965 resultados para near null magnetic field
A computer simulation method has been used to study the three-dimensional structural formation and transition of eleetromagnetorheological (EMR) suspensions under compatible electric and magnetic fields. When the fields are applied simultaneously and perpendicularly to each other, the particles rapidly arrange into single layer structures parallel to both fields. In each layer, there is a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. The single layers then combine together to form thicker sheetlike structures. With the help of the thermal fluctuations, the thicker structures relax into three-dimensional close-packed structures, which may be face-centered cubic (fcc), hexagonal close-packed (hup) lattices, or, more probably, the mixture of them, depending on the initial configurations and the thermal fluctuations. On the other hand, if the electric field is applied first to induce the body-centered tetragonal (bct) columns in the system, and then the magnetic field is applied in the perpendicular direction, the bet to fee structure transition is observed in a very short time. Following that, the structure keeps on evolving due to the demagnetization effect and finally forms close-packed structures with fee and hcp lattice character. The simulation results are in agreement with the theoretical and experimental results.
The launch of the Double Star mission has provided the opportunity to monitor events at distinct locations on the dayside magnetopause, in coordination with the quartet of Cluster spacecraft. We present results of two such coordinated studies. In the first, 6 April 2004, both Cluster and the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft were on outbound transits through the dawn-side magnetosphere. Cluster observed northward moving FTEs with +/- polarity, whereas TC-1 saw -/+ polarity FTEs. The strength, motion and occurrence of the FTE signatures changes somewhat according to changes in IMF clock angle. These observations are consistent with ongoing reconnection on the dayside magnetopause, resulting in a series of flux transfer events (FTEs) seen both at Cluster and TC-1. The observed polarity and motion of each FTE signature advocates the existence of an active reconnection region consistently located between the positions of Cluster and TC-1, lying north and south of the reconnection line, respectively. This scenario is supported by the application of a model, designed to track flux tube motion, to conditions appropriate for the prevailing interplanetary conditions. The results from the model confirm the observational evidence that the low-latitude FTE dynamics is sensitive to changes in convected upstream conditions. In particular, changing the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) clock angle in the model predicts that TC-1 should miss the resulting FTEs more often than Cluster, as is observed. For the second conjunction, on the 4 Jan 2005, the Cluster and TC-1 spacecraft all exited the dusk-side magnetosphere almost simultaneously, with TC-1 lying almost equatorial and Cluster at northern latitudes at about 4 RE from TC-1. The spacecraft traverse the magnetopause during a strong reversal in the IMF from northward to southward and a number of magnetosheath FTE signatures are subsequently observed. One coordinated FTE, studied in detail by Pu et al, [this issue], carries and inflowing energetic electron population and shows a motion and orientation which is similar at all spacecraft and consistent with the predictions of the model for the flux tube dynamics, given a near sub-solar reconnection line. This event can be interpreted either as the passage of two parallel flux tubes arising from adjacent x-line positions, or as a crossing of a single flux tube at different positions.
Particles with energies of tens to hundreds of keV provide a powerful diagnostic of the acceleration processes that characterise the Earth’s magnetosphere, in particular the highly dynamic nightside plasma sheet. Such energetic particles can be detected by the RAPID experiment, onboard the quartet of Cluster spacecraft. We present results from the study of a series of quasi-periodic, intense energetic electron signatures in the magnetotail revealed by RAPID Imaging Electron Spectrometer (IES) observations some 19 Earth radii (RE) downtail, associated with the passage of a highly geoeffective, high-speed solar wind stream. The RAPID-IES signatures – interpreted in combination with magnetic field and lower-energy electron measurements from the FGM and PEACE experiments on Cluster, respectively, and with reference to energetic electron observations from the CEPPAD-IES instrument on Polar – are understood in terms of repeated encounters of the Cluster spacecraft with the tail plasma sheet in response to the resultant tail reconfiguration in each of a series of substorms. We consider the Cluster response for two of these substorms (identified according to the conventional expansion phase onset indicators of particle injection at geosynchronous orbit and Pi2 pulsations at Earth) in terms of two possible tail configurations in which a Near-Earth Neutral Line forms either antisunward or sunward of the Cluster spacecraft. The latter scenario, in which the reconnection X-line is assumed to form sunward of Cluster and subsequently migrate downtail such that the spacecraft become engulfed in a tailward expanding plasma sheet, is shown to be more consistent with the observations.
