994 resultados para nearly-stoichiometric LiTaO3


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Chemically pure and stoichiometric lanthanide chromites, LnCrO3, where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu and YCrO3 have been prepared by the calcination of the corresponding lanthanide bis(citrato)chromium {Ln[Cr(C6H5O7)2·nH2O} complexes at relatively low temperatures. Formation of the chromites was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared and electronic spectra. The citrate gel process is found to be highly economical, time-saving and appropriate for the large-scale production of these ceramic materials at low temperatures compared with other non-conventional methods.


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Both semiempirical and ab initio calculations are reported for conformational studies of a series of alpha-substituted acetones CH3COCH2XCH3 where X = CH2, O or S and of phenacyl sulfide PhCOCH2SCH3. For conformational studies in the lowest triplet state of these molecules, the MINDO/3 method was employed in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. Results reveal that rotation around a bond alpha to the carbonyl group is more favourable than that around the beta bond. The preferred conformations in the lowest triplet state are nearly the same as in the ground state.


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Beta-Lactamase, which catalyzes beta-lactam antibiotics, is prototypical of large alpha/beta proteins with a scaffolding formed by strong noncovalent interactions. Experimentally, the enzyme is well characterized, and intermediates that are slightly less compact and having nearly the same content of secondary structure have been identified in the folding pathway. In the present study, high temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on the native enzyme in solution. Analysis of these results in terms of root mean square fluctuations in cartesian and [phi, psi] space, backbone dihedral angles and secondary structural hydrogen bonds forms the basis for an investigation of the topology of partially unfolded states of beta-lactamase. A differential stability has been observed for alpha-helices and beta-sheets upon thermal denaturation to putative unfolding intermediates. These observations contribute to an understanding of the folding/unfolding processes of beta-lactamases in particular, and other alpha/beta proteins in general.


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The presence of cell agglomerates has been found to influence significantly the rates of liquid drainage from static foams. The process of drainage has been modelled by considering the foam to be made of pentagonal dodecahedral bubbles yielding films, nearly horizontal and nearly vertical Plateau borders. The films are assumed to drain into both kinds of Plateau borders equally. The horizontal Plateau borders are assumed to receive liquid from the films and drain into the vertical Plateau borders, which, in turn, form the main flow paths for gravity drainage. The drainage process is assumed to be similar to that for pure liquid until a stage is reached where the size of the cell agglomerates become equivalent to those of films and Plateau borders. Thereafter, a squeezing flow mechanism has been formulated where the aggromerates deform and flow. The model based on the above assumptions has been verified against experimental results and has been found to predict not only drainage data but also the separation of cell agglomerates from broths.


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The role of FSH and diurnal testosterone rhythms in specific germ cell transformations during spermatogenesis were investigated using DNA flow cytometry and morphometry of the seminiferous epithelium of the adult male bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata), the endogenous hormone levels of which were altered by two different protocols. (1) Active immunization of five monkeys for 290 days using ovine FSH adsorbed on Alhydrogel resulted in the neutralization of endogenous FSH, leaving the LH and diurnal testosterone rhythms normal. (2) Desensitization of the pituitary gonadotrophs of ten monkeys by chronically infusing gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue, buserelin (50 micrograms/day release rate), via an Alzet pump implant (s.c.) led to a 60-80% reduction in LH and FSH as well as total abolition of testosterone rhythms. The basal testosterone level (3.3 +/- 2.0 micrograms/l), however, was maintained in this group by way of an s.c. testosterone silicone elastomer implant. Both of the treatments caused significant (P < 0.01) nearly identical reduction in testicular biopsy scores, mitotic indices and daily sperm production rates compared with respective controls. The germ cell DNA flow cytometric profiles of the two treatment groups, however, were fundamentally different from each other. The pituitary-desensitized group exhibited a significant (P < 0.001) increase in 2C (spermatogonial) and decrease in 1C (round spermatid) populations while S-phase (preleptotene spermatocytes) and 4C (primary spermatocytes) populations were normal, indicating an arrest in meiosis caused presumably by the lack of increment in nocturnal serum testosterone. In contrast, in the FSH-immunized group, at day 80 when the FSH deprivation was total, the primary block appeared to be at the conversion of spermatogonia (2C) to cells in S-phase and primary spermatocytes (4C reduced by > 90%). In addition, at this time, although the round spermatid (1C) population was reduced by 65% (P < 0.01) the elongate spermatid (HC) population showed an increase of 52% (P < 0.05). This, taken together with the fact that sperm output in the ejaculate is reduced by 80%, suggests a blockade in spermiogenesis and spermiation. Administration of booster injections of oFSH at time-points at which the antibody titre was markedly low (at days 84 and 180) resulted in a transient resurgence in spermatogenesis (at day 180 and 228), and this again was blocked by day 290 when the FSH antibody titre increased.


