985 resultados para newspapers O Conciliador do Maranhão


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O presente trabalho registra mais uma espécie pertencente à família Leptodactylidae apresentando cuidado parental, Leptodactylus natalensis Lutz, 1930. Fêmeas foram observadas em assistência a ovos e cardumes de girinos em duas poças temporárias na mata Atlântica do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil.


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Objetivou-se investigar a influência dos índices gonadais e nutricionais sobre a biologia reprodutiva de Hexanematichthys proops (Valenciennes, 1840) (Siluriformes, Ariidae) na costa ocidental do Maranhão entre julho de 2001 e julho de 2002. Houve uma significante dominância de fêmeas quando considerado o período total amostrado. A relação peso/comprimento apresentou uma significante diferença entre os sexos em relação ao coeficiente de alometria, embora ambos tenham apresentado crescimento alométrico positivo. Análises da curva de maturação baseadas na variação mensal dos índices gonadossomático e hepatossomático sugerem que o período reprodutivo ocorre entre outubro e maio. A variação mensal do fator de condição revelou que as fêmeas apresentaram condições gerais inferiores aos machos durante todo o período amostral. Foi observado que a diminuição do peso do fígado ocorre durante a maturação gonadal e processos reprodutivos. Análises do índice de repleção médio mostraram que os peixes exibem melhores condições alimentares antes e depois do período reprodutivo.


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The larva of Orthemis schmidti Buchholz, 1950 is described and illustrated for the first time based on one specimen from the northeastern region Brazil. Diagnostic characters which separate this larva from known larvae of other congeners are mentioned, and some notes on the habitat of the species are presented.


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Die grosse Nordost-region zeigt klimatische und geomorphologische Eigenheiten, die die Vegetationstypen gut begrenzen, die ihrerseits fast immer alten Klimaces entsprechen. So finden wir: I - Feuchtes Gebiet. 1. Die Kuestenflaechen (immergruener und teil-regengruener Wald) mit starken, gleichmaessig verteilten Niederschlaegen zeigt: 10 - 20 m tiefe Lehmboeden, wenig durchlaessig, ohne Lateritkruste, besiedelt mit Baumarten weiter Verbreitung, untermischt mit endemischen Streuformen, was auf eine ziemlich alte Besiedlung hinweist. 2. Die Flaechen der Hochebenen (mikroklimatisch bedingter Wald), abhaengig von "Bergklima" oder hoher Oberflaechenfeuchtigkeit, zeigen folgende Eigenheiten: In den Bergzuegen aus Urgestein, mit lehmigsandigen Boeden hoher Feuchtigkeit wegen der Passatwinde und der haeufigen Nebelbildung, finden sich dieselben Baumarten, die auch in den benachbarten Waldgebieten vorkommen untermischt mit wenigen endemischen Formen; an den Haengen der Bergzuege aus Sandstein, mit sandig-lehmigen Boeden, die wegen des Anschnitts des Grundwasserspiegels dauernd feucht sind, finden sich endemische Arten - in der Mehrzahl Streuformen aus den Cerradões des mittleren Westens - vergesellschaftet mit anderen groesserer Verbreitung Beide Flaechen scheinen florestale Rueckzugsgebiete darzustellen. 3. Die "Agreste"-Flaechen (mit eingesprengten, mikroklimatisch unterschiedlichen Wald- und "Caatinga"-Gebieten), mit schwachen, jedoch regelmaessig verteilten Regenfaellen, zeigen flache, 1 - 3 m tiefe Sandboeden und ausgedehnte, relativ tiefreichende Lehmboeden, und sind besiedelt von Arten der benachbarten Flaechen, in einzelnen, durch die Savannen getrennten Inseln stehend, was auf eine moderne Besiedlung hinzuweisen scheint. 4. Die Flaechen des "Sertão" (regengruene Buesche und stacheltragende Formationen), mit unregelmaessigen Niederschlaegen, zeigen niedrige (weniger als 1 m Tiefe), abgetragene Sandboeden und Bloecke aus Urgestein auf den Kuppen der Huegel, besiedelt mit endemischen Streuformen der entsprechenden amerikanischen Regionen, was eine sehr alte Besiedlung anzeigt. III - Komplexes Gebiet. Die uebrigen Flaechen, die Niederung von Maranhão (Schwemmland, Mangrove und Palmblattwaelder) und Sandsteintafeln (Cerrado), ebenso wie der Sandstreifen (heide- und buschfoermige Vegetation) und anschliessende Gebiete (Mischwaelder und Cerrado-Caatinga) sind durch sehr spezielle Verhaeltnisse innerhalb der Nordost-Region bedingt. 5. Der Palmblattwald, bedingt durch Steigeregen und begrenzt auf einen Kontaktstreifen zwischen ueberfeuchtem Klima (Amazonas-wald) und Halbtrocken-klima mit scharf begrenzter, oft verlaengerter Trockenzeit (Savanne und Caatinga), stellt eine Uebergangsvegetation dar, wo die gruppenfoermig auftretenden, vorherrschenden endemischen formen ihm den Charakter einer relativ jungen Besiedlung geben. 6. Der Cerrado mit ausgesprochener Trockenperiode wird bedingt durch die tiefgruendigen Sandsteingebiete der unveraendert erhaltenenSchollen der Vorkreidezeit, debeckt mit einer wahrscheinlichen Reliktenvegetation, die frueher grosse Teile des Westens der Nordost-region ueberzog. 7. Die noerdlich und suedlich anschliessenden Gebiete, die zwischen Caatinga-Cerrado und dem geschlossenen Wald und den Agreste-Flächen liegen, zeigen Eigenheiten, die auf eine neuere Veraenderung des vorherrschenden regenreichen Klimas der Region hinweisen - trocken im Sertão und feucht an der Kueste. Zusammenfassend laesst sich sagen, dass in der grossen Nordost-Region die feuchten Kuestenflaechen einen immergruenen Wald besitzen, der sich einem anderem, teil-regengruenen vorlagert, und dass die trockenen Gebiete der Rumpfflaechen des Inneren eine regengruene, dornige bewachsung mit eingeschlossener reliktenvegetation auf den Erhebungen zeigen.