This paper presents a numerical model for predicting the evolution of the pattern of ionospheric convection in response to general time-dependent magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause and in the cross-tail current sheet of the geomagnetic tail. The model quantifies the concepts of ionospheric flow excitation by Cowley and Lockwood (1992), assuming a uniform spatial distribution of ionospheric conductivity. The model is demonstrated using an example in which travelling reconnection pulses commence near noon and then move across the dayside magnetopause towards both dawn and dusk. Two such pulses, 8 min apart, are used and each causes the reconnection to be active for 1 min at every MLT that they pass over. This example demonstrates how the convection response to a given change in the interplanetary magnetic field (via the reconnection rate) depends on the previous reconnection history. The causes of this effect are explained. The inherent assumptions and the potential applications of the model are discussed.
This paper presents a comparison of various estimates of the open solar flux, deduced from measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field, from the aa geomagnetic index and from photospheric magnetic field observations. The first two of these estimates are made using the Ulysses discovery that the radial heliospheric field is approximately independent of heliographic latitude, the third makes use of the potential-field source surface method to map the total flux through the photosphere to the open flux at the top of the corona. The uncertainties associated with using the Ulysses result are 5%, but the effects of the assumptions of the potential field source surface method are harder to evaluate. Nevertheless, the three methods give similar results for the last three solar cycles when the data sets overlap. In 11-year running means, all three methods reveal that 1987 marked a significant peak in the long-term variation of the open solar flux. This peak is close to the solar minimum between sunspot cycles 21 and 22, and consequently the mean open flux (averaged from minimum to minimum) is similar for these two cycles. However, this similarity between cycles 21 and 22 in no way implies that the open flux is constant. The long-term variation shows that these cycles are fundamentally different in that the average open flux was rising during cycle 21 (from consistently lower values in cycle 20 and toward the peak in 1987) but was falling during cycle 22 (toward consistently lower values in cycle 23). The estimates from the geomagnetic aa index are unique as they extend from 1842 onwards (using the Helsinki extension). This variation gives strong anticorrelations, with very high statistical significance levels, with cosmic ray fluxes and with the abundances of the cosmogenic isotopes that they produce. Thus observations of photospheric magnetic fields, of cosmic ray fluxes, and of cosmogenic isotope abundances all support the long-term drifts in open solar flux reported by Lockwood et al. [1999a, 1999b].
In this paper the origin and evolution of the Sun’s open magnetic flux is considered by conducting magnetic flux transport simulations over many solar cycles. The simulations include the effects of differential rotation, meridional flow and supergranular diffusion on the radial magnetic field at the surface of the Sun as new magnetic bipoles emerge and are transported poleward. In each cycle the emergence of roughly 2100 bipoles is considered. The net open flux produced by the surface distribution is calculated by constructing potential coronal fields with a source surface from the surface distribution at regular intervals. In the simulations the net open magnetic flux closely follows the total dipole component at the source surface and evolves independently from the surface flux. The behaviour of the open flux is highly dependent on meridional flow and many observed features are reproduced by the model. However, when meridional flow is present at observed values the maximum value of the open flux occurs at cycle minimum when the polar caps it helps produce are the strongest. This is inconsistent with observations by Lockwood, Stamper and Wild (1999) and Wang, Sheeley, and Lean (2000) who find the open flux peaking 1–2 years after cycle maximum. Only in unrealistic simulations where meridional flow is much smaller than diffusion does a maximum in open flux consistent with observations occur. It is therefore deduced that there is no realistic parameter range of the flux transport variables that can produce the correct magnitude variation in open flux under the present approximations. As a result the present standard model does not contain the correct physics to describe the evolution of the Sun’s open magnetic flux over an entire solar cycle. Future possible improvements in modeling are suggested.
Observations from the EISCAT VHF incoherent scatter radar system in northern Norway, during a run of the common programme CP-4, reveal a series of polewardpropagating F-region electron density enhancements in the pre-noon sector on 23 November 1999. These plasma density features, which are observed under conditions of a strongly southward interplanetary magnetic field, exhibit a recurrence rate of under 10 min and appear to emanate from the vicinity of the open/closed field-line boundary from where they travel into the polar cap; this is suggestive of their being an ionospheric response to transient reconnection at the dayside magnetopause (flux transfer events). Simultaneous with the density structures detected by the VHF radar, polewardmoving radar auroral forms (PMRAFs) are observed by the Finland HF coherent scatter radar. It is thought that PMRAFs, which are commonly observed near local noon by HF radars, are also related to flux transfer events, although the specific mechanism for the generation of the field-aligned irregularities within such features is not well understood. The HF observations suggest, that for much of their existence, the PMRAFs trace fossil signatures of transient reconnection rather than revealing the footprint of active reconnection itself; this is evidenced not least by the fact that the PMRAFs become narrower in spectral width as they evolve away from the region of more classical, broad cusp scatter in which they originate. Interpretation of the HF observations with reference to the plasma parameters diagnosed by the incoherent scatter radar suggests that as the PMRAFs migrate away from the reconnection site and across the polar cap, entrained in the ambient antisunward flow, the irregularities therein are generated by the presence of gradients in the electron density, with these gradients having been formed through structuring of the ionosphere in the cusp region in response to transient reconnection.
