idades entre 15 e 27 anos; separados por tempo de treino. Utilizamos neste estudo um programa comercial de computador, configurado para a criação de testes de atenção (Stim, Neurosoft. Inc); que controla todos os aspectos da tarefa. Correlacionamos tempo de reação e porcentagem de acertos com duração do treinamento dos goleiros em meses (e com a idade). Dividimos o grupo de goleiros em dois subgrupos, pela mediana de tempo de treinamento. Apesar da alta correlação entre tempo de treinamento e idade, inevitavelmente em nossa amostra, não houve correlação significativa entre idade e desempenho em ambas as tarefas. A correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento foi altamente significativa na tarefa I. Não verificamos a correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento na tarefa II, apesar da correlação significativa entre desempenhos nas duas tarefas. Foram feitas análises de correlações entre tempo de treinamento e desempenho nas tarefas separadas por blocos. Na tarefa I, a correlação entre tempo de treino e desempenho em cada bloco foi sempre significativa; tanto em teste paramétrico quanto em teste não paramétrico. Já na tarefa II não houve correlação significativa em tempo de treinamento e desempenho em qualquer dos blocos. Na análise categórica, ou seja, dos grupos divididos em dois subgrupos pela mediana de tempo de treinamento; a diferença de desempenho entre os subgrupos foi significativa apenas na tarefa I, no total de acertos (T- test de amostras independentes; F=4.36, p=0.037) e em acertos nos últimos dois blocos (bloco 3 p=0.048; bloco 4 p=0.026). Com o tempo de treinamento, a melhora no que diferenciar e o aumento na condição da fadigabilidade, tende a refinar e a diminuir. A prática esportiva pode de fato melhorar a capacidade perceptiva e a sustentação da atenção, que é à base da disciplina humana para realização de qualquer tarefa. Conseqüentemente, uma melhora afetiva e somática, além disso, uma melhora cognitiva e intelectual traz consigo uma aplicabilidade real na qualidade de vida das pessoas


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In this paper, we discuss some practical implications for implementing adaptable network algorithms applied to non-stationary time series problems. Using electricity load data and training with the extended Kalman filter, we demonstrate that the dynamic model-order increment procedure of the resource allocating RBF network (RAN) is highly sensitive to the parameters of the novelty criterion. We investigate the use of system noise and forgetting factors for increasing the plasticity of the Kalman filter training algorithm, and discuss the consequences for on-line model order selection. We also find that a recently-proposed alternative novelty criterion, found to be more robust in stationary environments, does not fare so well in the non-stationary case due to the need for filter adaptability during training.


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This paper consides the problem of extracting the relationships between two time series in a non-linear non-stationary environment with Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We describe an algorithm which is capable of identifying associations between variables. The method is applied both to synthetic data and real data. We show that HMMs are capable of modelling the oil drilling process and that they outperform existing methods.


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We present in this paper ideas to tackle the problem of analysing and forecasting nonstationary time series within the financial domain. Accepting the stochastic nature of the underlying data generator we assume that the evolution of the generator's parameters is restricted on a deterministic manifold. Therefore we propose methods for determining the characteristics of the time-localised distribution. Starting with the assumption of a static normal distribution we refine this hypothesis according to the empirical results obtained with the methods anc conclude with the indication of a dynamic non-Gaussian behaviour with varying dependency for the time series under consideration.


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Background & Aims: Current models of visceral pain processing derived from metabolic brain imaging techniques fail to differentiate between exogenous (stimulus-dependent) and endogenous (non-stimulus-specific) neural activity. The aim of this study was to determine the spatiotemporal correlates of exogenous neural activity evoked by painful esophageal stimulation. Methods: In 16 healthy subjects (8 men; mean age, 30.2 ± 2.2 years), we recorded magnetoencephalographic responses to 2 runs of 50 painful esophageal electrical stimuli originating from 8 brain subregions. Subsequently, 11 subjects (6 men; mean age, 31.2 ± 1.8 years) had esophageal cortical evoked potentials recorded on a separate occasion by using similar experimental parameters. Results: Earliest cortical activity (P1) was recorded in parallel in the primary/secondary somatosensory cortex and posterior insula (∼85 ms). Significantly later activity was seen in the anterior insula (∼103 ms) and cingulate cortex (∼106 ms; P = .0001). There was no difference between the P1 latency for magnetoencephalography and cortical evoked potential (P = .16); however, neural activity recorded with cortical evoked potential was longer than with magnetoencephalography (P = .001). No sex differences were seen for psychophysical or neurophysiological measures. Conclusions: This study shows that exogenous cortical neural activity evoked by experimental esophageal pain is processed simultaneously in somatosensory and posterior insula regions. Activity in the anterior insula and cingulate - brain regions that process the affective aspects of esophageal pain - occurs significantly later than in the somatosensory regions, and no sex differences were observed with this experimental paradigm. Cortical evoked potential reflects the summation of cortical activity from these brain regions and has sufficient temporal resolution to separate exogenous and endogenous neural activity. © 2005 by the American Gastroenterological Association.


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Developmental learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia have a high rate of co-occurrence in pediatric populations, suggesting that they share underlying cognitive and neurophysiological mechanisms. Dyslexia and other developmental disorders with a strong heritable component have been associated with reduced sensitivity to coherent motion stimuli, an index of visual temporal processing on a millisecond time-scale. Here we examined whether deficits in sensitivity to visual motion are evident in children who have poor mathematics skills relative to other children of the same age. We obtained psychophysical thresholds for visual coherent motion and a control task from two groups of children who differed in their performance on a test of mathematics achievement. Children with math skills in the lowest 10% in their cohort were less sensitive than age-matched controls to coherent motion, but they had statistically equivalent thresholds to controls on a coherent form control measure. Children with mathematics difficulties therefore tend to present a similar pattern of visual processing deficit to those that have been reported previously in other developmental disorders. We speculate that reduced sensitivity to temporally defined stimuli such as coherent motion represents a common processing deficit apparent across a range of commonly co-occurring developmental disorders.


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With the extensive use of pulse modulation methods in telecommunications, much work has been done in the search for a better utilisation of the transmission channel.The present research is an extension of these investigations. A new modulation method, 'Variable Time-Scale Information Processing', (VTSIP), is proposed.The basic principles of this system have been established, and the main advantages and disadvantages investigated. With the proposed system, comparison circuits detect the instants at which the input signal voltage crosses predetermined amplitude levels.The time intervals between these occurrences are measured digitally and the results are temporarily stored, before being transmitted.After reception, an inverse process enables the original signal to be reconstituted.The advantage of this system is that the irregularities in the rate of information contained in the input signal are smoothed out before transmission, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth. A disadvantage of the system is the time delay necessarily introduced by the storage process.Another disadvantage is a type of distortion caused by the finite store capacity.A simulation of the system has been made using a standard speech signal, to make some assessment of this distortion. It is concluded that the new system should be an improvement on existing pulse transmission systems, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth, but introducing a time delay.