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The effect of zirconium on the hot working characteristics of alpha and alpha-beta brass was studied in the temperature range of 500 to 850-degrees-C and the strain rate range of 0.001 to 100 s-1. On the basis of the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by [2m/(m+1)] where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained. The addition of zirconium to alpha brass decreased the maximum efficiency of power dissipation from 53 to 39%, increased the strain rate for dynamic recrystallization (DRX) from 0.001 to 0.1 s-1 and improved the hot workability. Alpha-beta brasses with and without zirconium exhibit a domain in the temperature range from 550 to 750-degrees-C and at strain rates lower than 1 s-1 with a maximum efficiency of power dissipation of nearly 50 % occurring in the temperature range of 700 to 750-degrees-C and a strain rate of 0.001 s-1. In the domain, the alpha phase undergoes DRX and controls the hot deformation of the alloy whereas the beta phase deforms superplastically. The addition of zirconium to alpha-beta brass has not affected the processing maps as it gets partitioned to the beta phase and does not alter the constitutive behavior of the alpha phase


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The π-electronic excitations and excited-state geometries of trans-stilbene (tS) are found by combining exact solutions of the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model and semiempirical Parametric Method 3 (PM3) calculations. Comprehensive comparisons with tS spectra are obtained and related to the fluorescence and topological alternation of poly(paraphenylenevinylene) (PPV). The one-photon absorption and triplet of tS correspond, respectively, to singlet and triplet bipolarons confined to two phenyls, while the tS2- ground state is a confined charged bipolaron. Independent estimates of the relaxation energy between vertical and adiabatic excitation show the bipolaron binding energy to depend on both charge and spin, as expected for interacting π electrons in correlated or molecular states. Complete configuration interaction within the PPP model of tS accounts for the singlet-triplet gap, for the fine-structure constants and triplet-triplet spectra, for two-photon transitions and intensities, and for one-photon spectra and the radiative lifetime, although the relative position of nearly degenerate covalent and ionic singlets is not resolved. The planar PM3 geometry and low rotational barrier of tS agree with resolved rotational and vibrational spectra in molecular beams. PM3 excitation and relaxation energies for tS bipolarons are consistent with experiment and with PPP results. Instead of the exciton model, we interpret tS excitations in terms of states that are localized on each ring or extended over an alternating chain, as found exactly in Hückel theory, and find nearly degenerate transitions between extended and localized states in the singlet, triplet, and dianion manifolds. The large topological alternation of the extended system increases the ionicity and interchanges the order of the lowest one- and two-photon absorption of PPV relative to polyenes.


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Ceric ammonium sulfate, CAS, oxidizes naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone in essentially quantitative yield in CH3CN-dil. H2SO4. Stoichiometric studies indicate that 6 mol of CAS are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Kinetic investigations reveal that the reaction takes place through initial formation of a 1:1 complex of naphthalene and cerium(IV) in an equilibrium step followed by slow decomposition of the complex to naphthalene radical cation. Kinetic results on the effects of acid strength, polarity of the medium, temperature and substituents are in accordance with this mechanism. Further conversion of the radical cation into 1,4-naphthoquinone takes place in fast steps involving a further 5 mol of cerium(IV) and 2 mol of H2O.