We study a series of transient entries into the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) of all four Cluster spacecraft during an outbound pass through the mid-afternoon magnetopause ([X(GSM), Y(GSM), Z(GSM)] approximate to [2, 7, 9] R(E)). The events take place during an interval of northward IMF, as seen in the data from the ACE satellite and lagged by a propagation delay of 75 min that is well-defined by two separate studies: (1) the magnetospheric variations prior to the northward turning (Lockwood et al., 2001, this issue) and (2) the field clock angle seen by Cluster after it had emerged into the magnetosheath (Opgenoorth et al., 2001, this issue). With an additional lag of 16.5 min, the transient LLBL events cor-relate well with swings of the IMF clock angle (in GSM) to near 90degrees. Most of this additional lag is explained by ground-based observations, which reveal signatures of transient reconnection in the pre-noon sector that then take 10-15 min to propagate eastward to 15 MLT, where they are observed by Cluster. The eastward phase speed of these signatures agrees very well with the motion deduced by the cross-correlation of the signatures seen on the four Cluster spacecraft. The evidence that these events are reconnection pulses includes: transient erosion of the noon 630 nm (cusp/cleft) aurora to lower latitudes; transient and travelling enhancements of the flow into the polar cap, imaged by the AMIE technique; and poleward-moving events moving into the polar cap, seen by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR). A pass of the DMSP-F15 satellite reveals that the open field lines near noon have been opened for some time: the more recently opened field lines were found closer to dusk where the flow transient and the poleward-moving event intersected the satellite pass. The events at Cluster have ion and electron characteristics predicted and observed by Lockwood and Hapgood (1998) for a Flux Transfer Event (FTE), with allowance for magnetospheric ion reflection at Alfvenic disturbances in the magnetopause reconnection layer. Like FTEs, the events are about 1 R(E) in their direction of motion and show a rise in the magnetic field strength, but unlike FTEs, in general, they show no pressure excess in their core and hence, no characteristic bipolar signature in the boundary-normal component. However, most of the events were observed when the magnetic field was southward, i.e. on the edge of the interior magnetic cusp, or when the field was parallel to the magnetic equatorial plane. Only when the satellite begins to emerge from the exterior boundary (when the field was northward), do the events start to show a pressure excess in their core and the consequent bipolar signature. We identify the events as the first observations of FTEs at middle altitudes.
During the interval between 8:00-9:30 on 14 January 2001, the four Cluster spacecraft were moving from the central magnetospheric lobe, through the dusk sector mantle, on their way towards intersecting the magnetopause near 15:00 MLT and 15:00 UT. Throughout this interval, the EIS-CAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) at Longyearbyen observed a series of poleward-moving transient events of enhanced F-region plasma concentration ("polar cap patches"), with a repetition period of the order of 10 min. Allowing for the estimated solar wind propagation delay of 75 ( 5) min, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) had a southward component during most of the interval. The magnetic footprint of the Cluster spacecraft, mapped to the ionosphere using the Tsyganenko T96 model (with input conditions prevailing during this event), was to the east of the ESR beams. Around 09:05 UT, the DMSP-F12 satellite flew over the ESR and showed a sawtooth cusp ion dispersion signature that also extended into the electrons on the equatorward edge of the cusp, revealing a pulsed magnetopause reconnection. The consequent enhanced ionospheric flow events were imaged by the SuperDARN HF backscatter radars. The average convection patterns (derived using the AMIE technique on data from the magnetometers, the EISCAT and SuperDARN radars, and the DMSP satellites) show that the associated poleward-moving events also convected over the predicted footprint of the Cluster spacecraft. Cluster observed enhancements in the fluxes of both electrons and ions. These events were found to be essentially identical at all four spacecraft, indicating that they had a much larger spatial scale than the satellite separation of the order of 600 km. Some of the events show a correspondence between the lowest energy magnetosheath electrons detected by the PEACE instrument on Cluster (10-20 eV) and the topside ionospheric enhancements seen by the ESR (at 400-700 km). We suggest that a potential barrier at the magnetopause, which prevents the lowest energy electrons from entering the magnetosphere, is reduced when and where the boundary-normal magnetic field is enhanced and that the observed polar cap patches are produced by the consequent enhanced precipitation of the lowest energy electrons, making them and the low energy electron precipitation fossil remnants of the magnetopause reconnection rate pulses.
