943 resultados para near optical axis


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In this paper we modeled a quantum dot at near proximity to a gap plasmon waveguide to study the quantum dot-plasmon interactions. Assuming that the waveguide is single mode, this paper is concerned about the dependence of spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dot on waveguide dimensions such as width and height. We compare coupling efficiency of a gap waveguide with symmetric configuration and asymmetric configuration illustrating that symmetric waveguide has a better coupling efficiency to the quantum dot. We also demonstrate that optimally placed quantum dot near a symmetric waveguide with 50 nm x 50 nm cross section can capture 80% of the spontaneous emission into a guided plasmon mode.


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans cooperate with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF2) signaling to control osteoblast growth and differentiation, as well as metabolic functions of osteoblasts. FGF2 signaling modulates the expression and activity of Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2/Cbfa1), a key regulator of osteoblast proliferation and maturation. Here, we have characterized novel Runx2 target genes in osteoprogenitors under conditions that promote growth arrest while not yet permitting sustained phenotypic maturation. Runx2 enhances expression of genes related to proteoglycan-mediated signaling, including FGF receptors (e.g., FGFR2 and FGFR3) and proteoglycans (e.g., syndecans [Sdc1, Sdc2, Sdc3], glypicans [Gpc1], versican [Vcan]). Runx2 increases expression of the glycosyltransferase Exostosin-1 (Ext1) and heparanase, as well as alters the relative expression of N-linked sulfotransferases (Ndst1 = Ndst2 > Ndst3) and enzymes mediating O-linked sulfation of heparan sulfate (Hs2st > Hs6st) or chondroitin sulfate (Cs4st > Cs6st). Runx2 cooperates with FGF2 to induce expression of Sdc4 and the sulfatase Galns, but Runx2 and FGF2 suppress Gpc6, thus suggesting intricate Runx2 and FGF2 dependent changes in proteoglycan utilization. One functional consequence of Runx2 mediated modulations in proteoglycan-related gene expression is a change in the responsiveness of bone markers to FGF2 stimulation. Runx2 and FGF2 synergistically enhance osteopontin expression (>100 fold), while FGF2 blocks Runx2 induction of alkaline phosphatase. Our data suggest that Runx2 and the FGF/proteoglycan axis may form an extracellular matrix (ECM)-related regulatory feed-back loop that controls osteoblast proliferation and execution of the osteogenic program.


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Background: Recent evidence indicates that gene variants related to carotenoid metabolism play a role in the uptake of macular pigments lutein (L) and zeaxanthine (Z). Moreover, these pigments are proposed to reduce the risk for advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This study provides the initial examination of the relationship between the gene variants related to carotenoid metabolism, macular pigment optical density (MPOD) and their combined expression in healthy humans and patients with AMD. Participants and Methods: Forty-four participants were enrolled from a general population and a private practice including 20 healthy participants and 24 patients with advanced (neovascular) AMD. Participants were genotyped for the three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) upstream from BCMO1, rs11645428, rs6420424 and rs6564851 that have been shown to either up or down regulate beta-carotene conversion efficiency in the plasma. MPOD was determined by heterochromatic flicker photometry. Results: Healthy participants with the rs11645428 GG genotype, rs6420424 AA genotype and rs6564851 GG genotype all had on average significantly lower MPOD compared to those with the other genotypes (p < 0.01 for all three comparisons). When combining BCMO1 genotypes reported to have “high” (rs11645428 AA/rs6420424 GG/rs6564851 TT) and “low” (rs11645428 GG/rs6420424 AA/rs6564851 GG) beta-carotene conversion efficiency, we demonstrate clear differences in MPOD values (p<0.01). In patients with AMD there were no significant differences in MPOD for any of the three BCMO1 gene variants. Conclusion: In healthy participants MPOD levels can be related to high and low beta-carotene conversion BCMO1 genotypes. Such relationships were not found in patients with advanced neovascular AMD, indicative of additional processes influencing carotenoid uptake, possibly related to other AMD susceptibility genes. Our findings indicate that specific BCMO1 SNPs should be determined when assessing the effects of carotenoid supplementation on macular pigment and that their expression may be influenced by retinal disease.