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The interactions between the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine were investigated in vesicles (using circular dichroism) and in chloroform solution (using circular dichroism and IH, I3C, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance). The results show that amphotericin B readily aggregates in vesicles and that the extent of aggregation depends on the 1ipid:drug concentration ratio. Introduction of sterol molecules into the membrane hastens the process of aggregation of amphotericin B. In chloroform solutions amphotericin B strongly interacts with phospholipid molecules to form a stoichiometric complex. The results suggest that there are interactions between the conjugated heptene stretch of amphotericin B and the methylene groups of lipid acyl chains, while the sugar moiety interacts with the phosphate head group by the formation of a hydrogen bond. A model is proposed for the lipid-amphotericin B complex, in which amphotericin B interacts equally well with the two lipid acyl chains, forming a 1:l complex.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the integrated climatic impacts of forestry and the use fibre-based packaging materials. The responsible use of forest resources plays an integral role in mitigating climate change. Forests offer three generic mitigation strategies; conservation, sequestration and substitution. By conserving carbon reservoirs, increasing the carbon sequestration in the forest or substituting fossil fuel intensive materials and energy, it is possible to lower the amount of carbon in the atmosphere through the use of forest resources. The Finnish forest industry consumed some 78 million m3 of wood in 2009, while total of 2.4 million tons of different packaging materials were consumed that same year in Finland. Nearly half of the domestically consumed packaging materials were wood-based. Globally the world packaging material market is valued worth annually some €400 billion, of which the fibre-based packaging materials account for 40 %. The methodology and the theoretical framework of this study are based on a stand-level, steady-state analysis of forestry and wood yields. The forest stand data used for this study were obtained from Metla, and consisted of 14 forest stands located in Southern and Central Finland. The forest growth and wood yields were first optimized with the help of Stand Management Assistant software, and then simulated in Motti for forest carbon pools. The basic idea was to examine the climatic impacts of fibre-based packaging material production and consumption through different forest management and end-use scenarios. Economically optimal forest management practices were chosen as the baseline (1) for the study. In the alternative scenarios, the amount of fibre-based packaging material on the market decreased from the baseline. The reduced pulpwood demand (RPD) scenario (2) follows economically optimal management practices under reduced pulpwood price conditions, while the sawlog scenario (3) also changed the product mix from packaging to sawnwood products. The energy scenario (4) examines the impacts of pulpwood demand shift from packaging to energy use. The final scenario follows the silvicultural guidelines developed by the Forestry Development Centre Tapio (5). The baseline forest and forest product carbon pools and the avoided emissions from wood use were compared to those under alternative forest management regimes and end-use scenarios. The comparison of the climatic impacts between scenarios gave an insight into the sustainability of fibre-based packaging materials, and the impacts of decreased material supply and substitution. The results show that the use of wood for fibre-based packaging purposes is favorable, when considering climate change mitigation aspects of forestry and wood use. Fibre-based packaging materials efficiently displace fossil carbon emissions by substituting more energy intensive materials, and they delay biogenic carbon re-emissions to the atmosphere for several months up to years. The RPD and the sawlog scenarios both fared well in the scenario comparison. These scenarios produced relatively more sawnwood, which can displace high amounts of emissions and has high carbon storing potential due to the long lifecycle. The results indicate the possibility that win-win scenarios exist by shifting production from pulpwood to sawlogs; on some of the stands in the RPD and sawlog scenarios, both carbon pools and avoided emissions increased from the baseline simultaneously. On the opposite, the shift from packaging material to energy use caused the carbon pools and the avoided emissions to diminish from the baseline. Hence the use of virgin fibres for energy purposes, rather than forest industry feedstock biomass, should be critically judged if optional to each other. Managing the stands according to the silvicultural guidelines developed by the Forestry Development Centre Tapio provided the least climatic benefits, showing considerably lower carbon pools and avoided emissions. This seems interesting and worth noting, as the guidelines are the current basis for the forest management practices in Finland.


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The characteristics of the high pressure oxygen-sputtering plasma in the pressure range 0.8–2.4 mbar have been studied using the Langmuir probe technique. The variation in plasma parameters such as positive ion density, electron density, mean electron energy and floating potential with pressure and temperature has been investigated. It has been observed that the positive ion density increases at high substrate temperatures whereas the negative ion density decreases. The study of the variation in mean electron energy and floating potential also indicated the possibility that the number of negative ions is less when the substrates are at elevated temperatures. Since the negative ions are supposed to cause re-sputtering and make the films off-stoichiometric, the reduction in the negative ion density as observed at elevated substrate temperatures is better suited for depositing stoichiometric YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconducting thin films.