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A survey of the plarnorbid fauna in the Brazilian states of the Amazonian river basin revealed the occurence of 14 species, 8 of the genus Biomphalaria, 4 of Drepanotrema, 1 of Antillorbis and 1 of Plesiophysa, besides a naturalized puopulation of Helisoma duryi at Santa Rosa, municipality of Formosa, state of Goiás. The following is the distribution of the species by genera, in decreasing order of frequency (number of localities in parenthesis): 1. Biomphalaria straminea (50): Acre, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará and Roraima; 2. B. occidentalis (30): Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul; 3. B. schrammi (22); Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Pará; 4. B. amazonica (14): Acre, Amazonas and Rondônia; 5. B. glabrata (13): Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão and Pará; 6. B. peregrina (4): Distrito Federal, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul; 7. B. tenagophila (2): Distrito Federal and Goiás; 8. B. oligoza (2): Mato Grosso do Sul; 9. Drepanotrema lucidium (72): Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima; 10. D. anatinum (41): Acre, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima; 11. D. depressissimum (19): Acre, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Pará; 12. D. cimex (15): Acre, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Pará; 13. Antillorbis nordestensis (3): Distrito Federal, Maranhão and Pará; 14. Plesiophysa ornata (1): Goiás. B. glabrata is responsibel for transmission of schistosomiasis mansoni in northeastern Pará, northern Marnhão and central Goiás including the Distrito Fedreal. B. tenagophila, although susceptible to experimental infection with Schistosoma mansoni, has not been found naturally infected so far in the area. B. straminea has been incriminated as...


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Documento publicado por el CEO-UAB en 1998 como parte de la colección Working Papers que corresponde a un trabajo de investigación presentado en la asignatura "Olimpismo, deporte y sociedad". El texto analiza la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Atlanta'96 en los periódicos catalanes y sudamericanos incluyendo aspectos como la organización, "americanización" de los Juegos y minorías.


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É registrada a infecção natural do Holochilus brasiliensis nanus, um pequeno roedor semi-aquático da Baixada Ocidental do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, por Litomosoides carinii.


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The males of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis occur in two forms, one which bears a single pair of pale spots on tergite 4 and another in which an additional pair of spots characterizes tergite 3. Almost complete reproductive isolation between sumpatric populations of the two forms and between allopatric populations of the one-spot form has been reported (Ward et al., 1983). Micromorphological differences in cuticular structures on the spots have also been observed and may be sites of pheromone release (Lane & Ward, 1984). Detais of the known distribution of the two are based on the examination of new specimens captured in Brazil during 1982, as well as museum collections and specimens from other laboratories. Males with a single pair of pale spots have been found from Mexico to southern Brazil, whilst the two-spot form is found only from the state of Maranhão in North Brazil to Minas Gerais and the border with Paraguay. In the eastern area of Brazil the two forms occur sympatrically in some locations and separately in others.


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Aquesta memòria tracta sobre el procediment de creació d’una aplicació web de notícies. Està dividida en 3 zones, una on usuaris amb permisos d’administració poden penjar notícies per ser visualitzades per tothom, una altra que s’hi accedeix si s’és usuari registrat i permet visualitzar noticies d’altres servidors mitjançant el format de dades RSS, i un tercer apartat de gestió administrativa, incorporar noves notícies, modificar-ne de presents o introduir noves pàgines web que continguin notícies. Els usuaris registrats podran seleccionar el diaris dels quals rebran informació, així com especificar quines temàtiques prefereixen en la cerca de notícies.