We analyze the causes of the century-long increase in geomagnetic activity, quantified by annual means of the aa index, using observations of interplanetary space, galactic cosmic rays, the ionosphere, and the auroral electrojet, made during the last three solar cycles. The effects of changes in ionospheric conductivity, the Earth's dipole tilt, and magnetic moment are shown to be small; only changes in near-Earth interplanetary space make a significant contribution to the long-term increase in activity. We study the effects of the interplanetary medium by applying dimensional analysis to generate the optimum solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function, having an unprecedentedly high correlation coefficient of 0.97. Analysis of the terms of the coupling function shows that the largest contributions to the drift in activity over solar cycles 20-22 originate from rises in the average interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, solar wind concentration, and speed; average IMF orientation has grown somewhat less propitious for causing geomagnetic activity. The combination of these factors explains almost all of the 39% rise in aa observed over the last three solar cycles. Whereas the IMF strength varies approximately in phase with sunspot numbers, neither its orientation nor the solar wind density shows any coherent solar cycle variation. The solar wind speed peaks strongly in the declining phase of even-numbered cycles and can be identified as the chief cause of the phase shift between the sunspot numbers and the aa index. The rise in the IMF magnitude, the largest single contributor to the drift in geomagnetic activity, is shown to be caused by a rise in the solar coronal magnetic field, consistent with a rise in the coronal source field, modeled from photospheric observations, and an observed decay in cosmic ray fluxes.
The Polar spacecraft passed through a region near the dayside magnetopause on May 29, 1996, at a geocentric distance of similar to 8 R-E and high, northern magnetic latitudes. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was northward during the pass. Data from the Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment revealed the existence of low-speed (similar to 50 km s(-1)) ion D-shaped distributions mixed with cold ions (similar to 2 eV) over a period of 2.5 hours. These ions were traveling parallel to the magnetic field toward the Northern Hemisphere ionosphere and were convecting primarily eastward. The D-shaped distributions are distinct from a convecting Maxwellian and, along with the magnetic field direction, are taken as evidence that the spacecraft was inside the magnetosphere and not in the magnetosheath. Furthermore, the absence of ions in the antiparallel direction is taken as evidence that low-shear merging was occurring at a location southward of the spacecraft and equatorward of the Southern Hemisphere cusp. The cold ions were of ionospheric origin, with initially slow field-aligned speeds, which were accelerated upon reflection from the magnetopause. These observations provide significant new evidence consistent with component magnetic merging sites equatorward of the cusp for northward IMF.
Observations are presented of the response of the dayside cusp/cleft aurora to changes in both the clock and elevation angles of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) vector, as monitored by the WIND spacecraft. The auroral observations are made in 630 nm light at the winter solstice near magnetic noon, using an all-sky camera and a meridian-scanning photometer on the island of Spitsbergen. The dominant change was the response to a northward turning of the IMF which caused a poleward retreat of the dayside aurora. A second, higher-latitude band of aurora was seen to form following the northward turning, which is interpreted as the effect of lobe reconnection which reconfigures open flux. We suggest that this was made possible in the winter hemisphere, despite the effect of the Earth's dipole tilt, by a relatively large negative X component of the IMF. A series of five events then formed in the poleward band and these propagated in a southwestward direction and faded at the equatorward edge of the lower-latitude band as it migrated poleward. It is shown that the auroral observations are consistent with overdraped lobe flux being generated by lobe reconnection in the winter hemisphere and subsequently being re-closed by lobe reconnection in the summer hemisphere. We propose that the balance between the reconnection rates at these two sites is modulated by the IMF elevation angle, such that when the IMF points more directly northward, the summer lobe reconnection site dominates, re-closing all overdraped lobe flux and eventually becoming disconnected from the Northern Hemisphere.