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Parabolic trough concentrator collector is the most matured, proven and widespread technology for the exploitation of the solar energy on a large scale for middle temperature applications. The assessment of the opportunities and the possibilities of the collector system are relied on its optical performance. A reliable Monte Carlo ray tracing model of a parabolic trough collector is developed by using Zemax software. The optical performance of an ideal collector depends on the solar spectral distribution and the sunshape, and the spectral selectivity of the associated components. Therefore, each step of the model, including the spectral distribution of the solar energy, trough reflectance, glazing anti-reflection coating and the absorber selective coating is explained and verified. Radiation flux distribution around the receiver, and the optical efficiency are two basic aspects of optical simulation are calculated using the model, and verified with widely accepted analytical profile and measured values respectively. Reasonably very good agreement is obtained. Further investigations are carried out to analyse the characteristics of radiation distribution around the receiver tube at different insolation, envelop conditions, and selective coating on the receiver; and the impact of scattered light from the receiver surface on the efficiency. However, the model has the capability to analyse the optical performance at variable sunshape, tracking error, collector imperfections including absorber misalignment with focal line and de-focal effect of the absorber, different rim angles, and geometric concentrations. The current optical model can play a significant role in understanding the optical aspects of a trough collector, and can be employed to extract useful information on the optical performance. In the long run, this optical model will pave the way for the construction of low cost standalone photovoltaic and thermal hybrid collector in Australia for small scale domestic hot water and electricity production.


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Na-dodecylbenzenesulfate (SDBS), a natural anionic surfactant, has been successfully intercalated into a Ca based LDH host structure during tricalcium aluminate hydration in the presence of SDBS aqueous solution (CaAl-SDBS-LDH). The resulting product was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy combined with near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique, thermal analysis (TG–DTA) and scan electron microscopy (SEM). The XRD results revealed that the interlayer distance of resultant product was expanded to 30.46 Å. MIR combined with NIR spectra offered an effective method to illustrate this intercalation. The NIR spectra (6000–5500 cm−1) displayed prominent bands to expound SDBS intercalated into hydration product of C3A. And the bands around 8300 cm−1 were assigned to the second overtone of the first fundamental of CH stretching vibrations of SDBS. In addition, thermal analysis showed that the dehydration and dehydroxylation took place at ca. 220 °C and 348 °C, respectively. The SEM results appeared approximately hexagonal platy crystallites morphology for CaAl-SDBS-LDH, with particle size smaller and thinner.


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Appetite regulation is highly complex and involves a large number of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptide hormones. These are small, processed, secreted peptides derived from larger prepropeptide precursors. These peptides are important targets for the development of therapeutics for obesity, a global health epidemic. As a case study, we consider the ghrelin axis. The ghrelin axis is likely to be a particularly useful drug target, as it also plays a role in energy homeostasis, adipogenesis, insulin regulation and reward associated with food intake. Ghrelin is the only known circulating gut orexigenic peptide hormone. As it appears to play a role in diet-induced obesity, blocking the action of ghrelin is likely to be effective for treating and preventing obesity. The ghrelin peptide has been targeted using a number of approaches, with ghrelin mirror-image oligonucleotides (Spiegelmers) and immunotherapy showing some promise. The ghrelin receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, may also provide a useful target and a number of antagonists and inverse agonists have been developed. A particularly promising new target is the enzyme which octanoylates ghrelin, ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT), and drugs that inhibit GOAT are likely to circumvent pharmacological issues associated with approaches that directly target ghrelin or its receptor.