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A 4 A electron-density map of Pf1 filamentous bacterial virus has been calculated from x-ray fiber diffraction data by using the maximum-entropy method. This method produces a map that is free of features due to noise in the data and enables incomplete isomorphous-derivative phase information to be supplemented by information about the nature of the solution. The map shows gently curved (banana-shaped) rods of density about 70 A long, oriented roughly parallel to the virion axis but slewing by about 1/6th turn while running from a radius of 28 A to one of 13 A. Within these rods, there is a helical periodicity with a pitch of 5 to 6 A. We interpret these rods to be the helical subunits of the virion. The position of strongly diffracted intensity on the x-ray fiber pattern shows that the basic helix of the virion is right handed and that neighboring nearly parallel protein helices cross one another in an unusual negative sense.


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Climate change is projected to impact forest ecosystems, including biodiversity and Net Primary Productivity (NPP). National level carbon forest sector mitigation potential estimates are available for India; however impacts of projected climate change are not included in the mitigation potential estimates. Change in NPP (in gC/m(2)/yr) is taken to represent the impacts of climate change. Long term impacts of climate change (2085) on the NPP of Indian forests are available; however no such regional estimates are available for short and medium terms. The present study based on GCM climatology scenarios projects the short, medium and long term impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems especially on NPP using BIOME4 vegetation model. We estimate that under A2 scenario by the year 2030 the NPP changes by (-5) to 40% across different agro-ecological zones (AEZ). By 2050 it increases by 15% to 59% and by 2070 it increases by 34 to 84%. However, under B2 scenario it increases only by 3 to 25%, 3.5 to 34% and (-2.5) to 38% respectively, in the same time periods. The cumulative mitigation potential is estimated to increase by up to 21% (by nearly 1 GtC) under A2 scenario between the years 2008 and 2108, whereas, under B2 the mitigation potential increases only by 14% (646 MtC). However, cumulative mitigation potential estimates obtained from IBIS-a dynamic global vegetation model suggest much smaller gains, where mitigation potential increases by only 6% and 5% during the period 2008 to 2108.


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Ultra thin films of pure silicon nitride were grown on a Si (1 1 1) surface by exposing the surface to radio-frequency (RF) nitrogen plasma with a high content of nitrogen atoms. The effect of annealing of silicon nitride surface was investigated with core-level photoelectron spectroscopy. The Si 2p photoelectron spectra reveals a characteristic series of components for the Si species, not only in stoichiometric Si3N4 (Si4+) but also in the intermediate nitridation states with one (Si1+) or three (Si3+) nitrogen nearest neighbors. The Si 2p core-level shifts for the Si1+, Si3+, and Si4+ components are determined to be 0.64, 2.20, and 3.05 eV, respectively. In annealed sample it has been observed that the Si4+ component in the Si 2p spectra is significantly improved, which clearly indicates the crystalline nature of silicon nitride. The high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and photoluminescence (PL) studies showed a significant improvement of the crystalline qualities and enhancement of the optical properties of GaN grown on the stoichiometric Si3N4 by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cell-free extracts with high 14?-hydroxylase activity were prepared from induced vegetative cell cultures of Mucor piriformis by grinding in potassium phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 8.0) containing glucose (0.25 M), KCl (1 mM), glutathione (1.0 mM) and glycerol (10%). Although the ideal pH for preparing the cell-free extract from vegetative cells was 8.0, the pH optimum of the hydroxylase was found to be 7.6. Microsomes (2.0 mg) prepared from the crude cell-free extract hydroxylated progesterone to 14?-hydroxyprogesterone in not, vert, similar60% yields in 30 min in the presence of NADPH and O2. Microsomes prepared from the uninduced cells did not contain any 14?-hydroxylase activity. The hydroxylase activity was inhibited to a significant extent by CO and p-chloromercuribenzoate whereas moderate inhibition was noticed in the presence of SKF-525A, metyrapone and N-methylmaleimideindicating the possible involvement of the cytochromeP-450 system in the reaction. The membrane bound hydroxylase was solubilized using Triton X-100 and the solubilized fraction contained nearly 35% of the original hydroxylase activity.