The destruction of the four Cluster craft was a major loss to the planned ISTP effort, of which studies of the magnetopause and low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) were an important part. While awaiting the re-flight mission, Cluster-II, we have been applying advances in our understanding made using other ISTP craft (like Polar and Wind) and using ground-based facilities (in particular the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the SuperDARN HF coherent radars) to measurements of the LLBL made in 1984 and 1985 by the AMPTE-UKS and -IRM spacecraft pair. In particular, one unexplained result of the AMPTE mission was that the electron characteristics could, in nearly all cases, order independent measurements near the magnetopause, such as the magnetic field, ion temperatures and the plasma flow. Studies of the cusp have shown that the precipitation is ordered by the time-elapsed since the field line was opened by reconnection. This insight has allowed us to reanalyse the AMPTE data and show that the ordering by the transition parameter is also due to the variation of time elapsed since reconnection, with the important implication that reconnection usually coats most of the dayside magnetopause with at least some newly-opened field lines. In addition, we can use the electron characteristics to isolate features like RDs, slow-mode shocks and slow-mode expansion fans. The ion characteristics can be used to compute the reconnection rate. We here retrospectively apply these new techniques, developed in the ISTP era, to a much-studied flux transfer event observed by the AMPTE satellites. As a result, we gain new understanding of its cause and structure.
Superposed epoch studies have been carried out in order to determine the ionospheric response at mid-latitudes to southward turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). This is compared with the geomagnetic response, as seen in the indices K p, AE and Dst. The solar wind, IMF and geomagnetic data used were hourly averages from the years 1967–1989 and thus cover a full 22-year cycle in the solar magnetic field. These data were divided into subsets, determined by the magnitudes of the southward turnings and the concomitant increase in solar wind pressure. The superposed epoch studies were carried out using the time of the southward turning as time zero. The response of the mid-latitude ionosphere is studied by looking at the F-layer critical frequencies, f o F2, from hourly soundings by the Slough ionosonde and their deviation from the monthly median values, δf o F2. For the southward turnings with a change in B z of δB z > 11.5 nT accompanied by a solar wind dynamic pressure P exceeding 5 nPa, the F region critical frequency, f o F2, shows a marked decrease, reaching a minimum value about 20 h after the southward turning. This recovers to pre-event values over the subsequent 24 h, on average. The Dst index shows the classic storm-time decrease to about −60 nT. Four days later, the index has still to fully recover and is at about −25 nT. Both the K p and AE indices show rises before the southward turnings, when the IMF is strongly northward but the solar wind dynamic pressure is enhanced. The average AE index does register a clear isolated pulse (averaging 650 nT for 2 h, compared with a background peak level of near 450 nT at these times) showing enhanced energy deposition at high latitudes in substorms but, like K p, remains somewhat enhanced for several days, even after the average IMF has returned to zero after 1 day. This AE background decays away over several days as the Dst index recovers, indicating that there is some contamination of the currents observed at the AE stations by the continuing enhanced equatorial ring current. For data averaged over all seasons, the critical frequencies are depressed at Slough by 1.3 MHz, which is close to the lower decile of the overall distribution of δf o Fl values. Taking 30-day periods around summer and winter solstice, the largest depression is 1.6 and 1.2 MHz, respectively. This seasonal dependence is confirmed by a similar study for a Southern Hemisphere station, Argentine Island, giving peak depressions of 1.8 MHz and 0.5 MHz for summer and winter. For the subset of turnings where δB z > 11.5 nT and P ≤ 5 nPa, the response of the geomagnetic indices is similar but smaller, while the change in δf o F2 has all but disappeared. This confirms that the energy deposited at high latitudes, which leads to the geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances following a southward turning of the IMF, increases with the energy density (dynamic pressure) of the solar wind flow. The magnitude of all responses are shown to depend on δB z . At Slough, the peak depression always occurs when Slough rotates into the noon sector. The largest ionospheric response is for southward turnings seen between 15–21 UT.
Earth's cusps are magnetic field features in the magnetosphere associated with regions through which plasma from the Sun can have direct access to the upper atmosphere. Recently, new ground-based observations, combined with in situ satellite measurements, have led the way in reinterpreting cusp signatures. These observations, combined with theoretical advances, have stimulated new interest in the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling chain. This coupling process is important because it causes both momentum and energy from the solar wind to enter into the near-Earth region. Here we describe the current ideas concerning the cusps and the supporting observational evidence which have evolved over the past 30 years. We include discussion on the plasma entry process, particle motion between the magnetopause and ionosphere, ground optical and radar measurements, and transient events. We also review the important questions that remain to be answered.