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Ghrelin is a peptide hormone produced in the stomach and a range of other tissues, where it has endocrine, paracrine and autocrine roles in both normal and disease states. Ghrelin has been shown to be an important growth factor for a number of tumours, including prostate and breast cancers. In this study, we examined the expression of the ghrelin axis (ghrelin and its receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, GHSR) in endometrial cancer. Ghrelin is expressed in a range of endometrial cancer tissues, while its cognate receptor, GHSR1a, is expressed in a small subset of normal and cancer tissues. Low to moderately invasive endometrial cancer cell lines were examined by RT-PCR and immunoblotting, demonstrating that ghrelin axis mRNA and protein expression correlate with differentiation status of Ishikawa, HEC1B and KLE endometrial cancer cell lines. Moreover, treatment with ghrelin potently stimulated cell proliferation and inhibited cell death. Taken together, these data indicate that ghrelin promotes the progression of endometrial cancer cells in vitro, and may contribute to endometrial cancer pathogenesis and represent a novel treatment target.


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Chronic ethanol exposure leads to dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, leading to changes in glucocorticoid release and function that have been proposed to maintain pathological alcohol consumption and increase vulnerability to relapse during abstinence. The objective of this study was to determine whether mifepristone, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, plays a role in ethanol self-administration and reinstatement. Male, Long-Evans rats were trained to self-administer either ethanol or sucrose in daily 30 min operant self-administration sessions using a fixed ratio 3 schedule of reinforcement. Following establishment of stable baseline responding, we examined the effects of mifepristone on maintained responding and yohimbine-induced increases in responding for ethanol and sucrose. Lever responding was extinguished in separate groups of rats and animals were tested for yohimbine-induced reinstatement and corticosterone release. We also investigated the effects of local mifepristone infusions into the central amygdala (CeA) on yohimbine-induced reinstatement of ethanol- and sucrose-seeking. In addition, we infused mifepristone into the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in ethanol-seeking animals as an anatomical control. We show that both systemic and intra-CeA (but not BLA) mifepristone administration suppressed yohimbine-induced reinstatement of ethanol-seeking, while only systemic injections attenuated sucrose-seeking. In contrast, baseline consumption, yohimbine-induced increases in responding, and circulating CORT levels were unaffected. The data indicate that the CeA plays an important role in the effects of mifepristone on yohimbine-induced reinstatement of ethanol-seeking. Mifepristone may be a valuable pharmacotherapeutic strategy for preventing relapse to alcohol use disorders and, as it is FDA approved, may be a candidate for clinical trials in the near future.


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Gold particle interaction with few-layer graphenes is of interest for the development of numerous optical nanodevices. The results of numerical studies of the coupling of gold nanoparticles with few-layer vertical graphene sheets are presented. The field strengths are computed and the optimum nanoparticle configurations for the formation of SERS hotpots are obtained. The nanoparticles are modeled as 8 nm diameter spheres atop 1.5 nm (5 layers) graphene sheet. The vertical orientation is of particular interest as it is possible to use both sides of the graphene structure and potentially double the number of particles in the system. Our results show that with the addition of an opposing particle a much stronger signal can be obtained as well as the particle separation can be controlled by the number of atomic carbon layers. These results provide further insights and contribute to the development of next-generation plasmonic devices based on nanostructures with hybrid dimensionality.


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We describe a novel method of fabricating atom chips that are well suited to the production and manipulation of atomic Bose–Einstein condensates. Our chip was created using a silver foil and simple micro-cutting techniques without the need for photolithography. It can sustain larger currents than conventional chips, and is compatible with the patterning of complex trapping potentials. A near pure Bose–Einstein condensate of 4 × 104 87Rb atoms has been created in a magnetic microtrap formed by currents through wires on the chip. We have observed the fragmentation of atom clouds in close proximity to the silver conductors. The fragmentation has different characteristic features to those seen with copper conductors.


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Aground-based tracking camera and coaligned slitless spectrograph were used to measure the spectral signature of visible radiation emitted from the Hayabusa capsule as it entered into the Earth’s atmosphere in June 2010. Good quality spectra were obtained, which showed the presence of radiation from the heat shield of the vehicle and the shock-heated air in front of the vehicle. An analysis of the blackbody nature of the radiation concluded that the peak average temperature of the surface was about (3100± 100)K. Line spectra from oxygen and nitrogen atoms were used to infer a peak average shock-heated gas temperature of around((7000±400))K.