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Classical definitions of complementarity are based on cross price elasticities, and so they do not apply, for example, when goods are free. This context includes many relevant cases such as online newspapers and public attractions. We look for a complementarity notion that does not rely on price variation and that is: behavioural (based only on observable choice data); and model-free (valid whether the agent is rational or not). We uncover a conflict between properties that complementarity should intuitively possess. We discuss three ways out of the impossibility.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El tema d’aquest treball de recerca és la premsa satírica a Catalunya durant la Segona República, centrat en l’anàlisi del setmanari 'El Be Negre’, i, a través d’aquesta publicació, l’objectiu és conèixer i veure com va tractar la premsa satírica determinats esdeveniments d’aquest període. La motivació de la recerca ve donada per l’interés en el periodisme i la història. El treball es divideix en dues grans parts; la primera d’aproximació al marc històric, i la segona, d’anàlisi de la revista. La primera part, consta d’un resum històric del període de la Segona República tan a nivell espanyol com català, d’un breu resum de les principals publicacions de l’època, tan diaris catalans com castellans i d’ideologies molt diverses, d’una breu història de la premsa satírica de Catalunya, des de mitjan segle XIX fins a la II República, i, finalment, una extensa documentació sobre el Be Negre (origen i influencies, redactors i ninotaires, seccions, funcionament, relació del setmanari amb diferents forces polítiques i sindicals). La segona part del treball, el cos central, es basa en l’anàlisi de la revista el Be Negre, a partir dels seus articles i acudits, que tracten alguns dels esdeveniments més rellevants de la Segona República.


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Introduction: 1) Withdrawal before ejaculation, "serosorting" (to choose a partner of same serostatus) and "strategic positioning" (only insertive vs. only receptive role in anal sex according to serostatus) are known to be used by MSM as alternatives to condom use. 2) Despite their questionable levels of effectiveness they are collectively labelled as "risk reduction strategies" (RRS). Objectives: The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence and factors related to RRS in men who report unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with occasional partners in the last 12 months. Methods: 1) In 2007, a module on RRS was included in a repeated national survey conducted among readers of gay newspapers, members of gay organizations and visitors of gay websites (N=2953). 2) Using an anonymous self-completed questionnaire, participants were asked whether, with the aim of avoiding HIV infection, RRS were used with occasional partners. Analysis: 1) Prevalences were calculated in participants who reported UAI with occasional partners in the last 12 months (n=416). 2) A logistic regression was performed, using "at least one RRS" as dependent variable. Number of partners in the last 12 months, HIV-status and usual socio-demographic characteristics were used as independent factors. Result : 1) 70% (292/416) of the participants reporting UAI used at least one RRS when they had unprotected sex with casual partners in the last 12 months (Table 1). 2) Withrawal before ejaculation was the most frequently reported strategy, followed by serosorting and strategic positioning (Table 1). 3) Participants who reported at least one RRS were more likely to be over 30 years and to belong to a gay organisation. HIV-positive and non-tested participants were less likely to report RRS than HIV-negative participants (Table 2). Conclusions: 1) The majority of MSM who reported UAI in the last 12 months tried to reduce risk of HIV transmission by using specific strategies (withdrawal, serosorting, strategic positioning). It is not known, however, to what extent the use of these strategies was systematic. 2) It is necessary to provide MSM with balanced information on these strategies and their respective level of effectiveness. 3) It is important to monitor the use of RRS in HIV behavioural surveillance surveys in MSM.


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L’any 1983, el fragment de crani VM-0, trobat a Venta Micena (Orce, Granada), va ser atribuït al gènere Homo per Josep Gibert, Salvador Moyà-Solà i Jordi Agustí. Un any més tard, el mateix fragment va ser atribuït a Equus per altres investigadors mitjançant el diari El País. No és fins a tres anys més tard que es publica el primer article científic seguint aquesta atribució. Només Josep Gibert continua defensant el caràcter humà de VM-0, que mai serà totalment acceptat per la comunitat científica. Els mitjans de comunicació, concretament els diaris, esdevenen l’espai de debat científic. Aquest debat, i el gran rebombori que causen els diaris, tenen influència en el desenvolupament "normal" de la ciència.


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Since the early 1990s, new forms of referendum campaigns have emerged in the Swiss political arena. In this paper, we examine how referendum campaigns have transformed in Switzerland, focusing on a number of features: their intensity, duration and inclusiveness (i.e., the variety of actors involved). These features are assumed to change in the long run in response to societal changes and in the short run as a function of variations in elite support. We further argue that public knowledge of ballot issues depends on the characteristics of campaigns. To formally test our hypotheses, we draw on advertisement campaigns in six major Swiss newspapers in the four weeks preceding each ballot from 1981 to 1999 and develop a structural equation model. We indeed find that the duration of referendum campaigns has increased over time, while their inclusiveness has decreased. Most importantly, we find that pub­lic knowledge is strongly related to the characteristics of campaigns


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The present work aims at learning the period of resistance to starvation (molting/death) of Triatoma rubrofasciata in different stages of development and the respective loss of weight until death. Eggs of specimens from the greater area of the city of São Luis in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, yielded approximately 300 nymphs. These nymphs were placed in labelled Borrel glasses, in which they were weekly fed on rats (Rattus norvegicus), until reaching the stage to be observed. The experiments were conducted in a climatic chamber regulated at 29 ± 1° C, 70% relative humidity and 12 hr photoperiod. The resistance to starvation increased according to the stage of development, except for adult bugs, whose results were similar to the 3rd stage nymphs. In all these development stages there was an abrupt loss of weight in the first week, followed by a gradual loss until death. Comparing this work with those of other authors, it was observed that T. rubrofasciata is among the less resistant triatomine species.