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Induction is an interesting model of legal reasoning, since it provides a method of capturing initial states of legal principles and rules, and adjusting these principles and rules over time as the law changes. In this article I explain how Artificial Intelligence-based inductive learning algorithms work, and show how they have been used in law to model legal domains. I identify some problems with implementations undertaken in law to date, and create a taxonomy of appropriate cases to use in legal inductive inferencing systems. I suggest that inductive learning algorithms have potential in modeling law, but that the artificial intelligence implementations to date are problematic. I argue that induction should be further investigated, since it has the potential to be an extremely useful mechanism for understanding legal domains.


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The growth of a single cylindrical hole ahead of a blunt crack tip was studied using large deformation finite element analysis in three-point bend specimens with different precrack depth. The effect of small second phase particles was taken into account by incorporating Gurson’s constitutive equation. The effects of strain hardening and the initial distance from the hole to the crack tip were also investigated. The results show that the variation of crack tip opening displacement with load is not sensitive to constraint level. The effects of constraint on the growth of hole and ductile initiation toughness are diminished with decreasing initial distance from the hole to the blunt crack tip.


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Muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is associated with a high frequency of metastasis, resulting in poor prognosis for patients presenting with this disease. Models that capture and demonstrate step-wise enhancement of elements of the human metastatic cascade on a similar genetic background are useful research tools. We have utilized the transitional cell carcinoma cell line TSU-Pr1 to develop an in vivo experimental model of bladder TCC metastasis. TSU-Pr1 cells were inoculated into the left cardiac ventricle of SCID mice and the development of bone metastases was monitored using high resolution X-ray. Tumor tissue from a single bone lesion was excised and cultured in vitro to generate the TSU-Pr1-B1 subline. This cycle was repeated with the TSU-Pr1-B1 cells to generate the successive subline TSU-Pr1-B2. DNA profiling and karyotype analysis confirmed the genetic relationship of these three cell lines. In vitro, the growth rate of these cell lines was not significantly different. However, following intracardiac inoculation TSU-Pr1, TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 exhibited increasing metastatic potential with a concomitant decrease in time to the onset of radiologically detectable metastatic bone lesions. Significant elevations in the levels of mRNA expression of the matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MMP-9, and their inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2), across the progressively metastatic cell lines, were detected by quantitative PCR. Given the role of MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in MMP-2 activation, and the upregulation of MMP-9, these data suggest an important role for matrix remodeling, particularly basement membrane, in this progression. The TSU-Pr1-B1/B2 model holds promise for further identification of important molecules.


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Plasmonic gold nano-assemblies that self-assemble with the aid of linking molecules or polymers have the potential to yield controlled hierarchies of morphologies and consequently result in materials with tailored optical (e.g. localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR)) and spectroscopic properties (e.g. surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)). Molecular linkers that are structurally well-defined are promising for forming hybrid nano-assemblies which are stable in aqueous solution and are increasingly finding application in nanomedicine. Despite much ongoing research in this field, the precise role of molecular linkers in governing the morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies remains unclear. Previously we have demonstrated that branched linkers, such as hyperbranched polymers, with specific anchoring end groups can be successfully employed to form assemblies of gold NPs demonstrating near-infrared SPRs and intense SERS scattering. We herein introduce a tailored polymer as a versatile molecular linker, capable of manipulating nano-assembly morphologies and hot-spot density. In addition, this report explores the role of the polymeric linker architecture, specifically the degree of branching of the tailored polymer in determining the formation, morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies. The degree of branching of the linker polymer, in addition to the concentration and number of anchoring groups, is observed to strongly influence the self-assembly process. The assembly morphology shifts primarily from 1D-like chains to 2D plates and finally to 3D-like globular structures, with increase in degree of branching. Insights have been gained into how the morphology influences the SERS performance of these nano-assemblies with respect to hot-spot density. These findings supplement the understanding of the morphology determining nano-assembly formation and pave the way for the possible application of these nano-assemblies as SERS bio-sensors for medical diagnostics.